Hilma Halme


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Promoting 5th Grade Students’ Spontaneous Focusing on Quantitative Relations 2024 Saku MÀÀttĂ€
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Kristian Kiili
Hilma Halme
Antti Koskinen
Jake McMullen
+ PDF Chat Not realizing that you don't know: Fraction state anxiety is reduced by natural number bias 2023 Hilma Halme
Jo Van Hoof
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Jake McMullen
+ When anxiety grows with knowledge: the role of the natural number bias 2023 Jo Van Hoof
Hilma Halme
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Jake McMullen
+ A game-based approach to promoting adaptive rational number knowledge 2023 Jake McMullen
Antti Koskinen
Tomi KĂ€rki
Antero Lindstedt
Saku MÀÀttÀ
Hilma Halme
Erno Lehtinen
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Kristian Kiili
+ A game-based approach to promoting adaptive rational number knowledge 2023 Jake McMullen
Antti Koskinen
Tomi KĂ€rki
Antero Lindstedt
Saku MÀÀttÀ
Hilma Halme
Erno Lehtinen
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Kristian Kiili
+ PDF Chat Characterizing mathematics anxiety and its relation to performance in routine and adaptive tasks 2022 Hilma Halme
Kelly Trezise
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Jake McMullen
+ PDF Chat Guiding students’ attention towards multiplicative relations around them: A classroom intervention 2022 Saku MÀÀttĂ€
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Hilma Halme
Jake McMullen
+ Mathematical skills of 11-year-old children born very preterm and full-term 2022 Hilma Halme
Jake McMullen
Cristina Nanu
Anna Nyman
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Cultivating mathematical skills: from drill-and-practice to deliberate practice 2017 Erno Lehtinen
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Jake McMullen
Hans Gruber
+ PDF Chat Inappropriately applying natural number properties in rational number tasks: characterizing the development of the natural number bias through primary and secondary education 2015 Jo Van Hoof
Lieven Verschaffel
Wim Van Dooren
Tine Degrande
Jake McMullen
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Erno Lehtinen
Lieven Verschaffel
Wim Van Dooren
+ Distinguishing adaptive from routine expertise with rational number arithmetic 2020 Jake McMullen
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Erno Lehtinen
Robert S. Siegler
+ The development of students’ understanding of the numerical value of fractions 2004 Stamatia Stafylidou
Stella Vosniadou
+ Spontaneous Focusing on Quantitative Relations in the Development of Children's Fraction Knowledge 2014 Jake McMullen
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Erno Lehtinen
+ Spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations as a predictor of the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. 2015 Jake McMullen
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Eero Laakkonen
Erno Lehtinen
+ Developmental predictors of fraction concepts and procedures 2013 Nancy C. Jordan
Nicole Hansen
Lynn S. Fuchs
Robert S. Siegler
Russell Gersten
Deborah Micklos
+ PDF Chat Understanding the structure of the set of rational numbers: a conceptual change approach 2004 Xenia Vamvakoussi
Stella Vosniadou
+ Effects of a mathematics game-based learning environment on primary school students' adaptive number knowledge 2018 BoglĂĄrka Brezovszky
Jake McMullen
Koen Veermans
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Gabriela RodrĂ­guez-Aflecht
Nonmanut Pongsakdi
Eero Laakkonen
Erno Lehtinen
+ Teaching and Learning Fraction and Rational Numbers: The Origins and Implications of Whole Number Bias 2005 Yujing Ni
Yong‐Di Zhou
+ Spontaneous Mathematical Focusing Tendencies in Mathematical Development and Education 2018 Jake McMullen
Jenny Yun‐Chen Chan
MichĂšle M. M. Mazzocco
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
+ An integrated theory of whole number and fractions development 2011 Robert S. Siegler
Clarissa A. Thompson
Michael Schneider
+ Evaluating the effectiveness of a game-based rational number training - In-game metrics as learning indicators 2018 Kristian Kiili
Korbinian Moeller
Manuel Ninaus
+ Representations of the magnitudes of fractions. 2010 Michael Schneider
Robert S. Siegler
+ Early Predictors of High School Mathematics Achievement 2012 Robert S. Siegler
Greg J. Duncan
Pamela Davis‐Kean
Kathryn Duckworth
Amy Claessens
Mimi Engel
María Inés Susperreguy
Meichu Chen
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous focusing on numerosity and mathematical skills of young children 2005 Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Erno Lehtinen
+ PDF Chat The Logarithmic‐To‐Linear Shift: One Learning Sequence, Many Tasks, Many Time Scales 2009 Robert S. Siegler
Clarissa A. Thompson
John E. Opfer
+ PDF Chat Predicting Mathematical Achievement and Mathematical Learning Disability with a Simple Screening Tool 2009 David C. Geary
Drew H. Bailey
Mary K. Hoard
+ Putting fractions together. 2020 David W. Braithwaite
Robert S. Siegler
