François Delarue


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Major-minor mean field games: common noise helps 2025 François Delarue
Chenchen Mou
+ Fourier Galerkin approximation of mean field control problems 2024 François Delarue
Mattia Martini
+ Rearranged Stochastic Heat Equation 2024 François Delarue
William R. P. Hammersley
+ On the optimal rate for the convergence problem in mean field control 2024 Samuel Daudin
François Delarue
Joe Jackson
+ PDF Chat Exploration Noise for Learning Linear-Quadratic Mean Field Games 2024 François Delarue
Athanasios Vasileiadis
+ PDF Chat It\^o's Formula for the Rearranged Stochastic Heat Equation 2024 François Delarue
William R. P. Hammersley
+ Ergodicity of some stochastic Fokker-Planck equations with additive common noise 2024 François Delarue
Étienne Tanré
Raphaël Maillet
+ PDF Chat Rearranged Stochastic Heat Equation: Ergodicity and Related Gradient Descent on the Space of Probability Measures 2024 François Delarue
William R. P. Hammersley
+ PDF Chat Fourier Galerkin approximation of mean field control problems 2024 François Delarue
Mattia Martini
+ Intrinsic regularization by noise for $1d$ mean field games 2024 François Delarue
Youssef Ouknine
+ On the Optimal Rate for the Convergence Problem in Mean Field Control 2023 Samuel Daudin
François Delarue
Joe Jackson
+ From Nash Equilibrium to Social Optimum and vice versa: a Mean Field Perspective 2023 René Carmona
Gökçe Dayanıklı
François Delarue
Mathieu Laurière
+ A Probabilistic Approach to Classical Solutions of the Master Equation for Large Population Equilibria 2022 Jean-François Chassagneux
Dan Crisan
François Delarue
+ Global solutions to the supercooled Stefan problem with blow-ups: regularity and uniqueness 2022 François Delarue
Sergey Nadtochiy
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ PDF Chat Finite State Mean Field Games with Wright–Fisher Common Noise as Limits of<i>N</i>-Player Weighted Games 2022 Erhan Bayraktar
Alekos Cecchin
Asaf Cohen
François Delarue
+ Probabilistic rough paths II Lions-Taylor expansions and Random controlled rough paths 2022 François Delarue
William Salkeld
+ Weak solutions to the master equation of potential mean field games 2022 Alekos Cecchin
François Delarue
+ Rearranged Stochastic Heat Equation 2022 François Delarue
William R. P. Hammersley
+ PDF Chat Selection by vanishing common noise for potential finite state mean field games 2021 Alekos Cecchin
François Delarue
+ Probabilistic rough paths I Lions trees and coupled Hopf algebras 2021 François Delarue
William Salkeld
+ PDF Chat Propagation of chaos for mean field rough differential equations 2021 Ismaël Bailleul
Rémi Catellier
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Finite state mean field games with Wright–Fisher common noise 2021 Erhan Bayraktar
Alekos Cecchin
Asaf Cohen
François Delarue
+ Uniform in time weak propagation of chaos on the torus 2021 François Delarue
Alvin Tse
+ Exploration noise for learning linear-quadratic mean field games 2021 François Delarue
Athanasios Vasileiadis
+ Mean field games and master equation 2021 François Delarue
+ An example driven introduction to probabilistic rough paths 2021 François Delarue
William Salkeld
+ PDF Chat Errata: Mean field games with common noise 2020 René Carmona
François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
+ Selection by vanishing common noise for potential finite state mean field games 2020 Alekos Cecchin
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Convergence analysis of upwind type schemes for the aggregation equation with pointy potential 2020 François Delarue
Frédéric Lagoutière
Nicolas Vauchelet
+ PDF Chat From the master equation to mean field game limit theory: Large deviations and concentration of measure 2020 François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
Kavita Ramanan
+ PDF Chat Solving mean field rough differential equations 2020 Ismaël Bailleul
Rémi Catellier
François Delarue
+ Master Equation for Finite State Mean Field Games with Additive Common Noise 2020 François Delarue
+ Finite state mean field games with Wright Fisher common noise as limits of $N$-player weighted games 2020 Erhan Bayraktar
Alekos Cecchin
Asaf Cohen
François Delarue
