Horia Mania


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Model Predictive Control via On-Policy Imitation Learning 2022 Kwangjun Ahn
Zakaria Mhammedi
Horia Mania
Zhang-Wei Hong
Ali Jadbabaie
+ Bandit Learning in Decentralized Matching Markets 2021 Lydia T. Liu
Feng Ruan
Horia Mania
Michael I. Jordan
+ Time varying regression with hidden linear dynamics 2021 Ali Jadbabaie
Horia Mania
Devavrat Shah
Suvrit Sra
+ Active Learning for Nonlinear System Identification with Guarantees. 2020 Horia Mania
Michael I. Jordan
Benjamin Recht
+ Bandit Learning in Decentralized Matching Markets 2020 Lydia T. Liu
Feng Ruan
Horia Mania
Michael I. Jordan
+ Why do classifier accuracies show linear trends under distribution shift? 2020 Horia Mania
Suvrit Sra
+ Active Learning for Nonlinear System Identification with Guarantees 2020 Horia Mania
Michael I. Jordan
Benjamin Recht
+ PDF Chat On the Sample Complexity of the Linear Quadratic Regulator 2019 Sarah Dean
Horia Mania
Nikolai Matni
Benjamin Recht
Stephen Tu
+ Competing Bandits in Matching Markets 2019 Lydia T. Liu
Horia Mania
Michael I. Jordan
+ Model Similarity Mitigates Test Set Overuse 2019 Horia Mania
J. J. Miller
Ludwig Schmidt
Moritz Hardt
Benjamin Recht
+ Certainty Equivalent Control of LQR is Efficient. 2019 Horia Mania
Stephen Tu
Benjamin Recht
+ Certainty Equivalence is Efficient for Linear Quadratic Control 2019 Horia Mania
Stephen Tu
Benjamin Recht
+ Model Similarity Mitigates Test Set Overuse 2019 Horia Mania
J. J. Miller
Ludwig Schmidt
Moritz Hardt
Benjamin Recht
+ Competing Bandits in Matching Markets 2019 Lydia T. Liu
Horia Mania
Michael I. Jordan
+ Model Similarity Mitigates Test Set Overuse 2019 Horia Mania
John Miller
Ludwig Schmidt
Moritz Hardt
Benjamin Recht
+ Regret Bounds for Robust Adaptive Control of the Linear Quadratic Regulator 2018 Sarah Dean
Horia Mania
Nikolai Matni
Benjamin Recht
Stephen Tu
+ Simple random search provides a competitive approach to reinforcement learning 2018 Horia Mania
Aurelia Guy
Benjamin Recht
+ Learning Without Mixing: Towards A Sharp Analysis of Linear System Identification 2018 Max Simchowitz
Horia Mania
Stephen Tu
Michael I. Jordan
Benjamin Recht
+ On kernel methods for covariates that are rankings 2018 Horia Mania
Aaditya Ramdas
Martin J. Wainwright
Michael I. Jordan
Benjamin Recht
+ Learning Without Mixing: Towards A Sharp Analysis of Linear System Identification 2018 Max Simchowitz
Horia Mania
Stephen Tu
Michael I. Jordan
Benjamin Recht
+ Regret Bounds for Robust Adaptive Control of the Linear Quadratic Regulator 2018 Sarah Dean
Horia Mania
Nikolai Matni
Benjamin Recht
Stephen Tu
+ Simple random search provides a competitive approach to reinforcement learning 2018 Horia Mania
Aurelia Guy
Benjamin Recht
+ On the Sample Complexity of the Linear Quadratic Regulator 2017 Sarah Dean
Horia Mania
Nikolai Matni
Benjamin Recht
Stephen Tu
+ PDF Chat Perturbed Iterate Analysis for Asynchronous Stochastic Optimization 2017 Horia Mania
Xinghao Pan
Dimitris Papailiopoulos
Benjamin Recht
Kannan Ramchandran
Michael I. Jordan
+ Universality of Mallows' and degeneracy of Kendall's kernels for rankings. 2016 Horia Mania
Aaditya Ramdas
Martin J. Wainwright
Michael I. Jordan
Benjamin Recht
+ On kernel methods for covariates that are rankings 2016 Horia Mania
Aaditya Ramdas
Martin J. Wainwright
