Ketty A. de Rezende


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Gutierrez–Sotomayor flows: isolating blocks and homotopical cancellations 2025 Ketty A. de Rezende
Dahisy V. S. Lima
Murilo A. de Jesus Zigart
+ A bifurcation analysis of simple singularities: cones, cross-caps, double and triple crossing points 2024 Ketty A. de Rezende
Murilo A. J. Zigart
+ Minimal Flow Morsification subject to Level Set Control: a Combinatorial Approach 2023 Maria Alice Bertolim
Ketty A. de Rezende
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
+ Conley index theory for Gutierrez-Sotomayor flows on singular 3-manifolds 2023 Ketty A. de Rezende
Nivaldo G. Grulha
Dahisy V. S. Lima
Murilo A. J. Zigart
+ Cancellations of periodic orbits for non-singular Morse–Smale flows 2023 Dahisy V. S. Lima
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ The effect of singularization on the Euler characteristic 2023 Murilo A. J. Zigart
Ketty A. de Rezende
Dahisy V. S. Lima
Nivaldo G. Grulha
+ Gutierrez-Sotomayor flows on singular surfaces 2022 Ketty A. de Rezende
Nivaldo G. Grulha
Dahisy V. S. Lima
Murilo A.J. Zigart
+ PDF Chat Homotopical Cancellation Theory for Gutierrez-Sotomayor Singular Flows 2021 Dahisy V. S. Lima
S. A. Raminelli
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Gutierrez-Sotomayor Flows on Singular Surfaces 2020 Murilo A. J. Zigart
Ketty A. de Rezende
Nivaldo G. Grulha
Dahisy V. S. Lima
+ Homotopical Cancellation Theory for Gutierrez-Sotomayor Singular Flows 2020 Dahisy V. S. Lima
S. A. Raminelli
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Conley theory for Gutierrez-Sotomayor fields 2020 H. MontĂşfar
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Gutierrez-Sotomayor Flows on Singular Surfaces 2020 Murilo A. J. Zigart
Ketty A. de Rezende
Nivaldo G. Grulha
Dahisy V. S. Lima
+ Homotopical Cancellation Theory for Gutierrez-Sotomayor Singular Flows 2020 Dahisy V. S. Lima
S. A. Raminelli
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ The Effect of Singularization on the Euler Characteristic 2020 Murilo A. de Jesus Zigart
Ketty A. de Rezende
Nivaldo G. Grulha
Dahisy V. S. Lima
+ On handle theory for Morse–Bott critical manifolds 2018 Dahisy V. S. Lima
Oziride Manzoli Neto
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Lyapunov graphs for circle valued functions 2018 Ketty A. de Rezende
Guido Gerson Espiritu Ledesma
Oziride Manzoli-Neto
Gioia Vago
+ PDF Chat Cancellations for circle-valued Morse functions via spectral sequences 2017 Dahisy V. S. Lima
Oziride Manzoli Neto
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ Algebraic and dynamical cancellations associated to spectral sequence 2017 Maria Alice Bertolim
Dahisy V. S. Lima
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ PDF Chat Discrete conley index theory for zero dimensional basic sets 2016 Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana G. Villapouca
+ Cancellations for Circle-valued Morse Functions via Spectral Sequences 2016 Dahisy V. S. Lima
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
Oziride Manzoli Neto
+ PDF Chat Generalized topological transition matrix 2016 Robert Franzosa
Ketty A. de Rezende
Ewerton R. Vieira
+ PDF Chat Connection matrices for Morse-Bott flows 2016 Dahisy V. S. Lima
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Cancellations for Circle-valued Morse Functions via Spectral Sequences 2016 Dahisy V. S. Lima
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
Oziride Manzoli Neto
+ Discrete Conley Index for Zero-dimensional Basic Sets 2015 Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana G. Villapouca
+ PDF Chat Smale flows on 2015 Ketty A. de Rezende
Guido Gerson Espiritu Ledesma
Oziride Manzoli Neto
+ A global two-dimensional version of Smale’s cancellation theorem via spectral sequences 2015 Maria Alice Bertolim
Dahisy V. S. Lima
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ Discrete Conley Index for Zero-dimensional Basic Sets 2015 Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana G. Villapouca
