Sheila Sundaram


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The skew immaculate Hecke poset and 0-Hecke modules 2024 Nadia Lafrenière
Rosa Orellana
Anna Pun
Sheila Sundaram
Stephanie van Willigenburg
Tamsen Whitehead McGinley
+ PDF Chat Homology of Segre powers of Boolean and subspace lattices 2024 Yifei Li
Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat Topology of Cut Complexes II 2024 Margaret M. Bayer
Mark Denker
Marija Jelić Milutinović
Sheila Sundaram
Xue Lei
+ PDF Chat The $e$-positivity of the chromatic symmetric function for twinned paths and cycles 2024 Esther Banaian
Kyle Celano
Megan Chang-Lee
Laura Colmenarejo
Owen Goff
Jamie Kimble
Lauren Kimpel
John Lentfer
Jinting Liang
Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat Topology of Cut Complexes of Graphs 2024 Margaret M. Bayer
Mark Denker
Marija Jelić Milutinović
Rowan Rowlands
Sheila Sundaram
Xue Lei
+ PDF Chat Pieri rules for skew dual immaculate functions 2024 Elizabeth Niese
Sheila Sundaram
Stephanie van Willigenburg
Shiyun Wang
+ PDF Chat Koszulity, supersolvability, and Stirling representations 2024 Ayah Almousa
Victor Reiner
Sheila Sundaram
+ Total Cut Complexes of Graphs 2024 Margaret M. Bayer
Mark Denker
Marija Jelić Milutinović
Rowan Rowlands
Sheila Sundaram
Xue Lei
+ Ramanujan sums and rectangular power sums 2023 John Shareshian
Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat 0-Hecke modules for row-strict dual immaculate functions 2023 Elizabeth Niese
Sheila Sundaram
Stephanie van Willigenburg
Julianne Vega
Shiyun Wang
+ PDF Chat Row-strict dual immaculate functions 2023 Elizabeth Niese
Sheila Sundaram
Stephanie van Willigenburg
Julianne Vega
Shiyun Wang
+ Permutation Statistics in Conjugacy Classes of the Symmetric Group 2023 Michael Levet
Kevin Liu
Jesse Campion Loth
Eric Nathan Stucky
Sheila Sundaram
Mei Yin
+ Topology of Cut Complexes of Graphs 2023 Margaret M. Bayer
Mark Denker
Marija Jelić Milutinović
Rowan Rowlands
Sheila Sundaram
Xue Lei
+ Moments of Colored Permutation Statistics on Conjugacy Classes 2023 Jesse Campion Loth
Michael Levet
Kevin Liu
Sheila Sundaram
Mei Yin
+ Ramanujan sums and rectangular power sums 2023 John Shareshian
Sheila Sundaram
+ 0-Hecke modules for row-strict dual immaculate functions 2022 Elizabeth Niese
Sheila Sundaram
Stephanie van Willigenburg
Julianne Vega
Shiyun Wang
+ Row-strict dual immaculate functions 2022 Elizabeth Niese
Sheila Sundaram
Stephanie van Willigenburg
Julianne Vega
Shiyun Wang
+ Total Cut Complexes of Graphs 2022 Margaret M. Bayer
Mark Denker
Marija Jelić Milutinović
Rowan Rowlands
Sheila Sundaram
Lei Xue
+ On Sums, Derivatives, and Flips of Riordan Arrays 2022 Caroline Bang
Matias von Bell
Eric Culver
Jessica Dickson
Stoyan Dimitrov
Rachel Perrier
Sheila Sundaram
+ Pieri rules for skew dual immaculate functions 2022 Elizabeth Niese
Sheila Sundaram
Stephanie van Willigenburg
Shiyun Wang
+ The plethystic inverse of the odd Lie representations 2021 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat The reflection representation in the homology of subword order 2021 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat Prime power variations of higher Lie modules 2021 Sheila Sundaram
+ Prime power variations of higher $Lie_n$ modules 2021 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat Vector partition functions and Kronecker coefficients 2021 Marni Mishna
Mercedes Rosas
Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat On a curious variant of the $S_n$-module Lie$_n$ 2020 Sheila Sundaram
+ The reflection representation in the homology of subword order 2020 Sheila Sundaram
+ The plethystic inverse of the odd Lie representations $Lie_{2n+1}$ 2020 Sheila Sundaram
+ The plethystic inverse of the odd Lie representations 2020 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat On a Positivity Conjecture in the Character Table of $S_n$ 2019 Sheila Sundaram
+ An elementary approach to the quasipolynomiality of the Kronecker coefficients 2018 Marni Mishna
Mercedes Rosas
Sheila Sundaram
