Stephen DeBacker


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Kac Diagrams for Elliptic Weyl Group Elements 2024 Stephen DeBacker
Jacob Haley
+ Totally Ramified Maximal Tori and Bruhat-Tits theory 2023 Stephen DeBacker
+ Parameterizing Conjugacy Classes of Unramified Tori via Bruhat-Tits Theory 2022 Stephen DeBacker
+ A spectral decomposition of orbital integrals for $PGL(2,F)$ 2017 David Kazhdan
Stephen DeBacker
+ A spectral decomposition of orbital integrals for $PGL(2,F)$ 2017 David Kazhdan
Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat Stability of character sums for positive-depth, supercuspidal representations 2016 Stephen DeBacker
Loren Spice
+ Murnaghan-Kirillov theory for depth-zero supercuspidal representations: reduction to Lusztig functions 2011 Stephen DeBacker
David Kazhdan
+ PDF Chat Supercuspidal characters of 𝑆𝐿₂ over a 𝑝-adic field 2011 Jeffrey D. Adler
Stephen DeBacker
Paul Sally
Loren Spice
+ PDF Chat On some generic very cuspidal representations 2010 Stephen DeBacker
Mark Reeder
+ PDF Chat Depth-zero supercuspidal L-packets and their stability 2009 Stephen DeBacker
Mark Reeder
+ Stable Distributions Supported on the Nilpotent Cone for the Group G 2 2007 Stephen DeBacker
David Kazhdan
+ PDF Chat Parameterizing conjugacy classes of maximal unramified tori via Bruhat-Tits theory 2006 Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat The fundamental lemma: what is it and what do we know? 2005 Stephen DeBacker
+ Lectures on Harmonic Analysis for Reductive p-adic Groups 2004 Stephen DeBacker
+ Murnaghan-Kirillov theory for supercuspidal representations of tame general linear groups 2004 Jeffrey D. Adler
Stephen DeBacker
+ Parametrizing nilpotent orbits via Bruhat-Tits theory 2004 Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat A generalization of a result of Kazhdan and Lusztig 2003 Jeffrey D. Adler
Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat Some applications of Bruhat-Tits theory to harmonic analysis on a reductive p-adic group 2002 Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat Some applications of Bruhat-Tits theory to harmonic analysis on the Lie algebra of a reductive p-adic group 2002 Jeffrey D. Adler
Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat Parametrizing Nilpotent Orbits via Bruhat-Tits Theory 2002 Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat Homogeneity results for invariant distributions of a reductive p-adic group1 2002 Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat None 2000 Stephen DeBacker
+ Germs, characters, and the Fourier transforms of nilpotent orbits 2000 Stephen DeBacker
Paul Sally
+ Fourier transforms on the Lie algebra 1999 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
Stephen DeBacker
Paul Sally
+ PDF Chat An extension and proof of Howe’s Theorem 1999 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
Stephen DeBacker
Paul Sally
+ Admissible Invariant Distributions on Reductive 𝑝-adic Groups 1999 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
Stephen DeBacker
Paul Sally
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Some applications of Bruhat-Tits theory to harmonic analysis on the Lie algebra of a reductive p-adic group 2002 Jeffrey D. Adler
Stephen DeBacker
+ Jacquet functors and unrefined minimal K-types 1996 Allen Moy
Gopal Prasad
+ PDF Chat Unrefined minimal K-types forp-adic groups 1994 Allen Moy
Gopal Prasad
+ PDF Chat Refined anisotropic K-types and supercuspidal representations 1998 Jeffrey D. Adler
+ Admissible Invariant Distributions on Reductive 𝑝-adic Groups 1999 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
Stephen DeBacker
Paul Sally
+ Linear Algebraic Groups 1991 Armand Borel
+ Groupes Réductifs Sur Un Corps Local 1972 François Bruhat
Jacques Tits
