Anand U. Oza


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Phase-field modeling of colloid-polymer mixtures in microgravity 2024 Lauren Barnes
Boris Khusid
Lou Kondic
William V. Meyer
Anand U. Oza
+ PDF Chat Exponential mixing in a hydrodynamic pilot--wave theory with singular potentials 2024 Hung D. Nguyen
Anand U. Oza
+ PDF Chat On the stability of an in-line formation of hydrodynamically interacting flapping plates 2024 Monika Nitsche
Anand U. Oza
Michael Siegel
+ The invariant measure of a walking droplet in hydrodynamic pilot–wave theory 2024 Hung D. Nguyen
Anand U. Oza
+ Capillary surfers: Wave-driven particles at a vibrating fluid interface 2023 Ian Ho
Giuseppe Pucci
Anand U. Oza
Daniel M. Harris
+ Theoretical modeling of capillary surfer interactions on a vibrating fluid bath 2023 Anand U. Oza
Giuseppe Pucci
Ian Ho
Daniel M. Harris
+ PDF Chat Generalization of waving‐plate theory to multiple interacting swimmers 2023 Peter J. Baddoo
Nicholas J. Moore
Anand U. Oza
Darren Crowdy
+ Theoretical modeling of capillary surfer interactions on a vibrating fluid bath 2023 Anand U. Oza
Giuseppe Pucci
Ian Ho
Daniel M. Harris
+ The invariant measure of a walking droplet in hydrodynamic pilot-wave theory 2022 Hung D. Nguyen
Anand U. Oza
+ PDF Chat Flow Rectification in Loopy Network Models of Bird Lungs 2021 Quynh M. Nguyen
Anand U. Oza
Joanna Abouezzi
Guanhua Sun
Stephen Childress
Christina Frederick
Leif Ristroph
+ Capillary surfers: wave-driven particles at a fluid interface 2021 Ian Ho
Giuseppe Pucci
Anand U. Oza
Daniel M. Harris
+ Capillary surfers: wave-driven particles at a vibrating fluid interface 2021 Ian Ho
Giuseppe Pucci
Anand U. Oza
Daniel M. Harris
+ Generalization of waving-plate theory to multiple interacting swimmers 2021 Peter J. Baddoo
Nicholas J. Moore
Anand U. Oza
Darren Crowdy
+ PDF Chat Lattices of Hydrodynamically Interacting Flapping Swimmers 2019 Anand U. Oza
Leif Ristroph
Michael Shelley
+ Traveling waves in a continuum model of 1D schools 2017 Anand U. Oza
Eva Kanso
Michael Shelley
+ PDF Chat Antipolar ordering of topological defects in active liquid crystals 2016 Anand U. Oza
Jörn Dunkel
+ PDF Chat Pilot-wave dynamics in a harmonic potential: Quantization and stability of circular orbits 2016 Matthieu Labousse
Anand U. Oza
St 'ephane Perrard
John W. M. Bush
+ Antipolar ordering of topological charges and universality in active liquid crystals 2015 Anand U. Oza
Jörn Dunkel
+ Nematic ordering of topological defects in active liquid crystals 2015 Anand U. Oza
Jörn Dunkel
+ Optimization search effort over the control landscapes for open quantum systems with Kraus-map evolution 2009 Anand U. Oza
Alexander Pechen
Jason Dominy
Vincent Beltrani
Katharine W. Moore
Herschel Rabitz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Meso-scale turbulence in living fluids 2012 H. H. Wensink
Jörn Dunkel
Sebastian Heidenreich
Knut Drescher
Raymond E. Goldstein
Hartmut Löwen
Julia M. Yeomans
+ PDF Chat Long-Lived Giant Number Fluctuations in a Swarming Granular Nematic 2007 Vijay Narayan
Sriraṁ Ramaswamy
Narayanan Menon
+ PDF Chat The Mechanics and Statistics of Active Matter 2010 Sriraṁ Ramaswamy