Michael I. Jordan
Benjamin Recht
+ On paths, stars and wyes in trees 2016 Sébastien Bubeck
Katherine Edwards
Horia Mania
Cathryn Supko
+ On kernel methods for covariates that are rankings 2016 Horia Mania
Aaditya Ramdas
Martin J. Wainwright
Michael I. Jordan
Benjamin Recht
+ On paths, stars and wyes in trees 2016 Sébastien Bubeck
Katherine Edwards
Horia Mania
Cathryn Supko
+ Perturbed Iterate Analysis for Asynchronous Stochastic Optimization 2015 Horia Mania
Xinghao Pan
Dimitris Papailiopoulos
Benjamin Recht
Kannan Ramchandran
Michael I. Jordan
+ Perturbed Iterate Analysis for Asynchronous Stochastic Optimization 2015 Horia Mania
Xinghao Pan
Dimitris Papailiopoulos
Benjamin Recht
Kannan Ramchandran
Michael I. Jordan
+ Wilmes' Conjecture and Boundary Divisors 2012 Horia Mania
+ Wilmes' Conjecture and Boundary Divisors 2012 Horia Mania
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Learning Linear Dynamical Systems via Spectral Filtering 2017 Elad Hazan
Karan Singh
Cyril Zhang
+ Spectral Filtering for General Linear Dynamical Systems 2018 Elad Hazan
Holden Lee
Karan Singh
Cyril Zhang
Yi Zhang
+ Non-Asymptotic Analysis of Robust Control from Coarse-Grained Identification 2017 Stephen Tu
Ross Boczar
Andrew Packard
Benjamin Recht
+ Gradient Descent Learns Linear Dynamical Systems 2018 Moritz Hardt
Tengyu Ma
Benjamin Recht
+ Benchmarking Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control 2016 Yan Duan
Xi Chen
Rein Houthooft
John Schulman
Pieter Abbeel
+ Introduction to the non-asymptotic analysis of random matrices 2010 Roman Vershynin
+ Theory of Convex Optimization for Machine Learning. 2014 Sébastien Bubeck
+ Multi-Player Bandits -- a Musical Chairs Approach 2015 Jonathan Rosenski
Ohad Shamir
Liran Szlak
+ PDF Chat ARock: An Algorithmic Framework for Asynchronous Parallel Coordinate Updates 2016 Zhimin Peng
Yangyang Xu
Ming Yan
Wotao Yin
+ Distributed Multi-Player Bandits - a Game of Thrones Approach 2018 Ilai Bistritz
Amir Leshem
+ Group representations in probability and statistics 1988 Persi Diaconis
+ PDF Chat Distributed Algorithms for Learning and Cognitive Medium Access with Logarithmic Regret 2011 Animashree Anandkumar
Nithin Michael
Ao Tang
Ananthram Swami
+ On Variance Reduction in Stochastic Gradient Descent and its Asynchronous Variants 2015 Sashank J. Reddi
Ahmed Hefny
Suvrit Sra
Barnabás Póczos
Alex Smola
+ An Asynchronous Parallel Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm 2014 Ji Liu
Stephen J. Wright
Srikrishna Sridhar
+ Multiplayer bandits without observing collision information 2018 Gábor Lugosi
Abbas Mehrabian
+ PDF Chat Randomized Smoothing for Stochastic Optimization 2012 John C. Duchi
Peter L. Bartlett
Martin J. Wainwright
+ YALMIP : a toolbox for modeling and optimization in MATLAB 2005 Johan Löfberg
+ PDF Chat Revisiting Asynchronous Linear Solvers: Provable Convergence Rate through Randomization 2014 Haim Avron
Alex Druinsky
Anshul Gupta
+ On the Sample Complexity of the Linear Quadratic Regulator 2017 Sarah Dean
Horia Mania
Nikolai Matni
Benjamin Recht
Stephen Tu
+ PDF Chat Finite time identification in unstable linear systems 2018 Mohamad Kazem Shirani Faradonbeh
Ambuj Tewari
George Michailidis
+ Factoring nonnegative matrices with linear programs 2012 Victor Bittorf
Benjamin Recht
Christopher Ré
