Alexander Polishchuk


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Bosonization of Feigin-Odesskii Poisson varieties 2025 Zheng Hua
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Linear subspaces in cubic hypersurfaces 2024 Alexander Polishchuk
Chen Wang
+ PDF Chat Convergence of integrals on the moduli spaces of curves and cographical matroids 2024 Alexander Polishchuk
Nicholas Proudfoot
+ PDF Chat Exceptional pairs on del Pezzo surfaces and spaces of compatible Feigin-Odesskii brackets 2024 Alexander Polishchuk
Eric M. Rains
+ PDF Chat Algebra of global sections of $\psi$-bundles on $\bar{M}_{0,n}$ 2024 Alexander Polishchuk
Eric M. Rains
+ PDF Chat Compatible Poisson Brackets Associated with Elliptic Curves in $G(2,5)$ 2024 Nikita Markarian
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Feigin-Odesskii brackets associated with Kodaira cycles and positroid varieties 2024 Zheng Hua
Alexander Polishchuk
+ De Rham cohomology for supervarieties 2024 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat On supercurves of genus 1 with an underlying odd spin structure 2024 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Schmidt Rank and Singularities 2024 David Kazhdan
Amichai Lampert
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Extended clutching construction for the moduli of stable curves 2024 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Schwartz $Îș$-densities for the moduli stack of rank $2$ bundles on a curve over a local field 2024 Alexander Braverman
David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat A bound on the Hodge filtration of the de Rham cohomology of supervarieties 2023 Alexander Polishchuk
Dmitry Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat The moduli space of stable supercurves and its canonical line bundle 2023 Giovanni Felder
David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Elliptic bihamiltonian structures from relative shifted Poisson structures 2023 Zheng Hua
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Schmidt rank and singularities 2023 David Kazhdan
Amichai Lampert
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Ten Compatible Poisson Brackets on $\mathbb P^5$ 2023 Ville Nordstrom
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat $${\mathbb A}^{0|1}$$-Torsors, Quotients by Free $${\mathbb A}^{0|1}$$-Actions, and Embeddings into $$\Pi $$-Projective Spaces and Super-Grassmannians G(1|1, n|n) 2023 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Compatible Feigin–Odesskii Poisson brackets 2023 Nikita Markarian
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Homological mirror symmetry for the symmetric squares of punctured spheres 2023 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat On homological mirror symmetry for chain type polynomials 2023 Umut Varolgunes
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Notes on fundamental algebraic supergeometry. Hilbert and Picard superschemes 2023 Ugo Bruzzo
Daniel Hernåndez Ruipérez
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Almost invariant subspaces and operators 2023 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Linear subspaces of minimal codimension in hypersurfaces 2023 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Ten Compatible Poisson Brackets on $\mathbb P^5$ 2023 Ville Nordstrom
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Automorphic functions for nilpotent extensions of curves over finite fields 2023 Alexander Braverman
David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ De Rham cohomology for supervarieties 2023 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Hecke operators for curves over non-archimedean local fields and related finite rings 2023 Alexander Braverman
David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Bosonization of Feigin-Odesskii Poisson varieties 2023 Zheng Hua
Alexander Polishchuk
+ A bound on the Hodge filtration of the de Rham cohomology of supervarieties 2023 Alexander Polishchuk
Dmitry Vaintrob
+ Compatible Poisson brackets associated with elliptic curves in $G(2,5)$ 2023 Nikita Markarian
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Schmidt rank of quartics over perfect fields 2022 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat A Landau–Ginzburg mirror theorem via matrix factorizations 2022 Weiqiang He
Alexander Polishchuk
Yefeng Shen
Arkady Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat Feigin-Odesskii brackets, syzygies, and Cremona transformations 2022 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Elliptic zastava 2022 Michael Finkelberg
Mykola Matviichuk
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Feigin-Odesskii brackets, syzygies, and Cremona transformations 2022 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Linear subspaces in cubic hypersurfaces 2022 Alexander Polishchuk
Chen Wang
+ Compatible Feigin-Odesskii Poisson brackets 2022 Nikita Markarian
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Regularity of the superstring supermeasure and the superperiod map 2021 Giovanni Felder
