Yasuhiro Sekino


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Double-Scaled SYK, QCD, and the Flat Space Limit of de Sitter Space 2025 Yasuhiro Sekino
Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat Rotating particles in AdS: Holography at weak gauge coupling and without conformal symmetry 2022 Tomotaka Kitamura
Shoichiro Miyashita
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ Rotating strings and particles in AdS: Holography at weak gauge coupling and without conformal symmetry 2021 Tomotaka Kitamura
Shoichiro Miyashita
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Evidence for weak-coupling holography from the gauge/gravity correspondence for Dp-branes 2019 Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Evidence for Gauge/Gravity Correspondence for D$p$-branes at Weak 't Hooft Coupling 2019 Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Observational signatures of dark energy produced in an ancestor vacuum: forecast for galaxy surveys 2019 Daisuke Yamauchi
Hajime Aoki
Satoshi Iso
Da-Shin Lee
Yasuhiro Sekino
Chen-Pin Yeh
+ PDF Chat Vacuum fluctuations in an ancestor vacuum: A possible dark energy candidate 2018 Hajime Aoki
Satoshi Iso
Da-Shin Lee
Yasuhiro Sekino
Chen-Pin Yeh
+ The Holographic Principle : Lessons from Black Hole Physics(Trend) 2015 Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Equilibration in low-dimensional quantum matrix models 2015 R. Hübener
Yasuhiro Sekino
Jens Eisert
+ PDF Chat Evolution of vacuum fluctuations generated during and before inflation 2014 Hajime Aoki
Satoshi Iso
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Linear responses of D0-branes via gauge/gravity correspondence 2013 Yoshinori Matsuo
Yuya Sasai
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Possible origin of CMB temperature fluctuations: Vacuum fluctuations of Kaluza-Klein and string states during the inflationary era 2012 Yoshinobu Habara
H. Kawai
Masao Ninomiya
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat CMB fluctuations and string compactification scales 2011 Yoshinobu Habara
H. Kawai
Masao Ninomiya
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Direct test of the gauge-gravity correspondence for Matrix theory correlation functions 2011 Masanori Hanada
Jun Nishimura
Yasuhiro Sekino
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Topological phases of eternal inflation 2010 Yasuhiro Sekino
Stephen H. Shenker
Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat Monte Carlo Studies of Matrix Theory Correlation Functions 2010 Masanori Hanada
Jun Nishimura
Yasuhiro Sekino
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Census taking in the hat: FRW/CFT duality 2009 Yasuhiro Sekino
Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat Fast scramblers 2008 Yasuhiro Sekino
Lawrence Susskind
+ PDF Chat Future foam: Nontrivial topology from bubble collisions in eternal inflation 2008 Raphael Bousso
Ben Freivogel
Yasuhiro Sekino
Stephen H. Shenker
Leonard Susskind
I-Sheng Yang
Chen-Pin Yeh
+ PDF Chat Holographic framework for eternal inflation 2006 Ben Freivogel
Yasuhiro Sekino
Leonard Susskind
Chen-Pin Yeh
+ PDF Chat Large N limit of SYM theories with 16 supercharges from superstrings on Dp-brane backgrounds 2004 Masako Asano
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat PP-wave holography for Dp-brane backgrounds 2003 Masako Asano
Yasuhiro Sekino
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Penrose limit and enhançon geometry 2003 Katsushi Ito
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Penrose Limit and String Theories on Various Brane Backgrounds 2002 Hiroyuki Fuji
Katsushi Ito
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric action of multiple D0-branes from matrix theory 2002 Masako Asano
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Non-abelian action of D0-branes from Matrix theory in the longitudinal 5-brane background 2002 Masako Asano
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Generalized AdS/CFT correspondence for Matrix theory in the large-N limit 2002 Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat From supermembrane to matrix string 2001 Yasuhiro Sekino
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Supercurrents in Matrix theory and the generalized AdS/CFT correspondence 2001 Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat Generalized AdS–CFT correspondence for Matrix theory in the large-N limit 2000 Yasuhiro Sekino
Tamiaki Yoneya
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Supergravity and the large<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>limit of theories with sixteen supercharges 1998 Nissan Itzhaki
Juan Maldacena
Jacob Sonnenschein
S. Yankielowicz
+ PDF Chat Generalized AdS–CFT correspondence for Matrix theory in the large-N limit 2000 Yasuhiro Sekino
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Space-time uncertainty principle and conformal symmetry in D-particle dynamics 1998 Antal Jevicki
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Supercurrents in Matrix theory and the generalized AdS/CFT correspondence 2001 Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>M</mml:mi></mml:math>theory as a matrix model: A conjecture 1997 T. Banks
Willy Fischler
Stephen H. Shenker
Lawrence Susskind
+ PDF Chat The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity 1999 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat Anti de Sitter space and holography 1998 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Gauge theory correlators from non-critical string theory 1998 Steven S. Gubser
