Martin Griffiths


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ 105.01 On some composite Fibonacci expressions 2021 Martin Griffiths
+ Topics in combinatorics by Gerry Leversha and Dominic Rowland, pp. 310, £19 (paper), ISBN 978-1-90600-136-0, United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (2019). 2020 Martin Griffiths
+ A note on independence in probability 2020 Martin Griffiths
+ 103.27 A property of a particular unit-distance graph 2019 Martin Griffiths
+ Some Gibonacci Convolutions with Dividends 2018 Thomas Koshy
Martin Griffiths
+ 102.35 On repetition and divisibility of parts in partitions 2018 Martin Griffiths
+ 102.36 A difference property amongst certain pairs of Beatty sequences 2018 Martin Griffiths
+ Introduction to combinatorics by Gerry Leversha and Dominic Rowland, pp. 377, £18 (paper), ISBN 978-1-90600-124-7, United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (2016). 2018 Martin Griffiths
+ 101.44 On a trivariate Fibonacci identity 2017 Martin Griffiths
+ Number treasury<sup>3</sup>: investigations, facts and conjectures about more than 100 number families (3rd edn.) by Margaret J. Kenney and Stanley J. Bezuszka, pp. 312, £25.00 (paper), ISBN 9789814603690, World Scientific Publishing (2015). 2017 Martin Griffiths
+ 101.25 A note on tilings and associated linear recurrences 2017 Martin Griffiths
+ An Implicit Zeckendorf Representation. 2017 Martin Griffiths
+ Combinatorial Interpretations of Some Convolution Identities 2016 Alex Bramham
Martin Griffiths
+ On arithmetic-geometric-mean polynomials 2016 Martin Griffiths
Des MacHale
+ 100.11 A trinomial identity from both a tiling and an expansion 2016 Martin Griffiths
+ A slowly converging sequence via Pythagoras 2015 Martin Griffiths
+ 99.29 On the sum of the reciprocals of the primorials 2015 Martin Griffiths
+ The Zeckendorf Representation of a Beatty-Related Fibonacci Sum 2015 Martin Griffiths
+ 99.17 Irrational sums from reciprocals of factorials 2015 Martin Griffiths
+ 99.22 The golden ratio and equilateral triangles 2015 Martin Griffiths
+ A pair of Fibonacci-like polynomials arising from a special mapping 2015 Martin Griffiths
Jonny Griffiths
+ A Fibonacci quotient 2015 Martin Griffiths
Surajit Rajagopal
+ The volume of a stretched tetrahedron; the easy way? 2015 Martin Griffiths
+ 99.02 Series involving fixed-column decimal representations 2015 Martin Griffiths
+ Random walks arising from a Fibonacci's-rabbits scenario 2015 Martin Griffiths
+ 99.04 Another irrational number 2015 Martin Griffiths
Des MacHale
+ On a Matrix Arising from a Family of Iterated Self-Compositions 2015 Martin Griffiths
+ Fixed-Term Zeckendorf Representations 2014 Martin Griffiths
+ Some Identities Via Geometric Series 2014 Martin Griffiths
+ A simple classroom model for the spread of a disease 2014 Martin Griffiths
Anthony D. Baker
Chris Brown
+ 98.01 On Fibonacci numbers that are factorials 2014 Surajit Rajagopal
Martin Griffiths
+ Generating Functions for Extended Stirling Numbers of the First Kind 2014 Martin Griffiths
+ A Combinatorial Proof of a Family of Multinomial-Fibonacci Identities. 2014 Martin Griffiths
Alexander Bramham
+ Alternative proofs of a tiling result 2013 Martin Griffiths
+ Conjecturing a limit 2013 Martin Griffiths
Surajit Rajagopal
+ From lines and circles to hyperspheres: a problem and its generalization 2013 Geoff Wilkes
Martin Griffiths
+ Fibonacci-Related Sequences VIA Iterated QRT Maps 2013 Jonny Griffiths
Martin Griffiths
+ From golden-ratio equalities to Fibonacci and Lucas identities 2013 Martin Griffiths
+ Pell identities via a quadratic field 2013 Martin Griffiths
+ Exploring dissections of rectangles into right-angled triangles 2013 Martin Griffiths