+ Selection by vanishing common noise for potential finite state mean field games 2020 Alekos Cecchin
François Delarue
+ Finite state Mean Field Games with Wright-Fisher common noise 2019 Erhan Bayraktar
Alekos Cecchin
Asaf Cohen
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat The Master Equation and the Convergence Problem in Mean Field Games 2019 Pierre Cardaliaguet
François Delarue
Jean‐Michel Lasry
Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ Mean Field Game System with a Common Noise 2019 Pierre Cardaliaguet
François Delarue
Jean‐Michel Lasry
Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat Selection of equilibria in a linear quadratic mean-field game 2019 François Delarue
Rinel Foguen Tchuendom
+ PDF Chat Restoring uniqueness to mean-field games by randomizing the equilibria 2019 François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Numerical method for FBSDEs of McKean–Vlasov type 2019 Jean-François Chassagneux
Dan Crisan
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Numerical schemes for the aggregation equation with pointy potentials 2019 Benoît Fabrèges
Hélène Hivert
Kévin Le Balc’h
Sofiane Martel
François Delarue
Fré́dé́ric Lagoutière
Nicolas Vauchelet
+ Propagation of chaos for mean field rough differential equations 2019 Ismaël Bailleul
Rémi Catellier
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat From the master equation to mean field game limit theory: a central limit theorem 2019 François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
Kavita Ramanan
+ Zero noise limit for multidimensional SDEs driven by a pointy gradient 2019 François Delarue
Mario Maurelli
+ Finite state Mean Field Games with Wright-Fisher common noise 2019 Erhan Bayraktar
Alekos Cecchin
Asaf Cohen
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Numerical Probabilistic Approach to MFG 2019 Andrea Angiuli
Christy V. Graves
Houzhi Li
Jean-François Chassagneux
François Delarue
René Carmona
+ PDF Chat Numerical Probabilistic Approach to MFG 2018 Andrea Angiuli
Christy V. Graves
Houzhi Li
Jean-François Chassagneux
François Delarue
René Carmona
+ PDF Chat Numerical Probabilistic Approach to MFG 2018 Andrea Angiuli
Christy V. Graves
Houzhi Li
Jean-François Chassagneux
François Delarue
René Carmona
+ PDF Chat Numerical Probabilistic Approach to MFG 2018 Andrea Angiuli
Christy V. Graves
Houzhi Li
Jean-François Chassagneux
François Delarue
René Carmona
+ The Master Field and the Master Equation 2018 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ Optimization in a Random Environment 2018 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ Spaces of Measures and Related Differential Calculus 2018 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ MFGs with a Common Noise: Strong and Weak Solutions 2018 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ Classical Solutions to the Master Equation 2018 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ Solving mean field rough differential equations 2018 Ismaël Bailleul
Rémi Catellier
François Delarue
+ Numerical Probabilistic Approach to MFG 2018 Andrea Angiuli
Christy V. Graves
Houzhi Li
Jean-François Chassagneux
François Delarue
René Carmona
+ Extensions for Volume II 2018 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ From the master equation to mean field game limit theory: A central limit theorem 2018 François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
Kavita Ramanan
+ From the master equation to mean field game limit theory: Large deviations and concentration of measure 2018 François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
Kavita Ramanan
+ Convergence analysis of upwind type schemes for the aggregation equation with pointy potential 2017 François Delarue
Fré́dé́ric Lagoutière
Nicolas Vauchelet
+ PDF Chat Mean Field Games of Timing and Models for Bank Runs 2017 René Carmona
François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
+ PDF Chat Convergence order of upwind type schemes for transport equations with discontinuous coefficients 2017 François Delarue
Frédéric Lagoutière
Nicolas Vauchelet
+ PDF Chat Mean field games: A toy model on an Erdös-Renyi graph. 2017 François Delarue
+ Numerical Method for FBSDEs of McKean-Vlasov Type 2017 Jean-François Chassagneux
Dan Crisan