Igor R. Klebanov
A. M. Polyakov
+ PDF Chat Strings in flat space and pp waves from Script N = 4 Super Yang Mills 2002 David Berenstein
Juan Maldacena
Horaţiu Năstase
+ PDF Chat The large $N$ limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity 1998 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat Linearized supergravity from Matrix theory 1998 Daniel Kabat
Washington Taylor
+ PDF Chat Multiple D0-branes in weakly curved backgrounds 1999 Washington Taylor
Mark Van Raamsdonk
+ PDF Chat Holographic framework for eternal inflation 2006 Ben Freivogel
Yasuhiro Sekino
Leonard Susskind
Chen-Pin Yeh
+ PDF Chat The world as a hologram 1995 Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat Large N limit of SYM theories with 16 supercharges from superstrings on Dp-brane backgrounds 2004 Masako Asano
Yasuhiro Sekino
+ PDF Chat PP-wave holography for Dp-brane backgrounds 2003 Masako Asano
Yasuhiro Sekino
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Supergravity currents and linearized interactions for matrix theory configurations with fermionic backgrounds 1999 Washington Taylor
Mark Van Raamsdonk
+ PDF Chat Monte Carlo Studies of Matrix Theory Correlation Functions 2010 Masanori Hanada
Jun Nishimura
Yasuhiro Sekino
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Multiple Dp-branes in weak background fields 2000 Washington Taylor
Mark Van Raamsdonk
+ PDF Chat Multi-body interactions of D-particles in supergravity and Matrix theory 1999 Yuji Okawa
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Holographic reformulation of string theory on AdS5×S5 background in the PP-wave limit 2003 Suguru Dobashi
Hidehiko Shimada
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ The Holographic Bound in Anti-de Sitter Space 1998 Leonard Susskind
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Equations of motion and Galilei invariance in D-particle dynamics 1999 Yuji Okawa
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Stringy effect of the holographic correspondence for Dp-brane backgrounds 2004 Masako Asano
+ Anti-de Sitter space, thermal phase transition, and confinement in gauge theories 1998 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Direct test of the gauge-gravity correspondence for Matrix theory correlation functions 2011 Masanori Hanada
Jun Nishimura
Yasuhiro Sekino
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat D-branes and short distances in string theory 1997 Michael R. Douglas
Daniel Kabat
Philippe Pouliot
Stephen H. Shenker
+ PDF Chat Higher order graviton scattering in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>M</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">atrix</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:math>theory 1997 Katrin Becker
Melanie Becker
Joseph Polchinski
A.A. Tseytlin
+ PDF Chat Resolving the holography in the plane-wave limit of AdS/CFT correspondence 2005 Suguru Dobashi
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Quantization of four-form fluxes and dynamical neutralization of the cosmological constant 2000 Raphael Bousso
Joseph Polchinski
+ PDF Chat Precision holography for non-conformal branes 2008 Ingmar Kanitscheider
Kostas Skenderis
Marika Taylor
+ PDF Chat The statistics of string/M theory vacua 2003 Michael R. Douglas
+ Holographic quantum matter 2016 Sean A. Hartnoll
Andrew Lucas
Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat Matrix string theory 1997 Robbert Dijkgraaf
Erik Verlinde
Herman Verlinde
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical quantization of rotating superstring in<i>AdS</i><sub>5</sub>×<i>S</i><sup>5</sup> 2002 Sergey Frolov
A.A. Tseytlin
+ PDF Chat de Sitter vacua in string theory 2003 Shamit Kachru
Рената Каллош
Andrei Linde
Sandip P. Trivedi
+ PDF Chat Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology 1987 Andrei Linde
+ PDF Chat Observational consequences of a landscape 2006 Ben Freivogel
Matthew Kleban
María Rodríguez Martínez
Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat Exactly solvable model of superstring in plane wave Ramond-Ramond background 2002 R.R. Metsaev
A.A. Tseytlin
+ PDF Chat A semi-classical limit of the gauge/string correspondence 2002 Steven S. Gubser
Igor R. Klebanov
A. M. Polyakov
+ PDF Chat Can DLCQ test the Maldacena conjecture? 1999 F. Antonuccio
Oleg Lunin
Stephen S. Pinsky
Akikazu Hashimoto
+ PDF Chat Generalized conformal symmetry in D-brane matrix models 1999 Antal Jevicki
Yoichi Kazama
Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat String Theory and the Space-Time Uncertainty Principle 2000 Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat Black holes as mirrors: quantum information in random subsystems 2007 Patrick Hayden
John Preskill
+ PDF Chat Generalized conformal symmetry and oblique AdS-CFT correspondence for matrix theory 2000 Tamiaki Yoneya
+ PDF Chat UV-IR relations in AdS dynamics 1999 Amanda W. Peet
Joseph Polchinski
+ PDF Chat Census taking in the hat: FRW/CFT duality 2009 Yasuhiro Sekino
Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat Higher Derivative Corrections to Black Hole Thermodynamics from Supersymmetric Matrix Quantum Mechanics 2009 Masanori Hanada
Yoshifumi Hyakutake
Jun Nishimura
Shingo Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat D0-branes on $T^n$ and matrix theory 1998 Ashoke Sen
+ PDF Chat Fast scramblers 2008 Yasuhiro Sekino
Lawrence Susskind