Andrzej Grudka


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A quantum oscillator interacting with a classical oscillator 2024 Muhammad Sajjad
Andrea Russo
Maite Arcos
Andrzej Grudka
Jonathan Oppenheim
+ PDF Chat Renormalisation of postquantum-classical gravity 2024 Andrzej Grudka
Tim R. Morris
Jonathan Oppenheim
Andrea Russo
Muhammad Sajjad
+ PDF Chat Exposing hypersensitivity in quantum chaotic dynamics 2023 Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Kurzyński
Adam S. Sajna
Jan Wójcik
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Complementarity in quantum walks 2023 Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Kurzyński
T. P. Polak
Adam S. Sajna
Jan Wójcik
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Topological invariants in quantum walks 2023 Andrzej Grudka
Marcin Karczewski
Paweł Kurzyński
Jan Wójcik
Antoni Wójcik
+ Superluminal observers do not explain quantum superpositions 2023 Andrzej Grudka
Jȩdrzej Stempin
Jan Wójcik
Antoni Wójcik
+ Exposing Hypersensitivity in Quantum Chaotic Dynamics 2023 Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Kurzyński
Adam S. Sajna
Jan Wójcik
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Comment on ‘Quantum principle of relativity’ 2022 Andrzej Grudka
Antoni Wójcik
+ Complementarity in quantum walks 2022 Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Kurzyński
T. P. Polak
Adam S. Sajna
Jan Wójcik
Antoni Wójcik
+ Relative homotopy approach to topological phases in quantum walks 2022 Andrzej Grudka
Marcin Karczewski
Paweł Kurzyński
Jan Wójcik
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Quantum semipermeable barriers: Investigating Maxwell's demon toolbox 2021 Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Kurzyński
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Galilean invariance without superluminal particles 2021 Andrzej Grudka
Antoni Wójcik
+ On Quantum Semipermeable Barriers: Investigating Maxwell's Demon Toolbox 2021 Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Kurzyński
Antoni Wójcik
+ Galilean invariance without superluminal particles 2021 Andrzej Grudka
Antoni Wójcik
+ Generalized XOR non-locality games with graph description on a square lattice 2020 Monika Rosicka
Paweł Mazurek
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Quantum error-correction codes and absolutely maximally entangled states 2020 Paweł Mazurek
Máté Farkas
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Michał Studziński
+ Thermal Operations in general are not memoryless 2020 Edgar A. Aguilar
Hanna Wojewódka–Ściążko
M. A. Stankiewicz
Christopher Perry
Piotr Ćwikliński
Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Closed timelike curves and the second law of thermodynamics 2019 Małgorzata Bartkiewicz
Andrzej Grudka
Ryszard Horodecki
Justyna Łodyga
Jacek K. Wychowaniec
+ PDF Chat Do black holes create polyamory? 2018 Andrzej Grudka
Michael J. W. Hall
Michał Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
Jonathan Oppenheim
John A. Smolin
+ PDF Chat Conditional uncertainty principle 2018 Gilad Gour
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Waldemar Kłobus
Justyna Łodyga
Varun Narasimhachar
+ Irreducible private states (Conference Presentation) 2017 Hanna Wojewódka–Ściążko
Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ravishankar Ramanathan
M. A. Stankiewicz
+ PDF Chat Amplifying the Randomness of Weak Sources Correlated With Devices 2017 Hanna Wojewódka–Ściążko
Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Marcin Pawłowski
Ravishankar Ramanathan
M. A. Stankiewicz
+ PDF Chat Measurement uncertainty from no-signaling and nonlocality 2017 Justyna Łodyga
Waldemar Kłobus
Ravishankar Ramanathan
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Realistic noise-tolerant randomness amplification using finite number of devices 2016 Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
Ravishankar Ramanathan
Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Tomasz Szarek
Hanna Wojewódka–Ściążko
+ PDF Chat Creating a Superposition of Unknown Quantum States 2016 Michał Oszmaniec
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Quantum communication complexity advantage implies violation of a Bell inequality 2016 Harry Buhrman
