Kenneth I. Gross


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PRINCIPAL SERIES OF Sp(n,C). 2016 Kenneth I. Gross
+ The N-Widths of Spaces of Holomorphic Functions on Bounded Symmetric Domains of Tube Type 2000 Hongming Ding
Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
+ Bessel functions on boundary orbits and singular holomorphic representations 2000 Hongming Ding
Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
Donald St. P. Richards
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Analysis on symmetric cones 1998 Kenneth I. Gross
+ Algebraic Methods Toward Higher-Order Probability Inequalities 1998 Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
+ Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis: A Conference in Honor of Ray A. Kunze, January 12-14, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio 1995 Ray A. Kunze
Tuong Ton-That
Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
Paul Sally
+ Total Positivity, Finite Reflection Groups, and a Formula of Harish-Chandra 1995 Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
+ Operator-valued Bessel functions on Jordan algebras. 1993 Kenneth I. Gross
Hongming Ding
+ Constant term identities and hypergeometric functions on spaces of Hermitian matrices 1993 Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
+ Total positivity, spherical series, and hypergeometric functions of matrix argument 1989 Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
+ Special Functions of Matrix Argument. I: Algebraic Induction, Zonal Polynomials, and Hypergeometric Functions 1987 Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
+ PDF Chat Compact group actions, spherical bessel functions, and invariant random variables 1987 Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
+ PDF Chat Special functions of matrix argument. I. Algebraic induction, zonal polynomials, and hypergeometric functions 1987 Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
+ Reciprocity theorems for the classical goups. I: The GL (r, k)-subgroup of GL (2r, k). 1986 Ray A. Kunze
Kenneth I. Gross
+ Finite Dimensional Induction and New Results on Invariants for Classical Groups, I 1984 Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
+ PDF Chat Matrix-valued special functions and representation theory of the conformal group. I. The generalized gamma function 1980 Kenneth I. Gross
Wayne J. Holman
+ A new class of Bessel functions and applications in harmonic analysis 1979 Kenneth I. Gross
Wayne J. Holman
Ray A. Kunze
+ On the Evolution of Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis 1978 Kenneth I. Gross
+ On the Evolution of Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis 1978 Kenneth I. Gross
+ Bessel functions and representation theory, II holomorphic discrete series and metaplectic representations 1977 Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
+ PDF Chat The generalized gamma function, new Hardy spaces, and representations of holomorphic type for the conformal group 1977 Kenneth I. Gross
Wayne J. Holman
Ray A. Kunze
+ Analysis on matrix space and certain Siegel domains 1977 Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
+ Bessel functions and representation theory. I 1976 Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
+ Generalized Bessel transforms and unitary representations 1973 Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
+ Fourier Bessel transforms and holomorphic discrete series 1972 Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
+ The Dual of a Parabolic Subgroup and a Degenerate Principal Series of Sp(n, C) 1971 Kenneth I. Gross
+ PDF Chat Restriction to a parabolic subgroup and irreducibility of degenerate principal series of 𝑆𝑝(2,𝐶) 1970 Kenneth I. Gross
+ The Plancherel Transform on the Nilpotent Part of G 2 and Some Applications to the Representation Theory of G 2 1968 Kenneth I. Gross
+ PDF Chat The Plancherel transform on the nilpotent part of $G\sb{2}$ and some applocations to the representation theory of $G\sb{2}$ 1968 Kenneth I. Gross
+ Discussion of an Iterative Solution to an Equation of Radiative Transfer 1962 Kenneth I. Gross
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Bessel Functions of Matrix Argument 1955 Carl Herz
+ Harmonic Analysis of Functions of Several Complex Variables in the Classical Domains 1963 Hua Li
+ PDF Chat Sur certains groupes d'opérateurs unitaires 1964 André Weil
+ Bessel functions and representation theory. I 1976 Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
