Ryan M. Causey


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Equivalence of block sequences in Schreier spaces and their duals 2024 Ryan M. Causey
Anna Pelczar-Barwacz
+ Equivalence of block sequences in Schreier spaces and their duals 2023 Ryan M. Causey
Anna Pelczar-Barwacz
+ Asymptotic smoothness in Banach spaces, three-space properties and applications 2022 Ryan M. Causey
Audrey Fovelle
Gilles Lancien
+ PDF Chat Uniform upper estimates and the repeated averages hierarchy 2022 M. Brixey
Ryan M. Causey
+ Szlenk index of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>K</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mrow><mml:mo>⊗</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mover></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo… 2022 Ryan M. Causey
Elói Medina Galego
Christian Samuel
+ PDF Chat Higher projective tensor products of $c_0$ 2022 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
+ Isomorphic classification of projective tensor products of spaces of continuous functions 2022 Christian Samuel
Ryan M. Causey
Elói Medina Galego
+ Asymptotic smoothness and universality in Banach spaces 2022 Ryan M. Causey
Gilles Lancien
+ PDF Chat Uniform subsequential estimates on weakly null sequences 2021 M. Brixey
Ryan M. Causey
Patrick Frankart
+ A ξ-weak Grothendieck compactness principle 2021 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
+ Asymptotic smoothness in Banach spaces, three space properties and applications 2021 R. M. Causey
Audrey Fovelle
Gilles Lancien
+ On injective tensor powers of ℓ1 2020 Ryan M. Causey
Elói Medina Galego
Christian Samuel
+ PDF Chat Three and a half asymptotic properties 2020 Ryan M. Causey
+ PDF Chat Lipschitz subtype 2020 Ryan M. Causey
+ PDF Chat Genericity and Universality for Operator Ideals 2020 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
+ PDF Chat Solution to a problem of Diestel 2020 Ryan M. Causey
Elói Medina Galego
Christian Samuel
+ Non-three space properties and Szlenk index 2020 Ryan M. Causey
+ Assessing the performance of confidence intervals for high quantiles of Burr XII and Inverse Burr mixtures 2020 Tatjana Miljkovic
Ryan M. Causey
Milan Jovanović
+ $c_{0} \widehat{\otimes}_\pi c_{0}\widehat{\otimes}_\pi c_{0}$ is not isomorphic to a subspace of $c_{0} \widehat{\otimes}_\pi c_{0}$ 2020 Ryan M. Causey
Elói Medina Galego
Christian Samuel
+ PDF Chat The complexity of some ordinal determined classes of operators 2020 Ryan M. Causey
+ Subprojectivity of projective tensor products of Banach spaces of continuous functions 2020 Ryan M. Causey
+ On injective tensor powers of $\ell_1$ 2020 Ryan M. Causey
Elói Medina Galego
Christian Samuel
+ Szlenk index of $C(K)\widehat{\otimes}_πC(L)$ 2020 Ryan M. Causey
Elói Medina Galego
Christian Samuel
+ $c_{0} \widehat{\otimes}_πc_{0}\widehat{\otimes}_πc_{0}$ is not isomorphic to a subspace of $c_{0} \widehat{\otimes}_πc_{0}$ 2020 Ryan M. Causey
Elói Medina Galego
Christian Samuel
+ Uniform subsequential estimates on weakly null sequences 2019 M. Brixey
Ryan M. Causey
Patrick Frankart
+ Factorization of Asplund operators 2019 Ryan M. Causey
Khazhak Navoyan
+ PDF Chat Prescribed Szlenk index of separable Banach spaces 2019 Ryan M. Causey
Gilles Lancien
+ The complexity of some ordinal determined classes of operators 2019 Ryan M. Causey
+ A $ξ$-weak Grothendieck compactness principle 2019 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
+ PDF Chat Sequence spaces on Banach lattices SURVEY 2019 Geraldo Botelho
Ryan M. Causey
Khazhak Navoyan
+ PDF Chat A Ramsey theorem for pairs in trees 2019 Ryan M. Causey
Cade Doebele
+ $Sz(\cdot)\leqslant ω^ξ$ is rarely a three space property 2019 Ryan M. Causey
+ The ξ, ζ-Dunford Pettis property 2019 Ryan M. Causey
+ PDF Chat Operator ideals and three-space properties of asymptotic ideal seminorms 2018 Ryan M. Causey
Szymon Draga
Tomasz Kochanek
+ Lipschitz subtype 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ The $\xi,\zeta$-Dunford Pettis property 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ ξ-completely continuous operators and ξ-Schur Banach spaces 2018 Ryan M. Causey
Khazhak Navoyan
+ The Szlenk index of $L_p(X)$ and $A_p$ 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ PDF Chat Quantitative factorization of weakly compact, Rosenthal, and $\xi$-Banach-Saks operators 2018 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
