Mizan R. Khan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Interior Hulls of Clean Lattice Parallelograms and Continued Fractions 2024 Gabriel Khan
Mizan R. Khan
Riaz R. Khan
Peng Zhao
+ Counting Clean Triangles 2022 Mizan R. Khan
Riaz R. Khan
+ PDF Chat A Conjectural Inequality for Visible Points in Lattice Parallelograms 2021 Gabriel Khan
Mizan R. Khan
Joydip Saha
Peng Zhao
+ To count clean triangles we count on $imph(n)$ 2020 Mizan R. Khan
Riaz R. Khan
+ A Conjectural Inequality for Visible Points in Lattice Parallelograms 2019 Gabriel Khan
Mizan R. Khan
Joydip Saha
Peng Zhao
+ White’s Theorem 2017 Mizan R. Khan
Karen Rogers
+ An Exposition of White's Characterization of Empty Lattice Tetrahedra 2016 Mizan R. Khan
Karen Rogers
+ Two Combinatorial Geometric Problems Involving Modular Hyperbolas 2013 Mizan R. Khan
Richard Magner
Steven Senger
Arne Winterhof
+ Two Combinatorial Geometric Problems Involving Modular Hyperbolas 2013 Mizan R. Khan
Richard Magner
Steven Senger
Arne Winterhof
+ Karatsuba Solitaire 2011 Therese A. Hart
Gabriel Khan
Mizan R. Khan
+ Modular Hyperbolas and the Coefficients of (x –1 + 6 + x) k 2011 Mizan R. Khan
+ PDF Chat The cardinality of the value sets modulo<i>n</i>of<i>x</i><sup>2</sup>+<i>x</i><sup>−2</sup>and<i>x</i><sup>2</sup>+<i>y</i><sup>2</sup> 2010 Sara Hanrahan
Mizan R. Khan
+ Geometric properties of points on modular hyperbolas 2010 Kevin Ford
Mizan R. Khan
Igor E. Shparlinski
+ The cardinality of the value sets modulo n of x 2 C x 2 and x 2 C y 2 2010 Sara Hanrahan
Mizan R. Khan
+ Sums and Differences of the Coordinates of Points on Modular Hyperbolas 2009 Dennis Eichhorn
Mizan R. Khan
Alan H. Stein
Christian L. Yankov
+ PDF Chat On the Convex Closure of the Graph of Modular Inversions 2008 Mizan R. Khan
Igor E. Shparlinski
Christian L. Yankov
+ On the Convex Closure of the Graph of Modular Inversions 2007 Mizan R. Khan
Igor E. Shparlinski
Christian L. Yankov
+ On the maximal difference between an element and its inverse in residue rings 2005 Kevin Ford
Mizan R. Khan
Igor E. Shparlinski
Christian L. Yankov
+ PDF Chat On the maximal difference between an element and its inverse modulo n 2003 Mizan R. Khan
Igor E. Shparlinski
+ None 2002 József Beck
Mizan R. Khan
+ A Counting Formula for Primitive Tetrahedra in<i>Z</i><sup>3</sup> 1999 Mizan R. Khan
+ A Counting Formula for Primitive Tetrahedra in Z 3 1999 Mizan R. Khan
+ Computation of Partial Zeta Values ats=0 over a Totally Real Cubic Field 1996 Mizan R. Khan
+ Computation of partial zeta values at S = 0 for a totally real cubic base field 1990 Mizan R. Khan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the Distribution of Inverses Modulon 1996 Wenpeng Zhang
+ The Distribution of Zeros of an Irreducible Curve over a Finite Field 1996 Zhiyong Zheng
+ None 2002 József Beck
Mizan R. Khan
+ Distribution of Values of Rational Maps on the F p -Points on an Affine Curve 2002 Marian Vâjâitu
Alexandru Zaharescu
+ PDF Chat On the maximal difference between an element and its inverse modulo n 2003 Mizan R. Khan
Igor E. Shparlinski
+ A Counting Formula for Primitive Tetrahedra in<i>Z</i><sup>3</sup> 1999 Mizan R. Khan
+ On the distribution of rational functions along a curve over <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">F</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> and residue races 2005 Andrew Granville
Igor E. Shparlinski
Alexandru Zaharescu
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. By G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright. 2nd edition. Pp. xvi, 407 25s. 1945. (Oxford) 1946 T. A. A. B.
