Nadia Sidorova


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A new phase transition in the parabolic Anderson model with partially duplicated potential 2018 Stephen Muirhead
Richard Pymar
Nadia Sidorova
+ Time-dependent balls and bins model with positive feedback 2018 Nadia Sidorova
+ Time-dependent P\'olya urn 2018 Nadia Sidorova
+ PDF Chat Small deviations of a Galton–Watson process with immigration 2018 Nadia Sidorova
+ Time-dependent Pólya urn 2018 Nadia Sidorova
+ Time-dependent balls and bins model with positive feedback 2018 Nadia Sidorova
+ PDF Chat Delocalising the parabolic Anderson model through partial duplication of the potential 2017 Stephen Muirhead
Richard Pymar
Nadia Sidorova
+ A new phase transition in the parabolic Anderson model with partially duplicated potential 2016 Stephen Muirhead
Richard Pymar
Nadia Sidorova
+ Delocalising the parabolic Anderson model through partial duplication of the potential 2016 Stephen Muirhead
Richard Pymar
Nadia Sidorova
+ A new phase transition in the parabolic Anderson model with partially duplicated potential 2016 Stephen Muirhead
Richard Pymar
Nadia Sidorova
+ Delocalising the parabolic Anderson model through partial duplication of the potential 2016 Stephen Muirhead
Richard Pymar
Nadia Sidorova
+ Small deviations of a Galton-Watson process with immigration 2015 Nadia Sidorova
+ Small deviations of a Galton-Watson process with immigration 2015 Nadia Sidorova
+ Localisation and ageing in the parabolic Anderson model with Weibull potential 2014 Nadia Sidorova
Aleksander Twarowski
+ PDF Chat Galton–Watson Trees with Vanishing Martingale Limit 2014 Nathanaël Berestycki
Nina Gantert
Peter Mörters
Nadia Sidorova
+ Galton-Watson trees with vanishing martingale limit 2012 Nathanaël Berestycki
Nina Gantert
Peter Mörters
Nadia Sidorova
+ Galton-Watson trees with vanishing martingale limit 2012 Nathanaël Berestycki
Nina Gantert
Peter Mörters
Nadia Sidorova
+ PDF Chat Ageing in the parabolic Anderson model 2011 Peter Mörters
Marcel Ortgiese
Nadia Sidorova
+ PDF Chat Phase Transitions For Dilute Particle Systems with Lennard-Jones Potential 2010 Andrea Collevecchio
Wolfgang König
Peter Mörters
Nadia Sidorova
+ A conditioning principle for Galton-Watson trees 2010 Nathanaël Berestycki
Peter Mörters
Nadia Sidorova
+ PDF Chat Critical Dimensions for counting Lattice Points in Euclidean Annuli 2010 Leonid Parnovski
Nadia Sidorova
+ Construction of surface measures for Brownian motion 2009 Nadia Sidorova
Olaf Wittich
+ PDF Chat A two cities theorem for the parabolic Anderson model 2009 Wolfgang König
Hubert Lacoin
Peter Mörters
Nadia Sidorova
+ Ageing in the parabolic Anderson model 2009 Peter Mörters
Marcel Ortgiese
Nadia Sidorova
+ PDF Chat A Class of Weakly Self-Avoiding Walks 2008 Peter Mörters
Nadia Sidorova
+ PDF Chat On the radius of convergence of the logarithmic signature 2006 Terry Lyons
Nadia Sidorova
+ Complete localisation in the parabolic Anderson model with Pareto-distributed potential 2006 Wolfgang König
Peter Mörters
Nadia Sidorova
+ Sound compression: a rough path approach 2005 Terry Lyons
Nadia Sidorova
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Parabolic problems for the Anderson model 1990 Jürgen Gärtner
Stanislav Molchanov
+ PDF Chat Geometric characterization of intermittency in the parabolic Anderson model 2007 Jürgen Gärtner
Wolfgang König
Stanislav Molchanov
+ PDF Chat A two cities theorem for the parabolic Anderson model 2009 Wolfgang König
Hubert Lacoin
Peter Mörters
Nadia Sidorova
+ PDF Chat Weak and almost sure limits for the parabolic Anderson model with heavy tailed potentials 2008 Remco van der Hofstad
Peter Mörters
Nadia Sidorova
+ PDF Chat Small value probabilities via the branching tree heuristic 2008 Peter Mörters
Marcel Ortgiese
+ The Parabolic Anderson Model 2005 Jürgen Gärtner
Wolfgang König
+ Localisation and ageing in the parabolic Anderson model with Weibull potential 2014 Nadia Sidorova
Aleksander Twarowski
+ PDF Chat Complete localisation and exponential shape of the parabolic Anderson model with Weibull potential field 2014 Artiom Fiodorov
Stephen Muirhead
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ PDF Chat Microcanonical distributions for lattice gases 1991 Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
