Xing Peng


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Tur\'an numbers of cycles plus a general graph 2024 Chunyang Dou
Fu-Tao Hu
Xing Peng
+ PDF Chat The number of edges in graphs with bounded clique number and circumference 2024 Chunyang Dou
Bo Ning
Xing Peng
+ Turán number of the odd‐ballooning of complete bipartite graphs 2024 Xing Peng
Mengjie Xia
+ Turán Number of Nonbipartite Graphs and the Product Conjecture 2023 Xing Peng
Ge Song
Long‐Tu Yuan
+ The Fractional Chromatic Number of \(\boldsymbol{K_{\Delta }}\)-Free Graphs 2023 Xiaolan Hu
Xing Peng
+ PDF Chat Anti-Ramsey Number of Matchings in 3-Uniform Hypergraphs 2023 Mingyang Guo
Hongliang Lu
Xing Peng
+ Anti-Ramsey number of matchings in $3$-uniform hypergraphs 2023 Mingyang Guo
Hongliang Lu
Xing Peng
+ Turán number of the odd-ballooning of complete bipartite graphs 2023 Xing Peng
Mengjie Xia
+ PDF Chat Ramsey numbers of the quadrilateral versus books 2022 Tianyu Li
Qizhong Lin
Xing Peng
+ PDF Chat Large Book-Cycle Ramsey Numbers 2021 Qizhong Lin
Xing Peng
+ The fractional chromatic number of $K_Δ$-free graphs 2021 Xiaolan Hu
Xing Peng
+ Maximizing the number of cliques in graphs with given matching number 2020 Xiuzhuan Duan
Bo Ning
Xing Peng
Jian Wang
Weihua Yang
+ PDF Chat Extensions of the Erdős–Gallai theorem and Luo’s theorem 2019 Bo Ning
Xing Peng
+ Large book--cycle Ramsey numbers 2019 Qizhong Lin
Xing Peng
+ The Randić index and signless Laplacian spectral radius of graphs 2018 Bo Ning
Xing Peng
+ PDF Chat Extremal problems on the Hamiltonicity of claw-free graphs 2018 Binlong Li
Bo Ning
Xing Peng
+ PDF Chat Signless Laplacian spectral radius and Hamiltonicity of graphs with large minimum degree 2017 Yawen Li
Yao Liu
Xing Peng
+ On the decomposition of random hypergraphs 2017 Xing Peng
+ A path Turán problem for infinite graphs 2016 Xing Peng
Craig Timmons
+ Extreme values of the stationary distribution of random walks on directed graphs 2016 Sinan G. Aksoy
Fan Chung
Xing Peng
+ Extreme values of the stationary distribution of random walks on directed graphs 2016 Sinan G. Aksoy
Fan Chung
Xing Peng
+ PDF Chat Decomposition of Random Graphs into Complete Bipartite Graphs 2016 Fan Chung
Xing Peng
+ The Ramsey number of generalized loose paths in hypergraphs 2015 Xing Peng
+ PDF Chat On the Chromatic Number of the Erdős-Rényi Orthogonal Polarity Graph 2015 Xing Peng
Michael Tait
Craig Timmons
+ Spectral conditions for Hamiltonicity of claw-free graphs 2015 Binlong Li
Bo Ning
Xing Peng
+ On the decomposition of random hypergraphs 2015 Xing Peng
+ A path Turan problem for infinite graphs 2015 Xing Peng
Craig Timmons
+ Bounds for generalized Sidon sets 2014 Xing Peng
Rafael Tesoro
Craig Timmons
+ On the chromatic number of the Erdős-Rényi orthogonal polarity graph 2014 Xing Peng
Mike Tait
Craig Timmons
+ Decomposition of random graphs into complete bipartite graphs 2014 Fan Chung
Xing Peng
+ Infinite Turán Problems for Bipartite Graphs 2014 Xing Peng
Craig Timmons
+ High-order Phase Transition in Random Hypergrpahs 2014 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ On the chromatic number of the Erdős-Rényi orthogonal polarity graph 2014 Xing Peng
Mike Tait
Craig Timmons
+ PDF Chat Spectra of Edge-Independent Random Graphs 2013 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ Infinite Tur\'an problems for bipartite graphs 2013 Xing Peng
Craig Timmons
+ The Ramsey number of generalized loose paths in uniform Hypergrpahs 2013 Xing Peng
+ Bounds for generalized Sidon sets 2013 Xing Peng
Rafael Tesoro
Craig Timmons
+ PDF Chat High-Order Random Walks and Generalized Laplacians on Hypergraphs 2013 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ Infinite Turán problems for bipartite graphs 2013 Xing Peng
Craig Timmons
+ The fractional chromatic number of triangle-free graphs with <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si34.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>Δ</mml:mi><mml:mo>≤</mml:mo><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:math> 2012 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ PDF Chat Loose laplacian spectra of random hypergraphs 2012 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ Monochromatic 4-term arithmetic progressions in 2-colorings of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math> 2012 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ Fractional Chromatic Numbers and Spectra of Graphs 2012 Xing Peng
+ PDF Chat A Fractional Analogue of Brooks' Theorem 2012 Andrew D. King
Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ Spectra of edge-independent random graphs 2012 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ PDF Chat On Meyniel's conjecture of the cop number 2011 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ Monochromatic 4-term arithmetic progressions in 2-colorings of $\mathbb Z_n$ 2011 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ PDF Chat High-Ordered Random Walks and Generalized Laplacians on Hypergraphs 2011 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ A Fractional Analogue of Brooks' Theorem 2011 Andrew D. King
Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ High-ordered Random Walks and Generalized Laplacians on Hypergraphs 2011 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ Loose Laplacian spectra of random hypergraphs 2011 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ The Fractional Chromatic Number of Triangle-free Graphs with $\Delta\leq 3$ 2010 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ The Fractional Chromatic Number of Triangle-free Graphs with $Δ\leq 3$ 2010 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ Cayley digraphs and lexicographic product 2007 Xing Peng
Dianjun Wang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Note on an Inequality Involving the Normal Distribution 1981 Herman Chernoff
+ Spectral Graph Theory 1996 Fan Chung
+ PDF Chat Laplacians and the Cheeger Inequality for Directed Graphs 2005 Fan Chung
+ PDF Chat A new proof of the independence ratio of triangle-free cubic graphs 2001 Christopher Heckman
Robin Thomas
+ The Fractional Chromatic Number of Graphs of Maximum Degree at Most Three 2009 Hamed Hatami
Xuding Zhu
+ PDF Chat An Upper Bound on the Diameter of a Graph from Eigenvalues Associated with Its Laplacian 1994 Fan Chung
Vance Faber
Thomas A. Manteuffel
+ PDF Chat Diameters and eigenvalues 1989 Fan Chung
+ On an upper bound of a graph's chromatic number, depending on the graph's degree and density 1977 O. V. Borodin
Alexandr Kostochka
+ On maximal paths and circuits of graphs 1959 P. Erdős
Т. Галлаи
+ PDF Chat On Graphs that do not Contain a Thomsen Graph 1966 William G. Brown
+ PDF Chat The Diameter and Laplacian Eigenvalues of Directed Graphs 2006 Fan Chung
+ Laplacian eigenvalues and partition problems in hypergraphs 2008 J.A. Rodrı́guez
+ PDF Chat On the Spectra of General Random Graphs 2011 Fan Chung
Mary Radcliffe
+ Norm-graphs and bipartite tur�n numbers 1996 J�nos Koll�r
Lajos R�nyai
Tibor Szab�
+ A new proof of a theorem of Graham and Pollak 1984 G. W. Peck
+ Algebraic Graph Theory 2009 Chris Godsil
Gordon Royle
+ Eigenvalues of Random Power law Graphs 2003 Fan Chung
Linyuan Lü
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Spectral distributions of adjacency and Laplacian matrices of random graphs 2010 Xue Ding
Tiefeng Jiang
+ The eigenvalues of random symmetric matrices 1981 Zoltán Füredi
János Komlós
+ PDF Chat Some Ramsey-type numbers and the independence ratio 1979 William Staton
+ On the second eigenvalue and random walks in randomd-regular graphs 1991 Joel Friedman
+ PDF Chat A Fractional Analogue of Brooks' Theorem 2012 Andrew D. King
Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ On the Laplacian Eigenvalues of G<sub><i>n,p</i></sub> 2007 Amin Coja‐Oghlan
+ A polynomial space proof of the Graham–Pollak theorem 2007 Sundar Vishwanathan
+ Bipartite decomposition of random graphs 2015 Noga Alon
+ On the decomposition of <i>k</i><sub><i>n</i></sub> into complete bipartite graphs 1982 Helge Tverberg
+ Fractional graph theory 1978 Claude Berge
+ A proof of Alon’s second eigenvalue conjecture and related problems 2008 Joel Friedman
+ Edge density and independence ratio in triangle-free graphs with maximum degree three 1996 Jerrold R. Griggs
Owen Murphy
+ PDF Chat Spectra of random graphs with given expected degrees 2003 Fan Chung
Linyuan Lü
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat The Spectral Gap of Random Graphs with Given Expected Degrees 2009 Amin Coja‐Oghlan
André Lanka
+ Spectral techniques applied to sparse random graphs 2005 Uriel Feige
E. O. Ofek
+ A counting proof of the Graham–Pollak Theorem 2013 Sundar Vishwanathan
+ PDF Chat The Largest Eigenvalue of Sparse Random Graphs 2003 Michael Krivelevich
Benny Sudakov
+ On the second eigenvalue of random regular graphs 1989 Joel Friedman
J. Kahn
Endre Szemerédi
+ PDF Chat Weighted sums of certain dependent random variables 1967 Kazuoki Azuma
+ On ramsey numbers for books 1978 C. C. Rousseau
J. Sheehan
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues and expanders 1986 Ilan Alon
+ Degrees and matchings 1976 Vašek Chvátal
D. L. Hanson
+ PDF Chat On three conjectures involving the signless Laplacian spectral radius of graphs 2009 Lihua Feng
Guihai Yu
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the theory of graphs 1947 P. Erdős
+ PDF Chat Spectral analogues of Erdős’ and Moon–Moser’s theorems on Hamilton cycles 2016 Binlong Li
Bo Ning
+ Ramsey numbers of long cycles versus books or wheels 2009 Lingsheng Shi
+ Concentration of the adjacency matrix and of the Laplacian in random graphs with independent edges 2009 Roberto I. Oliveira
+ The fractional chromatic number of triangle-free graphs with <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si34.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>Δ</mml:mi><mml:mo>≤</mml:mo><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:math> 2012 Linyuan Lü
Xing Peng
+ On the Number of Edges of Quadrilateral-Free Graphs 1996 Zoltán Füredi
+ Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of non-regular graphs 2005 Xiao‐Dong Zhang
+ A Strengthening of Brooks' Theorem 1999 Bruce Reed
+ Lower bounds of tower type for Szemerédi's uniformity lemma 1997 W. T. Gowers
+ Small Ramsey Numbers 2011 Stanisław Radziszowski