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the F<sub>p</sub>-points on an affine curve in r dimensions 2001 Cristian Cobeli
Alexandru Zaharescu
+ Lattice point simplices 1986 Bruce Reznick
+ PDF Chat Zero-Free Regions for Dirichlet L-Functions, and the Least Prime in an Arithmetic Progression 1992 D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ On Exponential Sums in Finite Fields 1966 Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Analytic Number Theory 1976 Tom M. Apostol
+ PDF Chat On convex lattice polygons 1976 P. R. Scott
+ On the Difference Between An Integer and Its Inverse Modulo n 1995 W.P. Zhang
+ Zero-free regions for Dirichlet L-functions 1999 H. Li
+ Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective 2012 Richard E. Crandall
Carl Pomerance
+ On the Volume of Lattice Polyhedra 1957 J. E. Reeve
+ On Kloosterman's sum 1961 T. Estermann
+ The average order of an arithmetic function 1956 Emil Grosswald
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the theory of numbers 1960 G. H. Hardy
+ On the maximal difference between an element and its inverse in residue rings 2005 Kevin Ford
Mizan R. Khan
Igor E. Shparlinski
Christian L. Yankov
+ PDF Chat The distribution of integers with a divisor in a given interval 2008 Kevin Ford
+ Entiers à diviseurs denses 1 1997 Éric Saïas
+ On the frequency of numbers containing prime factors of a certain relative magnitude 1930 Kern W. Dickman
+ Lectures on the Geometry of Numbers 1989 Carl Ludwig Siegel
K. Chandrasekharan
+ Divisors 1988 Richard R. Hall
Gérald Tenenbaum
+ Arithmetical Functions 1994 Wolfgang Schwarz
Jürgen Spilker
+ On the number of distances between the coordinates of points on modular hyperbolas 2007 Igor E. Shparlinski
Arne Winterhof
+ PDF Chat A Lower Bound for the Volume of Strictly Convex Bodies with many Boundary Lattice Points 1963 George E. Andrews
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of points on multidimensional modular hyperbolas 2007 Igor E. Shparlinski
+ Clean Lattice Tetrahedra 2006 Bruce Reznick
+ Mean Values of Quadratic Twists of AutomorphicL-functions 1996 Yuanli Zhang
+ PDF Chat Primes in Arithmetic Progressions to Large Moduli. III 1989 E. Bombieri
John Friedlander
H. Iwaniec
+ PDF Chat �ber die konvexe H�lle von n zuf�llig gew�hlten Punkten 1963 A. R�nyi
Robert A. Sulanke
+ On Some Exponential Sums 1948 André Weil
+ PDF Chat Primes in arithmetic progressions to large moduli 1986 Enrico Bombieri
John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ PDF Chat A lower bound for the volume of strictly convex bodies with many boundary lattice points 1963 George E. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Pure and mixed exponential sums 1999 Todd Cochrane
Zhiyong Zheng
+ The volume of a lattice polyhedron 1963 I. G. Macdonald
+ Introduction to Analytic Number Theory 1976 Tom M. Apostol
+ PDF Chat On Bombieri's estimate for exponential sums 1971 J. H. H. Chalk
Robert A. Smith
+ A proof of Coleman's conjecture 2006 Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk
Daria Olszewska
+ A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1982 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ PDF Chat The cardinality of the value sets modulo<i>n</i>of<i>x</i><sup>2</sup>+<i>x</i><sup>−2</sup>and<i>x</i><sup>2</sup>+<i>y</i><sup>2</sup> 2010 Sara Hanrahan
Mizan R. Khan
+ Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory 2015 Gérald Tenenbaum
+ Counting Squares in ℤ<sub>n</sub> 1996 Walter D. Stangl
+ Pick's Formula via the Weierstrass ℘-Function 1995 Ricardo Vázquez Díaz
Sinai Robins
+ There are Infinitely Many Carmichael Numbers 1994 W. R. Alford
Andrew Granville
Carl Pomerance
+ PDF Chat Lectures on the geometry of numbers 1990 K. Chandrasekharan