Serge Cantat


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Parabolic automorphisms of hyperk{\"a}hler manifolds: Orbits and Betti maps 2025 Ekaterina Amerik
Serge Cantat
Serge Cantat
+ Le théorème de Skolem, Mahler et Lech 2024 Serge Cantat
+ Some rigidity results for polynomial automorphisms of C^2 2024 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ Orbits of automorphism groups of affine surfaces over $p$-adic fields 2024 Serge Cantat
Seung uk Jang
+ Holomorphically conjugate polynomial automorphisms of C2$\mathbb {C}^2$ are polynomially conjugate 2024 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Dynamics on Markov surfaces: classification of stationary measures 2024 Serge Cantat
Christophe Dupont
Florestan Martin-Baillon
+ PDF Chat Holomorphically conjugate polynomial automorphisms of C^2 are polynomially conjugate 2024 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ Gaps in dynamical degrees for endomorphisms and rational maps 2024 Serge Cantat
+ Finite orbits for large groups of automorphisms of projective surfaces 2023 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Random dynamics on real and complex projective surfaces 2023 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Families of commuting automorphisms, and a characterization of the affine space 2023 Serge Cantat
Andriy Regeta
Junyi Xie
+ Invariant Measures for Large Automorphism Groups of Projective Surfaces 2023 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ Dynamics of automorphism groups of projective surfaces: classification, examples and outlook 2023 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Free actions of large groups on complex threefolds 2022 Serge Cantat
Olga Paris‐Romaskevich
Junyi Xie
+ Hyperbolicity for large automorphism groups of projective surfaces 2022 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Random dynamics on real and complex projective surfaces 2021 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Three chapters on Cremona groups 2021 Serge Cantat
Julie Déserti
Junyi Xie
+ PDF Chat Endomorphisms and bijections of the character variety <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mrow><mml:mi>χ</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="bold">F</mml:mi> <mml:mn>2</mml:mn> </mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="sans-serif">SL</mml:mi> <mml:mn>2</mml:mn> </mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="bold">C</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2020 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat The geometric Bogomolov conjecture 2020 Serge Cantat
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
Junyi Xie
+ PDF Chat Surface groups in the group of germs of analytic diffeomorphisms in one variable 2020 Serge Cantat
Dominique Cerveau
Vincent Guirardel
Juan Souto
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms of compact Kähler manifolds with slow dynamics 2020 Serge Cantat
Olga Paris‐Romaskevich
+ PDF Chat Elements Generating a Proper Normal Subgroup of the Cremona Group 2020 Serge Cantat
Vincent Guirardel
Anne Lonjou
+ Automorphisms of compact K\"ahler manifolds with slow dynamics. 2020 Serge Cantat
Olga Paris‐Romaskevich
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms of surfaces: Kummer rigidity and measure of maximal entropy 2020 Serge Cantat
Christophe Dupont
+ Birational conjugacies between endomorphisms on the projective plane 2020 Julie Déserti
Serge Cantat
Junyi Xie
+ PDF Chat On degrees of birational mappings 2020 Serge Cantat
Junyi Xie
+ Three chapters on Cremona groups 2020 Serge Cantat
Julie Déserti
Junyi Xie
+ Finite orbits and canonical heights for large groups of automorphisms. 2020 Serge Cantat
+ Automorphisms of compact Kähler manifolds with slow dynamics 2020 Serge Cantat
Olga Paris‐Romaskevich
+ PDF Chat The geometric Bogomolov conjecture 2019 Serge Cantat
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
Junyi Xie
+ PDF Chat Commensurating actions of birational groups and groups of pseudo-automorphisms 2019 Serge Cantat
Yves Cornulier
+ Surface Groups In The Group Of Germs Of Analyticdiffeomorphisms In One Variable 2019 Serge Cantat
Dominique Cerveau
Vincent Guirardel
Juan Souto
+ PDF Chat Distortion in Cremona groups 2018 Serge Cantat
Yves de Cornulier
+ PDF Chat The Cremona group 2018 Serge Cantat
+ The Cremona group 2018 Serge Cantat
+ On degrees of birational mappings 2018 Serge Cantat
Junyi Xie
+ PDF Chat Algebraic actions of discrete groups: the $p$-adic method 2018 Serge Cantat
Junyi Xie
+ PDF Chat Birational automorphism groups and the movable cone theorem for Calabi-Yau manifolds of Wehler type via universal Coxeter groups 2015 Serge Cantat
Keiji Oguiso
+ Dynamical degrees of birational transformations of projective surfaces 2015 Jérémy Blanc
Serge Cantat
+ Dynamics of automorphisms of compact complex surfaces 2014 Serge Cantat
+ Automorphisms of surfaces: Kummer rigidity and measure of maximal entropy 2014 Serge Cantat