François Delarue
+ Convergence analysis of upwind type schemes for the aggregation equation with pointy potential 2017 François Delarue
Fré́dé́ric Lagoutière
Nicolas Vauchelet
+ Mean field games with common noise 2016 René Carmona
François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
+ Mean field games of timing and models for bank runs 2016 René Carmona
François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
+ PDF Chat Mean field games with common noise 2016 René Carmona
François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
+ Mean field games of timing and models for bank runs 2016 René Carmona
François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
+ Convergence order of upwind type schemes for transport equations with discontinuous coefficients 2016 François Delarue
Fré́dé́ric Lagoutière
Nicolas Vauchelet
+ Forward–backward stochastic differential equations and controlled McKean–Vlasov dynamics 2015 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Global solvability of a networked integrate-and-fire model of McKean–Vlasov type 2015 François Delarue
J. Inglis
Sylvain Rubenthaler
Étienne Tanré
+ PDF Chat Rough paths and 1d SDE with a time dependent distributional drift: application to polymers 2015 François Delarue
Roland Diel
+ Particle systems with a singular mean-field self-excitation. Application to neuronal networks 2015 François Delarue
J. Inglis
Sylvain Rubenthaler
Étienne Tanré
+ PDF Chat The Landau equation for Maxwellian molecules and the Brownian motion on $SO_N(\mathbb{R})$ 2015 François Delarue
Stéphane Menozzi
Eulàlia Nualart
+ PDF Chat Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations and Controlled McKean Vlasov Dynamics 2015 René Carmona
François Delarue
Dan Crisan
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Information Transmission under Random Emission Constraints 2014 Francis Comets
François Delarue
René Schott
+ Mean field games with common noise 2014 René Carmona
François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
+ Rough paths and 1d sde with a time dependent distributional drift. Application to polymers 2014 François Delarue
Roland Diel
+ PDF Chat The Master Equation for Large Population Equilibriums 2014 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ Rédacteurs en chef / Chief Editors 2014 Thierry Bodineau
Route de Saclay
Lorenzo Zambotti
Comité de Rédaction
V. B Aladi
Martin T. Barlow
Gilles Blanchard
C. Benoît
Ivan Corwin
François Delarue
+ Particle systems with a singular mean-field self-excitation. Application to neuronal networks 2014 François Delarue
J. Inglis
Sylvain Rubenthaler
Étienne Tanré
+ The Landau Equation for Maxwellian molecules and the Brownian Motion on SO_R(N) 2014 François Delarue
Stéphane Menozzi
Eulàlia Nualart
+ Rough paths and 1d sde with a time dependent distributional drift. Application to polymers 2014 François Delarue
Roland Diel
+ Mean field games with common noise 2014 René Carmona
François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
+ PDF Chat First hitting times for general non-homogeneous 1d diffusion processes: density estimates in small time 2013 François Delarue
J. Inglis
Sylvain Rubenthaler
Étienne Tanré
+ PDF Chat Noise Prevents Collapse of Vlasov‐Poisson Point Charges 2013 François Delarue
Franco Flandoli
Dario Vincenzi
+ Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations and Controlled McKean Vlasov Dynamics 2013 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations and Controlled McKean Vlasov Dynamics 2013 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Singular forward–backward stochastic differential equations and emissions derivatives 2013 René Carmona
François Delarue
Gilles‐Edouard Espinosa
Nizar Touzi
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Analysis of Mean-Field Games 2013 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Mean field forward-backward stochastic differential equations 2013 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Analysis of Mean-Field Games 2013 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Analysis of Mean-Field Games 2013 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations and Controlled McKean Vlasov Dynamics 2013 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Singular FBSDEs and scalar conservation laws driven by diffusion processes 2012 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ Control of McKean-Vlasov Dynamics versus Mean Field Games 2012 René Carmona