+ Reviews - Fisber, Neyman, and tbe creation of classical statistics, by Erich Lehmann. Pp. 115. £24.99. 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4419-9499-8 (Springer). 2013 Martin Griffiths
+ Sitting Down for Dinner at a Twin Convention 2013 Martin Griffiths
+ Can distributional approximations give exact answers? 2013 Martin Griffiths
+ On the ratio method of estimation via auxiliary attributes in simple and stratified random sampling 2013 Zardad Khan
Javid Shabbir
Martin Griffiths
Berthold Lausen
+ 96.52 Some different approaches to summing a particular series 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ Extending the Domains of Definition of Some Fibonacci Identities 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ Delving Deeper: Close Encounters with Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ 96.49 On the diagonals of a Stirling number triangle 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ Reviews - Famous puzzles of great mathematicians, by M. Petkovic. Pp. 325. £25.95. 2009. ISBN: 978-0-8218-4814-2 (American Mathematical Society). 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ Intuiting the fundamental theorem of arithmetic 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ 96.22 Further thoughts on ordered partitions 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ 96.11 Observations on some particular power series 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ 96.12 The sum of a series: rational or irrational? 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ The resistance of an<i>n</i>-dimensional tetrahedron 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ Families of Sequences From a Class of Multinomial Sums 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ A digit function with Thomae-like properties 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ Binet-Like Formulas from a Simple Expansion 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ Fibonacci Expressions Arising from a Coin-Tossing Scenario Involving Pairs of Consecutive Heads 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ 95.27 Symmetric rational expressions in polynomial sequences 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ Is trigonometry the preserve of the mathematical élite? 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ The probability of extinction in a bovine respiratory syncytial virus epidemic model 2011 Martin Griffiths
David Greenhalgh
+ Reviews - Those fascinating numbers, by Jean-Marie De Koninck. Pp. 426. £34.95. 2009. ISBN: 978-0-8218-4807-4 (American Mathematical Society). 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ Reviews - A mathematical medley: fifty easy pieces on mathematics, by George G. Szpiro. Pp. 236. £26.95. 2010. ISBN: 978-0-8218-4928-6 (American Mathematical Society). 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ Reviews - Statistics GCSE for AQA: (2nd edn.), by Jayne Kranat. Pp.330. £19.50. 2009. ISBN: 978-0-19-913430-4 (Oxford University Press). 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ PDF Chat The hook-length formula and generalised Catalan numbers 2011 Martin Griffiths
Nick Lord
+ Families of Fibonacci and Lucas Sums via the Moments of A Random Variable 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ Fibonacci Diagonals 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ Generating 'Random' Integers 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ Remodified bessel functions via coincidences and near coincidences 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ The Golden String, Zeckendorf Representations, and the Sum of a Series 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ Summing the reciprocals of particular types of integers 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ A restricted random walk defined via a Fibonacci process 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ 94.37 Multinomial distributions and knockout tournaments 2010 Martin Griffiths