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous Usage of Different Shortcuts Based on the Commutativity Principle 2013 Robert Gaschler
Bianca Vaterrodt
Peter A. Frensch
Alexandra Eichler
Hilde Haider
+ Effects of mathematics textbooks on the development of primary school children's adaptive expertise in arithmetic 2019 Henning Sievert
A. van den Ham
Inga Niedermeyer
Aiso Heinze
+ Mathematics Anxiety and the Affective Drop in Performance 2009 Mark H. Ashcraft
Alex M. Moore
+ Math achievement, numerical processing, and executive functions in girls with Turner syndrome: Do girls with Turner syndrome have math learning disability? 2009 MichĂšle M. M. Mazzocco
Lahoucine Hanich
+ Relations between preschoolers’ mathematical language understanding and specific numeracy skills 2018 Caroline Byrd Hornburg
Sara A. Schmitt
David J. Purpura
+ The Relation Between Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Performance Among School-Aged Students: A Meta-Analysis 2019 Jessica M. Namkung
Peng Peng
Xin Lin
+ PDF Chat Promoting spontaneous focusing on numerosity and cardinality-related skills at day care with one, two, how many and count, how many programs 2020 Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Cristina Nanu
Katri Luomaniemi
Milja Heinonen
Anne Sorariutta
Ilona Södervik
Aino Mattinen
+ The Development of Mathematical Reasoning 2015 Terezinha Nuñes
Peter Bryant
+ PDF Chat Children’s and Adults’ Math Attitudes Are Differentiated by Number Type 2019 Pooja G. Sidney
Clarissa A. Thompson
Charles J. Fitzsimmons
Jennifer M. Taber
+ Young Children’s Early Mathematical Competencies: The Role of Mathematical Focusing Tendencies 2020 Lieven Verschaffel
Sanne Rathé
Nore Wijns
Tine Degrande
Wim Van Dooren
Bert De Smedt
Joke Torbeyns
+ Moving mathematics out of the classroom: Using mobile technology to enhance spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations 2017 Jake McMullen
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Mikko Kainulainen
Kristian Kiili
Erno Lehtinen
+ PDF Chat Math anxiety and its relationship with basic arithmetic skills among primary school children 2017 Riikka Sorvo
Tuire Koponen
Helena Viholainen
Tuija Aro
Eija RÀikkönen
Pilvi Peura
Ann Dowker
Mikko Aro
+ Patterns of anxiety in algebraic problem solving: A three-step latent variable analysis 2018 Kelly Trezise
Robert A. Reeve
+ Causal Connections Between Mathematical Language and Mathematical Knowledge: A Dialogic Reading Intervention 2016 David J. Purpura
Amy R. Napoli
Elizabeth Wehrspann
Zachary S. Gold
+ Mathematics anxiety in young children: Concurrent and longitudinal associations with mathematical performance 2012 Rose K. Vukovic
Michael J. Kieffer
Sean P. Bailey
Rachel R. Harari
+ Results From a Controlled Study of the iPad Fractions Game Motion Math 2013 Michelle Riconscente
+ PDF Chat Magnitude knowledge: the common core of numerical development 2016 Robert S. Siegler
+ The relationships among working memory, math anxiety, and performance. 2001 Mark H. Ashcraft
Elizabeth Kirk
+ Developing Adaptive Number Knowledge with the Number Navigation Game-Based Learning Environment 2015 BoglĂĄrka Brezovszky
Gabriela RodrĂ­guez-Aflecht
Jake McMullen
Koen Veermans
Nonmanut Pongsakdi
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Erno Lehtinen
+ Fractions: Could they really be the gatekeeper’s doorman? 2012 Julie L. Booth
Kristie J. Newton
+ Playing linear number board games—but not circular ones—improves low-income preschoolers’ numerical understanding. 2009 Robert S. Siegler
Geetha B. Ramani
+ Number Navigation Game (NNG): Design Principles and Game Description 2015 Erno Lehtinen
BoglĂĄrka Brezovszky
Gabriela RodrĂ­guez-Aflecht
Henrik Lehtinen
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Jake McMullen
Nonmanut Pongsakdi
Koen Veermans
Tomi Jaakkola
+ How "Focusing Phenomena" in the Instructional Environment Support Individual Students' Generalizations 2003 Joanne Lobato
Amy B. Ellis
Ricardo Fernåndez Muñoz
+ Inhibiting natural knowledge in fourth graders: towards a comprehensive test instrument 2014 Jo Van Hoof
Rianne Janssen
Lieven Verschaffel
Wim Van Dooren
+ Introduction: Perspectives on <i>Principles and Standards for School Mathematics</i> 2001 Joan Ferrini‐Mundy
+ PDF Chat On the relationship between math anxiety and math achievement in early elementary school: The role of problem solving strategies 2015 Gerardo Ramirez
Hyesang Chang
Erin A. Maloney
Susan C. Levine
Sian L. Beilock
+ The Cultural Number Line: A Review of Cultural and Linguistic Influences on the Development of Number Processing 2011 Silke M. Göbel
Samuel Shaki
Martin H. Fischer
+ Conceptual knowledge of fraction arithmetic. 2015 Robert S. Siegler
Hugues Lortie‐Forgues
+ Children’s spontaneous focus on number before and after guided parent–child interactions in a children’s museum. 2018 Emily J. Braham
Melissa E. Libertus
Koleen McCrink
+ A meta-analysis of the relation between math anxiety and math achievement. 2020 Connie Barroso
Colleen M. Ganley
Amanda L. McGraw
Elyssa A. Geer
Sara A. Hart
Mia Cristina Daucourt