Apoorva Khare


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Numerical radius and $\ell_p$ operator norm of Kronecker products: inequalities and equalities 2025 Pintu Bhunia
Sujit Sakharam Damase
Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Chat Multivariate transforms of total positivity 2024 Sujit Sakharam Damase
Apoorva Khare
+ Probability inequalities for strongly left-invariant metric semigroups/monoids, including all lie groups 2024 Apoorva Khare
+ KRP’s contributions in Lie theory 2024 Apoorva Khare
+ PDF The blowup-polynomial of a metric space: connections to stable polynomials, graphs and their distance spectra 2023 Projesh Nath Choudhury
Apoorva Khare
+ Distance matrices of a tree: Two more invariants, and in a unified framework 2023 Projesh Nath Choudhury
Apoorva Khare
+ PDF The Khinchin–Kahane and LĂ©vy inequalities for abelian metric groups, and transfer from normed (abelian semi)groups to Banach spaces 2023 Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ PDF Chat Recovering affine linearity of functions from their restrictions to affine lines 2023 Apoorva Khare
Akaki Tikaradze
+ PDF Totally positive kernels, PĂłlya frequency functions, and their transforms 2023 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF From Cauchy’s determinant formula to bosonic and fermionic immanant identities 2023 Apoorva Khare
Siddhartha Sahi
+ Probability inequalities for strongly left-invariant metric semigroups/monoids, including all Lie groups 2023 Apoorva Khare
+ The additive-multiplicative distance matrix of a graph, and a novel third invariant 2023 Projesh Nath Choudhury
Apoorva Khare
+ Negativity-preserving transforms of tuples of symmetric matrices 2023 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ Matrix positivity preservers in fixed dimension. II: positive definiteness and strict monotonicity of Schur function ratios 2023 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ A remark on characterizing inner product spaces via strong three-point homogeneity 2023 Sujit Sakharam Damase
Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Matrix compression along isogenic blocks 2022 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF Preservers of totally positive kernels and PĂłlya frequency functions 2022 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF Chat Hirschman–Widder densities 2022 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF The weights of simple modules in Category <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">O</mml:mi></mml:math> for Kac–Moody algebras 2022 Gurbir Dhillon
Apoorva Khare
+ First-Order Approximation and the Leading Term of Schur Polynomials 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Entrywise Functions Preserving Positivity in all Dimensions 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Exact Quantitative Bound – Monotonicity of Schur Ratios 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Polynomial Preservers for Rank-1 Matrices, via Schur Polynomials 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Menger’s Results and Euclidean Distance Geometry 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ The Schur Product Theorem and Nonzero Lower Bounds 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Preservers of Loewner Positivity on Kernels 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Midconvex Implies Continuity, and 2 × 2 Preservers 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ The Cone of Positive Semidefinite Matrices 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Functions Acting Outside Forbidden Diagonal Blocks 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Totally Positive Matrices – Generalized Vandermonde and Hankel Moment Matrices 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Entrywise Preservers of Positivity on Matrices with Zero Patterns 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Preliminaries: Entrywise Powers Preserving Positivity in a Fixed Dimension 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Proof of the Stronger Schoenberg Theorem (Part III) – Complex Analysis 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Cauchy and Littlewood’s Definitions of Schur Polynomials 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ The Boas–Widder Theorem on Functions with Positive Differences 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Entrywise Polynomial Preservers and Horn–Loewner-Type Conditions 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Entrywise Powers Preserving Positivity in a Fixed Dimension 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Loewner Convexity and Single Matrix Encoders of Preservers 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ The Stronger Horn–Loewner Theorem via Mollifiers 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Polynomial Preservers on Matrices with Real or Complex Entries 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Preservers of Loewner Monotonicity and Convexity on Kernels 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Totally Positive (TP) and Totally Nonnegative (TN) Matrices 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ Entrywise Polynomials Preserving Positivity in a Fixed Dimension 2022 Apoorva Khare