+ PDF Chat Maximizing a Probability: A Student Workshop on an Application of Continuous Distributions 2010 Martin Griffiths
+ Digit Proportions in Zeckendorf Representations 2010 Martin Griffiths
+ Reviews - Emmy Noether: the mother of modern algebra, by M. B. W. Tent. Pp. 177. $29. (Hardback). 2008. ISBN 978-1-56881-430-8 (A. K. Peters). 2010 Martin Griffiths
+ <i>f(f(x)) = − x</i>, Windmills, and Beyond 2010 Martin Griffiths
+ Counting the Regions in a Regular Drawing of K_{n,n} 2010 Martin Griffiths
+ Bijective proof without words 2010 Martin Griffiths
+ A Generalization of Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind via a Special Multiset 2010 Martin Griffiths
István Mező
+ Symmetric functions in the classroom 2009 Theodora Chen
Martin Griffiths
+ PDF Chat Dynamic phenomena arising from an extended Core Group model 2009 David Greenhalgh
Martin Griffiths
+ 93.22 More on sums of powers of an arithmetic progression 2009 Martin Griffiths
+ Generalized Near-Bell Numbers 2009 Martin Griffiths
+ 92.67 Affine transformations of the graphs of polynomials 2008 Martin Griffiths
+ PDF Chat Backward bifurcation, equilibrium and stability phenomena in a three-stage extended BRSV epidemic model 2008 David Greenhalgh
Martin Griffiths
+ Symmetric Rational Expressions in the Fibonacci Numbers 2008 Martin Griffiths
+ 92.38 Ellipses, ovals and the area of the M25 2008 Martin Griffiths
+ The Backbone of Pascal's Triangle 2008 Martin Griffiths
+ ‘Catch-up’ numbers 2007 Martin Griffiths
+ 91.25 The highest score in the class 2007 Martin Griffiths
+ 91.10 Ball in a bucket 2007 Martin Griffiths
+ PDF Chat 90.68 Yet another look at the calculus power rules 2006 Martin Griffiths
+ Advancing maths for AQA: Statistics 1 (2nd edn), by Roger Williamson, Gill Buqué, Jim Miller and Chris Worth. Pp. 213. £8.99. 2004. ISBN 0 435 51338 9 (Heinemann). 2006 Martin Griffiths
+ 89.02 Some obvious facts about the primes? 2005 Martin Griffiths
+ PDF Chat 89.10 Convergents to via the Farey mean? 2005 Martin Griffiths
+ 89.07 An integral for the careless mathematician 2005 Martin Griffiths
+ <i>n</i>-dimensional enrichment for Further Mathematicians 2004 Martin Griffiths
+ 88.75 No consecutive heads 2004 Martin Griffiths
+ 88.65 Algebraic approximations to some transcendentals via an integral 2004 Martin Griffiths
+ Formulae for the convergents to some irrationals 2004 Martin Griffiths
+ 87.53 But which one is it? 2003 Martin Griffiths
+ Student problems from the Mathematical Gazette, edited by Bill Richardson. Pp. 96. £8 (members), £12 (non-members). 2002. ISBN 0 906588 49 9. (The Mathematical Association). 2003 Martin Griffiths
+ 87.25 More sequences from polygons 2003 Martin Griffiths
+ More sums involving the floor function 2002 Martin Griffiths
+ Sums of powers of the terms in any finite arithmetic progression 2002 Martin Griffiths
+ Deconstructing a regular (2<sup>n</sup> + l)-gon 2002 Martin Griffiths
+ 85.03 Two proofs concerning ‘Octagon loops’ 2001 Martin Griffiths
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Combinatorics: topics, techniques, algorithms 1995 Peter J‎. Cameron
+ Elementary Number Theory 1999 Jody Esmonde
M. Ram Murty
+ Elementary Number Theory 1996 Sharon Burton
+ Elementary Number Theory 1979 Henry J. Ricardo
David Burton
+ PDF Chat The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences 2007 N. J. A. Sloane
+ Elementary Number Theory 1999 9
+ Probability and Random Processes 2004 Geoffrey Grimmett
David Stirzaker
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. By G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright. 2nd edition. Pp. xvi, 407 25s. 1945. (Oxford) 1946 T. A. A. B.