Łukasz Czekaj
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Marcin Markiewicz
Florian Speelman
Sergii Strelchuk
+ PDF Chat Communication Strength of Correlations Violating Monogamy Relations 2016 Waldemar Kłobus
Michał Oszmaniec
Remigiusz Augusiak
Andrzej Grudka
+ No-signaling versus quantum constraints for spatio-temporal correlations caused by weak measurement 2016 Justyna Łodyga
Waldemar Kłobus
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Nonsignaling quantum random access-code boxes 2015 Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Absolute nonlocality via distributed computing without communication 2015 Łukasz Czekaj
Marcin Pawłowski
Tamás Vértesi
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Axiomatic approach to contextuality and nonlocality 2015 Karol Horodecki
Andrzej Grudka
Pankaj S. Joshi
Waldemar Kłobus
Justyna Łodyga
+ PDF Chat Simple scheme for encoding and decoding a qubit in unknown state for various topological codes 2015 Justyna Łodyga
Paweł Mazurek
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Long-distance quantum communication over noisy networks without long-time quantum memory 2014 Paweł Mazurek
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Justyna Łodyga
Łukasz Pańkowski
Anna Przysiężna
+ PDF Chat Free randomness amplification using bipartite chain correlations 2014 Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Marcin Pawłowski
Ravishankar Ramanathan
+ PDF Chat When Are Popescu-Rohrlich Boxes and Random Access Codes Equivalent? 2014 Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Waldemar Kłobus
Marcin Pawłowski
+ Communication strength of boxes violating monogamy relations 2014 Waldemar Kłobus
Michał Oszmaniec
Remigiusz Augusiak
Andrzej Grudka
+ Simple scheme for encoding a qubit in unknown state into various topological codes 2014 Justyna Łodyga
Paweł Mazurek
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Quantifying Contextuality 2014 Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
Pankaj S. Joshi
Waldemar Kłobus
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Entanglement witnessing and quantum cryptography with nonideal ferromagnetic detectors 2014 Waldemar Kłobus
Andrzej Grudka
A. Baumgärtner
Damian Tomaszewski
Christian Schönenberger
J. Martinek
+ PDF Chat Conjectured strong complementary-correlations tradeoff 2013 Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
Waldemar Kłobus
Łukasz Pańkowski
+ PDF Chat No-broadcasting of non-signalling boxes via operations which transform local boxes into local ones 2013 Pankaj S. Joshi
Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ Universal scheme for violation of local realism from quantum advantage in one-way communication complexity 2013 L. Czekaj
Andrzej Grudka
M. Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Marcin Markiewicz
+ Robust Device Independent Randomness Amplification 2013 Ravishankar Ramanathan
Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
+ Measures of contextuality 2012 Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
Pankaj S. Joshi
Waldemar Kłobus
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Nonlocality activation in entanglement-swapping chains 2012 Waldemar Kłobus
Wiesław Laskowski
Marcin Markiewicz
Andrzej Grudka
+ PDF Chat Distillation of entanglement by projection on permutationally invariant subspaces 2012 Mikołaj Czechlewski
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Marek Mozrzymas
Michał Studziński
+ Long distance quantum communication over noisy networks 2012 Andrzej Grudka
Ëukasz Pankowski
+ Long distance quantum communication over noisy networks without quantum memory 2012 Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Paweł Mazurek
Łukasz Pańkowski
Anna Przysiężna
+ PDF Chat Trapping a particle of a quantum walk on the line 2012 Antoni Wójcik
Tomasz Łuczak
Paweł Kurzyński
Andrzej Grudka
Tomasz Gdala
Małgorzata Bednarska-Bzdȩga
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Information flow of quantum states interacting with closed timelike curves” 2011 Waldemar Kłobus
Andrzej Grudka
Antoni Wójcik