David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Geometrization of Trigonometric Solutions of the Associative and Classical Yang–Baxter Equations 2021 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Linear subspaces in hypersurfaces over perfect fields 2021 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Birational models of 𝓜<sub>2,2</sub> arising as moduli of curves with nonspecial divisors 2021 Drew Johnson
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Linear subspaces of minimal codimension in hypersurfaces 2021 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Extended clutching construction for the moduli of stable curves 2021 Alexander Polishchuk
+ ${\mathbb{A}}^{0|1}$-torsors, quotients by free ${\mathbb{A}}^{0|1}$-actions, and embeddings into $Π$-projective spaces and super-Grassmannians $G(1|1,n|n)$ 2021 Alexander Polishchuk
+ On homological mirror symmetry for chain type polynomials 2021 Alexander Polishchuk
Umut Varolgunes
+ Homological mirror symmetry for the symmetric squares of punctured spheres 2021 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Elliptic zastava 2020 Michael Finkelberg
Mykola Matviichuk
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Bondal–Orlov fully faithfulness criterion for Deligne–Mumford stacks 2020 Bronson Lim
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Homological mirror symmetry for higher-dimensional pairs of pants 2020 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Geometrization of trigonometric solutions of the associative and classical Yang-Baxter equations 2020 Alexander Polishchuk
+ 𝐮_{∞}-structures associated with pairs of 1-spherical objects and noncommutative orders over curves 2020 Alexander Polishchuk
+ A Landau-Ginzburg mirror theorem via matrix factorizations 2020 Weiqiang He
Alexander Polishchuk
Yefeng Shen
Arkady Vaintrob
+ Elliptic bihamiltonian structures from relative shifted Poisson structures 2020 Zheng Hua
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Semiorthogonal decompositions of equivariant derived categories of invariant divisors 2020 Bronson Lim
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Geometrization of trigonometric solutions of the associative and classical Yang-Baxter equations 2020 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Notes on fundamental algebraic supergeometry. Hilbert and Picard superschemes 2020 Ugo Bruzzo
Daniel Hernåndez Ruipérez
Alexander Polishchuk
+ The moduli space of stable supercurves and its canonical line bundle 2020 Giovanni Felder
David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Bondal-Orlov Fully Faithfulness Criterion for Deligne-Mumford Stacks 2019 Bronson Lim
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Derived equivalences of gentle algebras via Fukaya categories 2019 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Shifted Poisson geometry and meromorphic matrix algebras over an elliptic curve 2019 Zheng Hua
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Semiorthogonal decompositions of the categories of equivariant coherent sheaves for some reflection groups 2019 Alexander Polishchuk
Michel Van den Bergh
+ PDF Chat NC-smooth algebroid thickenings for families of vector bundles and quiver representations 2019 Ben Dyer
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Fundamental Matrix Factorization in the FJRW-Theory Revisited 2019 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Hyperelliptic limits of quadrics through canonical curves and ribbons 2019 Alexander Polishchuk
Eric M. Rains
+ Atiyah class and Chern character for global matrix factorizations 2019 Bumsig Kim
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Bondal-Orlov Fully Faithfulness Criterion for Deligne-Mumford Stacks 2019 Bronson Lim
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Associative Yang–Baxter equation and Fukaya categories of square-tiled surfaces 2018 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Homological mirror symmetry for symmetric products of punctured spheres. I 2018 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Shifted Poisson structures and moduli spaces of complexes 2018 Zheng Hua
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Birational models of ${\mathcal M}_{2,2}$ arising as moduli of curves with nonspecial divisors 2018 Drew Johnson
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Auslander orders over nodal stacky curves and partially wrapped Fukaya categories 2018 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Contracting the Weierstrass locus to a point 2018 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Contracting the Weierstrass locus to a point 2018 Alexander Polishchuk
+ $A_\infty$-structures associated with pairs of 1-spherical objects and noncommutative orders over curves. 2018 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Derived equivalences of gentle algebras via Fukaya categories 2018 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Birational models of ${\mathcal M}_{2,2}$ arising as moduli of curves with nonspecial divisors 2018 Drew Johnson
