Andrzej Derdziński


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On weakly Einstein K\"ahler surfaces 2024 Andrzej Derdziński
Yunhee Euh
Sinhwi Kim
JeongHyeong Park
+ PDF Chat Affine vector fields on compact pseudo-K\"ahler manifolds 2024 Andrzej Derdziński
+ Nijenhuis geometry of parallel tensors 2024 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
Ivo Terek
+ Compact locally homogeneous manifolds with parallel Weyl tensor 2024 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ PDF Chat Nijenhuis geometry of parallel tensors 2024 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
Ivo Terek
+ PDF Chat Corrections of minor misstatements in several papers on ECS manifolds 2024 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ PDF Chat Killing Fields on Compact Pseudo-Kähler Manifolds 2024 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ Harmonic curvature in dimension four 2024 Andrzej Derdziński
+ The metric structure of compact rank-one ECS manifolds 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ Rank-one ECS manifolds of dilational type 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ New examples of compact Weyl-parallel manifolds 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ PDF Chat The topology of compact rank-one ECS manifolds 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ PDF Chat Null-Projectability of Levi-Civita Connections 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Kirollos Masood
+ Rank-one ECS manifolds of dilational type 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ The metric structure of compact rank-one ECS manifolds 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ Compact locally homogeneous manifolds with parallel Weyl tensor 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ Killing fields on compact pseudo-Kähler manifolds 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ Compact Weyl-parallel manifolds 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
+ Special Ricci-Hessian equations on Kähler manifolds 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ Compact flat manifolds and reducibility 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ PDF Chat Subspace foliations and collapse of closed flat manifolds 2022 Renato G. Bettiol
Andrzej Derdziński
Roberto Mossa
Paolo Piccione
+ Harmonic-curvature warped products over surfaces 2022 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ New examples of compact Weyl-parallel manifolds 2022 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ The topology of compact rank-one ECS manifolds 2022 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ Null-projectability of Levi-Civita connections 2022 Andrzej Derdziński
Kirollos Masood
+ PDF Chat Kähler manifolds with geodesic holomorphic gradients 2020 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ Maximally-warped metrics with harmonic curvature 2020 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ PDF Chat Maximally-warped metrics with harmonic curvature 2020 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ Subspace foliations and collapse of closed flat manifolds 2020 Renato G. Bettiol
Andrzej Derdziński
Roberto Mossa
Paolo Piccione
+ Flat manifolds and reducibility 2019 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ Flat manifolds and reducibility 2019 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ Maximally-warped metrics with harmonic curvature 2018 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ PDF Chat Teichmüller theory and collapse of flat manifolds 2018 Renato G. Bettiol
Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ Maximally-warped metrics with harmonic curvature 2018 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ Ricci solitons 2017 Andrzej Derdziński
+ K\"ahler manifolds with geodesic holomorphic gradients 2017 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ Kähler manifolds with geodesic holomorphic gradients 2017 Andrzej Derdziński
Paolo Piccione
+ Ricci solitons 2017 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat Indefinite Einstein metrics on simple Lie groups 2014 Andrzej Derdziński
Światosław R. Gal
+ PDF Chat Curvature spectra of simple Lie groups 2013 Andrzej Derdziński
Światosław R. Gal
+ PDF Chat Two-jets of conformal fields along their zero sets 2012 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat Killing potentials with geodesic gradients on Kaehler surfaces 2012 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat Special biconformal changes of Kähler surface metrics 2011 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat Zeros of conformal fields in any metric signature 2011 Andrzej Derdziński
+ Counterexamples to the pseudo-Riemannian Lichnerowicz conjecture 2011 Andrzej Derdziński