+ $\xi$-completely continuous operators and $\xi$-Schur Banach spaces 2018 Ryan M. Causey
Khazhak Navoyan
+ PDF Chat ξ-asymptotically uniformly smooth, ξ-asymptotically uniformly convex, and (β) operators 2018 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
+ Power type ξ-asymptotically uniformly smooth and ξ-asymptotically uniformly flat norms 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ PDF Chat Power type asymptotically uniformly smooth and asymptotically uniformly flat norms 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ A Ramsey theorem for pairs in trees 2018 Ryan M. Causey
Cade Doebele
+ Three and a half asymptotic properties 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ Factorization of Asplund operators 2018 Ryan M. Causey
Khazhak Navoyan
+ A Ramsey theorem for trees with applications to weakly compact operators 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ PDF Chat Concerning $q$-summable Szlenk index 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ The $ξ,ζ$-Dunford Pettis property 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ Concerning $q$-summable Szlenk index 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ $ξ$-completely continuous operators and $ξ$-Schur Banach spaces 2018 Ryan M. Causey
Khazhak Navoyan
+ Lipschitz subtype 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ Concerning $q$-summable Szlenk index 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ Operator ideals and three-space properties of asymptotic ideal seminorms 2017 Ryan M. Causey
Szymon Draga
Tomasz Kochanek
+ Genericity and Universality for Operator Ideals 2017 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
+ Prescribed Szlenk index of iterated duals 2017 Ryan M. Causey
Gilles Lancien
+ PDF Chat Power type $\xi $-asymptotically uniformly smooth norms 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ On the geometry of the countably branching diamond graphs 2017 Florent P. Baudier
Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
Denka Kutzarova
N. Lovasoa Randrianarivony
Thomas Schlumprecht
Sheng Zhang
+ Power type $\xi$-Asymptotically uniformly smooth and $\xi$-asymptotically uniformly flat norms 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ Power type asymptotically uniformly smooth and asymptotically uniformly flat norms 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ A note on the relationship between the Szlenk and $$w^*$$ w ∗ -dentability indices of arbitrary $$w^*$$ w ∗ -compact sets 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ The Szlenk index of $L_p(X)$ and $A_p$ 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ Prescribed Szlenk index of separable Banch spaces 2017 Ryan M. Causey
Gilles Lancien
+ Concerning the Szlenk index 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ Metric characterizations of super weakly compact operators 2017 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
+ Operator ideals and three-space properties of asymptotic ideal seminorms 2017 Ryan M. Causey
Szymon Draga
Tomasz Kochanek
+ Power type asymptotically uniformly smooth and asymptotically uniformly flat norms 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ Genericity and Universality for Operator Ideals 2017 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
+ Power type $ξ$-Asymptotically uniformly smooth and $ξ$-asymptotically uniformly flat norms 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ The Szlenk index of $L_p(X)$ and $A_p$ 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ The Szlenk index of injective tensor products and convex hulls 2016 Ryan M. Causey
+ Szlenk and w⁎-dentability indices of C(K) 2016 Ryan M. Causey
+ Power type $\xi$-asymptotically uniformly smooth norms 2016 Ryan M. Causey
+ Quantitative Factorization of weakly compact, Rosenthal, and $\xi$-Banach-Saks operators 2016 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
+ $\xi$-asymptotically uniformly smooth, $\xi$-asymptotically uniformly convex, and $(\beta)$ operators 2016 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
+ Classes of operators determined by ordinal indices 2016 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
Daniel Freeman
Ben Wallis
+ PDF Chat Arbitrarily distortable Banach spaces of higher order 2016 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
Pavlos Motakis
+ Szlenk and $w^*$-dentability indices of $C(K)$ 2016 Ryan M. Causey
