Antonio Di Lorenzo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear effects in Thomas precession due to the interplay of Lorentz contraction and Thomas–Wigner rotation 2022 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Measurement-induced deterministic and probabilistic entanglement with strong and weak interactions 2017 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Toward an expected utility theory of entanglement: Optimization of a probabilistic entanglement protocol 2017 Johnny H. Esteves
Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Toward an expected utility theory of entanglement: Optimization of a probabilistic entanglement protocol 2017 Johnny H. Esteves
Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Measurement of a spin-1 system 2015 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Postselection-induced entanglement swapping from a vacuum-excitation entangled state to separate quantum systems 2014 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Weak values and weak coupling maximizing the output of weak measurements 2014 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Comment on `Observation of a quantum Cheshire Cat in a matter-wave interferometer experiment', Nature Comm. 5, 4492 2014 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Quantum state tomography from a sequential measurement of two variables in a single setup 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Von Neumann measurement of a spin-1 system 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Weak values maximizing the output of weak measurements 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Beyond Bell's theorem: Admissible hidden-variable models for the spin-singlet 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Optimal probe wave function of weak-value amplification” 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Correlations between Detectors Allow Violation of the Heisenberg Noise-Disturbance Principle for Position and Momentum Measurements 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Reassessment of Leggett Inequality 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Sequential Measurement of Conjugate Variables as an Alternative Quantum State Tomography 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Measurement of a qubit and measurement with a qubit 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Determination of hidden-variable models reproducing the spin singlet 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Comment on ‘A non-local hidden-variable model that violates Leggett-type inequalities’ 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat A simple model for the spin singlet: mathematical equivalence of non-locality, slave will and conspiracy 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Sequential measurement of conjugate variables as an alternative to tomography 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Full counting statistics of weak-value measurement 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Hunting for the Quantum Cheshire Cat 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Modified Kubo formula with a complex force term for weak measurement 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Statistics of nondemolition weak measurement 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
José Carlos Egues
+ Reproducing entanglement through local classical resources with no communication 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Local models reproducing the spin-singlet 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Hidden-variable models for the spin singlet. III. Local models reproducing the quantum mechanical predictions 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Free will and quantum mechanics 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Strong correspondence principle for joint measurement of conjugate observables 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Hidden-variable models for the spin singlet: I. Non-local theories reproducing quantum mechanics 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ A simple model reproducing the spin-singlet 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Reassessment of Leggett inequality 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ A short note on conflicting definitions of locality 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Hidden-variable models for the spin singlet. II. Local theories violating Bell and Leggett inequalities 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Reproducing entanglement through local classical resources with no communication 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Free will and quantum mechanics 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Weak measurement: Effect of the detector dynamics 2008 Antonio Di Lorenzo
J. Carlos Egues
+ PDF Chat Full counting statistics of noncommuting variables: The case of spin counts 2006 Antonio Di Lorenzo
Gabriele Campagnano
Yuli V. Nazarov
+ Does the wavefunction describe individual systems? 2006 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Full Counting Statistics with Spin-Sensitive Detectors Reveals Spin Singlets 2005 Antonio Di Lorenzo
Yuli V. Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Full Counting Statistics of Spin Currents 2004 Antonio Di Lorenzo
Yuli V. Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Quasi-classical descendants of disordered vertex models with boundaries 2002 Antonio Di Lorenzo
Luigi Amico
Kazuhiro Hikami
Andreas Osterloh
G. Giaquinta
+ PDF Chat Electrostatic Analogy for Integrable Pairing Force Hamiltonians 2002 Luigi Amico
Antonio Di Lorenzo
A. Mastellone
Andreas Osterloh
Roberto Raimondi
+ PDF Chat Integrable models for confined fermions: applications to metallic grains 2001 Luigi Amico
Antonio Di Lorenzo
Andreas Osterloh
+ PDF Chat Integrable Model for Interacting Electrons in Metallic Grains 2001 Luigi Amico
Antonio Di Lorenzo
Andreas Osterloh
+ Re-Entrant Spin Susceptibility of a Superconducting Grain 2000 Antonio Di Lorenzo
Rosario Fazio
F. W. J. Hekking
G. Falci
A. Mastellone
G. Giaquinta
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Strong correspondence principle for joint measurement of conjugate observables 2011 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Procedure for Direct Measurement of General Quantum States Using Weak Measurement 2012 Jeff S. Lundeen
