Allan J. Silberger


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ 108.05 Ramanujan’s proof of Bertrand’s postulate 2024 Allan J. Silberger
+ 107.22 Quick proofs of two inequalities related to the digamma function 2023 Rasul A. Khan
Allan J. Silberger
+ Langlands classification for L-parameters 2018 Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Reductive P-adic Groups. (MN-23): Based on lectures by Harish-Chandra at The Institute for Advanced Study, 1971-73 2015 Allan J. Silberger
+ Langlands Classification for L-Parameters 2014 Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ Langlands Classification for L-Parameters 2014 Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ Finite segments of the harmonic series 2011 Allan J. Silberger
D. M. Silberger
Sylvia Silberger
+ Explicit Shintani base change and the Macdonald correspondence for characters of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">GL</mml:mi><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>k</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> 2008 Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ The Shintani descent of a cuspidal representation of GLn(kd) 2005 Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ An explicit matching theorem for level zero discrete series of unit groups of<i>p</i>-adic simple algebras 2005 Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ PDF Chat Weak Explicit Matching for Level Zero Discrete Series of Unit Groups of 𝔭-Adic Simple Algebras 2003 Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ Level Zero Types and Hecke Algebras for Local Central Simple Algebras 2001 Martin Grabitz
Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ PDF Chat The characters of the generalized Steinberg representations of finite general linear groups on the regular elliptic set 2000 Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ PDF Chat Correction to “Harish-Chandra’s Plancherel theorem for $\mathfrak {p}$-adic groups” 1999 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat Harish-Chandra’s Plancherel theorem for 𝔭-adic groups 1996 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat Some consequences of Harish-Chandra’s submersion principle 1993 Cary Rader
Allan J. Silberger
+ Asymptotics and integrability properties for matrix coefficients of admissible representations of reductive p-adic groups 1982 Allan J. Silberger
+ Discrete Series and Classification for p-Adic Groups I 1981 Allan J. Silberger
+ On Harish-Chandra's μ-Function for p-Adic Groups 1980 Allan J. Silberger
+ Complementary Series for p-Adic Groups. I 1980 Allan J. Silberger
+ Special Representations of Reductive -Adic Groups are not Integrable 1980 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat On Harish-Chandra’s $\mu $-function for $p$-adic groups 1980 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat Complementary series for 𝑝-adic groups. I 1980 Allan J. Silberger
+ The Knapp-Stein Dimension Theorem for p-Adic Groups. Correction 1979 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat Isogeny Restrictions of Irreducible Admissible Representations are Finite Direct Sums of Irreducible Admissible Representations 1979 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat Isogeny restrictions of irreducible admissible representations are finite direct sums of irreducible admissible representations 1979 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat Correction: “The Knapp-Stein dimension theorem for 𝑝-adic groups” [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 68 (1978), no. 2, 243–246; MR 58 #11245] 1979 Allan J. Silberger
+ The Langlands quotient theorem forp-adic groups 1978 Allan J. Silberger
+ The Knapp-Stein Dimension Theorem for p-Adic Groups 1978 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat The Knapp-Stein dimension theorem for 𝑝-adic groups 1978 Allan J. Silberger
+ Irreducible representations of a maximal compact subgroup of PGL2 over the p-adics 1977 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat Any unitary principal series representation of (𝐺𝐿)_{𝑛} over a 𝑝-adic field is irreducible 1976 Roger Howe
Allan J. Silberger
+ Any Unitary Principal Series Representation of GL n over a p-Adic Field is Irreducible 1976 Roger T. Howe
Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat Convexity for a simply connected 𝑝-adic group 1975 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat Why any unitary principal series representation of 𝑆𝐿_{𝑛} over a 𝑝-adic field decomposes simply 1975 Roger Howe
Allan J. Silberger
+ On work of Macdonald and 𝐿²(𝐺/𝐵) for a 𝑝-adic group 1973 Allan J. Silberger
+ Linear Functional Analysis: Introduction to Lebesgue Integration and Infinite-Dimensional Problems. 1971 Allan J. Silberger
Bernard S. Epstein
+ A description of all irreducible representations of K=PGL(2, 0) 1970 Allan J. Silberger
+ The irreducible unitary representations of PGL(2, Ω) and their characters 1970 Allan J. Silberger
+ Computation of the characters of G and of K 1970 Allan J. Silberger
+ The fourier transformation and inversion formulas for S u 0 for all u 1970 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat PGL2 over the p-adics: its Representations, Spherical Functions, and Fourier Analysis 1970 Allan J. Silberger