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Derived equivalences of gentle algebras via Fukaya categories 2018 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ $A_\infty$-structures associated with pairs of 1-spherical objects and noncommutative orders over curves 2018 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Fundamental matrix factorization in the FJRW-theory revisited 2017 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat $${{\varvec{A}}}_{\varvec{\infty }}$$ A ∞ -algebras associated with elliptic curves and Eisenstein–Kronecker series 2017 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Semiorthogonal decompositions of equivariant derived categories of invariant divisors 2017 Bronson Lim
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Moduli of curves as moduli of A∞-structures 2017 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Moduli spaces of nonspecial pointed curves of arithmetic genus 1 2017 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat A modular compactification of ℳ<sub>1,<i>n</i> </sub> from <i>A</i> <sub>∞</sub>-structures 2017 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Shifted Poisson structures and moduli spaces of complexes 2017 Zheng Hua
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Shifted Poisson geometry and meromorphic matrix algebras over an elliptic curve 2017 Zheng Hua
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Fundamental matrix factorization in the FJRW-theory revisited 2017 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Semiorthogonal decompositions of equivariant derived categories of invariant divisors 2017 Bronson Lim
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic mirror symmetry for genus 1 curves with n marked points 2016 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Moduli of curves, Gröbner bases, and the Krichever map 2016 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Associative Yang-Baxter equation and Fukaya categories of square-tiled surfaces 2016 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Homogeneity of cohomology classes associated with Koszul matrix factorizations 2016 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Moduli spaces of nonspecial pointed curves of arithmetic genus 1 2016 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Exceptional collections on isotropic Grassmannians 2016 Alexander Kuznetsov
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Arithmetic mirror symmetry for genus 1 curves with $n$ marked points 2016 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ A-infinity algebras associated with elliptic curves and Eisenstein-Kronecker series 2016 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Contracting the Weierstrass locus to a point 2016 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Moduli spaces of nonspecial pointed curves of arithmetic genus 1 2016 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Associative Yang-Baxter equation and Fukaya categories of square-tiled surfaces 2016 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Arithmetic mirror symmetry for genus 1 curves with $n$ marked points 2016 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Moduli of curves, Gr\"obner bases, and the Krichever map 2015 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Semiorthogonal decompositions of the categories of equivariant coherent sheaves for some reflection groups 2015 Alexander Polishchuk
Michel Van den Bergh
+ Moduli of curves with nonspecial divisors and relative moduli of $A_\infty$-structures 2015 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Semiorthogonal decompositions of the categories of equivariant coherent sheaves for some reflection groups 2015 Alexander Polishchuk
Michel Van den Bergh
+ Moduli of curves, Gröbner bases, and the Krichever map 2015 Alexander Polishchuk
+ A modular compactification of $\mathcal{M}_{1,n}$ from $A_\infty$-structures 2014 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Matrix factorizations and cohomological field theories 2014 Alexander Polishchuk
Arkady Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat DG-resolutions of NC-smooth thickenings and NC-Fourier–Mukai transforms 2014 Alexander Polishchuk
Junwu Tu
+ PDF Chat -algebras associated with curves and rational functions on . I 2014 Robert Fisette
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Phases of Lagrangian-invariant objects in the derived category of an abelian variety 2014 Alexander Polishchuk
+ A modular compactification of $\mathcal{M}_{1,n}$ from $A_\infty$-structures 2014 Yankı Lekili
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Lefschetz type formulas for dg-categories 2013 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian-invariant sheaves and functors for abelian varieties 2013 Alexander Polishchuk
+ DG-resolutions of NC-smooth thickenings and NC-Fourier-Mukai transforms 2013 Alexander Polishchuk
Junwu Tu
+ A-infinity algebras associated with curves and rational functions on M_{g,g}. I 2012 Robert Fisette
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Chern characters and Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch formula for matrix factorizations 2012 Alexander Polishchuk
Arkady Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat Hochschild (co)homology of the second kind I 2012 Alexander Polishchuk
Leonid Positselski
+ A-infinity algebras associated with curves and rational functions on M_{g,g}. I 2012 Robert Fisette
