M. Scott Osborne


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The Selberg Trace Formula IX: Contribution from the Conjugacy Classes (The Regular Case) 2020 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ Hausdorffization and Such 2014 M. Scott Osborne
+ Locally Convex Spaces 2013 M. Scott Osborne
+ Locally Convex Spaces 2013 M. Scott Osborne
+ Duals of Fréchet Spaces 2013 M. Scott Osborne
+ Topological Vector Spaces 2013 M. Scott Osborne
+ Topological Groups 2013 M. Scott Osborne
+ The Classics 2013 M. Scott Osborne
+ A Low-Level Proof of Chebyshev's Pre-Prime Number Theorem 2009 M. Scott Osborne
+ Ext and Tor 2000 M. Scott Osborne
+ Abstract Homological Algebra 2000 M. Scott Osborne
+ Change of Rings 2000 M. Scott Osborne
+ Derived Functors 2000 M. Scott Osborne
+ Basic Homological Algebra 2000 M. Scott Osborne
+ The Selberg Trace Formula. VIII, Contribution from the Continuous Spectrum 1991 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ PDF Chat The Selberg trace formula. VIII.\ Contribution from the continuous spectrum 1991 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ PDF Chat The Selberg trace formula. VII. Application of the truncation process to the continuous spectrum 1989 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ On the Dini calculus II 1989 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ Lefschetz formulas on nonelliptic complexes 1989 M. Scott Osborne
+ On the Dini calculus 1986 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ Selberg’s trace formula and a character identity for generalized Heisenberg groups 1986 M. Scott Osborne
+ The continuous spectrum: some explicit formulas 1986 M. Scott Osborne
+ PDF Chat The Selberg trace formula. V. Questions of trace class 1984 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ PDF Chat The Selberg trace formula. II. Partition, reduction, truncation 1983 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ The Selberg trace formula. III. Inner product formulae (initial considerations) 1983 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ The selberg trace formula IV: Inner product formulae (final considerations) 1983 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ The theory of Eisenstein systems 1981 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ Multiplicities of the integrable discrete series: The case of a nonuniform lattice in an R-rank one semisimple group 1978 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ Spectral theory and uniform lattices 1977 M. Scott Osborne
+ On the Schwartz-Bruhat space and the Paley-Wiener theorem for locally compact abelian groups 1975 M. Scott Osborne
+ The $n$ -cohomology of representations with an infinitesimal character 1975 W. Casselman
M. Scott Osborne
+ PDF Chat Lie algebra cohomology of certain infinite-dimensional representations 1974 M. Scott Osborne
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Garth Warner 12
W. Casselman 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Introduction to Topological Groups 1966 Taqdir Husain
+ Real and Complex Analysis. 1987 G. A. Garreau
Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat The Stone-Weierstrass theorem 1959 Louis de Branges
+ On Regularly Convex Sets in the Space Conjugate to a Banach Space 1940 M. Г. Крейн
V. Smulian
+ A Primer of Lebesgue Integration 2002 H. S. Bear
+ History of Functional Analysis 1981 Jean Alexandre Dieudonné
+ PDF Chat A Course in Functional Analysis 1985 John B. Conway
+ Invitation to Complex Analysis 2010 R. P. Boas
+ PDF Chat Topological Vector Spaces I 1983 Gottfried Köthe
+ PDF Chat Principles of functional analysis 2018 Martin Schechter
+ Introductory Theory of Topological Vector Spaces 2019 Yau‐Chuen Wong
+ Mathematics Made Difficult 2008 Underwood Dudley
+ Linear Topological Spaces 1963 John L. Kelley
Isaac Namioka
William F. Donoghue
Kenneth R. Lucas
B. J. Pettis
Ebbe Thue Poulsen
G. Baley Price
Wendy Robertson
W. R. Scott
Kennan T. Smith
+ Ultrametric Banach Algebras 2003 Alain Escassut
+ Topological Vector Spaces 2010 Lawrence Narici
Edward Beckenstein
+ Topological vector spaces, distributions and kernels 2006 François Trèves
+ Topological Vector Spaces II 1979 h.c. Gottfried Köthe
+ The Selberg Trace Formula 1984 Burton Randol
+ PDF Chat On the Functional Equations Satisfied by Eisenstein Series 1976 R. P. Langlands
+ PDF Chat The Selberg trace formula. II. Partition, reduction, truncation 1983 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ Topological vector spaces and distributions 1966 Juan Horváth
+ The Selberg trace formula. I: Γ-rank one lattices. 1981 Scott M. Osborne
Garth Warner
+ Ultrametric Banach Algebras 2003 Alain Escassut
+ Topological Vector Spaces. 1967 M. S. Ramanujan
Helmut Schaefer
+ PDF Chat A Course in Functional Analysis. 1986 T. W. Gamelin
John B. Conway
+ PDF Chat The Selberg trace formula. VII. Application of the truncation process to the continuous spectrum 1989 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ PDF Chat Harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups 1970 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ The Selberg trace formula. III. Inner product formulae (initial considerations) 1983 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ The characters of discrete series as orbital integrals 1976 James Arthur
+ The Trace Formula in Invariant Form 1981 James Arthur
+ Lie Algebra Cohomology and the Generalized Borel-Weil Theorem 2009 Bertram Kostant
+ A lower bound for the heat kernel 1981 Jeff Cheeger
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Conjugacy class structure of smooth hyperbolic sectors 1989 Marcy Barge
R.M. Swanson
Russell B. Walker
+ PDF Chat Corrections to: “Topological entropy and recurrence of countable chains” 1989 Ibrahim Salama
+ PDF Chat Spanned and ample vector bundles with low Chern numbers 1989 Edoardo Ballico
+ The Selberg Trace Formula for Groups of F-rank One 1974 James Arthur
+ Lower bounds for the eigenvalues of negatively curved manifolds 1980 Harold Donnelly
Peter Li
+ Topics in Topology and Homotopy Theory 2005 Garth Warner
+ PDF Chat Distributions sur un groupe localement compact et applications à l'étude des représentations des groupes $p$-adiques 1961 François Bruhat
+ On a Conjecture of Langlands 1971 Wilfried Schmid
+ Some Tempered Distributions on Semisimple Groups of Real Rank One 1974 James Arthur
+ Compactification of Arithmetic Quotients of Bounded Symmetric Domains 1966 Walter L. Baily
Armand Borel
+ An Elementary Proof of the Prime-Number Theorem 1949 Atle Selberg
+ Fourier Inversion Formulas of Orbital Integrals 1976 Dan Barbasch
+ Mémoire sur les nombres premiers. 1852 Tchébichef
+ The selberg trace formula IV: Inner product formulae (final considerations) 1983 M. Scott Osborne
Garth Warner
+ Elementary Number Theory 1979 Henry J. Ricardo
David Burton
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ Introduction to Functional Analysis 1972 1
+ Harmonic Analysis on Semi-Simple Lie Groups I 1972 Garth Warner