Daniel W. Stroock
Hans Zessin
+ PDF Chat An integral test for the transience of a Brownian path with limited local time 2011 Itaı Benjamini
Nathanaël Berestycki
+ PDF Chat On the left tail asymptotics for the limit law of supercritical Galton–Watson processes in the Böttcher case 2009 Klaus Fleischmann
Vitali Wachtel
+ PDF Chat Random paths with bounded local time 2010 Itaı Benjamini
Nathanaël Berestycki
+ PDF Chat Sanov Property, Generalized $I$-Projection and a Conditional Limit Theorem 1984 Imre Csiszár
+ Large deviations in the supercritical branching process 1993 J. D. Biggins
Ν. H. Bingham
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion with restoring drift: The petit and micro-canonical ensembles 1994 H. P. McKean
K. L. Vaninsky
+ PDF Chat The Universality Classes in the Parabolic Anderson Model 2006 Remco van der Hofstad
Wolfgang König
Peter Mörters
+ Lectures on random media 1994 Stanislav Molchanov
+ Parabolic Anderson problem and intermittency 1994 René Carmona
Stanislav Molchanov
+ PDF Chat Entropic Repulsion and the Maximum of the two-dimensional harmonic 2001 Erwin Bolthausen
Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
Giambattista Giacomin
+ PDF Chat Parabolic problems for the Anderson model 1998 Jürgen Gärtner
Stanislav Molchanov
+ Convergence of Probability Measures 1969 J. F. C. Kingmán
P. Billingsley
+ PDF Chat Exact asymptotics in a mean field model with random potential 1990 Klaus Fleischmann
Stanislav Molchanov
+ PDF Chat Mass concentration and aging in the parabolic Anderson model with doubly-exponential tails 2017 Marek Biskup
Wolfgang König
Renato Soares dos Santos
+ PDF Chat Some Concepts of Negative Dependence 1982 Henry W. Block
Thomas H. Savits
Moshe Shaked
+ PDF Chat Localization and Selection in a Mean Field Branching Random Walk in a Random Environment 1992 Klaus Fleischmann
Andreas Greven
+ Uniqueness for the signature of a path of bounded variation and continuous analogues of the free group 2005 Ben Hambly
Terry Lyons
+ PDF Chat Spectral characterization of aging: The REM-like trap model 2005 Anton Bovier
Alessandra Faggionato
+ The Parabolic Anderson Model 2016 Wolfgang König
+ PDF Chat Intermittency and ageing for the symbiotic branching model 2011 Frank Aurzada
Leif Döring
+ PDF Chat Intermittency in a catalytic random medium 2006 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
+ PDF Chat A survey of random processes with reinforcement 2007 Robin Pemantle
+ The Gibbs Conditioning Principle for Markov Chains 1999 Ana Meda
Peter Ney
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion on the Sierpinski gasket 1988 Martin T. Barlow
Edwin Perkins
+ Small value probabilities for supercritical multitype branching processes with immigration 2014 Weijuan Chu
+ Trap models with vanishing drift: Scaling limits and aging regimes 2010 Nina Gantert
Peter Moerters
Vitali Wachtel
+ On constant tail behaviour for the limiting random variable in a supercritical branching process 1995 Ben Hambly
+ PDF Chat Galton–Watson Trees with Vanishing Martingale Limit 2014 Nathanaël Berestycki
Nina Gantert
Peter Mörters
Nadia Sidorova
+ PDF Chat A Scaling Limit Theorem for the Parabolic Anderson Model with Exponential Potential 2011 Hubert Lacoin
Peter Mörters
+ PDF Chat The Asymptotic Distribution of Sums of Extreme Values from a Regularly Varying Distribution 1986 Sándor Csörgő
David M. Mason
+ PDF Chat Differential equations driven by rough signals 1998 Terry Lyons
+ Aging of spherical spin glasses 2001 Gérard Ben Arous
Amir Dembo
Alice Guionnet
+ PDF Chat Aging for interacting diffusion processes 2006 Amir Dembo
Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
+ Probability with martingales 1992 David N. Williams
+ PDF Chat La densit� de la loi-limite d'un processus en cascade expansif 1971 M. Serge Dubuc
+ On the supercritical Galton-Watson process with immigration 1970 E. Seneta
+ Integration of Paths, Geometric Invariants and a Generalized Baker- Hausdorff Formula 1957 Kuo-Tsai Chen
+ Exponential Sums and Lattice Points III 2003 M. N. Huxley
+ PDF Chat Realizing Holonomic Constraints in Classical and Quantum Mechanics 2001 Richard Froese
Ira Herbst
+ PDF Chat A Scaling Result for Explosive Processes 2004 Michael Mitzenmacher
Roberto I. Oliveira
J. Spencer