+ On a positivity conjecture in the character table of $S_n$ 2018 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat On conjugacy classes of S n containing all irreducibles 2018 Sheila Sundaram
+ Variations on the $S_n$-module $Lie_n$ 2018 Sheila Sundaram
+ On a positivity conjecture in the character table of $S_n$ 2018 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat The conjugacy action of $$S_n$$ S n and modules induced from centralisers 2017 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat Some problems arising from partition poset homology 2016 Sheila Sundaram
+ Some Problems Arising from Partition Poset Homology 2015 Sheila Sundaram
+ Some Problems Arising from Partition Poset Homology 2015 Sheila Sundaram
+ Counting permutations by congruence class of major index 2006 Hélène Barcelo
Bruce E. Sagan
Sheila Sundaram
+ Counting permutations by congruence class of major index 2005 Hélène Barcelo
Bruce E. Sagan
Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat On Counting Permutations by Pairs of Congruence Classes of Major Index 2002 Hélène Barcelo
Robert Maule
Sheila Sundaram
+ A Homotopy Equivalence for Partition Posets Related to Liftings of Sn−1-Modules to Sn 2001 Sheila Sundaram
+ On the topology of two partition posets with forbidden block sizes 2001 Sheila Sundaram
+ On counting permutations by pairs of congruence classes of major index 2001 Hélène Barcelo
Robert Maule
Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat None 1999 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat The homology representations of the 𝑘-equal partition lattice 1997 Sheila Sundaram
Michelle L. Wachs
+ PDF Chat Group actions on arrangements of linear subspaces and applications to configuration spaces 1997 Sheila Sundaram
Volkmar Welker
+ Group Representations on the Homology of Products of Posets 1996 Sheila Sundaram
Volkmar Welker
+ PDF Chat Plethysm, partitions with an even number of blocks, and Euler numbers 1995 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat None 1995 Sheila Sundaram
+ The Homology Representations of the Symmetric Group on Cohen-Macaulay Subposets of the Partition Lattice 1994 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat Representations of the symmetric group in deformations of the free Lie algebra 1994 A.R. Calderbank
Phil Hanlon
Sheila Sundaram
+ Applications of the Hopf trace formula to computing homology representations 1994 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat Representations of the Symmetric Group in Deformations of the Free Lie Algebra 1994 A.R. Calderbank
P. Hanlon
Sheila Sundaram
+ Decompositions of Sn-Submodules in the Free Lie Algebra 1993 Sheila Sundaram
+ On Some Submodules of the Action of the Symmetrical Group on the Free Lie Algebra 1993 Hélène Barcelo
Sheila Sundaram
+ On a bijection between Littlewood-Richardson fillings of conjugate shape 1992 Phil Hanlon
Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat The Cauchy identity for Sp(2n) 1990 Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal tableaux and an insertion algorithm for SO(2n + 1) 1990 Sheila Sundaram
+ Tableaux in the Representation Theory of the Classical Lie Groups 1990 Sheila Sundaram
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Homology Representations of the Symmetric Group on Cohen-Macaulay Subposets of the Partition Lattice 1994 Sheila Sundaram
+ Some aspects of groups acting on finite posets 1982 Richard P. Stanley
+ Partitions into Even and Odd Block Size and Some Unusual Characters of the Symmetric Groups 1986 A.R. Calderbank
Phil Hanlon
Robert W. Robinson
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1986 Richard P. Stanley
+ Homotopy properties of the poset of nontrivial p-subgroups of a group 1978 Daniel Quillen
+ PDF Chat Shellable and Cohen-Macaulay partially ordered sets 1980 Anders Björner
+ On Symmetrized Kronecker Powers and the Structure of the Free Lie Ring 1942 Robert Thrall
+ PDF Chat On the existence of tableaux with given modular major index 2018 Joshua P. Swanson