+ The Szlenk index of $C(K,X)$ 2016 Ryan M. Causey
+ The Szlenk index of injective tensor products and convex hulls 2016 Ryan M. Causey
+ Metrical Characterizations of super weakly compact operators 2016 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
+ On a generalization of Bourgain's tree index 2016 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
+ A note on the relationship between the Szlenk and $w^*$-dentability indices of arbitrary $w^*$-compact sets 2016 Ryan M. Causey
+ Metrical Characterizations of super weakly compact operators 2016 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
+ Szlenk and $w^*$-dentability indices of $C(K)$ 2016 Ryan M. Causey
+ The Szlenk index of injective tensor products and convex hulls 2016 Ryan M. Causey
+ Power type $ξ$-asymptotically uniformly smooth norms 2016 Ryan M. Causey
+ Quantitative Factorization of weakly compact, Rosenthal, and $ξ$-Banach-Saks operators 2016 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
+ $ξ$-asymptotically uniformly smooth, $ξ$-asymptotically uniformly convex, and $(β)$ operators 2016 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
+ Almost isometric constants for partial unconditionality 2015 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
+ Proximity to <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>ℓ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1009.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> in Banach spaces 2015 Ryan M. Causey
+ Almost isometric constants for partial unconditionality 2015 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
+ An ordinal index characterizing weak compactness of operators 2015 Ryan M. Causey
+ An alternate description of the Szlenk index with applications 2015 Ryan M. Causey
+ Concerning the Szlenk index 2015 Ryan M. Causey
+ Proximity to $\ell_p$ and $c_0$ in Banach spaces 2015 Ryan M. Causey
+ Classes of operators determined by ordinal indices 2015 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
Daniel Freeman
Ben Wallis
+ An X-greedy algorithm with weakness parameters 2015 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
Smbat Gogyan
Denka Nikolova Kutzarova-Ford
+ PDF Chat An alternate description of the Szlenk index with applications 2015 Ryan M. Causey
+ An ordinal index characterizing weak compactness of operators 2015 Ryan M. Causey
+ Almost isometric constants for partial unconditionality 2015 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
+ Concerning the Szlenk index 2015 Ryan M. Causey
+ An alternate description of the Szlenk index with applications 2015 Ryan M. Causey
+ PDF Chat Estimation of the Szlenk index of reflexive Banach spaces using generalized Baernstein spaces 2014 Ryan M. Causey
+ Arbitrarily distortable Banach spaces of higher order 2014 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
Pavlos Motakis
+ Szlenk Index, Upper Estimates, and Embedding in Banach Spaces 2014 Ryan M. Causey
+ Arbitrarily distortable Banach spaces of higher order 2014 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
Pavlos Motakis
+ Estimation of the Szlenk index of reflexive Banach spaces using generalized Baernstein spaces 2013 Ryan M. Causey
+ PDF Chat Estimation of the Szlenk index of Banach spaces via Schreier spaces 2013 Ryan M. Causey
+ Estimation of the Szlenk index of reflexive Banach spaces using generalized Baernstein spaces 2013 Ryan M. Causey
+ Estimation of the Szlenk index of Banach Spaces via Schreier spaces 2012 Ryan M. Causey
+ Estimation of the Szlenk index of Banach Spaces via Schreier spaces 2012 Ryan M. Causey
+ An Ecological Model with Grazing and Constant Yield Harvesting 2010 Ryan M. Causey
Sarath Sasi
R. Shivaji
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Asplund operators and the Szlenk index 2012 Philip A. H. Brooker
+ PDF Chat Convex unconditionality and summability of weakly null sequences 1998 Spiros A. Argyros
Sophocles Mercourakis
A. Tsarpalias
+ A survey on the Szlenk index and some of its applications 2006 Gilles Lancien
+ PDF Chat Szlenk indices and uniform homeomorphisms 2001 Gilles Godefroy
N. J. Kalton
Gilles Lancien
+ None 1999 Helmut Knaust
Edward Odell
Th. Schlumprecht
+ PDF Chat The non-existence of a separable reflexive Banach space universal for all separable reflexive Banach spaces 1968 W. Szlenk
+ PDF Chat An alternate description of the Szlenk index with applications 2015 Ryan M. Causey
