Marcus J. Tindall


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat System insights into hemostasis: Open questions and the role of mathematical modelling 2018 Marcus J. Tindall
+ PDF Chat Model reduction in mathematical pharmacology 2018 Thomas J. Snowden
Piet H. van der Graaf
Marcus J. Tindall
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Analysis of the Escherichia coli Chemotaxis Signalling Pathway 2018 Matthew P. Edgington
Marcus J. Tindall
+ Understanding the link between single cell and population scale responses of Escherichia coli in differing ligand gradients 2015 Matthew P. Edgington
Marcus J. Tindall
+ A moving mesh approach for modelling avascular tumour growth 2013 T. E. Lee
M. J. Baines
S. Langdon
Marcus J. Tindall
+ PDF Chat Classifying general nonlinear force laws in cell-based models via the continuum limit 2012 Philip J. Murray
Carina M. Edwards
Marcus J. Tindall
Philip K. Maini
+ PDF Chat Modelling acidosis and the cell cycle in multicellular tumour spheroids 2011 Marcus J. Tindall
Louise Dyson
Kieran Smallbone
Philip K. Maini
+ PDF Chat From a discrete to a continuum model of cell dynamics in one dimension 2009 Philip J. Murray
Carina M. Edwards
Marcus J. Tindall
Philip K. Maini
+ PDF Chat Overview of Mathematical Approaches Used to Model Bacterial Chemotaxis II: Bacterial Populations 2008 Marcus J. Tindall
Philip K. Maini
Steven L. Porter
Judith P. Armitage
+ Modelling the formation of necrotic regions in avascular tumours 2007 Marcus J. Tindall
Colin P. Please
M.J. Peddie
+ Modelling the Cell Cycle and Cell Movement in Multicellular Tumour Spheroids 2007 Marcus J. Tindall
Colin P. Please
+ Modelling cell movement and the cell cycle in multicellular tumour spheroids. 2002 Marcus J. Tindall
+ The Migration of Cells in Multicell Tumor Spheroids 2001 Graeme J. Pettet
Colin P. Please
Marcus J. Tindall
D. L. S. McElwain
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Mathematical modelling of avascular-tumour growth 1997 John Ward
+ A history of the study of solid tumour growth: the contribution of mathematical modelling 2004 Robyn P. Araujo
+ A new approach to modelling the formation of necrotic regions in tumours 1998 Colin P. Please
Graeme J. Pettet
D. L. S. McElwain
+ Chemotaxis in Escherichia coli analysed by Three-dimensional Tracking 1972 Howard C. Berg
Douglas A. Brown
+ Modelling the Cell Cycle and Cell Movement in Multicellular Tumour Spheroids 2007 Marcus J. Tindall
Colin P. Please
+ PDF Chat From Individual to Collective Behavior in Bacterial Chemotaxis 2004 Radek Erban
Hans G. Othmer
+ Mathematical modelling of avascular-tumour growth II: modelling growth saturation 1999 John Ward
+ Models for the Growth of a Solid Tumor by Diffusion 1972 H. P. Greenspan
+ Rate of growth of solid tumours as a problem of diffusion. 1966 Burton Ac
+ Mathematical Models of Avascular Tumour Growth 2005 Tiina Roose
S. Jonathan Chapman
Philip K. Maini
+ Growth of nonnecrotic tumors in the presence and absence of inhibitors 1995 Helen M. Byrne
Mark A. J. Chaplain
+ Cell and Environment Interactions in Tumor Microregions: The Multicell Spheroid Model 1988 Robert M. Sutherland
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Models of Avascular Tumor Growth 2007 Tiina Roose
S. Jonathan Chapman
Philip K. Maini
+ A weighted average flux method for hyperbolic conservation laws 1989 Eleuterio F. Toro
+ Avascular growth, angiogenesis and vascular growth in solid tumours: The mathematical modelling of the stages of tumour development 1996 Mark A. J. Chaplain
+ Growth of necrotic tumors in the presence and absence of inhibitors 1996 Helen M. Byrne
Mark A. J. Chaplain
+ PDF Chat Relationship between cellular response and behavioral variability in bacterial chemotaxis 2008 Thierry Emonet
Philippe Cluzel
+ Simulation of biological cell sorting using a two-dimensional extended Potts model 1992 François Graner
James A. Glazier
+ A single-cell-based model of tumor growth<i>in vitro</i>: monolayers and spheroids 2005 Dirk Drasdo