+ Applications of the Hopf trace formula to computing homology representations 1994 Sheila Sundaram
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1999 Richard P. Stanley
Sergey Fomin
+ PDF Chat Shellable Nonpure Complexes and Posets. I 1996 Anders Björner
Michelle L. Wachs
+ PDF Chat Shellable and Cohen-Macaulay Partially Ordered Sets 1980 Anders Björner
+ The Möbius function and connected graphs 1971 Charles Cadogan
+ Cohen-Macaulay Connectivity and Geometric Lattices 1982 Kenneth Bacławski
+ A Homotopy Complementation Formula for Partially Ordered Sets 1983 Anders Björner
James W. Walker
+ PDF Chat The fixed-point partition lattices 1981 Philip J. Hanlon
+ The tree representation of ∑n + 1 1996 Alan Robinson
Sarah Whitehouse
+ PDF Chat The conjugacy action of $$S_n$$ S n and modules induced from centralisers 2017 Sheila Sundaram
+ The Homology of "k-Equal" Manifolds and Related Partition Lattices 1995 Anders Björner
Volkmar Welker
+ A decomposition of the group algebra of a finite Coxeter group 1968 Louis Solomon
+ Some combinatorial and algebraic properties of Coxeter complexes and Tits buildings 1984 Anders Björner
+ Elements of Algebraic Topology 2018 James R. Munkres
+ Free Lie Algebras 1993 Christophe Reutenauer
+ PDF Chat Schur functions in noncommuting variables 2022 Farid Aliniaeifard
Shu Xiao Li
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ PDF Chat Row-Strict Quasisymmetric Schur Functions 2013 Sarah Mason
Jeffrey B. Remmel
+ On the homology of geometric lattices 1982 Anders Björner
+ PDF Chat A Lift of the Schur and Hall–Littlewood Bases to Non-commutative Symmetric Functions 2013 Chris Berg
Nantel Bergeron
Franco Saliola
Luís Serrano
Mike Zabrocki
+ PDF Chat The homology representations of the 𝑘-equal partition lattice 1997 Sheila Sundaram
Michelle L. Wachs
+ PDF Chat Representations of the symmetric group in deformations of the free Lie algebra 1994 A.R. Calderbank
Phil Hanlon
Sheila Sundaram
+ On the action of the symmetric group on the cohomology of the complement of its reflecting hyperplanes 1986 G Lehrer
Louis Solomon
+ PDF Chat On the sum of the elements in the character table of a finite group. 1961 Louis Solomon
+ PDF Chat A Schur-Like Basis of NSym Defined by a Pieri Rule 2014 John M. Campbell
Karen S. Feldman
Jennifer Light
Pavel Shuldiner
Yan Xu
+ Skew quasisymmetric Schur functions and noncommutative Schur functions 2011 Christine Bessenrodt
K. Luoto
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Combinatorics of the Free Lie Algebra and the Symmetric Group 1990 Adriano M. Garsia
+ On the Sum of the Elements in the Character Table of a Finite Group 1961 Louis Solomon
+ Cohen-Macaulay ordered sets 1980 Kenneth Bacławski
+ PDF Chat On lexicographically shellable posets 1983 Anders Björner
Michelle L. Wachs
+ Theorem about the conjugacy representation ofS n 1986 Avital Frumkin
+ PDF Chat Indecomposable modules for the dual immaculate basis of quasi-symmetric functions 2014 Chris Berg
Nantel Bergeron
Franco Saliola
Luís Serrano
Mike Zabrocki
+ PDF Chat Linear decision trees, subspace arrangements and Möbius functions 1994 Anders Björner
László Lovász
+ Homotopy Type and Euler Characteristic of Partially Ordered Sets 1981 James W. Walker
+ Modules of the 0-Hecke algebra and quasisymmetric Schur functions 2015 Vasu Tewari
Stephanie J. van Willigenburg
+ PDF Chat None 1999 Sheila Sundaram
+ Quasisymmetric Schur functions 2009 J. Haglund
K. Luoto
Sarah Mason
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ PDF Chat Skew row-strict quasisymmetric Schur functions 2015 Sarah Mason
Elizabeth Niese
+ PDF Chat Poset topology: Tools and applications 2007 Michelle L. Wachs
+ Indecomposable 0-Hecke modules for extended Schur functions 2019 Dominic Searles
+ PDF Chat 0-Hecke modules for Young row-strict quasisymmetric Schur functions 2021 Joshua Bardwell
Dominic Searles
+ PDF Chat Row-strict dual immaculate functions 2023 Elizabeth Niese
Sheila Sundaram
Stephanie van Willigenburg
Julianne Vega
Shiyun Wang