Boris M. Schein


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Transitive representations of inverse semigroups 2015 Boris M. Schein
+ Transitive representations of inverse semigroups 2014 Boris M. Schein
+ Transitive representations of inverse semigroups 2014 Boris M. Schein
+ Automorphisms of the Endomorphism Semigroup of a Free Inverse Semigroup 2006 G. Mashevitzky
Boris M. Schein
Grigori Zhitomirski
+ Automorphisms of the endomorphism semigroup of a free monoid or a free semigroup 2003 G. Mashevitzky
Boris M. Schein
+ On Finite Semigroups Embeddable in Inverse Semigroups 2001 Boris M. Schein
+ Endomorphisms of symmetric semigroups of functions on a finite set 1998 Boris M. Schein
Beimnet Teclezghi
+ Endomorphisms of Finite Symmetric Inverse Semigroups 1997 Boris M. Schein
Beimnet Teclezghi
+ PDF Chat Every semigroup is isomorphic to a transitive semigroup of binary relations 1997 Ralph McKenzie
Boris M. Schein
+ Bands of semigroups: variations on a Clifford Theme 1996 Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat The Minimal Degree of a Finite Inverse Semigroup 1992 Boris M. Schein
+ Structure ofR(3,3)-groups 1992 Gregory A. Freiman
Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat The minimal degree of a finite inverse semigroup 1992 Boris M. Schein
+ Interconnections between the Structure Theory of Seet Addition and Rewritability in Groups 1991 Gregory A. Freiman
Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat Interconnections between the structure theory of set addition and rewritability in groups 1991 Gregory A. Freiman
Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat The semigroup of one-to-one transformations with finite defects 1989 Inessa Levi
Boris M. Schein
+ A combinatorial property of finite full transformation semigroups 1988 John Howie
Edmund F. Robertson
Boris M. Schein
+ Group and semigroup theoretic considerations inspired by inverse problems of the additive number theory 1988 Gregory A. Freiman
Boris M. Schein
+ Noble inverse semigroups with bisimple core 1987 Boris M. Schein
+ Strongly regular rings 1985 Lide Li
Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat Semigroups of constant maps 1985 Boris M. Schein
+ On two papers of B. M. Schein 1981 Boris M. Schein
+ Algebras of multiplace functions 1979 Boris M. Schein
Valentin S. Trohimenko
+ On semisimple bands 1978 Boris M. Schein
+ Addendum to a survey of semigroups of continuous selfmaps 1977 L. M. Gluskin
Boris M. Schein
L. B. Ĺ neperman
I. S. Yaroker
+ Injective commutative semigroups 1976 Boris M. Schein
+ Products of idempotent order-preserving transformations of arbitrary chains 1975 Boris M. Schein
+ A new proof for the McAlister “P-Theorem” 1975 Boris M. Schein
+ Free inverse semigroups are not finitely presentable 1975 Boris M. Schein
+ Injectives in certain classes of semigroups 1974 Boris M. Schein
+ Bands of unipotent monoids 1973 Boris M. Schein
+ Products of Idempotent Order-Preserving Transformations 1973 John Howie
Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat Completions, translational hulls and ideal extensions of inverse semigroups 1973 Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat Compatible function semigroups 1973 Boris M. Schein
+ An example of two non-isomorphic finite subdirectly irreducible bands generating the same variety of bands 1972 Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat Erratum to “automorphisms of polynomial semigroups” 1971 Boris M. Schein
+ Automorphisms of polynomial semigroups 1970 Boris M. Schein
+ Involuted Restrictive Bisemigroups of Binary Relations 1969 Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat Homomorphisms and subdirect decompositions of semi-groups 1966 Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat Subdirectly irreducible infinite bands: An example 1966 Boris M. Schein
+ Generalized Groups with the Well-Ordered Set of Idempotents 1964 Boris M. Schein
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The algebraic theory of semigroups 1964 A. H. Clifford
G. B. Preston