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous motion in hierarchically assembled active matter 2012 Tim Sanchez
Daniel T. N. Chen
Stephen J. DeCamp
Michaël Heymann
Zvonimir Dogic
+ PDF Chat Information transfer and behavioural inertia in starling flocks 2014 Alessandro Attanasi
Andrea Cavagna
Lorenzo Del Castello
Irene Giardina
Tomás S. Grigera
A. Jelic
Stefania Melillo
Leonardo Parisi
Oliver Pohl
Edward Shen
+ PDF Chat Swarming and Swirling in Self-Propelled Polar Granular Rods 2008 Arshad Kudrolli
Geoffroy Lumay
Dmitri Volfson
Lev S. Tsimring
+ PDF Chat Collective Motion of Vibrated Polar Disks 2010 Julien Deseigne
Olivier Dauchot
Hugues Chaté
+ PDF Chat Mutual Adaptation of a Faraday Instability Pattern with its Flexible Boundaries in Floating Fluid Drops 2011 Giuseppe Pucci
Emmanuel Fort
Martine Ben Amar
Y. Couder
+ PDF Chat Chaos Driven by Interfering Memory 2014 Stéphane Perrard
Matthieu Labousse
Emmanuel Fort
Yves Couder
+ PDF Chat Lattices of Hydrodynamically Interacting Flapping Swimmers 2019 Anand U. Oza
Leif Ristroph
Michael Shelley
+ PDF Chat A fast Chebyshev method for simulating flexible-wing propulsion 2017 Nicholas J. Moore
+ PDF Chat Active Particles in Complex and Crowded Environments 2016 Clemens Bechinger
Roberto Di Leonardo
Hartmut Löwen
C. Reichhardt
Giorgio Volpe
Giovanni Volpe
+ PDF Chat Optimal undulatory swimming for a single fish-like body and for a pair of interacting swimmers 2017 Audrey Maertens
Amy Gao
Michael S. Triantafyllou
+ PDF Chat Path-memory induced quantization of classical orbits 2010 Emmanuel Fort
Antonin Eddi
Arezki Boudaoud
Julien Moukhtar
Yves Couder
+ PDF Chat Self-organization into quantized eigenstates of a classical wave-driven particle 2014 Stéphane Perrard
Matthieu Labousse
Marc Z. Miskin
Emmanuel Fort
Yves Couder
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of a Bouncing Dimer 2005 S. Dorbolo
Dmitri Volfson
Lev S. Tsimring
Arshad Kudrolli
+ PDF Chat A numerical method for locating the zeros of an analytic function 1967 L. M. Delves
J. N. Lyness
+ PDF Chat Build-up of macroscopic eigenstates in a memory-based constrained system 2014 Matthieu Labousse
Stéphane Perrard
Y. Couder
Emmanuel Fort
+ PDF Chat Dissipation control in cavity QED with oscillating mode structures 2008 I. E. Linington
B. M. Garraway
+ PDF Chat Reconfigurable Knots and Links in Chiral Nematic Colloids 2011 Uroš Tkalec
Miha Ravnik
Simon Čopar
S. Žumer
Igor Muševič
+ PDF Chat Pressure and Phase Equilibria in Interacting Active Brownian Spheres 2015 Alexandre Solon
Joakim Stenhammar
Raphael Wittkowski
Mehran Kardar
Yariv Kafri
M. E. Cates
Julien Tailleur
+ PDF Chat Teaching the environment to control quantum systems 2006 Alexander Pechen
Herschel Rabitz
+ PDF Chat Control landscapes for two-level open quantum systems 2008 Alexander Pechen
Дмитрий Владимирович Прохоренко
Re-Bing Wu
Herschel Rabitz
+ PDF Chat Interplay between Geometry and Flow Distribution in an Airway Tree 2003 Benjamin Mauroy
Marcel Filoche
José S. Andrade
B. Sapoval
+ Control of quantum dynamics by optimized measurements 2008 Feng Shuang
Mianlai Zhou
Alexander Pechen
Re-Bing Wu
Ofer M. Shir
Herschel Rabitz