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Lefschetz type formulas for dg-categories 2011 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Lagrangian-invariant sheaves and functors for abelian varieties 2011 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Full exceptional collections on the Lagrangian Grassmannians <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mi>G</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mn>8</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math> and <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si2.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mi>G</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</
 2011 Alexander Polishchuk
Alexander Samokhin
+ Matrix factorizations and Cohomological Field Theories 2011 Alexander Polishchuk
Arkady Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat Kernel algebras and generalized Fourier–Mukai transforms 2011 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Matrix factorizations and singularity categories for stacks 2011 Alexander Polishchuk
Arkady Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat Simple Helices on Fano Threefolds 2011 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Matrix factorizations and Cohomological Field Theories 2011 Alexander Polishchuk
Arkady Vaintrob
+ Lefschetz type formulas for dg-categories 2011 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Lagrangian-invariant sheaves and functors for abelian varieties 2011 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Matrix factorizations and singularity categories for stacks 2010 Alexander Polishchuk
Arkady Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat A ∞-Algebra of an Elliptic Curve and Eisenstein Series 2010 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat <i>K</i>-theoretic exceptional collections at roots of unity 2010 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles on the relative symmetric powers and on the relative Jacobian of a family of curves. II 2010 B.J. Moonen
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Divided powers in Chow rings and integral Fourier transforms 2010 B.J. Moonen
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Gluing Stability Conditions 2010 John P. Collins
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Matrix factorizations and singularity categories for stacks 2010 Alexander Polishchuk
Arkady Vaintrob
+ Gluing stability conditions 2009 John P. Collins
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Full exceptional collections on the Lagrangian Grassmannians LG(4,8) and LG(5,10) 2009 Alexander Polishchuk
Alexander Samokhin
+ PDF Chat Massey Products on Cycles of Projective Lines and Trigonometric Solutions of the Yang–Baxter Equations 2009 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Divided powers in Chow rings and integral Fourier transforms 2009 B.J. Moonen
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Gluing stability conditions 2009 John J. Collins
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles on the relative symmetric powers and on the relative Jacobian of a family of curves. I 2008 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Kernel algebras and generalized Fourier-Mukai transforms 2008 Alexander Polishchuk
+ K-theoretic exceptional collections at roots of unity 2008 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Algebraic cycles on the relative symmetric powers and on the relative Jacobian of a family of curves. II 2008 B.J. Moonen
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Fourier-stable subrings in the Chow rings of abelian varieties 2008 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Holomorphic bundles on 2-dimensional noncommutative toric orbifolds 2007 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Fourier-stable subrings in the Chow rings of abelian varieties 2007 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Simple helices on Fano threefolds 2007 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Constant Families of t-Structures on Derived Categories of Coherent Sheaves 2007 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Algebraic cycles on the relative symmetric powers and on the relative Jacobian of a family of curves. I 2007 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Analogues of the exponential map associated with complex structures on noncommutative two-tori 2006 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Lie symmetries of the Chow group of a Jacobian and the tautological subring 2006 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Sheaves of t-structures and valuative criteria for stable complexes 2006 Dan Abramovich
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Moduli spaces of curves with effective 𝑟-spin structures 2006 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Constant families of t-structures on derived categories of coherent sheaves 2006 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Massey products on cycles of projective lines and trigonometric solutions of the Yang-Baxter equations 2006 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Koszul algebras and modules 2005 Alexander Polishchuk
Leonid Positselski