Christophe Dupont
+ PDF Chat Morphisms between Cremona groups, and characterization of rational varieties 2014 Serge Cantat
+ Dynamics of automorphisms of compact complex surfaces 2014 Serge Cantat
+ Dynamics of automorphisms of compact complex surfaces (a survey) 2014 Serge Cantat
+ Pseudo-automorphisms with no invariant foliation 2014 Eric Bedford
Serge Cantat
Kyounghee Kim
+ Automorphisms of surfaces: Kummer rigidity and measure of maximal entropy 2014 Serge Cantat
Christophe Dupont
+ The Cremona group in two variables 2013 Serge Cantat
+ Corrigendum to “Constraints on automorphism groups of higher dimensional manifolds” [J. Math. Anal. Appl. 405 (2013) 209–213] 2013 Turgay Bayraktar
Serge Cantat
+ Constraints on automorphism groups of higher dimensional manifolds 2013 Turgay Bayraktar
Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Normal subgroups in the Cremona group 2013 Serge Cantat
Stéphane Lamy
Yves Cornulier
+ Pseudo-automorphisms with no invariant foliation 2013 Eric Bedford
Serge Cantat
Kyounghee Kim
+ Constraints on automorphism groups of higher dimensional manifolds 2012 Turgay Bayraktar
Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Rational surfaces with a large group of automorphisms 2012 Serge Cantat
Igor V. Dolgachev
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic actions, Kummer examples, and Zimmer program 2012 Serge Cantat
Abdelghani Zeghib
+ Constraints on automorphism groups of higher dimensional manifolds 2012 Turgay Bayraktar
Serge Cantat
+ Birational automorphism groups and the movable cone theorem for Calabi-Yau manifolds of Wehler type via universal Coxeter groups 2011 Serge Cantat
Keiji Oguiso
+ PDF Chat Sur les groupes de transformations birationnelles des surfaces 2011 Serge Cantat
+ Rational surfaces with a large group of automorphisms 2011 Serge Cantat
Igor V. Dolgachev
+ Birational automorphism groups and the movable cone theorem for Calabi-Yau manifolds of Wehler type via universal Coxeter groups 2011 Serge Cantat
Keiji Oguiso
+ Rational surfaces with a large group of automorphisms 2011 Serge Cantat
Igor V. Dolgachev
+ Normal subgroups in the Cremona group 2010 Serge Cantat
Stéphane Lamy
+ PDF Chat Invariant Hypersurfaces in holomorphic Dynamics 2010 Serge Cantat
+ Quelques aspects des systèmes dynamiques polynomiaux: existence, exemples, rigidité. 2010 Serge Cantat
+ Quelques aspects des systèmes dynamiques polynomiaux 2010 Serge Cantat
Antoine Chambert-Loir
Vincent Guedj
+ PDF Chat Birational permutations 2009 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Bers and Hénon, Painlevé and Schrödinger 2009 Serge Cantat
+ Dynamique p-adique (d'après des exposés de Jean-Christophe Yoccoz) 2009 Serge Cantat
Antoine Chambert-Loir
+ Holomorphic actions of higher rank lattices in dimension three 2009 Serge Cantat
Abdelghani Zeghib
+ PDF Chat Dynamics on Character Varieties and Malgrange irreducibility of Painlevé VI equation 2009 Serge Cantat
Frank Loray
+ PDF Chat Bers and Hénon, Painlevé and Schroedinger 2009 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Bers and Hénon, Painlevé and Schroedinger 2009 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Analytic actions of mapping class groups on surfaces 2008 Serge Cantat
Dominique Cerveau
+ PDF Chat Caractérisation des exemples de Lattès et de Kummer 2008 Serge Cantat
+ Dynamics on character varieties (Complex Dynamics and Related Topics) 2008 Serge Cantat
+ Holomorphic dynamics, Painlevé VI equation and Character Varieties 2007 Serge Cantat
Frank Loray
+ Groupes d’automorphismes polynomiaux du plan 2006 Serge Cantat
Stéphane Lamy
+ Estimates for simple random walks on fundamental groups of surfaces 2006 Laurent Bartholdi
Serge Cantat
Tullio Ceccherini‐Silberstein
Pierre de la Harpe
+ Symétries birationnelles des surfaces feuilletées 2005 Serge Cantat
Charles Favre
+ None 2005 Serge Cantat
Stéphane Le Borgne
+ PDF Chat Diff�omorphismes holomorphes Anosov 2004 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Version kählérienne d'une conjecture de Robert J. Zimmer 2004 Serge Cantat
+ Linearity of the exceptional set for maps of P k (C) 2004 Jean-Yves Briend
Serge Cantat
Mitsuhiro Shishikura
+ Croissance des varits instables 2003 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Symétries birationnelles des surfaces feuilletÉes 2003 Serge Cantat
C. Favre
+ Symetries birationnelles des surfaces feuilletees 2002 Serge Cantat
C. Favre
+ Sur la dynamique du groupe d'automorphismes des surfaces K3 2001 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Dynamique des automorphismes des surfaces K3 2001 Serge Cantat
+ Deux exemples concernant une conjecture de Serge Lang 2000 Serge Cantat
+ Dynamique des automorphismes des surfaces projectives complexes 1999 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Estimates for simple random walks on fundamental groups of surfaces 1997 Laurent Bartholdi
Serge Cantat
Tullio Ceccherini‐Silberstein
