Hannah Larson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Global Brill–Noether theory over the Hurwitz space 2025 Eric Larson
Hannah Larson
Isabel Vogt
+ PDF Chat The motivic structures $\mathsf{LS}_{12}$ and $\mathsf{S}_{16}$ in the cohomology of moduli spaces of curves 2024 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
Sam Payne
Thomas Willwacher
+ PDF Chat Complex Bott Periodicity in algebraic geometry 2024 Hannah Larson
Ravi Vakil
+ On the Chow and cohomology rings of moduli spaces of stable curves 2024 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat Moduli spaces of curves with polynomial point counts 2024 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
Sam Payne
Thomas Willwacher
+ PDF Chat Brill--Noether theory of smooth curves in the plane and on Hirzebruch surfaces 2024 Hannah Larson
Sameera Vemulapalli
+ PDF Chat The Chow ring of the universal Picard stack over the hyperelliptic locus 2024 Hannah Larson
+ The Bielliptic Locus in Genus 11 2024 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ Extensions of tautological rings and motivic structures in the cohomology of ${\overline {\mathcal {M}}}_{g,n}$ 2024 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
Sam Payne
+ The Chow rings of the moduli spaces of curves of genus 7, 8, and 9 2023 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat The rational Chow rings of moduli spaces of hyperelliptic curves with marked points 2023 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat The integral Picard groups of low-degree Hurwitz spaces 2023 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat Tautological classes on low-degree Hurwitz spaces 2023 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ The embedding theorem in Hurwitz-Brill-Noether Theory 2023 Kaelin Cook-Powell
David Jensen
Eric B. Larson
Hannah Larson
Isabel Vogt
+ PDF Chat The eleventh cohomology group of 2023 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
Sam Payne
+ Extensions of tautological rings and motivic structures in the cohomology of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ 2023 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
Sam Payne
+ Maximal Brill--Noether loci via the gonality stratification 2023 Asher Auel
Richard Haburcak
Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat On an Equivalence of Divisors on $\overline {\text {M}}_{0,n}$ from Gromov-Witten Theory and Conformal Blocks 2022 L. Chen
Angela Gibney
Lauren Cranton Heller
Elana Kalashnikov
Hannah Larson
Weihong Xu
+ PDF Chat Chow rings of low-degree Hurwitz spaces 2022 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ The intersection theory of the moduli stack of vector bundles on 2022 Hannah Larson
+ The rational Chow rings of moduli spaces of hyperelliptic curves with marked points 2022 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ On the Chow and cohomology rings of moduli spaces of stable curves 2022 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ The bielliptic locus in genus 11 2022 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ The eleventh cohomology group of $\bar{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ 2022 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
Sam Payne
+ PDF Chat Refined Brill–Noether theory for all trigonal curves 2021 Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat An enriched count of the bitangents to a smooth plane quartic curve 2021 Hannah Larson
Isabel Vogt
+ Intersection theory on low-degree Hurwitz spaces 2021 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat Universal degeneracy classes for vector bundles on <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> bundles 2021 Hannah Larson
+ The intersection theory of the moduli stack of vector bundles on $\mathbb{P}^1$ 2021 Hannah Larson
+ On an equivalence of divisors on $\bar{M}_{0,n}$ from Gromov-Witten theory and conformal blocks 2021 Linda Chen
Angela Gibney
Lauren Cranton Heller
Elana Kalashnikov
Hannah Larson
Weihong Xu
+ The integral Picard groups of low-degree Hurwitz spaces 2021 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ Chow rings of low-degree Hurwitz spaces 2021 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ The Chow rings of the moduli spaces of curves of genus 7, 8, and 9 2021 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ Tautological classes on low-degree Hurwitz spaces 2021 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat A refined Brill–Noether theory over Hurwitz spaces 2020 Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat Normal Bundles of Lines on Hypersurfaces 2020 Hannah Larson