+ Hilbert series of Koszul algebras and one-dependent processes 2005 Alexander Polishchuk
Leonid Positselski
+ Operations on graded algebras and modules 2005 Alexander Polishchuk
Leonid Positselski
+ Koszul configurations of points in projective spaces 2005 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Universal algebraic equivalences between tautological cycles on Jacobians of curves 2005 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Proj and coherent algebras 2005 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Lie symmetries of the Chow group of a Jacobian and the tautological subring 2005 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Quasicoherent sheaves on complex noncommutative two-tori 2005 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Universal Triple Massey Products on Elliptic Curves and Hecke's Indefinite Theta Series 2005 Vicenƣiu PaƟol
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Koszul configurations of points in projective spaces 2004 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Indefinite theta series of signature <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> from the point of view of homological mirror symmetry 2004 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat A 8 -Structures on an Elliptic Curve 2004 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Analogues of the exponential map associated with complex structures on noncommutative two-tori 2004 Alexander Polishchuk
+ $A_{\infty}$-structures, Brill–Noether loci and the Fourier–Mukai transform 2004 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Universal triple Massey products on elliptic curves and Hecke's indefinite theta series 2004 Vicenƣiu PaƟol
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Witten’s top Chern class on the moduli space of higher spin curves 2004 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Classification of holomorphic vector bundles on noncommutative two-tori 2004 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Koszul configurations of points in projective spaces 2004 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Analogues of the exponential map associated with complex structures on noncommutative two-tori 2004 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Holomorphic bundles on 2-dimensional noncommutative toric orbifolds 2004 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Categories of Holomorphic Vector Bundles on Noncommutative Two-Tori 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
Albert Schwarz
+ Theta Functions II: Functional Equation 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Abelian Varieties, Theta Functions and the Fourier Transform 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Mumford Group and Riemann's Quartic Theta Relation 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Cohomology of a Line Bundle on a Complex Torus: Mirror Symmetry Approach 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Representations of Heisenberg Groups II: Intertwining Operators 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Representations of Heisenberg Groups I 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Mirror Symmetry for Tori 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Determinant Bundles and the Principal Polarization of the Jacobian 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Some Results from Algebraic Geometry 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Deligne's Symbol, Determinant Bundles, and Strange Duality 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Vector Bundles on Elliptic Curves 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ More on Line Bundles 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Theta Functions I 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Line Bundles on Complex Tori 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Extensions, Biextensions, and Duality 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ More on Symmetric Powers of a Curve 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Equivalences between Derived Categories of Coherent Sheaves on Abelian Varieties 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Construction of the Jacobian 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Abelian Varieties and Theorem of the Cube 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Fourier transform over finite field and identities between Gauss sums 2003 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Classification of holomorphic vector bundles on noncommutative two-tori 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Generalization of a Theorem of Waldspurger to Nice Representations 2003 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Sheaves of t-structures and valuative criteria for stable complexes 2003 Dan Abramovich