+ The Szlenk index and local ?1-indices 2005 Dale E. Alspach
Robert P. Judd
Edward Odell
+ Concerning the Szlenk index 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ Proximity to <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>ℓ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1009.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> in Banach spaces 2015 Ryan M. Causey
+ The Szlenk index of injective tensor products and convex hulls 2016 Ryan M. Causey
+ Banach Spaces and Descriptive Set Theory: Selected Topics 2010 Pandelis Dodos
+ PDF Chat A dichotomy theorem for subsets of the power set of the natural numbers 2000 I. Gasparis
+ PDF Chat Unconditional structures of weakly null sequences 2001 Spiros A. Argyros
I. Gasparis
+ Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces 2002 Raymond A. Ryan
+ Concerning Bourgain’s ℓ1-Index of a Banach space 1998 Robert P. Judd
Edward Odell
+ PDF Chat Estimation of the Szlenk index of reflexive Banach spaces using generalized Baernstein spaces 2014 Ryan M. Causey
+ Trees and branches in Banach spaces 2002 Edward Odell
Th. Schlumprecht
+ The Szlenk power type and tensor products of Banach spaces 2016 Szymon Draga
Tomasz Kochanek
+ Uniformly factoring weakly compact operators 2014 Kevin Beanland
Daniel Freeman
+ PDF Chat Power type $\xi $-asymptotically uniformly smooth norms 2017 Ryan M. Causey
+ Complexity of weakly null sequences 1992 Dale E. Alspach
Spiros A. Argyros
+ Various Slicing Indices on Banach Spaces 2007 Petr Hájek
Gilles Lancien
+ PDF Chat ξ-asymptotically uniformly smooth, ξ-asymptotically uniformly convex, and (β) operators 2018 Ryan M. Causey
S. J. Dilworth
+ On weak* uniformly Kadec-Klee renormings 2010 M. Raja
+ Classes of operators determined by ordinal indices 2016 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
Daniel Freeman
Ben Wallis
+ PDF Chat A new metric invariant for Banach spaces 2010 Florent P. Baudier
N. J. Kalton
Gilles Lancien
Gilles Godefroy
+ PDF Chat Power type asymptotically uniformly smooth and asymptotically uniformly flat norms 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ PDF Chat Banach spaces of bounded Szlenk index II 2009 Daniel Freeman
Edward Odell
Th. Schlumprecht
András Zsák
+ Szlenk and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>w</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>∗</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>-dentability indices of the Banach spaces <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si2.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo>[</mml:mo><mml:mn>0</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:… 2012 Philip A. H. Brooker
+ A uniformly convex Banach space which contains no $l_p$ 1974 T. Figiel
William B. Johnson
+ On Zippin's Embedding Theorem of Banach spaces into Banach spaces with bases 2015 Th. Schlumprecht
+ Closed operator ideals and interpolation 1980 Stefan Heinrich
+ Uniformly Non-Square Banach Spaces 1964 Robert James
+ PDF Chat Classes of strictly singular operators and their products 2008 George Androulakis
Pandelis Dodos
Gleb Sirotkin
Vladimir G. Troitsky
+ ξ-completely continuous operators and ξ-Schur Banach spaces 2018 Ryan M. Causey
Khazhak Navoyan
+ Power type ξ-asymptotically uniformly smooth and ξ-asymptotically uniformly flat norms 2018 Ryan M. Causey
+ Szlenk indices of convex hulls 2016 Gilles Lancien
A. Procházka
M. Raja
+ PDF Chat Arbitrarily distortable Banach spaces of higher order 2016 Kevin Beanland
Ryan M. Causey
Pavlos Motakis
+ Direct sums and the Szlenk index 2011 Philip A. H. Brooker
+ PDF Chat Sur Les Applications Lineaires Faiblement Compactes D'Espaces Du Type <i>C</i>(<i>K</i>) 1953 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ Smoothness and renormings in Banach spaces 1993 Robert Deville
Gilles Godefroy
Václav Zizler
+ PDF Chat Some strongly bounded classes of Banach spaces 2007 Pandelis Dodos
Valentin Ferenczi
+ Factoring weakly compact operators 1974 William J. Davis
T. Figiel
William B. Johnson
A. Pełczyński
N. J. Kalton
Gilles Lancien
+ The Szlenk index of L p (X ) 2014 Petr Hájek
Thomas Schlumprecht
+ PDF Chat Continuous functions on compact spaces without perfect subsets 1957 Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat Factorization of compact operators and applications to the approximation problem 1973 T. Figiel
+ Ordinal Ranks on Weakly Compact and Rosenthal Operators 2011 Kevin Beanland
Daniel Freeman