Boris Odehnal


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Frégier’s Theorem in Three Dimensions 2024 Boris Odehnal
+ Miquel's Theorem and its Elementary Geometric Relatives 2024 Gunter Weiss
Boris Odehnal
+ Differential Geometry 2024 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Affine Geometry 2024 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Projective conics 2024 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Euclidean plane 2024 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Other geometries 2024 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Projective Geometry 2024 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ The Universe of Conics 2024 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Beyond the Nine-Point Conic 2022 Boris Odehnal
+ Circumparabolas in Chapple’s Porism 2022 Boris Odehnal
Dan Reznik
+ PDF Chat Loci of Poncelet triangles in the general closure case 2022 Ronaldo Garcia
Boris Odehnal
Dan Reznik
+ PDF Chat Pencils of Frégier Conics 2022 Boris Odehnal
+ Loci of Poncelet Triangles with Multiple Caustics. 2021 Ronaldo Garcia
Boris Odehnal
Dan Reznik
+ PDF Chat A Rarity in Geometry 2021 Boris Odehnal
+ Loci of Poncelet Triangles in the General Closure Case 2021 Ronaldo Garcia
Boris Odehnal
Dan Reznik
+ A One-Parameter Family of Triangle Cubics 2020 Boris Odehnal
+ Examples of Isoptic Ruled Surfaces 2020 Boris Odehnal
+ Some Generalizations of Quadrics 2020 Boris Odehnal
Hellmuth Stachel
Georg Glaeser
+ Projective and Affine Quadrics 2020 Boris Odehnal
Hellmuth Stachel
Georg Glaeser
+ Cubic and Quartic Space Curves as Intersections of Quadrics 2020 Boris Odehnal
Hellmuth Stachel
Georg Glaeser
+ Quadrics and Differential Geometry 2020 Boris Odehnal
Hellmuth Stachel
Georg Glaeser
+ Quadrics in Euclidean 3-space 2020 Boris Odehnal
Hellmuth Stachel
Georg Glaeser
+ PDF Chat Distance Product Cubics 2020 Boris Odehnal
+ Confocal Quadrics 2020 Boris Odehnal
Hellmuth Stachel
Georg Glaeser
+ Examples of Autoisoptic Curves 2018 Boris Odehnal
+ A Spatial Version of the Theorem of the Angle of Circumference 2018 Georg Glaeser
Boris Odehnal
Hellmuth Stachel
+ Higher Dimensional Geometries. What Are They Good For? 2018 Boris Odehnal
+ The Universe of Conics: From the ancient Greeks to 21st century developments 2018 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ PDF Chat Two Convergent Triangle Tunnels 2018 Boris Odehnal
+ PDF Chat Generalized Conchoids 2017 Boris Odehnal
+ The Universe of Conics 2016 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Differential Geometry 2016 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Projective conics 2016 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Projective Geometry 2016 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Affine Geometry 2016 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Euclidean plane 2016 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Packing Coxeter honeycombs with sequences of spheres 2012 Boris Odehnal
Jenő Szirmai
+ PDF Chat A Point Model for the Free Cyclic Submodules over Ternions 2012 Hans Havlicek
Jarosław Kosiorek
Boris Odehnal
+ A point model for the free cyclic submodules over ternions 2012 Hans Havlicek
Boris Odehnal
Jarosław Kosiorek
+ A point model for the free cyclic submodules over ternions 2012 Hans Havlicek
Boris Odehnal
Jarosław Kosiorek
+ PDF Chat On invariant notions of Segre varieties in binary projective spaces 2011 Hans Havlicek
Boris Odehnal
Метод Санига
+ Poristic Loci of Triangle Centers 2011 Boris Odehnal
+ Equioptic Curves of Conic Sections 2010 Boris Odehnal
+ Generalized Gergonne and Nagel Points 2009 Boris Odehnal
+ Note on Flecnodes 2009 Boris Odehnal
+ Mobius Pairs of Simplices and Commuting 2009 Hans Havlicek
Boris Odehnal
Метод Санига
+ Moebius Pairs of Simplices and Commuting Pauli Operators 2009 Hans Havlicek
Boris Odehnal
Метод Санига
+ On generalized ln-surfaces in 4-space 2008 Martín Peternell
Boris Odehnal
+ PDF Chat Three points related to the incenter and excenters of a triangle 2006 Boris Odehnal
+ Ortho-Circles of Dupin Cyclides 2006 Michael Schrott
Boris Odehnal
+ PDF Chat Zur geometrischen Erzeugung linearer Geradenabbildungen 2005 Boris Odehnal
+ PDF Chat On rational isotropic congruences of lines 2004 Boris Odehnal