François Delarue
Aimé Lachapelle
+ Singular FBSDEs and Scalar Conservation Laws Driven by Diffusion Processes 2012 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ Probabilistic Analysis of Mean-Field Games 2012 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Control of McKean–Vlasov dynamics versus mean field games 2012 René Carmona
François Delarue
Aimé Lachapelle
+ PDF Chat Complex Monge–Ampère Equations and Geodesics in the Space of Kähler Metrics 2012 François Delarue
+ Singular Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations and Emissions Derivatives 2012 René Carmona
François Delarue
Gilles‐Edouard Espinosa
Nizar Touzi
+ Control of McKean-Vlasov Dynamics versus Mean Field Games 2012 René Carmona
François Delarue
Aimé Lachapelle
+ Singular FBSDEs and Scalar Conservation Laws Driven by Diffusion Processes 2012 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ Probabilistic Analysis of Mean-Field Games 2012 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ Probabilistic Approach to Regularity 2011 François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic analysis of the upwind scheme for transport 2011 François Delarue
Fré́dé́ric Lagoutière
+ PDF Chat Density estimates for a random noise propagating through a chain of differential equations 2010 François Delarue
Stéphane Menozzi
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Analysis of the Upwind Scheme for Transport Equations 2010 François Delarue
Fré́dé́ric Lagoutière
+ Krylov and Safonov estimates for degenerate quasilinear elliptic PDEs 2009 François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Large Deviations Analysis for Distributed Algorithms in an Ergodic Markovian Environment 2009 Francis Comets
François Delarue
René Schott
+ Stochastic homogenization of quasilinear PDEs with a spatial degeneracy 2009 François Delarue
Rémi Rhodes
+ PDF Chat Hitting time of a corner for a reflected diffusion in the square 2008 François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Distributed algorithms in an ergodic Markovian environment 2006 Francis Comets
François Delarue
René Schott
+ Weak existence and uniqueness for forward–backward SDEs 2006 François Delarue
Giuseppina Guatteri
+ PDF Chat A forward–backward stochastic algorithm for quasi-linear PDEs 2006 François Delarue
Stéphane Menozzi
+ PDF Chat Additive Functionals of a Non-Divergence Diffusion in a Random Medium 2005 François Delarue
+ Distributed Algorithms in an Ergodic Markovian Environment 2005 Francis Comets
François Delarue
René Schott
+ PDF Chat A Forward-Backward stochastic algorithm for quasi-linear PDEs 2004 François Delarue
Stéphane Menozzi
+ PDF Chat Auxiliary SDES for homogenization of quasilinear PDES with periodic coefficients 2004 François Delarue
+ Estimates of the Solutions of a System of Quasi-linear PDEs. A Probabilistic Scheme 2003 François Delarue
+ On the existence and uniqueness of solutions to FBSDEs in a non-degenerate case 2002 François Delarue
+ Equations différentielles stochastiques progressives-rétrogrades : application à l'homogénéisation des EDP quasi-linéaires 2002 François Delarue
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the existence and uniqueness of solutions to FBSDEs in a non-degenerate case 2002 François Delarue
+ Topics in propagation of chaos 1991 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ PDF Chat Solving forward-backward stochastic differential equations explicitly — a four step scheme 1994 Jin Ma
Philip Protter
Jiongmin Yong
+ PDF Chat Jeux à champ moyen. II – Horizon fini et contrôle optimal 2006 Jean‐Michel Lasry
Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Analysis of Mean-Field Games 2013 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ The Master equation in mean field theory 2014 Alain Bensoussan
Jens Frehse
Sheung Chi Phillip Yam
+ Estimates of the Solutions of a System of Quasi-linear PDEs. A Probabilistic Scheme 2003 François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Control of McKean–Vlasov dynamics versus mean field games 2012 René Carmona