+ Counterexamples to the pseudo-Riemannian Lichnerowicz conjecture 2011 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat Totally real immersions of surfaces 2009 Andrzej Derdziński
Tadeusz Januszkiewicz
+ PDF Chat Compact pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with parallel Weyl tensor 2009 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ The local structure of conformally symmetric manifolds 2009 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ PDF Chat Non-Walker Self-Dual Neutral Einstein Four-Manifolds of Petrov Type III 2009 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat Connections with Skew-Symmetric Ricci Tensor on Surfaces 2008 Andrzej Derdziński
+ On compact manifolds admitting indefinite metrics with parallel Weyl tensor 2008 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ Geometry of the Standard Model 2008 Andrzej Derdziński
+ Global properties of indefinite metrics with parallel Weyl tensor 2007 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ The local structure of conformally symmetric manifolds 2007 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ PDF Chat Projectively flat surfaces, null parallel distributions, and conformally symmetric manifolds 2007 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ Publisher's Note: “Walker's theorem without coordinates” [J. Math. Phys. 47, 062504 (2006)] 2006 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ A Myers-type theorem and compact Ricci solitons 2006 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat Walker’s theorem without coordinates 2006 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ PDF Chat Special Kähler-Ricci potentials on compact Kähler manifolds 2006 Andrzej Derdziński
Gideon Maschler
+ PDF Chat A moduli curve for compact conformally-Einstein Kähler manifolds 2005 Andrzej Derdziński
Gideon Maschler
+ Immersions of Surfaces in Spin<sup>c</sup>-Manifolds with a Generic Positive Spinor 2004 Andrzej Derdziński
Tadeusz Januszkiewicz
+ PDF Chat Local Classification of Conformally-Einstein Kähler Metrics in Higher Dimensions 2003 Andrzej Derdziński
Gideon Maschler
+ PDF Chat Curvature-homogeneous indefinite Einstein metrics in dimension four: the diagonalizable case 2003 Andrzej Derdziński
+ Special Kähler-Ricci potentials on compact Kähler manifolds 2002 Andrzej Derdziński
Gideon Maschler
+ Immersions of surfaces in spin$^c$-manifolds with Higgs fields 2002 Andrzej Derdziński
Tadeusz Januszkiewicz
+ Curvature-homogeneous indefinite Einstein metrics in dimension four: the diagonalizable case 2002 Andrzej Derdziński
+ Einstein Metrics in Dimension Four 2000 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat A condition for positivity of curvature 1992 Lucas Monteiro Chaves
Andrzej Derdziński
A. Rigas
+ Grand Unified Theories 1992 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat Riemannian metrics with harmonic curvature on 2-sphere bundles over compact surfaces 1988 Andrzej Derdziński
+ A lower bound for λ1 on manifolds with boundaryon manifolds with boundary 1987 Christopher B. Croke
Andrzej Derdziński
+ Manifolds with pure non-negative curvature operator 1987 Andrzej Derdziński
Francesco Mercuri
Maria Helena Noronha
+ PDF Chat Codazzi Tensor Fields, Curvature and Pontryagin Forms 1983 Andrzej Derdziński
Shen Chunli
+ Self-dual Kähler manifolds and Einstein manifolds of dimension four 1983 Andrzej Derdziński
+ On compact Riemannian manifolds with harmonic curvature 1982 Andrzej Derdziński
+ Compact riemannian manifolds with harmonic curvature and non-parallel ricci tensor 1981 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat The local structure of essentially conformally symmetric manifolds with constant fundamental function. III. The parabolic case 1981 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat Unflat connections in 3-sphere bundles over 𝑆⁴ 1981 Andrzej Derdziński
A. Rigas
+ Some remarks on the local structure of codazzi tensors 1981 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat The local structure of essentially conformally symmetric manifolds with constant fundamental function II. The hyperbolic case 1981 Andrzej Derdziński
+ Classification of certain compact Riemannian manifolds with harmonic curvature and non-parallel Ricci tensor 1980 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat The local structure of essentially conformally symmetric manifolds with constant fundamental function I. The elliptic case 1979 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat Certain connections between time functions and compact spacelike submanifolds 1978 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat On homogeneous conformally symmetric pseudo-Riemannian manifolds 1978 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat On closed timelike distributions 1977 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat On some condition for a submanifold of Euclidean space to be a sphere 1977 Andrzej Derdziński