+ PDF Chat An Introduction To The Theory Of Numbers 2008 G. H. Hardy
E. M. Wright
+ Combinatorics 1994 Peter J‎. Cameron
+ Probability and Random Processes 2001 Geoffrey Grimmett
David Stirzaker
+ PDF Chat The 99th Fibonacci Identity 2008 Arthur T. Benjamin
Alex Eustis
Sean S. Plott
+ The Backbone of Pascal's Triangle 2008 Martin Griffiths
+ Proofs that Really Count 2003 Arthur T. Benjamin
Jennifer J. Quinn
+ The Golden String, Zeckendorf Representations, and the Sum of a Series 2011 Martin Griffiths
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the theory of numbers 1960 G. H. Hardy
+ Proofs that really count: the art of combinatorial proof 2004 Arthur T. Benjamin
Jennifer J. Quinn
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Analytic Number Theory 1976 Tom M. Apostol
+ PDF Chat Backward bifurcation, equilibrium and stability phenomena in a three-stage extended BRSV epidemic model 2008 David Greenhalgh
Martin Griffiths
+ Understanding Pure Mathematics 1995 Anne Sadler
D. W. S Thoming
+ PDF Chat Stability and Bifurcation for a Multiple-Group Model for the Dynamics of HIV/AIDS Transmission 1992 Wenzhang Huang
Kenneth L. Cooke
Carlos Castillo‐Chávez
+ PDF Chat On the definition and the computation of the basic reproduction ratio R 0 in models for infectious diseases in heterogeneous populations 1990 Odo Diekmann
Hans Heesterbeek
J.A.J. Metz
+ A course in number theory 1988 HE Rose
+ Combinatorial Interpretations of Some Convolution Identities 2016 Alex Bramham
Martin Griffiths
+ A Generalization of Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind via a Special Multiset 2010 Martin Griffiths
István Mező
+ Introduction to Analytic Number Theory 1976 Tom M. Apostol
+ PDF Chat The quasi-stationary behavior of quasi-birth-and-death processes 1997 Nigel Bean
L. Bright
Guy Latouche
C. E. M. Pearce
P. K. Pollett
Peter Taylor
+ PDF Chat Quasi-stationary distributions for stochastic processes with an absorbing state 2002 Ronald Dickman
Ronaldo Vidigal
+ Basic Abstract Algebra 2004 P. B. Bhattacharya
S. K. Jain
S. R. Nagpaul
+ Families of Sequences From a Class of Multinomial Sums 2012 Martin Griffiths
+ 82.12 Finite sums of powers of the natural numbers 1998 F. Chorlton
+ PDF Chat Stochastic models of some endemic infections 2002 Ingemar Nåsell
+ Generalized Near-Bell Numbers 2009 Martin Griffiths
+ Incorporating Immunological Ideas in Epidemiological Models 1996 Jonathan Dushoff
+ Integrable mappings and soliton equations II 1989 G. Quispel
John A G Roberts
Carol Thompson
+ Integrable mappings and soliton equations 1988 G. Quispel
John A G Roberts
Carol Thompson
+ None 2001 Damian Clancy
Philip D. O’Neill
P. K. Pollett
+ Stochastic epidemic models with a backward bifurcation 2006 Linda J. S. Allen
P. van den Driessche
+ A core group model for disease transmission 1995 K. P. Hadeler
Carlos Castillo‐Chávez
+ Mathematical and Statistical Approaches to AIDS Epidemiology 1989 Carlos Castillo‐Chávez
+ The Mathematical Theory of Infectious Diseases 1977 J. F. C. Kingmán
Norman T. J. Bailey
+ Tiling proofs of some Fibonacci-Lucas relations. 2008 Mark Shattuck
+ Partitions of multisets II 1984 Edward A. Bender
John S. Devitt
L. Bruce Richmond
+ Modifications of Thomae's Function and Differentiability 2009 Kevin Beanland
James W. Roberts
Craig Stevenson
+ Feeling number: grounding number sense in a sense of quantity 2010 David Wagner
Brent Davis
+ PDF Chat The Hypercube of Resistors, Asymptotic Expansions, and Preferential Arrangements 2010 Nicholas Pippenger
+ Delving Deeper: Revisiting Fibonacci and Related Sequences 2006 Arthur T. Benjamin
Jennifer J. Quinn
+ PDF Chat Prime decomposition: Understanding uniqueness 1996 Rina Zazkis
Stephen R. Campbell
+ Stirling numbers of the second kind 1958 Leo Moser
Max Wyman
+ Functional equations in a single variable 1968 Marek Kuczma