+ Refined Brill-Noether theory for all trigonal curves 2020 Hannah Larson
+ Global Brill--Noether Theory over the Hurwitz Space 2020 Eric Larson
Hannah Larson
Isabel Vogt
+ Refined Brill-Noether theory for all trigonal curves 2020 Hannah Larson
+ An enriched count of the bitangents to a smooth plane quartic curve 2019 Hannah Larson
Isabel Vogt
+ A refined Brill-Noether theory over Hurwitz spaces 2019 Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat Correction to: Hyperbolicity of the partition Jensen polynomials 2019 Hannah Larson
Ian Wagner
+ Hyperbolicity of the partition Jensen polynomials 2019 Hannah Larson
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolicity of the partition Jensen polynomials 2019 Hannah Larson
Ian Wagner
+ Universal degeneracy classes for vector bundles on $\mathbb{P}^1$ bundles 2019 Hannah Larson
+ An enriched count of the bitangents to a smooth plane quartic curve 2019 Hannah Larson
Isabel Vogt
+ A refined Brill-Noether theory over Hurwitz spaces 2019 Hannah Larson
+ Hyperbolicity of the partition Jensen polynomials 2019 Hannah Larson
Ian Wagner
+ PDF Chat Shifted Distinct-part Partition Identities in Arithmetic Progressions 2017 Ethan Alwaise
Robert Dicks
Jason Friedman
Lianyan Gu
Zach Harner
Hannah Larson
Madeline Locus
Ian Wagner
Josh Weinstock
+ Normal bundles of lines on hypersurfaces 2017 Hannah Larson
+ Normal bundles of lines on hypersurfaces 2017 Hannah Larson
+ Coefficients of McKay-Thompson series and distributions of the moonshine module 2016 Hannah Larson
+ Modular units from quotients of Rogers-Ramanujan type đť‘ž-series 2016 Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat Proof of conjecture regarding the level of Rose’s generalized sum-of-divisor functions 2015 Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat Andrews-Gordon style identities 2015 Hannah Larson
+ Coefficients of McKay-Thompson series and distributions of the moonshine module 2015 Hannah Larson
+ Shifted distinct-part partition identities in arithmetic progressions 2015 Ethan Alwaise
Robert Dicks
Jason Friedman
Lianyan Gu
Zach Harner
Hannah Larson
Madeline Locus
Ian Wagner
Josh Weinstock
+ Proof of conjecture regarding the level of Rose's generalized sum-of-divisor functions 2015 Hannah Larson
+ Modular units from quotients of Rogers-Ramanujan type $q$-series 2015 Hannah Larson
+ Generalized Andrews-Gordon Identities 2015 Hannah Larson
+ Generalized Andrews-Gordon Identities 2015 Hannah Larson
+ Proof of conjecture regarding the level of Rose's generalized sum-of-divisor functions 2015 Hannah Larson
+ Coefficients of McKay-Thompson series and distributions of the moonshine module 2015 Hannah Larson
+ Modular units from quotients of Rogers-Ramanujan type $q$-series 2015 Hannah Larson
+ Shifted distinct-part partition identities in arithmetic progressions 2015 Ethan Alwaise
Robert Dicks
Jason Friedman
Lianyan Gu
Zach Harner
Hannah Larson
Madeline Locus
Ian Wagner
Josh Weinstock
+ PDF Chat Traces of singular values of Hauptmoduln 2014 Lea Beneish
Hannah Larson
+ Traces of singular values of Hauptmoduln 2014 Lea Beneish
Hannah Larson
+ Pseudo-unitary non-self-dual fusion categories of rank 4 2014 Hannah Larson
+ Congruence properties of Taylor coefficients of modular forms 2014 Hannah Larson
Geoffrey Smith
+ PDF Chat Congruence properties of Taylor coefficients of modular forms 2014 Hannah Larson
Geoffrey Smith
+ Pseudo-unitary non-self-dual fusion categories of rank 4 2014 Hannah Larson
+ Classification of some fusion categories of rank 4 2014 Hannah Larson
+ Pseudo-unitary non-self-dual fusion categories of rank 4 2014 Hannah Larson
+ Congruence properties of Taylor coefficients of modular forms 2014 Hannah Larson
Geoffrey Smith
+ Traces of singular values of Hauptmoduln 2014 Lea Beneish
Hannah Larson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Universal degeneracy classes for vector bundles on <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">P</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> bundles 2021 Hannah Larson
+ PDF Chat On the connectedness of degeneracy loci and special divisors 1981 William Fulton
Robert Lazarsfeld
+ Brill–Noether varieties of k-gonal curves 2017 Nathan Pflueger