+ On compact spacelike submanifolds 1976 Andrzej Derdziński
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On conformally symmetric Ricci-recurrent spaces 1974 W. Roter
+ PDF Chat Projectively flat surfaces, null parallel distributions, and conformally symmetric manifolds 2007 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ Foundations of Differential Geometry 1963 Shôshichi Kobayashi
Katsumi Nomizu
+ On conformally symmetric spaces 1985 Hoffman Nickerson
+ PDF Chat Fixed Points of Isometries 1958 Shôshichi Kobayashi
+ The local structure of conformally symmetric manifolds 2009 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ PDF Chat On homogeneous conformally symmetric pseudo-Riemannian manifolds 1978 Andrzej Derdziński
+ On compact manifolds admitting indefinite metrics with parallel Weyl tensor 2008 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ PDF Chat Compact pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with parallel Weyl tensor 2009 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ PDF Chat On the foundations of differential geometry 1964 Ramón G. Rubio
+ Handbook of differential geometry 2000 Franki Dillen
Leopold Verstraelen
+ PDF Chat The topology of compact rank-one ECS manifolds 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ Classification of certain compact Riemannian manifolds with harmonic curvature and non-parallel Ricci tensor 1980 Andrzej Derdziński
+ PDF Chat Special Kähler-Ricci potentials on compact Kähler manifolds 2006 Andrzej Derdziński
Gideon Maschler
+ On compact Riemannian manifolds with harmonic curvature 1982 Andrzej Derdziński
+ Self-duality in four-dimensional Riemannian geometry 1978 Michael Atiyah
Nigel Hitchin
I. M. Singer
+ A Short Course in Differential Topology 2018 Bjørn Ian Dundas
+ PDF Chat Manifolds of negative curvature 1969 Richard L. Bishop
Barrett O’Neill
+ PDF Chat On conformally symmetric 2-Ricci-recurrent spaces 1972 W. Roter
+ PDF Chat Local Classification of Conformally-Einstein Kähler Metrics in Higher Dimensions 2003 Andrzej Derdziński
Gideon Maschler
+ Self-dual Kähler manifolds and Einstein manifolds of dimension four 1983 Andrzej Derdziński
+ On Rotationally Symmetric Hamilton's Equation for Kähler-Einstein Metrics 1990 Norihito Koiso
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ New examples of compact Weyl-parallel manifolds 2023 Andrzej Derdziński
Ivo Terek
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Topological Manifolds 2010 John M. Lee
+ On conformally symmetric warped products 2006 Marian Hotloś
+ Transformation Groups in Differential Geometry 1972 Shôshichi Kobayashi
+ Conformally symmetric semi-Riemannian manifolds 2005 Young Jin Suh
Jung-Hwan Kwon
Hae Young Yang
+ PDF Chat Riemannian metrics with harmonic curvature on 2-sphere bundles over compact surfaces 1988 Andrzej Derdziński
+ On a certain subclass of pseudosymmetric manifolds 1998 Ryszard Deszcz
Marian Hotloś
+ Spin structures on manifolds 1998 L. Fatibene
M. Francaviglia
+ RIEMANN EXTENSIONS 1952 E. M. Patterson
A. G. Walker
+ PDF Chat On some curvature conditions of pseudosymmetry type 2015 Ryszard Deszcz
Małgorzata Głogowska
Marian Hotloś
Georges Zafındratafa
+ Pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces 1980 Michel Cahen
Monique Parker
+ Einstein Manifolds 1987 Arthur L. Besse
+ PDF Chat Three-dimensional conformally symmetric manifolds 2013 Esteban Calviño‐Louzao
Eduardo García‐Río
J. Seoane-Bascoy
Ramón Vázquez‐Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Four-dimensional Osserman metrics with nondiagonalizable Jacobi operators 2006 José Carlos Díaz-Ramos
Eduardo García‐Río
Ramón Vázquez‐Lorenzo
+ Isoparametric functions on Riemannian manifolds. I 1987 Wang Qiming
+ On closed manifolds with harmonic Weyl curvature 2017 Hung Tran
+ Transnormal functions on a Riemannian manifold 2012 Reiko Miyaoka
+ Global properties of indefinite metrics with parallel Weyl tensor 2007 Andrzej Derdziński
W. Roter
+ PDF Chat Compact four-dimensional Einstein manifolds 1974 Nigel Hitchin
+ Extremal Kähler metrics on Hirzebruch surfaces which are locally conformally equivalent to Einstein metrics 1997 Andrew Hwang
Santiago R. Simanca
+ Anatomy of integers and cyclotomic polynomials 2008 Helmut Maier
+ PDF Chat The geometry of modified Riemannian extensions 2009 Esteban Calviño‐Louzao
Eduardo García‐Río
Peter Gilkey
Ramón Vázquez‐Lorenzo
+ Two-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds 2011 Dmitri V. Alekseevsky
Anton S. Galaev
+ On torsion free crystallographic groups 1991 Gerhard Hiß
Andrzej Szczepański
+ PDF Chat A moduli curve for compact conformally-Einstein Kähler manifolds 2005 Andrzej Derdziński
Gideon Maschler
+ Regularity Theorems in Riemannian Geometry. II. Harmonic Curvature and the Weyl Tensor 1989 Dennis DeTurck
Hubert Goldschmidt