+ A weight-formula for all highest weight modules, and a higher order parabolic category $\mathcal{O}$ 2022 Apoorva Khare
G. Krishna Teja
+ From Cauchy's determinant formula to bosonic and fermionic immanant identities 2022 Apoorva Khare
Siddhartha Sahi
+ Blowup polynomials and delta-matroids of graphs 2022 Projesh Nath Choudhury
Apoorva Khare
+ Recovering affine-linearity of functions from their restrictions to affine lines 2022 Apoorva Khare
Akaki Tikaradze
+ The lattice of nil-Hecke algebras over a Coxeter group 2021 Sutanay Bhattacharya
Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Chat The lattice of nil-Hecke algebras over a Coxeter group 2021 Sutanay Bhattacharya
Apoorva Khare
+ Preservers of totally positive kernels and Polya frequency functions 2021 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF Chat The <i>p</i>-norm of circulant matrices 2021 Ludovick Bouthat
Apoorva Khare
Javad Mashreghi
Frédéric Morneau-Guérin
+ Smooth entrywise positivity preservers, a Horn–Loewner master theorem, and symmetric function identities 2021 Apoorva Khare
+ The $p$-norm of circulant matrices 2021 Ludovick Bouthat
Apoorva Khare
Javad Mashreghi
Frédéric Morneau-Guérin
+ Moment-sequence transforms 2021 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF Chat Covering modules by proper submodules 2021 Apoorva Khare
Akaki Tikaradze
+ Multivariate blowup-polynomials of graphs 2021 Projesh Nath Choudhury
Apoorva Khare
+ Sharp nonzero lower bounds for the Schur product theorem 2021 Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Chat Sign non‐reversal property for totally non‐negative and totally positive matrices, and testing total positivity of their interval hull 2021 Projesh Nath Choudhury
M. Rajesh Kannan
Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Chat On an asymptotic characterisation of Griffiths semipositivity 2021 Apoorva Khare
Vamsi Pritham Pingali
+ PDF Chat On the sign patterns of entrywise positivity preservers in fixed dimension 2021 Apoorva Khare
Terence Tao
+ Multivariate blowup-polynomials of graphs 2021 Projesh Nath Choudhury
Apoorva Khare
+ The blowup-polynomial of a metric space: connections to stable polynomials, graphs and their distance spectra 2021 Projesh Nath Choudhury
Apoorva Khare
+ The lattice of nil-Hecke algebras over real and complex reflection groups 2021 Sutanay Bhattacharya
Apoorva Khare
+ 12. Modular arithmetic I:Around the clock and the calendar 2020 Apoorva Khare
Anna Lachowska
+ 1. Algebra: The art and craft of computation 2020 Apoorva Khare
Anna Lachowska
+ 14. Probability: Dice, coins, cards, and winning streaks 2020 Apoorva Khare
Anna Lachowska
+ 13. Modular arithmetic II: How to keep (and break) secrets 2020 Apoorva Khare
Anna Lachowska
+ PDF Chat Differential calculus on the space of countable labelled graphs 2020 Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Critical exponents for total positivity, individual kernel encoders, and the Jain-Karlin-Schoenberg kernel. 2020 Apoorva Khare
+ Post-composition transforms of totally positive kernels 2020 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF Schur polynomials and matrix positivity preservers 2020 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ Beautiful, Simple, Exact, Crazy 2020 Apoorva Khare
Anna Lachowska
+ PDF Chat Probability inequalities and tail estimates for metric semigroups 2020 Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Multiply positive functions, critical exponent phenomena, and the Jain-Karlin-Schoenberg kernel 2020 Apoorva Khare
+ Matrix compression along isogenic blocks 2020 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ Totally positive kernels, Polya frequency functions, and their transforms 2020 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ Sharp uniform lower bounds for the Schur product theorem. 2019 Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Hopf Algebras, Quantum Groups and Yang-Baxter Equations 2019 Florin F. Nichita
Tomasz Brzezi
Simon A. Fairfax
Michiel Hazewinkel
Jacob Laan
Alexander E. Hoffnung
K. Kanakoglou
Apoorva Khare
Joel Lemay
Jon Links
+ PDF Chat A Panorama of Positivity. I: Dimension Free 2019 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ Distance matrices of a tree: two more invariants, and in a unified framework 2019 Projesh Nath Choudhury
Apoorva Khare
+ A combinatorial model for computing volumes of flow polytopes 2018 Carolina Benedetti
Rafael GonzĂĄlez S. D'LeĂłn
Christopher R. H. Hanusa
Pamela E. Harris
Apoorva Khare
Alejandro H. Morales
Martha Yip
+ PDF Homogeneous length functions on groups 2018 T. A. Fritz
Siddhartha Gadgil
Apoorva Khare
Pace P. Nielsen
Lior Silberman
Terence Tao
+ The normed space of norms on a finite-dimensional Banach space 2018 Apoorva Khare
+ The normed space of norms on Euclidean space 2018 Apoorva Khare
+ Smooth entrywise positivity preservers, a Horn-Loewner master theorem, and Schur polynomial identities 2018 Apoorva Khare
+ Smooth entrywise positivity preservers, a Horn-Loewner master theorem, and Schur polynomials 2018 Apoorva Khare
+ A Carlitz–von Staudt type theorem for finite rings 2018 Apoorva Khare
Akaki Tikaradze
+ Simultaneous kernels of matrix Hadamard powers 2018 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ Generalized nil-Coxeter algebras 2018 Apoorva Khare