+ PDF Chat Chow rings of low-degree Hurwitz spaces 2022 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ The Chow ring of the moduli space of curves of genus six 2015 Nikola Penev
Ravi Vakil
+ PDF Chat Towards an Enumerative Geometry of the Moduli Space of Curves 1983 David Mumford
+ PDF Chat Stacks of trigonal curves 2012 Michele Bolognesi
Angelo Vistoli
+ On the varieties of special divisors 2002 Marc Coppens
Gerriet Martens
+ PDF Chat A characterization of bielliptic curves and applications to their moduli spaces 2002 Gianfranco Casnati
Andrea Del Centina
+ PDF Chat Relative Beilinson monad and direct image for families of coherent sheaves 2008 David Eisenbud
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ Stable curves and special divisors: Petri's conjecture 1982 D. Gieseker
+ Linear series on a general k-gonal curve 1999 Marc Coppens
Gerriet Martens
+ Covers of algebraic varieties II. Covers of degree 5 and construction of surfaces 1996 Gianfranco Casnati
+ Brill-Noether theory for curves of a fixed gonality 2017 David Jensen
Dhruv Ranganathan
+ Triple Covers in Algebraic Geometry 1985 Rick Miranda
+ PDF Chat The Picard rank conjecture for the Hurwitz spaces of degree up to five 2015 Anand Deopurkar
Anand Patel
+ Equivariant intersection theory 1998 Dan Edidin
William Graham
+ On the variety of special linear systems on a general algebraic curve 1980 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ PDF Chat Normal bundles of rational curves in projective space 2017 Ä°zzet CoĹźkun
Eric Riedl
+ 3264 and All That 2016 David Eisenbud
Joe Harris
+ Covers of algebraic varieties I. A general structure theorem, covers of degree 3,4 and Enriques' surfaces 1996 Gianfranco Casnati
Torsten Ekedahl
+ PDF Chat Nontautological bielliptic cycles 2018 Jason van Zelm
+ Chow groups of quotient varieties 1987 Angelo Vistoli
+ Syzygies of canonical curves and special linear series 1986 Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ Stability of the Homology of the Mapping Class Groups of Orientable Surfaces 1985 John Harer
+ Bounded Littlewood identities 2015 Eric M. Rains
S. Ole Warnaar
+ PDF Chat Tautological classes on low-degree Hurwitz spaces 2023 Samir Canning
Hannah Larson
+ The Chow Ring of the Moduli Space of Curves of Genus 5 1995 Elham Izadi
+ The Hurwitz space Picard rank conjecture for $d>g-1$ 2020 Scott Mullane
+ PDF Chat admcycles - a Sage package for calculations in the tautological ring of the moduli space of stable curves 2021 Vincent Delecroix
Johannes Schmitt
Jason van Zelm
+ Irreducible components of Hilbert schemes of rational curves with given normal bundle 2017 Alberto Alzati
Riccardo Re
+ Chern numbers of kernel and cokernel bundles 1984 Joseph Harris
Loring W. Tu
+ PDF Chat Relative maps and tautological classes 2005 Carel Faber
Rahul Pandharipande
+ 3264 and All That 2016 David Eisenbud
Joseph D. Harris
+ On the Existence of Special Divisors 1972 Steven L. Kleiman
Dan Laksov
+ Chow Rings of Moduli Spaces of Curves II: Some Results on the Chow Ring of â„ł 4 1990 Carel Faber
+ PDF Chat On the Kodaira dimension of the moduli space of curves 1982 Joe Harris
David Mumford
+ PDF Chat Higher composition laws II: On cubic analogues of Gauss composition 2004 Manjul Bhargava
+ PDF Chat A framework of Rogers–Ramanujan identities and their arithmetic properties 2016 Michael Griffin
Ken Ono
S. Ole Warnaar
+ On the variety of smooth rational space curves with given degree and normal bundle 1982 David Eisenbud
A. Van de Ven
+ PDF Chat Geometry of Algebraic Curves 1985 Enrico Arbarello
Maurizio Cornalba
P. A. Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ PDF Chat Normal Bundles of Rational Curves in Projective Spaces 2007 Ziv Ran
+ On the normal bundles of smooth rational space curves 1981 David Eisenbud
A. Van de Ven
+ Limit linear series: Basic theory 1986 David Eisenbud
Joe Harris
+ The Web of Modularity: Arithmetic of the Coefficients of Modular Forms and đť‘ž-series 2003 Ken Ono
+ PDF Chat On the varieties parametrizing rational space curves with fixed normal bundle 1982 Gianni Sacchiero
+ PDF Chat Improved homological stability for the mapping class group with integral or twisted coefficients 2010 Søren Kjærgaard Boldsen
+ A refined Brill-Noether theory over Hurwitz spaces 2019 Hannah Larson
+ Geometric Invariant Theory 1994 David Mumford
John E. Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Felix Klein's paper on real flexes vindicated 1998 Felice Ronga