+ Emergence of non-contextuality in macroscopic systems 2011 Paweł Kurzyński
Akihito Soeda
Ravishankar Ramanathan
Andrzej Grudka
Jayne Thompson
Dagomir Kaszlikowski
+ PDF Chat Postulates for measures of genuine multipartite correlations 2011 Charles H. Bennett
Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ Experimental undecidability of macroscopic quantumness 2011 Paweł Kurzyński
Akihito Soeda
Ravishankar Ramanathan
Andrzej Grudka
Jayne Thompson
Dagomir Kaszlikowski
+ No-broadcasting of non-signalling boxes via operations which transform local boxes into local ones 2011 Pankaj S. Joshi
Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Violation of Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt inequality for states resulting from entanglement swapping 2010 Antoni Wójcik
Joanna Modławska
Andrzej Grudka
Mikołaj Czechlewski
+ PDF Chat Constructive counterexamples to the additivity of the minimum output Rényi entropy of quantum channels for all<i>p</i>&gt; 2 2010 Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Łukasz Pańkowski
+ PDF Chat Nonadditivity of quantum and classical capacities for entanglement breaking multiple-access channels and the butterfly network 2010 Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Horodecki
+ Nonmultiplicativity of probability of faithful teleportation in the Knill-Laflamme-Milburn scheme. 2010 Andrzej Grudka
Joanna Modławska
+ PDF Chat Entanglement purification protocol for a mixture of a pure entangled state and a pure product state 2009 Mikołaj Czechlewski
Andrzej Grudka
Satoshi Ishizaka
Antoni Wójcik
+ Nonadditivity of quantum and classical capacities for quantum networks with entanglement breaking lines 2009 Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Horodecki
+ Adaptive quantum teleportation 2009 Joanna Modławska
Andrzej Grudka
+ PDF Chat Comparison of the relative entropy of entanglement and negativity 2008 Adam Miranowicz
Satoshi Ishizaka
Bohdan Horst
Andrzej Grudka
+ Entanglement-redistribution boxes 2008 Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
Marco Piani
+ PDF Chat Increasing singlet fraction with entanglement swapping 2008 Joanna Modławska
Andrzej Grudka
+ Entanglement-swapping boxes and their communication properties 2008 Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
Marco Piani
+ On the problem of detection of genuine multipartite correlations 2008 Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Is There Contextuality for a Single Qubit? 2008 Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Kurzyński
+ PDF Chat Nonmaximally Entangled States Can Be Better for Multiple Linear Optical Teleportation 2008 Joanna Modławska
Andrzej Grudka
+ PDF Chat Optimal state in the Knill-Laflamme-Milburn scheme of linear optical teleportation 2008 Andrzej Grudka
Joanna Modławska
+ Note on genuine multipartite classical correlations 2008 Andrzej Grudka
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ Optimal state in the KLM scheme of linear optical teleportation 2007 Andrzej Grudka
Joanna Modławska
+ PDF Chat Multiuser quantum communication networks 2007 Antoni Wójcik
Tomasz Łuczak
Paweł Kurzyński
Andrzej Grudka
Tomasz Gdala
Małgorzata Bednarska
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic coding of quantum states 2006 Andrzej Grudka
Antoni Wójcik
Mikołaj Czechlewski
+ Graphical representation of generalized quantum measurements 2006 Paweł Kurzyński
Andrzej Grudka
+ PDF Chat Unmodulated spin chains as universal quantum wires 2005 Antoni Wójcik
Tomasz Łuczak
Paweł Kurzyński
Andrzej Grudka
Tomasz Gdala
Małgorzata Bednarska
Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Kurzyński
Tomasz Łuczak
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat A comparative study of relative entropy of entanglement, concurrence and negativity 2004 Adam Miranowicz
Andrzej Grudka
+ PDF Chat Ordering two-qubit states with concurrence and negativity 2004 Adam Miranowicz
Andrzej Grudka
+ PDF Chat Erasure versus teleportation scheme of optical CNOT gate 2004 Antoni Wójcik
Andrzej Grudka
+ Relative entropy of entanglement for a given negativity can be higher for mixed states than for pure states 2004 Adam Miranowicz
Andrzej Grudka