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Universal algebraic equivalences between tautological cycles on Jacobians of curves 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Extensions of homogeneous coordinate rings to $A_{\infty}$-algebras 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Triple Massey Products on Curves, Fay's Trisecant Identity and Tangents to the Canonical Embedding 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Moduli spaces of curves with effective r-spin structures 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Classical Yang–Baxter Equation and the A∞-Constraint 2002 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat When is the Fourier transform of an elementary function elementary? 2002 Pavel Etingof
David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Analogue of Weil representation for abelian schemes 2002 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Minimal representations: spherical vectors and automorphic functionals 2002 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ A_{infinity}-structures, Brill-Noether loci and the Fourier-Mukai transform 2002 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Noncommutative two-tori with real multiplication as noncommutative projective varieties 2002 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Noncommutative Proj and coherent algebras 2002 Alexander Polishchuk
+ None 2001 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Triple Massey products on curves, Fay's trisecant identity and tangents to the canonical embedding 2001 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Algebraic construction of Witten’s top Chern class 2001 Alexander Polishchuk
Arkady Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat A new look at Hecke’s indefinite theta series 2001 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Generalization of a theorem of Waldspurger to nice representations 2001 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Generalized character sums associated to regular prehomogeneous vector spaces 2000 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ When is the Fourier transform of an elementary function elementary 2000 Pavel Etingof
David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ A new look at Hecke's indefinite theta series 2000 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Classical Yang-Baxter equation and the $A_{\infty}$-constraint 2000 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Massey and Fukaya products on elliptic curves 2000 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat None 2000 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Rapidly convergent series for the Weierstrass zeta-function and the Kronecker function 2000 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Rapidly converging series for the Weierstrass zeta-function and the Kronecker function 2000 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Indefinite theta series of signature (1,1) from the point of view of homological mirror symmetry 2000 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Fourier transform over finite field and identities between Gauss sums 2000 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ When is the Fourier transform of an elementary function elementary? 2000 Pavel Etingof
David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Algebraic construction of Witten's top Chern class 2000 Alexander Polishchuk
Arkady Vaintrob
+ Theta identities with complex multiplication 1999 Alexander Polishchuk
+ $A_{\infty}$-category of a complex manifold 1999 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Fourier transform for D-algebras 1999 Alexander Polishchuk
Mitchell Rothstein
+ Generalized character sums associated to regular prehomogeneous vector spaces 1999 David Kazhdan
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Homological mirror symmetry with higher products 1999 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Gluing of perverse sheaves on the basic affine space 1998 Roman Bezrukavnikov
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Fukaya category and Fourier transform 1998 Dmitry Arinkin
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Kazhdan-Laumon representations of finite Chevalley groups, character sheaves and some generalization of the Lefschetz-Verdeier trace formula 1998 Alexander Braverman
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Categorical mirror symmetry: The elliptic curve 1998 Alexander Polishchuk
Eric Zaslow
+ Massey and Fukaya products on elliptic curves 1998 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Categorical Mirror Symmetry: The Elliptic Curve 1998 Alexander Polishchuk
Eric Zaslow
+ M. P. Appell's function and vector bundles of rank 2 on elliptic curve 1998 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Gluing of perverse sheaves on the basic affine space 1998 Roman Bezrukavnikov
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Torelli theorem via Fourier-Mukai transform 1998 Alexander Beilinson
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Analogue of Weil representation for abelian schemes 1997 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Algebraic geometry of Poisson brackets 1997 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Poisson structures and birational morphisms associated with bundles on elliptic curves 1997 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Perverse sheaves on a triangulated space 1997 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Determinant bundles for abelian schemes 1997 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Analogue of Weil representation for abelian schemes 1997 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Symplectic biextensions and a generalization of the Fourier-Mukai transform 1996 Alexander Polishchuk