+ PDF Chat Spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates 2011 Yu-Ju Lin
Karina Jiménez-García
I. B. Spielman
+ PDF Chat Novel Type of Phase Transition in a System of Self-Driven Particles 1995 Tamás Vicsek
András Czirók
Eshel Ben‐Jacob
Inon Cohen
Ofer Shochet
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamics of self-propelled hard rods 2008 Aparna Baskaran
M. Cristina Marchetti
+ PDF Chat Lifetime of a bouncing droplet 2007 Denis Terwagne
N. Vandewalle
S. Dorbolo
+ PDF Chat Resonant and rolling droplet 2008 S. Dorbolo
Denis Terwagne
N. Vandewalle
Tristan Gilet
+ PDF Chat Microscale locomotion in a nematic liquid crystal 2015 Madison S. Krieger
Saverio E. Spagnolie
Thomas Powers
+ PDF Chat On stationary solutions of a stochastic differential equation 1964 Kiyosi Itô
Makiko Nisio
+ PDF Chat The Exponentially Convergent Trapezoidal Rule 2014 Lloyd N. Trefethen
J. A. C. Weideman
+ PDF Chat Topology and dynamics of active nematic vesicles 2014 Felix C. Keber
Étienne Loiseau
Tim Sanchez
Stephen J. DeCamp
Luca Giomi
Mark J. Bowick
Mauro Marchetti
Zvonimir Dogic
Andreas R. Bausch
+ PDF Chat Self-replicating colloidal clusters 2014 Zorana Zeravcic
Michael P. Brenner
+ Cytoplasmic streaming in plant cells emerges naturally by microfilament self-organization 2013 Francis G. Woodhouse
Raymond E. Goldstein
+ The simulation of the movement of fish schools 1992 Andreas Huth
Christian Wissel
+ PDF Chat Generic Phase Diagram of Active Polar Films 2006 Raphaël Voituriez
Jean‐François Joanny
Jacques Prost
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Field Equations for Aligning Self-Propelled Rods 2012 Anton Peshkov
Igor S. Aranson
Éric Bertin
Hugues Chaté
Francesco Ginelli
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic quantum control via indirect measurement 2005 A. Mandilara
J. W. Clark
+ PDF Chat Theory of weakly damped free-surface flows: A new formulation based on potential flow solutions 2007 Frédéric Dias
Alexander Dyachenko
В. Е. Захаров
+ PDF Chat Thermal beam of metastable krypton atoms produced by optical excitation 2007 Yue Ding
Shui-Ming Hu
K. Bailey
A. M. Davis
R. W. Dunford
Zheng‐Tian Lu
Thomas P. O’Connor
Linda Young
+ PDF Chat Multiscale Polar Theory of Microtubule and Motor-Protein Assemblies 2015 Tong Gao
Robert Blackwell
Matthew A. Glaser
Meredith D. Betterton
Michael Shelley
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Modeling of the GnRH Pulse and Surge Generator 2007 Frédérique Clément
Jean–Pierre Françoise
+ PDF Chat Effective capillary interaction of spherical particles at fluid interfaces 2005 M. Oettel
Álvaro Domínguez
S. Dietrich
+ PDF Chat Knots and nonorientable surfaces in chiral nematics 2013 Thomas Machon
Gareth P. Alexander
+ None 2002 E Weinan
Di Liu
+ PDF Chat From antinode clusters to node clusters: The concentration-dependent transition of floaters on a standing Faraday wave 2014 Ceyda Sanlı
Detlef Lohse
Devaraj van der Meer
+ PDF Chat Flocks, herds, and schools: A quantitative theory of flocking 1998 John Toner
Yuhai Tu
+ PDF Chat Defect Annihilation and Proliferation in Active Nematics 2013 Luca Giomi
Mark J. Bowick
Xu Ma
M. Cristina Marchetti