+ PDF Chat Parametrizing Nilpotent Orbits via Bruhat-Tits Theory 2002 Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Analysis on Reductive p-adic Groups 1970 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ The Fourier transform and germs of characters (case of Gl n over ap-adic field) 1974 Roger Howe
+ Murnaghan-Kirillov theory for supercuspidal representations of tame general linear groups 2004 Jeffrey D. Adler
Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat Homogeneity results for invariant distributions of a reductive p-adic group1 2002 Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat An Intertwining Result for <i>p</i>-adic Groups 2000 Jeffrey D. Adler
Alan Roche
+ Construction of tame supercuspidal representations 2001 Jiu-Kang Yu
+ Finite groups of Lie type 1985 Meinolf Geck
+ Harmonic Analysis on Reductive p-adic Groups 1970 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
Gerrit van Dijk
+ Intégrales orbitales nilpotentes et endoscopie pour les groupes classiques non ramifiés 2001 Jean-Loup Waldspurger
+ Groupes réductifs sur un corps local 1984 François Bruhat
Jacques Tits
+ Orbital Integrals in Reductive Groups 1972 R. Ranga Rao
+ PDF Chat Some applications of Bruhat-Tits theory to harmonic analysis on a reductive p-adic group 2002 Stephen DeBacker
+ Finite Groups of Lie Type: Conjugacy Classes and Complex Characters 1993 Roger W. Carter
+ PDF Chat Depth-zero supercuspidal L-packets and their stability 2009 Stephen DeBacker
Mark Reeder
+ Groupes réductifs sur un corps local : II. Schémas en groupes. Existence d'une donnée radicielle valuée 1984 François Bruhat
Jacques Tits
+ PDF Chat Parameterizing conjugacy classes of maximal unramified tori via Bruhat-Tits theory 2006 Stephen DeBacker
+ Linear algebraic groups 1966 Armand Borel
+ PDF Chat Instability in Invariant Theory 1978 George R. Kempf
+ Representations of Reductive Groups Over Finite Fields 1976 Pierre Deligne
G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat Local character expansions 1997 Dan Barbasch
Allen Moy
+ Green Functions and Character Sheaves 1990 G. Lusztig
+ Reductive groups over local fields 1979 Jacques Tits
+ Fixed point varieties on affine flag manifolds 1988 David Kazhdan
G. Lusztig
+ Transfer factors for Lie Algebras 1999 Robert Kottwitz
+ Character expansions and unrefined minimal K -types 2003 Ju-Lee Kim
Fiona Murnaghan
+ PDF Chat Characters of supercuspidal representations of classical groups 1996 Fiona Murnaghan
+ Supercuspidal representations: An exhaustion theorem 2006 Ju-Lee Kim
+ PDF Chat Characters of Depth-Zero, Supercuspidal Representations of the Rank-2 Symplectic Group 2000 Clifton Cunningham
+ PDF Chat A new proof of the Howe Conjecture 2000 Dan Barbasch
Allen Moy
+ Automorphic Forms, Representations, and L-Functions 1979 Armand Borel
W. Casselman
+ Proof of Springer’s hypothesis 1977 David Kazhdan
+ PDF Chat Homogénéité de certaines distributions sur les groupes p-adiques 1995 J. L. Waldspurger
+ Modèles de Whittaker dégénérés pour des groupesp-adiques 1987 Colette Mœglin
J. L. Waldspurger
+ PDF Chat Regular elements of semisimple algebraic groups 1965 Robert Steinberg
+ Conjugacy Classes in Semisimple Algebraic Groups 2011 James E. Humphreys
+ Classes of unipotent elements in simple algebraic groups. I 1976 Pawan Bala
R. W. Carter
+ PDF Chat Automorphic Forms on GL (2) 1970 H. Jacquet
R. P. Langlands
+ Local character expansions and Shalika germs for GL(n) 1996 Fiona Murnaghan
+ Torsion in reductive groups 1975 Robert Steinberg
+ Topological Central Extensions of Semi-Simple Groups Over Local Fields 1984 Gopal Prasad
M. S. Raghunathan
+ PDF Chat Sign changes in harmonic analysis on reductive groups 1983 Robert Kottwitz
+ PDF Chat Representations of abelian algebraic groups 1997 R. P. Langlands