Stefan Höhme
+ Tumour dynamics and necrosis: surface tension and stability 2001 Kerry A. Landman
+ Computer studies of the spatial structure and temporal growth of tumor cells 1980 W. Düchting
G. Dehl
+ Adaptability of non-genetic diversity in bacterial chemotaxis 2014 Nicholas Frankel
William Pontius
Y. Dufour
Junjiajia Long
Luis Hernandez-Nunez
Thierry Emonet
+ PDF Chat Chemotactic Response and Adaptation Dynamics in Escherichia coli 2010 Diana Clausznitzer
Olga Oleksiuk
Linda Løvdok
Victor Sourjik
Robert G. Endres
Graeme J. Pettet
D. L. S. McElwain
+ PDF Chat From Signal Transduction to Spatial Pattern Formation in<i>E. coli</i>: A Paradigm for Multiscale Modeling in Biology 2005 Radek Erban
Hans G. Othmer
+ PDF Chat The Range of Attractant Concentrations for Bacterial Chemotaxis and the Threshold and Size of Response over This Range 1973 Robert Mesibov
George Ordal
Julius Adler
+ PDF Chat A new mathematical model for avascular tumour growth 2001 Jonathan A. Sherratt
Mark A. J. Chaplain
+ Modeling the Effect of Deregulated Proliferation and Apoptosis on the Growth Dynamics of Epithelial Cell Populations In Vitro 2004 Jörg Galle
Markus Loeffler
Dirk Drasdo
+ Biased random walk models for chemotaxis and related diffusion approximations 1980 Wolgang Alt
+ PDF Chat An Off-Lattice Hybrid Discrete-Continuum Model of Tumor Growth and Invasion 2010 Junhwan Jeon
Vito Quaranta
Peter T. Cummings
+ A hybrid mathematical model of solid tumour invasion: the importance of cell adhesion 2005 Alexander R.A. Anderson
+ Multicellular tumor spheroid in an off-lattice Voronoi-Delaunay cell model 2005 Gernot Schaller
Michael Meyer‐Hermann
+ PDF Chat Metabolic changes during carcinogenesis: Potential impact on invasiveness 2006 Kieran Smallbone
Robert A. Gatenby
Robert J. Gillies
Philip K. Maini
David J. Gavaghan
+ Non-genetic individuality: chance in the single cell 1976 John L. Spudich
Daniel E. Koshland
+ PDF Chat The role of cell-cell interactions in a two-phase model for avascular tumour growth 2002 Chris Breward
Helen M. Byrne
Claire E. Lewis
+ Model for chemotaxis 1971 Evelyn Fox Keller
Lee A. Segel
+ PDF Chat Continuous Macroscopic Limit of a Discrete Stochastic Model for Interaction of Living Cells 2007 Mark Alber
Nan Chen
Pavel M. Lushnikov
Stuart A. Newman
+ The role of growth factors in avascular tumour growth 1997 Helen M. Byrne
Stephen A. Gourley
+ PDF Chat Application of Coarse Integration to Bacterial Chemotaxis 2005 Sima Setayeshgar
C. W. Gear
Hans G. Othmer
Ioannis G. Kevrekidis
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic dynamics of biological cells interacting via chemotaxis and direct contact 2008 Pavel M. Lushnikov
Nan Chen
Mark Alber
+ The Migration of Cells in Multicell Tumor Spheroids 2001 Graeme J. Pettet
Colin P. Please
Marcus J. Tindall
D. L. S. McElwain
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic Sensing in Escherichia coli Bacterial Chemotaxis 2009 Yevgeniy V. Kalinin
Lili Jiang
Yuhai Tu
Mingming Wu
+ Cellular Dynamics simulations of bacterial chemotaxis 1993 Paul D. Frymier
Roseanne M. Ford
Peter T. Cummings
+ Traveling bands of chemotactic bacteria in the context of population growth 1984 Douglas A. Lauffenburger
Christine Kennedy
R. Aris
+ Transport models for chemotactic cell populations based on individual cell behavior 1989 Mercedes A. Rivero
Robert T. Tranquillo
Helen M. Buettner
Douglas A. Lauffenburger
+ Models of dispersal in biological systems 1988 Hans G. Othmer
Steven R. Dunbar
Wolfgang Alt
+ A Survey of Models for Tumor-Immune System Dynamics 1997 John A. Adam
Nicola Bellomo
+ Diffusion regulated growth characteristics of a spherical prevascular carcinoma. 1990 John A. Adam
Sophia Maggelakis
+ A mathematical model of the stress induced during avascular tumour growth 2000 A. Jones
Helen M. Byrne
J.S. Gibson
J. W. Dold
+ Effects of random motility on growth of bacterial populations 1981 Douglas A. Lauffenburger
Rutherford Aris
Kenneth H. Keller