François Delarue
Aimé Lachapelle
+ PDF Chat The Master Equation and the Convergence Problem in Mean Field Games 2019 Pierre Cardaliaguet
François Delarue
Jean‐Michel Lasry
Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat Mean Field Games and Applications 2010 Olivier Guéant
Jean‐Michel Lasry
Pierre Louis Lions
+ Existence of a solution to an equation arising from the theory of Mean Field Games 2015 Wilfrid Gangbo
Andrzej Święch
+ PDF Chat The Master Equation for Large Population Equilibriums 2014 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Topics in Optimal Transportation 2003 Cédric Villani
+ PDF Chat On the rate of convergence in Wasserstein distance of the empirical measure 2014 Nicolas Fournier
Arnaud Guillin
+ Linear and Quasi-linear Equations of Parabolic Type 1968 O. Ladyženskaja
V. A. Solonnikov
N. Ural’ceva
+ Uniqueness for Linear-Quadratic Mean Field Games with Common Noise 2016 Rinel Foguen Tchuendom
+ Stochastic McKean-Vlasov equations 1995 Donald A. Dawson
Jean Vaillancourt
+ Partial differential equations of parabolic type 1965 John S. Maybee
+ PDF Chat On the connection between symmetric $N$-player games and mean field games 2017 Markus Fischer
+ Mean Field Games Models—A Brief Survey 2013 Diogo A. Gomes
João Saúde
+ Adapted solution of a backward stochastic differential equation 1990 Étienne Pardoux
Shigē Péng
+ Mean field games with common noise 2016 René Carmona
François Delarue
Daniel Lacker
+ PDF Chat On the interpretation of the Master Equation 2016 Alain Bensoussan
Jens Frehse
Sheung Chi Phillip Yam
+ Forward–backward stochastic differential equations and controlled McKean–Vlasov dynamics 2015 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ PDF Chat Mean Field Games and systemic risk 2015 René Carmona
Jean‐Pierre Fouque
Li-Hsien Sun
+ Optimal Transport 2008 Cédric Villani
+ PDF Chat Mean field forward-backward stochastic differential equations 2013 René Carmona
François Delarue
+ The Variational Formulation of the Fokker--Planck Equation 1998 Richard W. Jordan
David Kinderlehrer
Félix Otto
+ Weak existence and uniqueness for forward–backward SDEs 2006 François Delarue
Giuseppina Guatteri
+ Mean-field stochastic differential equations and associated PDEs 2017 Rainer Buckdahn
Juan Li
Shigē Péng
Catherine Rainer
+ Particle representations for a class of nonlinear SPDEs 1999 Thomas G. Kurtz
Jie Xiong
+ Asymptotic behaviour of some interacting particle systems; McKean-Vlasov and Boltzmann models 1996 Sylvie Méléard
+ Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence. 1987 Andris Abakuks
S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Second order mean field games with degenerate diffusion and local coupling 2015 Pierre Cardaliaguet
P. Jameson Graber
Alessio Porretta
Daniela Tonon
+ PDF Chat Constructive quantization: Approximation by empirical measures 2013 Steffen Dereich
Michael Scheutzow
Reik Schottstedt
+ PDF Chat Continuous Time Finite State Mean Field Games 2013 Diogo A. Gomes
Joana Mohr
Rafael Rigão Souza
+ Propagation of chaos for interacting particles subject to environmental noise 2016 Michele Coghi
Franco Flandoli
+ Stochastic differential equations with reflecting boundary conditions 1984 Pierre‐Louis Lions
Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ Small random perturbations of peano phenomena 1982 R. Bafico
Pietro Baldi
+ Weak and strong solutions of stochastic differential equations: Existence and stability 1981 Jean Jacod
Jean Mémin
+ Backward stochastic differential equations and quasilinear parabolic partial differential equations 2005 Étienne Pardoux
Shigē Péng
+ PDF Chat Explicit solutions of some linear-quadratic mean field games 2012 Martino Bardi
+ A probabilistic approach to mean field games with major and minor players 2016 René Carmona
Xiuneng Zhu
+ Weak and strong solutions of general stochastic models 2014 Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Analysis of a Finite State Many Player Game Using Its Master Equation 2018 Erhan Bayraktar
Asaf Cohen
+ PDF Chat Mean Field Games: Numerical Methods 2010 Yves Achdou
Italo Capuzzo-Dolcetta
+ Nonlinear SDEs driven by Lévy processes and related PDEs 2007 Benjamin Jourdain
Sylvie Méléard
Wojbor A. Woyczyński