+ The critical exponent: a novel graph invariant 2018 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ The Weyl-Kac weight formula 2018 Gurbir Dhillon
Apoorva Khare
+ The non-compact normed space of norms on a finite-dimensional Banach space 2018 Apoorva Khare
+ Generalized nil-Coxeter algebras 2018 Apoorva Khare
+ The Hoffmann–Jþrgensen inequality in metric semigroups 2017 Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ PDF Faces of highest weight modules and the universal Weyl polyhedron 2017 Gurbir Dhillon
Apoorva Khare
+ Generalized nil-Coxeter algebras over discrete complex reflection groups 2017 Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Generalized nil-Coxeter algebras, cocommutative algebras, and the PBW property 2017 Apoorva Khare
+ Total-positivity preservers 2017 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF Erratum to “Standard parabolic subsets of highest weight modules” 2016 Apoorva Khare
+ Moment-sequence transforms 2016 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ The Khinchin-Kahane inequality and Banach space embeddings for metric groups 2016 Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Highest weight modules to first order 2016 Gurbir Dhillon
Apoorva Khare
+ Characters of highest weight modules and integrability 2016 Gurbir Dhillon
Apoorva Khare
+ Matrix positivity preservers in fixed dimension. I 2016 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ Faces and maximizer subsets of highest weight modules 2016 Apoorva Khare
+ On the classification of finite-dimensional nil-Coxeter algebras over complex reflection groups 2016 Apoorva Khare
+ Model-free consistency of graph partitioning 2016 Peter Diao
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ The Khinchin-Kahane and Levy inequalities for abelian metric groups, and transfer from normed (abelian semi)groups to Banach spaces 2016 Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ On Category <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">O</mml:mi></mml:math> over triangular generalized Weyl algebras 2015 Apoorva Khare
Akaki Tikaradze
+ Critical exponents of graphs 2015 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Preserving positivity for rank-constrained matrices 2015 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Schoenberg's positivity theorem in fixed dimension 2015 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF Chat Standard parabolic subsets of highest weight modules 2015 Apoorva Khare
+ Differential calculus on graphon space 2015 Peter Diao
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Preserving positivity for matrices with sparsity constraints 2015 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Integration and measures on the space of countable labelled graphs 2015 Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Complete characterization of Hadamard powers preserving Loewner positivity, monotonicity, and convexity 2014 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ On fractional Hadamard powers of positive block matrices 2014 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Classification of measurable solutions of Cauchy's functional equations, and operators satisfying the Chain Rule 2013 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ The critical exponent conjecture for powers of doubly nonnegative matrices 2013 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Loewner positive entrywise functions, and classification of measurable solutions of Cauchy's functional equations 2013 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ PDF Chat Representations of Complex Semi-simple Lie Groups and Lie Algebras 2013 Apoorva Khare
+ Weights of simple highest weight modules over a complex semisimple Lie algebra 2013 Apoorva Khare
+ PDF The Sum of a Finite Group of Weights of a Hopf Algebra 2012 Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Chat Solutions of several coupled discrete models in terms of Lamé polynomials of arbitrary order 2012 Avinash Khare
Avadh Saxena
Apoorva Khare
+ Representations of complex semi-simple Lie groups and Lie algebras 2012 Apoorva Khare
+ Faces of polytopes and Koszul algebras 2011 Vyjayanthi Chari
Apoorva Khare
Tim Ridenour
+ PDF Chat Faces of Weight Polytopes and a Generalization of a Theorem of Vinberg 2010 Apoorva Khare
Tim Ridenour
+ PDF Chat Center and Representations of Infinitesimal Hecke Algebras of đ”°đ”©<sub>2</sub> 2010 Akaki Tikaradze
Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Chat Functoriality of the BGG Category đ’Ș†† 2009 Apoorva Khare
+ Vector spaces as unions of proper subspaces 2009 Apoorva Khare
+ The covering problem for Chinese rings 2009 Apoorva Khare
+ Vector spaces, modules over Chinese rings, and monoids as unions of proper subobjects 2008 Apoorva Khare
+ Drinfeld-Hecke algebras over cocommutative algebras 2007 Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Chat Quantized symplectic oscillator algebras of rank one 2006 Wee Liang Gan
Apoorva Khare
+ Axiomatic framework for the BGG category $\mathcal{O}$ 2005 Apoorva Khare
+ Category O over skew group rings 2005 Apoorva Khare
+ Axiomatic framework for the BGG category O 2005 Apoorva Khare