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Universe of Conics 2016 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Vorlesungen über höhere Geometrie 1982 Oswald Giering
+ The Universe of Conics: From the ancient Greeks to 21st century developments 2018 Georg Glaeser
Hellmuth Stachel
Boris Odehnal
+ Poncelet’s porism: a long story of renewed discoveries, I 2015 Andrea Del Centina
+ Triangle Centers and Central Triangles 2001 Gerry Leversha
Clark Kimberling
+ Introduction to Geometry 1969 H. S. M. Coxeter
+ PDF Chat New Properties of Triangular Orbits in Elliptic Billiards 2021 Ronaldo Garcia
Dan Reznik
Jair Koiller
+ PDF Chat Geometry of free cyclic submodules over ternions 2011 Hans Havlicek
Andrzej Matraś
Mark Pankov
+ Basic Algebraic Geometry 2 1994 Igor R. Shafarevich
+ PDF Chat Vectors, Cyclic Submodules, and Projective Spaces Linked with Ternions 2008 Hans Havlicek
Метод Санига
+ General Galois Geometries 1993 Francis Buekenhout
+ General Galois Geometries 2016 J. W. P. Hirschfeld
J. A. Thas
+ Generalized Gergonne and Nagel Points 2009 Boris Odehnal
+ �ber Ternionen in der Geometrie 1936 H. Beck
+ PDF Chat Projective ring line of a specific qudit 2007 Hans Havlicek
Метод Санига
+ Über eine CREMONAsche Raumgeometrie 1977 Walter Benz
+ PDF Chat Can the Elliptic Billiard Still Surprise Us? 2019 Dan Reznik
Ronaldo Garcia
Jair Koiller
+ PDF Chat Grassmannians of Classical Buildings 2010 Mark Pankov
+ PDF Chat On the Circumcenters of Triangular Orbits in Elliptic Billiard 2021 Corentin Fierobe
+ Analytische Geometrie spezieller ebener Kurven 1962 Kuno Fladt
+ Elliptic Billiards and Ellipses Associated to the 3-Periodic Orbits 2019 Ronaldo Garcia
+ PDF Chat Invariant Center Power and Elliptic Loci of Poncelet Triangles 2021 Mark Helman
Dominique Laurain
Ronaldo Garcia
Dan Reznik
+ W. Burau, Mehrdimensionale projektive und höhere Geometrie. 436 S. m. 25 Abb. Berlin 1961. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften. Preis geb. DM 43,— 1962 S. Gołąb
+ PDF Chat On the incenters of triangular orbits on elliptic billiards 2015 Olga Romaskevich
+ Eine Cremonasche Raumgeometrie. 1936 H. Beck
+ Lie sphere geometry 1992 Thomas E. Cecil
+ PDF Chat Projective ring line of an arbitrary single qudit 2007 Hans Havlicek
Метод Санига
+ A Simple Proof of Poncelet's Theorem (on the Occasion of Its Bicentennial) 2015 Lorenz Halbeisen
Norbert Hungerbühler
+ PDF Chat A Jacobson Radical Decomposition of the Fano-Snowflake Configuration 2008 Метод Санига
P. Pracna
+ Kurven mit isoptischem Kreis 1970 W. Wunderlich
+ Kurven mit isoptischer Ellipse 1972 W. Wunderlich
+ Projective Geometries over Finite Fields 1998 J. W. P. Hirschfeld
+ PDF Chat Three fermions with six single-particle states can be entangled in two inequivalent ways 2008 Péter Lévay
Péter Vrana
+ PDF Chat Factor-Group-Generated Polar Spaces and (Multi-)Qudits 2009 Hans Havlicek
+ PDF Chat Twin ''Fano-Snowflakes'' over the Smallest Ring of Ternions 2008 Метод Санига
+ PDF Chat Allgemeine Theorie der gradlinigen Strahlensystem. 1860 E. E. Kummer
+ The polynomial degrees of Grassmann and Segre varieties over GF(2) 2007 Richard A. Shaw
+ PDF Chat Rational parametrization of conchoids to algebraic curves 2010 Juana Sendra
J. Rafael Sendra
+ PDF Chat The Gergonne point generalized through convex coordinates 1999 J. N. Boyd
Prishati Raychowdhury
+ PDF Chat Sull’estensione del concetto di tetraedri di möbius agli iperspazii 1906 Luigi Berzolari
+ Episodes in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Euclidean Geometry 1995 Ross Honsberger
+ On Miquel’s theorem and inversions in normed planes 2009 Margarita Spirova
Robert M. Corless
+ On the volume of hyperbolic polyhedra 1989 Ruth Kellerhals
+ Ball packings in spaces of constant curvature and the simplicial density function 1998 Ruth Kellerhals
+ VIII. Note of a theory of orthoptic and isoptic Loci 1884 Charles Taylor
+ PDF Chat Optimally dense packings for fully asymptotic Coxeter tilings by horoballs of different types 2012 R. Kozma
Jenő Szirmai
+ Jacob Steiner's Gesammelte Werke 2013 Jakob Steiner
+ Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen 1890 H. A. Schwarz
+ The geometry of generalized Pauli operators of N-qudit Hilbert space, and an application to MUBs 2009 Koen Thas