Cassidy L. McDermott


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Working memory, math performance, and math anxiety 2007 Mark H. Ashcraft
Jeremy A. Krause
+ Effects of development and enculturation on number representation in the brain 2008 Daniel Ansari
+ Mathematics Anxiety: Separating the Math from the Anxiety 2011 Ian M. Lyons
Sian L. Beilock
+ The balance of rigor and reality in developmental neuroscience 2019 Jessica F. Cantlon
+ PDF Chat Math anxiety and executive function: Neural influences of task switching on arithmetic processing 2020 Rachel Pizzie
Nikita Raman
David J. M. Kraemer
+ Idiosynchrony: From shared responses to individual differences during naturalistic neuroimaging 2020 Emily S. Finn
Enrico Glerean
Arman Y. Khojandi
Dylan M. Nielson
Peter J. Molfese
Daniel A. Handwerker
Peter A. Bandettini
+ PDF Chat Remediation of Childhood Math Anxiety and Associated Neural Circuits through Cognitive Tutoring 2015 Kaustubh Supekar
Teresa Iuculano
Lu Chen
Vinod Menon
+ PDF Chat Fact learning in complex arithmetic and figural‐spatial tasks: The role of the angular gyrus and its relation to mathematical competence 2009 Roland H. Grabner
Anja Ischebeck
Gernot Reishofer
Karl Koschutnig
Margarete Delazer
Franz Ebner
Christa Neuper
+ To retrieve or to calculate? Left angular gyrus mediates the retrieval of arithmetic facts during problem solving 2008 Roland H. Grabner
Daniel Ansari
Karl Koschutnig
Gernot Reishofer
Franz Ebner
Christa Neuper
+ The Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale, a Brief Version: Psychometric Data 2003 Richard M. Suinn
Elizabeth H. Winston
+ Math Anxiety: Personal, Educational, and Cognitive Consequences 2002 Mark H. Ashcraft
+ PDF Chat The function of the left angular gyrus in mental arithmetic: Evidence from the associative confusion effect 2011 Roland H. Grabner
Daniel Ansari
Karl Koschutnig
Gernot Reishofer
Franz Ebner
+ Daily fluctuations in young children’s persistence 2021 Julia A. Leonard
David M. Lydon‐Staley
Sophie D. S. Sharp
Hunter Z. Liu
Anne T. Park
Danielle S. Bassett
Angela Duckworth
Allyson P. Mackey
+ Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing 1995 Yoav Benjamini
Yosef Hochberg
+ PDF Chat Functional Heterogeneity of Inferior Parietal Cortex during Mathematical Cognition Assessed with Cytoarchitectonic Probability Maps 2009 Shuo‐Jye Wu
Ting‐Ting Chang
Asifa Majid
Svenja Caspers
Simon B. Eickhoff
Vinod Menon
+ Sources of Mathematical Thinking: Behavioral and Brain-Imaging Evidence 1999 Stanislas Dehaene
Elizabeth S. Spelke
Philippe Pinel
R Stănescu
Sanna Tsivkin
+ PDF Chat The Neurodevelopmental Basis of Math Anxiety 2012 Christina B. Young
Sarah S. Wu
Vinod Menon
+ PDF Chat A Pilot Study of Classroom‐Based Cognitive Skill Instruction: Effects on Cognition and Academic Performance 2017 Allyson P. Mackey
Anne T. Park
Sydney T. Robinson
John D. E. Gabrieli
+ PDF Chat Daily fluctuations in young children’s persistence 2020 Julia A. Leonard
David M. Lydon‐Staley
Sophie D. S. Sharp
Hunter Z. Liu
Anne T. Park
Danielle S. Bassett
Angela Duckworth
Allyson P. Mackey
+ Developmental Differences in Affective Representation Between Prefrontal and Subcortical Structures 2021 William John Mitchell
Lindsey J. Tepfer
Nicole M. Henninger
Vishnu P. Murty
Chelsea Helion
Susan B. Perlman
+ Linear models and linear mixed effects models in R with linguistic applications 2013 Bodo Winter