+ An Algorithmic Approach to Algebraic and Dynamical Cancellations associated to a Spectral Sequence 2014 Maria Alice Bertolim
Dahisy V. S. Lima
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ Generalized Topological Transition Matrix 2013 Robert Franzosa
Ketty A. de Rezende
Ewerton R. Vieira
+ A teoria do índice de Conley discreta para conjuntos básicos zero-dimensionais 2013 Mariana Gesualdi Villapouca
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Continuation and bifurcation associated to the dynamical spectral sequence 2013 Robert Franzosa
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ Generalized Topological Transition Matrix 2013 Robert Franzosa
Ketty A. de Rezende
Ewerton R. Vieira
+ PDF Chat Duality and the Poincaré–Hopf Inequalities 2011 Maria Alice Bertolim
Carlos Biasi
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ On the variations of the Betti numbers of regular levels of Morse flows 2011 Maria Alice Bertolim
Ketty A. de Rezende
Oziride Manzoli Neto
Gioia Vago
Carlos Biasi
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Conley's spectral sequence via the sweeping algorithm 2010 Ketty A. de Rezende
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ Matrizes de conexĂŁo via o complexo de Morse-Witten 2010 Dahisy V. S. Lima
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Matrizes de conexĂŁo para as dinamicas continua e discreta 2010 Naiara Vergian de Paulo
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ PDF Chat Spectral sequences in Conley’s theory 2009 Octavian Cornea
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ The Conley index for discontinuous vector fields 2008 R. Casagrande
Ketty A. de Rezende
Marco AntĂ´nio Teixeira
+ Isolating Blocks for Periodic Orbits 2006 Maria Alice Bertolim
Ketty A. de Rezende
Oziride Manzoli Neto
+ Isolating blocks for Morse flows 2006 Maria Alice Bertolim
Ketty A. de Rezende
Oziride Manzoli Neto
Gioia Vago
+ Minimal Morse flows on compact manifolds 2006 Maria Alice Bertolim
Ketty A. de Rezende
Gioia Vago
+ Realizability of the Morse polytope 2005 Ricardo N. Cruz
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Poincaré–Hopf and Morse inequalities for Lyapunov graphs 2004 Maria Alice Bertolim
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ PDF Chat Poincaré-Hopf inequalities 2004 Maria Alice Bertolim
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Dynamical and topological aspects of Lyapunov graphs 2004 Maria Alice Bertolim
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Lyapunov graph continuation 2003 Maria Alice Bertolim
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ O indice homotopico de Conley para aplicações continuas 2002 Rogério Antônio Casagrande
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ A dinamica dos templates e os blocos isolantes 2002 Hernán Roberto Montúfar López
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ PDF Chat Maximal Poincaré polynomials and minimal Morse functions 2001 Vieri Benci
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Gradient-like flows on high-dimensional manifolds 1999 Ricardo N. Cruz
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Lyapunov Graphs and Flows on Surfaces 1993 Ketty A. de Rezende
R. D. Franzosa
+ Gradient-like flows on 3-manifolds 1993 Ketty A. de Rezende
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov graphs and flows on surfaces 1993 Ketty A. de Rezende
Robert Franzosa
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Isolated Invariant Sets and the Morse Index 1978 Charles C. Conley
+ Homology and Dynamical Systems 1982 John Franks
+ Nonsingular smale flows on S3 1985 John Franks
+ Lyapunov graph continuation 2003 Maria Alice Bertolim
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Gradient-like flows on high-dimensional manifolds 1999 Ricardo N. Cruz
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Poincaré–Hopf and Morse inequalities for Lyapunov graphs 2004 Maria Alice Bertolim
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ Continuation to the minimal number of critical points in gradient flows 1992 James F. Reineck
+ PDF Chat Spectral sequences in Conley’s theory 2009 Octavian Cornea