+ Noble inverse semigroups with bisimple core 1987 Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat Completions, translational hulls and ideal extensions of inverse semigroups 1973 Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat Homomorphisms and subdirect decompositions of semi-groups 1966 Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat Ăśber Abbildungen einer abstrakten Menge auf ihre Teilmengen 1937 Joshua Schreier
+ Seven Lectures on the Universal Algebraic Geometry 2002 B. Plotkin
+ Products of Idempotent Order-Preserving Transformations 1973 John Howie
Boris M. Schein
+ On two- and three-element subsets of groups 1981 Gregory A. Freiman
+ Semigroups Admitting Relative Inverses 1941 A. H. Clifford
+ A question of B. Plotkin about the semigroup of endomorphisms of a free group 2001 Edward Formanek
+ Injectives in certain classes of semigroups 1974 Boris M. Schein
+ Injective commutative semigroups 1976 Boris M. Schein
+ PDF Chat Interconnections between the structure theory of set addition and rewritability in groups 1991 Gregory A. Freiman
Boris M. Schein
+ Lattice-equivalence of topological spaces 1962 W. J. Thron
+ On semigroups of functions on topological spaces 1969 Troy L. Hicks
A.G Haddock
+ PDF Chat On a homotopy converse to the Lefschetz fixed point theorem 1966 Robert F. Brown
+ Products of idempotent order-preserving transformations of arbitrary chains 1975 Boris M. Schein
+ Congruence-preserving functions in quasiprimal varieties 1974 R. Arthur Knoebel
+ Subdirectly irreducible commutative rings 1945 Neal H. McCoy
+ Transformation Groups in Differential Geometry 1972 ShĂ´shichi Kobayashi
+ PDF Chat Ideal lattices and the structure of rings 1953 Robert L. Blair
+ PDF Chat Spaces with given homeomorphism groups 1972 Melvin C. Thornton
+ PDF Chat On the multiplicative extension property 1966 Richard Cleveland
Sandra Cleveland
+ Eine Charakterisierung des Radikals kommutativer Halbgruppen 1965 Hans-J�rgen Hoehnke
+ PDF Chat Invariant subspaces and unstarred operator algebras 1966 Donald Sarason
+ PDF Chat The behavior of solutions of the differential equation<i>y</i>′′′+<i>p</i>(<i>x</i>)<i>y</i><sup>′</sup>+<i>q</i>(<i>x</i>)<i>y</i>= 0 1966 A. C. Lazer
+ Die Einfachheit der mehrdimensionalen Funktionenalgebren 1964 Wilfried Nöbauer
Walter Philipp
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of cyclic groups of prime square order 1966 Judy Parr
+ PDF Chat The algebraic structure of the semigroup of binary relations on a finite set 1981 Ki Hang Kim
F.W. Roush
+ Topological groups which are not full homeomorphism groups 1972 Beverly Brechner
+ On a product of finite subsets in a torsion-free group 1990 L. Brailovsky
Gregory A. Freiman
+ On a combinatorial problem in group theory 1993 Marcel Herzog
Patrizia Longobardi
Mercede Maj
+ A characterization of a free elementary inverse semigroup 1971 H. E. Scheiblich
+ PDF Chat Two remarks concerning Menger's and Schultz' postulates for the substitutive algebra of the $2$-place functors in the $2$-valued calculus of propositions. 1964 Richard Peters
+ A group in the substitutive algebra of the calculus of propositions 1962 Karl Menger
+ F-Inverse Semigroups 1971 R. McFadden
Liam O’Carroll
+ PDF Chat On canonical constructions. III 1956 Murray Gerstenhaber
+ PDF Chat Groups whose irreducible representations have degrees dividing<i>p</i><sup>2</sup> 1966 D. S. Passman
+ PDF Chat Abelian groups that are direct summands of every containing abelian group 1940 Reinhold Baer
+ On the composition of idempotent functions 1971 Robert W. Quackenbush
+ A characterization of idempotents in semigroups 1968 Melvin Tainiter
+ A class ofC *-algebras and topological markov chains II: Reducible chains and the ext-functor forC *-algebras 1981 Joachim Cuntz
+ PDF Chat One-parameter inverse semigroups 1972 Carl Eberhart
John Selden
+ A class ofC *-algebras and topological Markov chains 1980 Joachim Cuntz
Wolfgang Krieger
+ Free inverse semigroups 1972 H. E. Scheiblich
+ A composition algebra for multiplace functions 1964 H. Ian Whitlock
+ PDF Chat Groups, semilattices and inverse semigroups. I, II 1974 D. B. McAlister
+ PDF Chat Extensions of semigroups 1950 A. H. Clifford
+ Endomorphisms of Finite Symmetric Inverse Semigroups 1997 Boris M. Schein
Beimnet Teclezghi
+ PDF Chat Functions analytic in a finite disk and having asymptotically prescribed characteristic 1966 Daniel F. Shea