+ Erratum to “Category<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">O</mml:mi></mml:math>over a deformation of the symplectic oscillator algebra” 2004 Apoorva Khare
+ Category O over a deformation of the symplectic oscillator algebra 2004 Apoorva Khare
+ Divisibility tests and recurring decimals in Euclidean domains 2004 Apoorva Khare
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On fractional Hadamard powers of positive definite matrices 1977 Carl H. Fitzgerald
Roger A. Horn
+ Positive definite functions on spheres 1942 I. J. Schoenberg
+ PDF The theory of infinitely divisible matrices and kernels 1969 Roger A. Horn
+ Bemerkungen zur Theorie der beschrÀnkten Bilinearformen mit unendlich vielen VerÀnderlichen. 1911 Joan Brodsky Schur
+ Positive definite sequences and absolutely monotonic functions 1959 Walter Rudin
+ Complete characterization of Hadamard powers preserving Loewner positivity, monotonicity, and convexity 2014 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Matrix positivity preservers in fixed dimension. I 2016 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF Chat On the sign patterns of entrywise positivity preservers in fixed dimension 2021 Apoorva Khare
Terence Tao
+ Preserving positivity for rank-constrained matrices 2015 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ PDF Chat Monotonicity for entrywise functions of matrices 2009 Fumio Hiai
+ Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory 1972 James E. Humphreys
+ A reduction theorem for totally positive matrices 1952 Anne Whitney
+ Critical exponents of graphs 2015 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ PDF Chat KP solitons and total positivity for the Grassmannian 2014 Yuji Kodama
Lauren Williams
+ Functions preserving positive definiteness for sparse matrices 2014 Dominique Guillot
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Hadamard powers of some positive matrices 2016 Tanvi Jain
+ Positivity Preserving Hadamard Matrix Functions 2007 Rajendra Bhatia
L. Elsner
+ Moment-sequence transforms 2016 Alexander C. R. Belton
Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF The functions which operate on Fourier transforms 1959 Henry Helson
Jean‐Pierre Kahane
Yitzhak Katznelson
Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat Retaining positive definiteness in thresholded matrices 2012 Dominique Guillot
Bala Rajaratnam
+ PDF Chat Continuous Hecke algebras 2005 Pavel Etingof
Wee Liang Gan
Victor Ginzburg
+ Generalized Thresholding of Large Covariance Matrices 2009 Adam Rothman
Elizaveta Levina
Ji Zhu
+ PDF Chat Total Positivity: Tests and Parametrizations 2000 Sergey Fomin
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Hilbert Distances and Positive Definite Functions 1941 S. Bochner
+ Functions that preserve families of positive semidefinite matrices 1995 Carl H. Fitzgerald
Charles A. Micchelli
Allan Pinkus
+ Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras in the BGG Category O 2008 James E. Humphreys
+ Category O over a deformation of the symplectic oscillator algebra 2004 Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Critical exponents: old and new 2012 Charles R. Johnson
Olivia Walch
+ Sur les fonctions absolument monotones 1929 Serge Bernstein
+ Über zwei Arten von Faktorenfolgen in der Theorie der algebraischen Gleichungen. 1914 J. Schur
G. PɃlya
+ Preserving positivity for matrices with sparsity constraints 2015 Dominique Guillot
Apoorva Khare
Bala Rajaratnam
+ PDF Large Networks and Graph Limits 2012 LĂĄszlĂł LovĂĄsz
+ Covariance regularization by thresholding 2008 Peter J. Bickel
Elizaveta Levina
+ Parametrizations of Canonical Bases and Totally Positive Matrices 1996 Arkady Berenstein
Sergey Fomin
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Lectures on Quantum Groups 1995 Jens Carsten Jantzen
+ Total positivity of sums, Hadamard products and Hadamard powers: Results and counterexamples 2017 Shaun Fallat
Charles R. Johnson
Alan D. Sokal
+ PDF Chat Large-Scale Correlation Screening 2011 Alfred O. Hero
Bala Rajaratnam
+ Combinatorics and total positivity 1995 Francesco Brenti
+ Oscillation Matrices and Kernels and Small Vibrations of Mechanical Systems 2002 Felix R. Gantmacher
M. Г. КрДĐčĐœ
+ Faces and maximizer subsets of highest weight modules 2016 Apoorva Khare
+ PDF Functions operating on positive definite matrices and a theorem of Schoenberg 1978 Jens Peter Christensen
Paul Ressel
+ Totally positive matrices 1987 T. AndĂŽ
+ Finite dimensional algebras and highest weight categories. 1988 Edward Cline
Brian Parshall
Leonard Scott
+ Total positivity, Grassmannians, and networks 2006 Alexander Postnikov
+ PDF The inversion of a general class of convolution transforms 1949 I. I. Hirschman
D. V. Widder
+ PDF Double Bruhat cells and total positivity 1999 Sergey Fomin
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ PDF Sampling theorems for shift-invariant spaces, Gabor frames, and totally positive functions 2017 Karlheinz Gröchenig
José Luis Romero
Joachim Stöckler
+ Sur les matrices complÚtement non négatives et oscillatoires 1937 F.R. GANTMAKHER
M. Г. КрДĐčĐœ
+ Total Positivity and Its Applications 1996 M. Gasca
Charles A. Micchelli
+ PDF KP solitons, total positivity, and cluster algebras 2011 Yuji Kodama
Lauren Williams