+ On the Koszul Property of the Homogeneous Coordinate Ring of a Curve 1995 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat A remark on the Fourier-Mukai transform 1995 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Symplectic biextensions and a generalization of the Fourier-Mukai transform 1995 Alexander Polishchuk
Alexander Polishchuk
+ On Koszul property of the homogeneous coordinate ring of a curve 1993 Alexander Polishchuk
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Homological Algebra of Mirror Symmetry 1995 Maxim Kontsevich
+ PDF Chat Duality between <i>D</i>(<i>X</i>) and with its application to picard sheaves 1981 Shigeru Mukai
+ Braid group actions on derived categories of coherent sheaves 2001 Paul Seidel
Richard P. Thomas
+ PDF Chat Moduli of curves as moduli of A∞-structures 2017 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Classical Yang–Baxter Equation and the A∞-Constraint 2002 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Methods of Homological Algebra 1996 Sergei Gelfand
Yuri I. Manin
+ PDF Chat Moduli of objects in dg-categories 2007 Bertrand Toën
Michel Vaquié
+ PDF Chat Introduction to $A_{\infty}$-infinity algebras and modules 2001 Bernhard Keller
+ PDF Chat The homotopy theory of dg-categories and derived Morita theory 2006 Bertrand Toën
+ Homological mirror symmetry with higher products 1999 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Tilting in abelian categories and quasitilted algebras 1996 Dieter Happel
Idun Reiten
O. SmalĂžSverre
Yan Soibelman
+ PDF Chat Abelian Varieties, Theta Functions and the Fourier Transform 2003 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Arithmetic mirror symmetry for the 2-torus 2012 Yankı Lekili
Timothy Perutz
+ None 1999 Sergei Merkulov
+ Matrix factorizations and cohomological field theories 2014 Alexander Polishchuk
Arkady Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat Homotopy associativity of đ»-spaces. II 1963 James Stasheff
+ PDF Chat Massey and Fukaya products on elliptic curves 2000 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Categorical mirror symmetry: The elliptic curve 1998 Alexander Polishchuk
Eric Zaslow
+ PDF Chat Chern characters and Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch formula for matrix factorizations 2012 Alexander Polishchuk
Arkady Vaintrob
+ Elliptic Functions according to Eisenstein and Kronecker 1976 André Weil
Alexander Polishchuk
+ Homological Mirror Symmetry for the genus two curve 2010 Paul Seidel
+ Moduli of curves, Gröbner bases, and the Krichever map 2016 Alexander Polishchuk
+ Generators and Representability of Functors in Commutative and Noncommutative Geometry 2003 Alexey Bondal
Michel Van den Bergh
+ Periods of modular forms and Jacobi theta functions 1991 Don Zagier
+ Compatible quadratic Poisson brackets related to a family of elliptic curves 2012 Alexander Odesskii
Thomas Wolf
+ PDF Chat Vector bundles on an elliptic curve and Sklyanin algebras 1998 Boris Feigin
A. V. OdesskiÄ­
+ Shifted Poisson structures and moduli spaces of complexes 2018 Zheng Hua
Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat The Witten equation, mirror symmetry, and quantum singularity theory 2013 Huijun Fan
Tyler J. Jarvis
Yongbin Ruan
+ PDF Chat Deriving DG categories 1994 Bernhard Keller
+ PDF Chat Shifted symplectic structures 2013 Tony Pantev
Bertrand Toën
Michel Vaquié
Gabriele Vezzosi
+ PDF Chat Fukaya categories of the torus and Dehn surgery 2011 Yankı Lekili
Timothy Perutz
+ PDF Chat A 8 -Structures on an Elliptic Curve 2004 Alexander Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Remarks on Generators and Dimensions of Triangulated Categories 2009 Dmitri Olegovich Orlov
+ Solutions of the classical Yang - Baxter equation for simple Lie algebras 1983 A. A. Belavin
Vladimir Drinfeld
+ PDF Chat Coherent analogues of matrix factorizations and relative singularity categories 2015 Alexander I. Efimov
Leonid Positselski
+ PDF Chat Equivalences of derived categories andK3 surfaces 1997 Dmitri Olegovich Orlov
+ A lefschetz decomposition for chow motives of abelian schemes 1993 Klaus Kïżœnnemann
+ Geometric Invariant Theory 1994 David Mumford
John E. Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative geometry based on commutator expansions 1998 Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Koszul Duality Patterns in Representation Theory 1996 Alexander Beilinson
Victor Ginzburg
Wolfgang Soergel
+ La conjecture de Weil. I 1974 Pierre Deligne
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative two-tori with real multiplication as noncommutative projective varieties 2003 A. Ya. Polishchuk
+ PDF Chat Gromov-Witten classes, quantum cohomology, and enumerative geometry 1994 Maxim Kontsevich
Yu. I. Manin
+ PDF Chat Formal completions and idempotent completions of triangulated categories of singularities 2010 Dmitri Olegovich Orlov
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Gabriele Vezzosi