+ Quasiperiodic dynamics of coherent diffusion: a quantum walk approach 2004 Antoni Wójcik
Tomasz Łuczak
Paweł Kurzyński
Andrzej Grudka
Małgorzata Bednarska
+ Different state orderings by two entanglement measures: Concurrence vs negativity predictions 2004 Adam Miranowicz
Andrzej Grudka
+ Erasure versus teleportation scheme of optical CNOT gate 2004 Antoni Wójcik
Andrzej Grudka
+ Examples of nonuniform limiting distributions for the quantum walk on even cycles 2004 Małgorzata Bednarska
Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Kurzyński
Tomasz Łuczak
Antoni Wójcik
+ Quasiperiodic dynamics of coherent diffusion: a quantum walk approach 2004 Antoni Wójcik
Tomasz Łuczak
Paweł Kurzyński
Andrzej Grudka
Małgorzata Bednarska
+ PDF Chat Quantum walks on cycles 2003 Małgorzata Bednarska
Andrzej Grudka
Paweł Kurzyński
Tomasz Łuczak
Antoni Wójcik
+ Two-way teleportation 2003 Andrzej Grudka
Ravindra W. Chhajlany
+ PDF Chat How to encode the states of two non-entangled qubits in one qutrit 2003 Andrzej Grudka
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Generation of Inequivalent Generalized Bell Bases 2003 Antoni Wójcik
Andrzej Grudka
Ravindra W. Chhajlany
+ Quantum teleportation between multiparties 2003 Andrzej Grudka
+ Generation of inequivalent generalized Bell bases 2003 Antoni Wójcik
Andrzej Grudka
Ravindra W. Chhajlany
+ Two-way teleportation 2003 Andrzej Grudka
Ravindra W. Chhajlany
+ PDF Chat Projective measurement of the two-photon polarization state: Linear optics approach 2002 Andrzej Grudka
Antoni Wójcik
+ Multiparty d-Dimensional Quantum Information Splitting 2002 Andrzej Grudka
Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Symmetric scheme for superdense coding between multiparties 2002 Andrzej Grudka
Antoni Wójcik
+ Measurement of the overlap between quantum states with the use of coherently addressed teleportation 2002 Andrzej Grudka
Antoni Wójcik
+ Multiparty d-dimensional quantum information splitting 2002 Andrzej Grudka
Antoni Wójcik
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Mixed-state entanglement and quantum error correction 1996 Charles H. Bennett
David P. DiVincenzo
John A. Smolin
William K. Wootters
+ PDF Chat No Signaling and Quantum Key Distribution 2005 Jonathan Barrett
Lucién Hardy
Adrian Kent
+ PDF Chat Purification of Noisy Entanglement and Faithful Teleportation via Noisy Channels 1996 Charles H. Bennett
Gilles Brassard
Sandu Popescu
Benjamin Schumacher
John A. Smolin
William K. Wootters
+ PDF Chat Entanglement measures and purification procedures 1998 Vlatko Vedral
Martin B. Plenio
+ PDF Chat Separability Criterion for Density Matrices 1996 Asher Peres
+ PDF Chat Free randomness can be amplified 2012 Roger Colbeck
Renato Renner
+ PDF Chat Bell nonlocality 2014 Nicolas Brunner
Daniel Cavalcanti
Stefano Pironio
Valerio Scarani
Stephanie Wehner
+ PDF Chat Full randomness from arbitrarily deterministic events 2013 Rodrigo Gallego
Lluís Masanes
Gonzalo de la Torre
Chirag Dhara
Leandro Aolita
Antonio Acín
+ PDF Chat Random numbers certified by Bell’s theorem 2010 Stefano Pironio
Antonio Acín
Serge Massar
A. Boyer de la Giroday
Dzmitry Matsukevich
Peter Maunz
S. Olmschenk
David Hayes
Le Luo
T. Andrew Manning
+ PDF Chat Randomness versus Nonlocality and Entanglement 2012 Antonio Acín
Serge Massar
Stefano Pironio
+ PDF Chat Bell measurements for teleportation 1999 Norbert Lütkenhaus
John Calsamiglia
Kalle‐Antti Suominen
+ PDF Chat Concentrating partial entanglement by local operations 1996 Charles H. Bennett
H. J. Bernstein
Sandu Popescu
Benjamin Schumacher
+ PDF Chat Closed sets of nonlocal correlations 2009 Jonathan Allcock
Nicolas Brunner
Noah Linden
Sandu Popescu
Paul Skrzypczyk
Tamás Vértesi
+ PDF Chat High-fidelity linear optical quantum computing with polarization encoding 2006 Federico M. Spedalieri
Hwang Lee
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Entanglement of Formation of an Arbitrary State of Two Qubits 1998 William K. Wootters
+ PDF Chat Entanglement percolation in quantum networks 2007 Antonio Acín
J. I. Cirac
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Volume of the set of separable states 1998 Karol Życzkowski