Pierre de la Harpe
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Dynamique des automorphismes des surfaces K3 2001 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of bimeromorphic maps of surfaces 2001 Jeffrey Diller
C. Favre
+ Sur la dynamique du groupe d'automorphismes des surfaces K3 2001 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Laminar currents and birational dynamics 2006 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Symétries birationnelles des surfaces feuilletÉes 2003 Serge Cantat
C. Favre
+ PDF Chat Rational surfaces with a large group of automorphisms 2012 Serge Cantat
Igor V. Dolgachev
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms ofC 2. IV: The measure of maximal entropy and laminar currents 1993 Eric Bedford
Mikhail Lyubich
John Smillie
+ RATIONAL<i>G</i>-SURFACES 1981 M H Gizatullin
+ PDF Chat Sur les groupes de transformations birationnelles des surfaces 2011 Serge Cantat
+ Volume growth and entropy 1987 Yosef Yomdin
+ Compactness of the Chow scheme: Applications to automorphisms and deformations of Kahler manifolds 1978 David I. Lieberman
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ PDF Chat Energy and invariant measures for birational surface maps 2005 Eric Bedford
Jeffrey Diller
+ Dynamique des automorphismes des surfaces projectives complexes 1999 Serge Cantat
+ Dynamics of automorphisms of compact complex surfaces 2014 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat On the inertia group of elliptic curves in the Cremona group of the plane 2008 Jérémy Blanc
+ Dynamical degrees of birational transformations of projective surfaces 2015 Jérémy Blanc
Serge Cantat
+ Propriétés ergodiques des applications rationnelles 2006 Vincent Guedj
+ Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I 2004 Robert Lazarsfeld
+ PDF Chat Une borne supérieure pour l’entropie topologique d’une application rationnelle 2005 Tien‐Cuong Dinh
Nessim Sibony
+ Invariant curves for birational surface maps 2007 Jeffrey Diller
Daniel Jackson
Andrew Sommese
+ PDF Chat Distribution of periodic points of polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2 1993 Eric Bedford
Mikhail Lyubich
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Dynamics on K3 surfaces: Salem numbers and Siegel disks 2002 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Automorphisms of Enriques surfaces 1983 Wolf Barth
Chris Peters
+ Compact Complex Surfaces 1984 Wolf Barth
Chris Peters
A. Van de Ven
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the degree growth of birational transformations 2018 Christian Urech
+ PDF Chat On rational surfaces, II 1960 Masayoshi Nagata
+ K3-surfaces with Picard number 2 1988 Joachim Wehler
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov exponents, entropy and periodic orbits for diffeomorphisms 1980 A. Katok
+ PDF Chat Degree growth of meromorphic surface maps 2008 Sébastien Boucksom
Charles Favre
Mattias Jönsson
+ PDF Chat Degrees of iterates of rational maps on normal projective varieties 2020 Nguyen-Bac Dang
+ Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups 1991 Gregori Aleksandrovitch Margulis
+ Holomorphic Anosov systems 1995 �tienne Ghys
+ Groupe de Cremona et dynamique complexe: Une approche de la conjecture de Zimmer 2006 Julie Déserti
+ Dynamics of automorphisms of compact complex surfaces 2014 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Le groupe de Cremona et ses sous-groupes de type fini 2009 Charles Favre
+ Automorphisms of groups and of schemes of finite type 1983 Hyman Bass
Alexander Lubotzky
+ PDF Chat Dynamical properties of plane polynomial automorphisms 1989 Shmuel Friedland
John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Degree growth of birational maps of the plane 2015 Julie Déserti
Jérémy Blanc
+ Lectures on Hyperbolic Geometry 1992 Riccardo Benedetti
Carlo Petronio
+ PDF Chat Projective Surface Automorphisms of Positive Topological Entropy from an Arithmetic Viewpoint 2008 Shu Kawaguchi
+ PDF Chat Morphisms between Cremona groups, and characterization of rational varieties 2014 Serge Cantat
+ PDF Chat Continuous families of rational surface automorphisms with positive entropy 2010 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic actions, Kummer examples, and Zimmer program 2012 Serge Cantat
Abdelghani Zeghib
+ PDF Chat Periodicities in linear fractional recurrences: Degree growth of birational surface maps 2006 Eric Bedford
Kyounghee Kim
+ PDF Chat Sur les automorphismes du groupe de Cremona 2006 Julie Déserti
+ Rational points on K3 surfaces: A new canonical height 1991 Joseph H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat Birational automorphism groups and the movable cone theorem for Calabi-Yau manifolds of Wehler type via universal Coxeter groups 2015 Serge Cantat
Keiji Oguiso
+ Introduction to Complex Hyperbolic Spaces 1987 Serge Lang
+ PDF Chat Periodic points of birational transformations on projective surfaces 2015 Junyi Xie