C. Bamber
+ PDF Chat Weak measurement: Effect of the detector dynamics 2008 Antonio Di Lorenzo
J. Carlos Egues
+ PDF Chat Sequential Measurement of Conjugate Variables as an Alternative Quantum State Tomography 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Direct measurement of the quantum wavefunction 2011 Jeff S. Lundeen
Brandon Sutherland
Aabid Patel
Corey Stewart
C. Bamber
+ Statistics of nondemolition weak measurement 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
José Carlos Egues
+ PDF Chat Full Counting Statistics of Spin Currents 2004 Antonio Di Lorenzo
Yuli V. Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Testing quantum correlations versus single-particle properties within Leggett’s model and beyond 2008 Cyril Branciard
Nicolas Brunner
Nicolas Gisin
Christian Kurtsiefer
Antı́a Lamas-Linares
Alexander Ling
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Faithful test of nonlocal realism with entangled coherent states 2011 Chang-Woo Lee
Mauro Paternostro
Hyunseok Jeong
+ PDF Chat An experimental test of non-local realism 2007 Simon Gröblacher
Tomasz Paterek
Rainer Kaltenbaek
Časlav Brukner
Marek ƻukowski
Markus Aspelmeyer
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Local Deterministic Model of Singlet State Correlations Based on Relaxing Measurement Independence 2010 Michael J. W. Hall
+ PDF Chat Full counting statistics of weak-value measurement 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Quantum Cheshire Cats 2013 Yakir Aharonov
Sandu Popescu
Daniel Rohrlich
Paul Skrzypczyk
+ PDF Chat A simple model for the spin singlet: mathematical equivalence of non-locality, slave will and conspiracy 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Communication Cost of Simulating Bell Correlations 2003 Ben Toner
Dave Bacon
+ PDF Chat Experimental demonstration of quantum correlations over more than 10 km 1998 Wolfgang Tittel
J. Brendel
B. Gisin
Thomas Herzog
Hugo Zbinden
Nicolas Gisin
+ PDF Chat Experimental Test of Nonlocal Realistic Theories Without the Rotational Symmetry Assumption 2007 Tomasz Paterek
Alessandro Fedrizzi
Simon Gröblacher
Thomas Jennewein
Marek ƻukowski
Markus Aspelmeyer
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Determination of hidden-variable models reproducing the spin singlet 2012 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat State tomography via weak measurements 2013 Shengjun Wu
+ PDF Chat Violation of Bell's Inequality under Strict Einstein Locality Conditions 1998 Gregor Weihs
Thomas Jennewein
Christoph Simon
Harald Weinfurter
Anton Zeilinger
+ Diagonalisation d'une classe d'hamiltoniens de spin 1976 M. Gaudin
+ PDF Chat A non-local hidden-variable model that violates Leggett-type inequalities 2008 F. De Zela
+ PDF Chat Relaxed Bell inequalities and Kochen-Specker theorems 2011 Michael J. W. Hall
+ PDF Chat Full counting statistics of noncommuting variables: The case of spin counts 2006 Antonio Di Lorenzo
Gabriele Campagnano
Yuli V. Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Simulating Maximal Quantum Entanglement without Communication 2005 Nicolas J. Cerf
Nicolas Gisin
S. Massar
Sandu Popescu
+ PDF Chat Small Superconducting Grain in the Canonical Ensemble 1998 A. Mastellone
G. Falci
Rosario Fazio
+ PDF Chat Testing nonlocal realism with entangled coherent states 2010 Mauro Paternostro
Hyunseok Jeong
+ PDF Chat Complex weak values in quantum measurement 2007 Richard Jozsa
+ PDF Chat Ultrasensitive Beam Deflection Measurement via Interferometric Weak Value Amplification 2009 P. Ben Dixon
David J. Starling
Andrew N. Jordan
John C. Howell
+ PDF Chat Quantum state tomography from a sequential measurement of two variables in a single setup 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Separation of variables in the Gaudin model 1989 E. K. Sklyanin
+ PDF Chat Integrability of the pairing hamiltonian 1997 M. C. Cambiaggio
Alejandro M. F. Rivas
Marcos Saraceno
+ PDF Chat Off-shell Bethe ansatz equations and N-point correlators in the SU(2) WZNW theory 1993 H. Babujian
+ PDF Chat Postselection-induced entanglement swapping from a vacuum-excitation entangled state to separate quantum systems 2014 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic properties of a small superconducting grain 2001 Moshe Schechter
Y. Imry
Y. Levinson
Jan von Delft
+ PDF Chat Weak Values and the Leggett-Garg Inequality in Solid-State Qubits 2008 Nathan S. Williams
Andrew N. Jordan
+ Re-Entrant Spin Susceptibility of a Superconducting Grain 2000 Antonio Di Lorenzo
Rosario Fazio
F. W. J. Hekking
G. Falci
A. Mastellone
G. Giaquinta
+ PDF Chat Integrable Model for Interacting Electrons in Metallic Grains 2001 Luigi Amico
Antonio Di Lorenzo
Andreas Osterloh
+ PDF Chat Weak Values of Electron Spin in a Double Quantum Dot 2008 Alessandro Romito
Yuval Gefen
Yaroslav M. Blanter
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative theory of weak pre- and post-selected measurements 2012 Abraham G. Kofman
Sahel Ashhab
Franco Nori
+ PDF Chat Quantum optical reconstruction scheme using weak values 2012 Joachim Fischbach
Matthias Freyberger
+ PDF Chat Full characterization of polarization states of light via direct measurement 2013 Jeff Z. Salvail
Megan Agnew
Allan S. Johnson
Eliot Bolduc
Jonathan Leach
Robert W. Boyd
+ PDF Chat Correlations between Detectors Allow Violation of the Heisenberg Noise-Disturbance Principle for Position and Momentum Measurements 2013 Antonio Di Lorenzo
+ Experimental Falsification of Leggett’s Nonlocal Variable Model 2007 Cyril Branciard
Alexander Ling
Nicolas Gisin
Christian Kurtsiefer
Antı́a Lamas-Linares
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Gate-Voltage Studies of Discrete Electronic States in Aluminum Nanoparticles 1997 D. C. Ralph
C. T. Black
M. Tinkham
+ PDF Chat Spectroscopy of discrete energy levels in ultrasmall metallic grains 2001 Jan von Delft
D. C. Ralph
+ PDF Chat Hidden Variable Models for Quantum Theory Cannot Have Any Local Part 2008 Roger Colbeck
Renato Renner
+ PDF Chat Weak measurements beyond the Aharonov-Albert-Vaidman formalism 2011 Shengjun Wu
Yang Li
+ PDF Chat Complete characterization of post-selected quantum statistics using weak measurement tomography 2010 Holger F. Hofmann
+ PDF Chat Weak values, quantum trajectories, and the cavity-QED experiment on wave-particle correlation 2002 Howard M. Wiseman