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ PDF Chat The connection matrix theory for Morse decompositions 1989 Robert Franzosa
+ PDF Chat Smale flows on the three-sphere 1987 Ketty de Rezende
+ Morse Theory, the Conley Index and Floer Homology 1990 Dietmar Salamon
+ PDF Chat The continuation theory for Morse decompositions and connection matrices 1988 Robert Franzosa
+ PDF Chat Cycle rank of Lyapunov graphs and the genera of manifolds 1998 Laura Cruz–Reyes
Ketty de Rezende
+ Isolating blocks for Morse flows 2006 Maria Alice Bertolim
Ketty A. de Rezende
Oziride Manzoli Neto
Gioia Vago
+ Lecture Notes in Algebraic Topology 2001 James Davis
Paul Kirk
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov graphs and flows on surfaces 1993 Ketty A. de Rezende
Robert Franzosa
+ Lectures on the H-Cobordism Theorem 1965 John Milnor
+ Realizability of the Morse polytope 2005 Ricardo N. Cruz
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ PDF Chat Poincaré-Lefschetz duality for the homology Conley index 1992 Christopher McCord
+ PDF Chat Continuation to gradient flows 1991 James F. Reineck
+ Isolating Blocks for Periodic Orbits 2006 Maria Alice Bertolim
Ketty A. de Rezende
Oziride Manzoli Neto
+ A global two-dimensional version of Smale’s cancellation theorem via spectral sequences 2015 Maria Alice Bertolim
Dahisy V. S. Lima
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ PDF Chat Algebraic transition matrices in the Conley index theory 1998 Robert Franzosa
Konstantin Mischaikow
+ Minimal Morse flows on compact manifolds 2006 Maria Alice Bertolim
Ketty A. de Rezende
Gioia Vago
+ Continuation and bifurcation associated to the dynamical spectral sequence 2013 Robert Franzosa
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ PDF Chat Poincaré-Hopf inequalities 2004 Maria Alice Bertolim
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ PDF Chat Connected simple systems and the Conley index of isolated invariant sets 1985 Dietmar Salamon
+ PDF Chat The Morse–Witten complex via dynamical systems 2005 Joa Weber
+ Conley's spectral sequence via the sweeping algorithm 2010 Ketty A. de Rezende
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ PDF Chat The connection matrix in Morse-Smale flows 1990 James F. Reineck
+ Stable Vector Fields on Manifolds with Simple Singularities 1982 Carlos Gutiérrez
Jorge Sotomayor
+ Gradient-like flows on 3-manifolds 1993 Ketty A. de Rezende
+ PDF Chat Index filtrations and the homology index braid for partially ordered Morse decompositions 1986 Robert Franzosa
+ PDF Chat Cancellations for circle-valued Morse functions via spectral sequences 2017 Dahisy V. S. Lima
Oziride Manzoli Neto
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ PDF Chat The connection map for attractor-repeller pairs 1988 Christopher McCord
+ PDF Chat Smoothing derivatives of functions and applications 1969 F. Wilson
+ Homology for Zero-Dimensional Nonwandering Sets 1977 Rufus Bowen
John Franks
+ Algebraic topology 2001 Allen Hatcher
+ Differentiable Dynamical Systems 1980 Steve Smale
+ Conley theory for Gutierrez-Sotomayor fields 2020 H. MontĂşfar
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ PDF Chat Homotopical Cancellation Theory for Gutierrez-Sotomayor Singular Flows 2021 Dahisy V. S. Lima
S. A. Raminelli
Ketty A. de Rezende
+ On Gradient Dynamical Systems 1961 Stephen T. Smale
+ An Algorithmic Approach to Algebraic and Dynamical Cancellations associated to a Spectral Sequence 2014 Maria Alice Bertolim
Dahisy V. S. Lima
Margarida Pinheiro Mello
Ketty A. de Rezende
Mariana R. da Silveira
+ PDF Chat Differentiable dynamical systems 1967 Stephen T. Smale
+ Topology and geometry 1993 Glen E. Bredon
+ The Conley index for discrete semidynamical systems 1995 Andrzej Szymczak
+ On the Structure of Manifolds 1962 Stephen T. Smale
+ PDF Chat Connection matrices and transition matrices 1999 Christopher McCord
James F. Reineck
+ PDF Chat Leray functor and cohomological Conley index for discrete dynamical systems 1990 Marian MroĹĽek
+ Morse-Smale flows and homotopy theory 1979 John Franks