André Beauducel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat How Does the Elimination of Group Mean-Differences Affect Factor Score Determinacy? 2024 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ PDF Chat R-Factor Analysis of Data Based on Population Models Comprising R- and Q-Factors Leads to Biased Loading Estimates 2024 André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat Robust oblique Target-rotation for small samples 2023 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ On the effect of items measuring different factors across individuals on item inter-correlations 2023 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ PDF Chat The Trade-Off Between Factor Score Determinacy and the Preservation of Inter-Factor Correlations 2023 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
Tobias Kuhl
+ The trade-off between factor score determinacy and the preservation of inter-factor correlations 2023 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
Tobias Kühl
+ Bias of determinacy coefficients in confirmatory factor analysis based on categorical variables 2023 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
Anneke Cleopatra Weide
+ Robust oblique Target-rotation for small samples 2023 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ How does the elimination of group mean-differences affect factor score determinacy? 2023 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ ClusterCirc: Finding item clusters for circumplex instruments 2022 Anneke Cleopatra Weide
Tobias Kühl
André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat Correlation-Preserving Mean Plausible Values as a Basis for Prediction in the Context of Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling 2022 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ Intelligenz‍(tests) verstehen und missverstehen 2022 Jörn R. Sparfeldt
Nicolas Becker
Samuel Greiff
Martin Kersting
Cornelius J. König
Jonas W. B. Lang
André Beauducel
+ Coefficients of Factor Score Determinacy for Mean Plausible Values of Bayesian Factor Analysis 2022 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ R-factor analysis of data generated by a combination of R- and Q-factors leads to biased loading estimates 2022 André Beauducel
+ Correlation-preserving mean plausible values as a basis for prediction in the context of Bayesian structural equation modeling 2022 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis and higher-level scores of interpersonal problems with circumplex structure 2021 Anneke Cleopatra Weide
Vera Scheuble
André Beauducel
+ Heterogeneous item populations across individuals: Consequences for the factor model, item inter-correlations, and scale validity 2021 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ Coefficients of factor score determinacy for mean plausible values of Bayesian factor analysis 2021 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ Heterogeneous item populations across individuals: Consequences for the factor model, item inter-correlations, and scale validity 2021 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ PDF Chat Overcoming Limitations of the Independent Clusters Model for CFA by Means of Bayes-Estimation and Buffered Simple Structure 2020 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ PDF Chat Identification of Facet Models by Means of Factor Rotation: A Simulation Study and Data Analysis of a Test for the Berlin Model of Intelligence Structure 2020 André Beauducel
Martin Kersting
+ Score Predictor Factor Analysis as model for the identification of single-item indicators 2020 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ PDF Chat Overcoming limitations of the independent clusters model for CFA by means of Bayes-estimation and buffered simple structure 2019 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ PDF Chat Identification of facet models by means of factor rotation: A simulation study and data analysis of a test for the Berlin Model of Intelligence Structure 2019 André Beauducel
Martin Kersting
+ PDF Chat Differences of Type I error rates for ANOVA and Multilevel-Linear-Models using SAS and SPSS for repeated measures designs 2019 Nicolas Haverkamp
André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat Score Predictor Factor Analysis: Reproducing Observed Covariances by Means of Factor Score Predictors 2019 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ PDF Chat A meta-analysis of the P3 amplitude in tasks requiring deception in legal and social contexts 2019 Anja Leue
André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat Varimax Rotation Based on Gradient Projection Is a Feasible Alternative to SPSS 2019 Anneke Cleopatra Weide
André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat Cognitive demand and error feedback: fMRI evidence for individual differences of conflict monitoring in rostral versus dorsal ACC activity 2018 Anja Leue
Bernd Weber
Christian E. Elger
Peter Trautner
André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat On Optimal Allocation of Treatment/Condition Variance in Principal Component Analysis 2018 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ Differences of Type I error rates using SAS and SPSS for repeated measures designs 2018 Nicolas Haverkamp