Joel A. Tropp
+ Distributed Delayed Stochastic Optimization 2011 Alekh Agarwal
John C. Duchi
+ Contextual Decision Processes with Low Bellman Rank are PAC-Learnable 2016 Nan Jiang
Akshay Krishnamurthy
Alekh Agarwal
John Langford
Robert E. Schapire
+ Learning Without Mixing: Towards A Sharp Analysis of Linear System Identification 2018 Max Simchowitz
Horia Mania
Stephen Tu
Michael I. Jordan
Benjamin Recht
+ Cold Case: The Lost MNIST Digits 2019 Chhavi Yadav
Léon Bottou
+ PDF Chat Non-asymptotic Identification of LTI Systems from a Single Trajectory 2019 Samet Oymak
Necmiye Özay
+ PDF Chat Regret Analysis of Stochastic and Nonstochastic Multi-armed Bandit Problems 2012 Sébastien Bubeck
Nicolò Cesa‐Bianchi
+ PDF Chat A formula for computation of the real stability radius 1995 Li Qiu
Bo Bernhardsson
Anders Rantzer
E.J. Davison
Peter M. Young
John C. Doyle
+ PDF Chat A two-sample test for high-dimensional data with applications to gene-set testing 2010 Song Xi Chen
Yingli Qin
+ Taming the Wild: A Unified Analysis of Hogwild!-Style Algorithms 2015 Christopher De
Ce Zhang
Kunle Olukotun
Christopher Ré
+ Parallelized Stochastic Gradient Descent 2010 Martin Zinkevich
Markus Weimer
Lihong Li
Alex Smola
+ PDF Chat Asynchronous Stochastic Coordinate Descent: Parallelism and Convergence Properties 2015 Ji Liu
Stephen J. Wright
+ Computational complexity of µ calculation 1993 Richard D. Braatz
Peter M. Young
John C. Doyle
Manfred Morari
+ PDF Chat Stochastic gradient descent, weighted sampling, and the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm 2015 Deanna Needell
Nathan Srebro
Rachel Ward
+ PDF Chat Nonasymptotic bounds for autoregressive time series modeling 2001 Alexander Goldenshluger
Assaf Zeevi
+ Asynchronous Parallel Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe 2014 Yuxiang Wang
Veeranjaneyulu Sadhanala
Wei Dai
Willie Neiswanger
Suvrit Sra
Eric P. Xing
+ Gradient Descent Learns Linear Dynamical Systems 2016 Moritz Hardt
Tengyu Ma
Benjamin Recht
+ Analysis of feedback systems with structured uncertainties 1982 John C. Doyle
+ Online Least Squares Estimation with Self-Normalized Processes: An Application to Bandit Problems 2011 Yasin Abbasi-Yadkori
Dávid Pál
Csaba Szepesvári
+ Integral Probability Metrics and Their Generating Classes of Functions 1997 Alfred Müller
+ Thompson Sampling for Linear-Quadratic Control Problems 2017 Marc Abeille
Alessandro Lazaric
+ Nonparametric estimation of transfer functions: rates of convergence and adaptation 1998 Alexander Goldenshluger
+ Competing bandits: Learning under competition 2017 Yishay Mansour
Aleksandrs Slivkins
Zhiwei Steven Wu
+ Global Convergence of Policy Gradient Methods for the Linear Quadratic Regulator 2018 Maryam Fazel
Rong Ge
Sham M. Kakade
Mehran Mesbahi
+ PDF Chat Distributed Learning in Multi-Armed Bandit With Multiple Players 2010 Keqin Liu
Qing Zhao
+ HOGWILD!: A Lock-Free Approach to Parallelizing Stochastic Gradient Descent 2011 Feng Niu
Benjamin Recht
Christopher Ré
Stephen J. Wright
+ PDF Chat Linearly Parameterized Bandits 2010 Paat Rusmevichientong
John N. Tsitsiklis
+ PDF Chat Decentralized Learning for Multiplayer Multiarmed Bandits 2014 Dileep Kalathil
Naumaan Nayyar
Rahul Jain
+ Evacuation of standard Young tableaux and divisors on metric graphs 2012 Rohit Agrawal
Vladimir Sotirov
Fan Wei