Paweł Horodecki
Anna Sanpera
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Quantifying Entanglement 1997 Vlatko Vedral
Martin B. Plenio
M. A. Rippin
P. L. Knight
+ PDF Chat Properties of quantum nonsignaling boxes 2006 Marco Piani
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Bound Nonlocality and Activation 2011 Nicolas Brunner
Daniel Cavalcanti
Alejo Salles
Paul Skrzypczyk
+ Nonlocal correlations as an information-theoretic resource 2005 Jonathan Barrett
Noah Linden
Serge Massar
Stefano Pironio
Sandu Popescu
David A. Roberts
+ PDF Chat Free randomness amplification using bipartite chain correlations 2014 Andrzej Grudka
Karol Horodecki
Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Marcin Pawłowski
Ravishankar Ramanathan
+ PDF Chat Information causality as a physical principle 2009 Marcin Pawłowski
Tomasz Paterek
Dagomir Kaszlikowski
Valerio Scarani
Andreas Winter
Marek Żukowski
+ PDF Chat Separability of mixed states: necessary and sufficient conditions 1996 Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Computable measure of entanglement 2002 Guifré Vidal
Reinhard F. Werner
+ PDF Chat Quantum cryptography 2002 Nicolas Gisin
G. Ribordy
Wolfgang Tittel
Hugo Zbinden
+ PDF Chat Robust amplification of Santha-Vazirani sources with three devices 2015 Piotr Mironowicz
Rodrigo Gallego
Marcin Pawłowski
+ PDF Chat Relating Quantum Privacy and Quantum Coherence: An Operational Approach 2004 Igor Devetak
Andreas Winter
+ PDF Chat Entanglement-Assisted Classical Capacity of Noisy Quantum Channels 1999 Charles H. Bennett
Peter W. Shor
John A. Smolin
Ashish V. Thapliyal
+ PDF Chat Entanglement Cost under Positive-Partial-Transpose-Preserving Operations 2003 Katrien Audenaert
Martin B. Plenio
Jens Eisert
+ PDF Chat Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Constant Error Rate 2008 Dorit Aharonov
Michael Ben-Or
+ PDF Chat Tsirelson bounds for generalized Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequalities 2006 Stephanie Wehner
+ PDF Chat Quantum computation and decision trees 1998 Edward Farhi
Sam Gutmann
+ PDF Chat Binegativity and geometry of entangled states in two qubits 2004 Satoshi Ishizaka
+ PDF Chat A comparison of the entanglement measures negativity and concurrence 2001 Frank Verstraete
Koenraad M. R. Audenaert
Jeroen Dehaene
Bart De Moor
+ PDF Chat General properties of nonsignaling theories 2006 Lluís Masanes
Antonio Acín
Nicolas Gisin
+ PDF Chat Interconversion of nonlocal correlations 2005 Nick S. Jones
Lluís Masanes
+ PDF Chat Nonlocality and communication complexity 2010 Harry Buhrman
Richard Cleve
Serge Massar
Ronald de Wolf
+ PDF Chat Demonstrating the viability of universal quantum computation using teleportation and single-qubit operations 1999 Daniel Gottesman
Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat The Uncertainty Principle Determines the Nonlocality of Quantum Mechanics 2010 Jonathan Oppenheim
Stephanie Wehner
+ PDF Chat Fault-tolerant quantum computation by anyons 2003 Alexei Kitaev
+ PDF Chat Experimental quantum teleportation 1997 Dik Bouwmeester
Jian-Wei Pan
Klaus Mattle
Manfred Eibl
Harald Weinfurter
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Distinguishing Separable and Entangled States 2002 Andrew C. Doherty
Pablo A. Parrilo
Federico M. Spedalieri
+ PDF Chat Complementary Classical Fidelities as an Efficient Criterion for the Evaluation of Experimentally Realized Quantum Operations 2005 Holger F. Hofmann
+ PDF Chat Linear optical quantum computing with photonic qubits 2007 Pieter Kok
William J. Munro
Kae Nemoto
Timothy C. Ralph
Jonathan P. Dowling
G. J. Milburn
+ PDF Chat Quantification of Entanglement by Means of Convergent Iterations 2003 J. Řeháček
Z. Hradil
+ PDF Chat Information flow of quantum states interacting with closed timelike curves 2010 Timothy C. Ralph
Casey R. Myers
+ PDF Chat Mixed-State Entanglement and Distillation: Is there a “Bound” Entanglement in Nature? 1998 Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Superadditivity of communication capacity using entangled inputs 2009 M. B. Hastings
+ PDF Chat A fault-tolerant one-way quantum computer 2006 Robert Raussendorf
Jim Harrington
Kovid Goyal