André Beauducel
+ Differences of Type I error rates for ANOVA and Multilevel-Linear-Models using SAS and SPSS for repeated measures designs 2018 Nicolas Haverkamp
André Beauducel
+ On optimal allocation of treatment/condition variance in principal component analysis 2018 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ Does it actually feel right? A replication attempt of the rounded price effect 2018 Christopher Harms
Hanna A. Genau
Carolin Meschede
André Beauducel
+ On optimal allocation of treatment/condition variance in principal component analysis 2018 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ Differences of Type I error rates for ANOVA and Multilevel-Linear-Models using SAS and SPSS for repeated measures designs 2018 Nicolas Haverkamp
André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat Violation of the Sphericity Assumption and Its Effect on Type-I Error Rates in Repeated Measures ANOVA and Multi-Level Linear Models (MLM) 2017 Nicolas Haverkamp
André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat A Schmid-Leiman-based transformation resulting in perfect inter-correlations of three types of factor score predictors 2017 André Beauducel
+ Violation of the sphericity assumption and its effect on Type-I error rates in repeated measures ANOVA and multi-level linear models (MLM) 2017 Nicolas Haverkamp
André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat A meta-analysis of the P3 amplitude in tasks requiring deception in legal and social contexts 2017 Anja Leue
André Beauducel
+ Violation of the sphericity assumption and its effect on Type-I error rates in repeated measures ANOVA and multi-level linear models (MLM) 2017 Nicolas Haverkamp
André Beauducel
+ Reliability Estimates for Three Factor Score Estimators 2016 André Beauducel
Christopher Harms
Norbert Hilger
+ Computing unit-weighted scales as a proxy for principal components or as factor score estimates 2016 André Beauducel
Anja Leue
Norbert Hilger
+ Treating reflective indicators as causal-formative indicators in order to compute factor score estimates or unit-weighted scales 2016 André Beauducel
Anja Leue
Norbert Hilger
+ On the bias of factor score determinacy coefficients based on different estimation methods of the exploratory factor model 2016 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ The determinacy of the regression factor score predictor based on continuous parameter estimates from categorical variables 2016 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ Treating reflective indicators as causal-formative indicators in order to compute factor score estimates or unit-weighted scales 2016 André Beauducel
Anja Leue
Norbert Hilger
+ A Schmid-Leiman based transformation resulting in perfect inter-correlations of three types of factor score predictors 2015 André Beauducel
+ A note on structured means analysis for a single group 2015 André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat Extending the Debate Between Spearman and Wilson 1929: When do Single Variables Optimally Reproduce the Common Part of the Observed Covariances? 2015 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ Searching for parsimony in loading patterns with non-zero secondary loadings 2015 André Beauducel
+ Constraints for non-zero secondary loadings in confirmatory factor analysis 2015 André Beauducel
+ Constraints for non-zero secondary loadings in confirmatory factor analysis 2015 André Beauducel
+ A Schmid-Leiman based transformation resulting in perfect inter-correlations of three types of factor score predictors 2015 André Beauducel
+ A note on structured means analysis for a single group 2015 André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat Retained-Components Factor Transformation: Factor Loadings and Factor Score Predictors in the Column Space of Retained Components 2014 André Beauducel
Frank Spohn
+ The factor paradox: Common factors can be correlated with the variance not accounted for by the common factors! 2013 André Beauducel
+ The factor paradox: Common factors can be correlated with the variance not accounted for by the common factors! 2013 André Beauducel
+ A Note on Unwanted Variance in Exploratory Factor Models 2012 André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat Indeterminacy of Factor Score Estimates In Slightly Misspecified Confirmatory Factor Models 2011 André Beauducel
+ In Spite of Indeterminacy Many Common Factor Score Estimates Yield an Identical Reproduced Covariance Matrix 2007 André Beauducel
+ On the Performance of Maximum Likelihood Versus Means and Variance Adjusted Weighted Least Squares Estimation in CFA 2006 André Beauducel
Philipp Yorck Herzberg
+ Multivariate Research Strategies: Festschrift in Honor of Werner W. Wittmann 2005 André Beauducel
Bernhard Biehl
Michael Bošnjak
Wolfgang Conrad
Gisela Schönberger
Dietrich Wagener
+ Problems with parallel analysis in data sets with oblique simple structure 2001 André Beauducel
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Computing and evaluating factor scores. 2001 James W. Grice
+ Best linear predictors for factor scores 1996 Wim P. Krijnen
Tom Wansbeek
Jos M. F. ten Berge
+ Constrained least squares estimators of oblique common factors 1981 Roderick P. McDonald