+ An elementary construction of the representations of SL(2,GF(q)) 1969 Allan J. Silberger
+ All Algebras of Spherical Functions Defined on the Two-by-Two General Linear Group with Entries in a Locally Compact p-Adic Field are Commutative 1969 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat All algebras of spherical functions defined on the two-by-two general linear group with entries in a locally compact 𝑝-adic field are commutative. 1969 Allan J. Silberger
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Harmonic Analysis on Reductive p-adic Groups 1970 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
Gerrit van Dijk
+ Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Reductive P-adic Groups. (MN-23): Based on lectures by Harish-Chandra at The Institute for Advanced Study, 1971-73 2015 Allan J. Silberger
+ Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Finite groups of Lie type 1985 Meinolf Geck
+ PDF Chat The characters of the finite general linear groups 1955 J. A. Green
+ The admissible dual of GL(N) via compact open subgroups 1993 Colin J. Bushnell
Philip Kutzko
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Analysis on Reductive p-adic Groups 1970 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Smooth representations of reductive <i>p</i> -ADIC groups: structure theory via types 1998 CJ Bushnell
PC Kutzko
+ Level Zero Types and Hecke Algebras for Local Central Simple Algebras 2001 Martin Grabitz
Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ PDF Chat Singular Integrals and the Principal Series, III 1974 Anthony W. Knapp
E. M. Stein
+ Correspondance entre GLn et ses formes intérieures en caractéristique positive 1999 Alexandru Ioan Badulescu
+ PDF Chat None 1999 Colin J. Bushnell
Philip Kutzko
+ Liftings of irreducible characters of finite reductive groups 1979 Akihiko Gyoja
+ Automorphic Forms, Representations, and L-Functions 1979 Armand Borel
W. Casselman
+ PDF Chat Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. I 1977 I. N. Bernstein
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Groupes et algèbres de Lie 1971 Nicolás Bourbaki
+ Zeta functions attached to finite general linear groups 1980 I. G. Macdonald
+ Singular Integrals and the Principal Series, IV 1975 Anthony W. Knapp
E. M. Stein
+ Representations of GL(n) and division algebras over a p-adic field 1983 Jonathan David Rogawski
+ PDF Chat The Characters of the Finite General Linear Groups 1955 J. A. Green
+ PDF Chat The Knapp-Stein dimension theorem for 𝑝-adic groups 1978 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type 1991 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Harmonic analysis on reductive 𝑝-adic groups 1973 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ PDF Chat PGL2 over the p-adics: its Representations, Spherical Functions, and Fourier Analysis 1970 Allan J. Silberger
+ Unipotent Representations of Complex Semisimple Groups 1985 Dan Barbasch
David A. Vogan
+ PDF Chat Weak Explicit Matching for Level Zero Discrete Series of Unit Groups of 𝔭-Adic Simple Algebras 2003 Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ Spherical Functions Over B-Adic Fields, I 1958 F. I. Mautner
+ Ramified Satake Isomorphisms for strongly parabolic characters 2012 Masoud Kamgarpour
Travis Schedler
+ Harish-Chandra Homomorphisms for 𝔭-Adic Groups 1985 Roger Howe
Allen Moy
+ PDF Chat The characters of the generalized Steinberg representations of finite general linear groups on the regular elliptic set 2000 Allan J. Silberger
Ernst‐Wilhelm Zink
+ Admissible representations of a semi-simple group over a local field with vectors fixed under an iwahori subgroup 1976 Armand Borel
+ The Langlands quotient theorem forp-adic groups 1978 Allan J. Silberger
+ Representations of Reductive Groups Over Finite Fields 1976 Pierre Deligne
G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat Two remarks on irreducible characters of finite general linear groups 1976 Takuro Shintani
+ Tame Representations of Local Weil Groups and of Chain Groups of Local Principal Orders 1986 A. Fröhlich
+ PDF Chat Stable trace formula: Cuspidal tempered terms 1984 Robert Kottwitz
+ Special Representations of Reductive -Adic Groups are not Integrable 1980 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat A Note on L-packets 2006 James Arthur
+ More on Embeddings of Local Fields in Simple Algebras 1999 Ernst Wilhelm Zink
+ Real reductive groups II 1992 Nolan R. Wallach
+ Basic Number Theory 1967 André Weil
+ PDF Chat None 1999 Lawrence Morris
+ PDF Chat The stable Bernstein center and test functions for Shimura varieties 2014 Thomas J. Haines
+ PDF Chat Instability in Invariant Theory 1978 George R. Kempf
+ Truncation and duality in the character ring of a finite group of Lie type 1980 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Any unitary principal series representation of (𝐺𝐿)_{𝑛} over a 𝑝-adic field is irreducible 1976 Roger Howe
Allan J. Silberger
+ Finite Groups of Lie Type: Conjugacy Classes and Complex Characters 1993 Roger W. Carter
+ PDF Chat Irreducible representations of the binary modular congruence groups mod $p^{\lambda}$ 1967 S. Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Harish-Chandra’s Plancherel theorem for 𝔭-adic groups 1996 Allan J. Silberger
+ PDF Chat Representations of Finite Classical Groups 1981 Andrey V. Zelevinsky