+ PDF Chat Some Results on Mean Square Error for Factor Score Prediction 2006 Wim P. Krijnen
+ Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. 1959 Donald T. Campbell
Donald W. Fiske
+ Gradient Projection Algorithms and Software for Arbitrary Rotation Criteria in Factor Analysis 2005 Coen Bernaards
Robert I. Jennrich
+ PDF Chat Extending the Debate Between Spearman and Wilson 1929: When do Single Variables Optimally Reproduce the Common Part of the Observed Covariances? 2015 André Beauducel
Norbert Hilger
+ Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling With Cross-Loadings and Residual Covariances 2015 Tihomir Asparouhov
Bengt Muthén
Alexandre J. S. Morin
+ Some new results on correlation-preserving factor scores prediction methods 1999 Jos M. F. ten Berge
Wim P. Krijnen
Tom Wansbeek
Alexander Shapiro
+ Rotation for simple loadings 1966 Robert I. Jennrich
P. F. Sampson
+ The Analysis of Repeated Measurements with Mixed-Model Adjusted F Tests 2004 Rhonda K. Kowalchuk
H. J. Keselman
James Algina
Russell D. Wolfinger
+ A Bluffer’s Guide to ... Sphericity 2000 Andy P. Field
+ The varimax criterion for analytic rotation in factor analysis 1958 Henry F. Kaiser
+ Model modifications in covariance structure analysis: The problem of capitalization on chance. 1992 Robert C. MacCallum
Mary Roznowski
Lawrence B. Necowitz
+ Sufficient Sample Sizes for Multilevel Modeling 2005 Cora J. M. Maas
Joop J. Hox
+ Component Analysis versus Common Factor Analysis: Some issues in Selecting an Appropriate Procedure 1990 Wayne F. Velicer
Douglas N. Jackson
+ Factor analysis by minimizing residuals (minres) 1966 Harry H. Harman
Wayne H. Jones
+ PDF Chat An Empirical Comparison of Factor, Image, Component, and Scale Scores 1992 Joseph L. Fava
Wayne F. Velicer
+ Move Over ANOVA 2004 Ralitza Gueorguieva
John H. Krystal
+ A simple general method for oblique rotation 2002 Robert I. Jennrich
+ Factor Analysis and Principal Components 1995 Hans Schneeweiß
H. Mathes
+ PDF Chat Varimax Rotation Based on Gradient Projection Is a Feasible Alternative to SPSS 2019 Anneke Cleopatra Weide
André Beauducel
+ Using multivariate statistics 1983 Barbara G. Tabachnick
Linda S. Fidell
+ A simple general procedure for orthogonal rotation 2001 Robert I. Jennrich
+ A Primer of Multivariate Statistics 1975 David Strauss
Richard J. Harris
+ PDF Chat An Empirical Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Estimation for Confirmatory Factor Analysis With Ordinal Data. 2004 David B. Flora
Patrick J. Curran
+ Factors and Principal Components in the Near Spherical Case 1997 Hans Schneeweiß
+ PDF Chat Estimating individual treatment effects from multiple-baseline data: A Monte Carlo study of multilevel-modeling approaches 2010 John M. Ferron
Jennie L. Farmer
Corina Owens
+ A cluster‐based factor rotation 2013 Michio Yamamoto
Robert I. Jennrich
+ Meta-Analysis: Recent Developments in Quantitative Methods for Literature Reviews 2001 Robert Rosenthal
M. Robin DiMatteo
+ A rationale and test for the number of factors in factor analysis 1965 John L. Horn
+ Is It Really Robust? 2010 Emanuel Schmider
Matthias Ziegler
Erik Danay
Luzi Beyer
Markus Bühner
+ PDF Chat Improving transparency and replication in Bayesian statistics: The WAMBS-Checklist. 2015 Sarah Depaoli
Rens van de Schoot
+ Variance Component Testing in Multilevel Models 2001 Johannes Berkhof
Tom A. B. Snijders
+ On methods in the analysis of profile data 1959 Samuel W. Greenhouse
Seymour Geisser
+ A comparison of recent approaches to the analysis of repeated measurements 1999 H. J. Keselman
James Algina
Rhonda K. Kowalchuk
Russell D. Wolfinger
+ Hopes and cautions in implementing Bayesian structural equation modeling. 2012 Robert C. MacCallum
Michael C. Edwards
Li Cai
+ A convenient method and numerical tables for sample size determination in longitudinal-experimental research using multilevel models 2014 Satoshi Usami
+ In Spite of Indeterminacy Many Common Factor Score Estimates Yield an Identical Reproduced Covariance Matrix 2007 André Beauducel
+ PDF Chat Analyzing Small Samples of Repeated Measures Data with the Mixed-Model Adjusted<i>F</i>Test 2009 Jaime Arnau
Roser Bono
Guillermo Vallejo
+ The Estimation of Factor Indeterminacy 1983 David V. Budescu
+ Relation of sample size to the stability of component patterns. 1988 Edward Guadagnoli
Wayne F. Velicer
+ Comparison of five rules for determining the number of components to retain. 1986 William R. Zwick
Wayne F. Velicer
+ On the use of confirmatory factor analysis in personality research 1998 Tenko Raykov
+ Small Sample Inference for Fixed Effects from Restricted Maximum Likelihood 1997 Michael G. Kenward
James Roger
+ Trim and Fill: A Simple Funnel‐Plot–Based Method of Testing and Adjusting for Publication Bias in Meta‐Analysis 2000 Sue Duval
Richard L. Tweedie
+ General Linear Mixed Model for Analysing Longitudinal Data in Developmental Research 2010 Jaume Arnau
Roser Bono
Nekane Balluerka
Arantxa Gorostiaga
+ Multiple factor analysis. 1948 Paul Horst
+ Unreliability of difference scores: A paradox for measurement of change. 1975 John E. Overall
J. Arthur Woodward
+ The minimum average correlation between equivalent sets of uncorrelated factors 1971 Peter H. Schönemann