+ Fourier Bessel transforms and holomorphic discrete series 1972 Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
+ PDF Chat Analytic continuation of the holomorphic discrete series of a semi-simple Lie group 1976 Michèle Vergne
Hugo Rossi
+ Bessel functions and representation theory, II holomorphic discrete series and metaplectic representations 1977 Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
+ PDF Chat Distributions of Matrix Variates and Latent Roots Derived from Normal Samples 1964 A. T. James
+ Groups and Geometric Analysis 2000 Sigurđur Helgason
+ Uniformly Bounded Representations III: Intertwining Operators for the Principal Series on Semisimple Groups 1967 Ray A. Kunze
E. M. Stein
+ Representations of certain solvable Lie groups on Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions and the application to the holomorphic discrete series of a Semisimple Lie group 1973 Hugo Rossi
Michèle Vergne
+ Uniformly bounded representations. IV 1973 Ray A. Kunze
E. M. Stein
+ Unitary representations of solvable Lie groups 1966 Louis Auslander
Calvin C. Moore
+ Classes of orderings of measures and related correlation inequalities. I. Multivariate totally positive distributions 1980 Samuel Karlin
Yosef Rinott
+ Limits of holomorphic discrete series 1972 Anthony W. Knapp
K. Okamoto
+ PDF Chat Special functions of matrix argument. I. Algebraic induction, zonal polynomials, and hypergeometric functions 1987 Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
+ Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason
+ L'integration dans les groupes topologiques et ses applications 1951 André Weil
+ Special Functions and the Theory of Group Representations 1968 N. I︠a︡. Vilenkin
+ Generalized Bessel transforms and unitary representations 1973 Kenneth I. Gross
Ray A. Kunze
+ A new class of Bessel functions and applications in harmonic analysis 1979 Kenneth I. Gross
Wayne J. Holman
Ray A. Kunze
+ Analysis in Matrix Spaces and Some New Representations of SL(N,C) 1967 E. M. Stein
+ Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory 1982 Robb J. Muirhead
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces 1973 Calvin C. Moore
+ Wave and Dirac operators, and representations of the conformal group 1977 Hans Plesner Jakobsen
Michèle Vergne
+ Representations of Compact Lie Groups 1985 Theodor Bröcker
Tammo tom Dieck
+ Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory 1984 Leon Jay Gleser
Robb J. Muirhead
+ PDF Chat Infinite-dimensional group representations 1963 George W. Mackey
+ PDF Chat The generalized gamma function, new Hardy spaces, and representations of holomorphic type for the conformal group 1977 Kenneth I. Gross
Wayne J. Holman
Ray A. Kunze
+ A generalized Cauchy-Binet formula and applications to total positivity and majorization 1988 Samuel Karlin
Yosef Rinott
+ PDF Chat Transforms for Operators and Symplectic Automorphisms over a Locally Compact Abelian Group. 1963 I. E. Segal
+ PDF Chat Induced representations of Lie algebras and a theorem of Borel-Weil. 1969 Nolan R. Wallach
+ A generalization of the Gauss hypergeometric series 1977 James D. Louck
L. C. Biedenharn
+ Confluent hypergeometric functions on tube domains 1982 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Chat A theory of Stiefel harmonics 1974 Stephen Gelbart
+ PDF Chat A theory of spherical functions. I 1952 Roger Godement
+ PDF Chat Lie group representations and harmonic polynomials of a matrix variable 1976 Tuong Ton That
+ PDF Chat The analytic continuation of the discrete series. II 1979 Nolan R. Wallach
+ Total positivity, spherical series, and hypergeometric functions of matrix argument 1989 Kenneth I. Gross
Donald St. P. Richards
+ The Dual of a Parabolic Subgroup and a Degenerate Principal Series of Sp(n, C) 1971 Kenneth I. Gross
+ Polynomial representations associated with symmetric bounded domains 1973 Masaru Takeuchi
+ An Elementary Approach to the Macdonald Identities 1989 Dennis Stanton
+ Theory of Lie Groups 1946 Claude Chevalley
+ On the Theory of Multivariate Elliptically Contoured Distributions and Their Applications. 1982 T. W. Anderson
Kai‐Tai Fang
+ Representation theory and automorphic functions 1969 М. И. Граев
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
I. M. Gel'fand
K. A. Hirsch
+ Harmonic functions and the Borel-Weil theorem 1974 Atsutaka Kowata
K. Okamoto
+ PDF Chat Probability distributions on locally compact abelian groups 1963 K. R. Parthasarathy
R. Ranga Rao
S. R. S. Varadhan
+ PDF Chat Harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups 1970 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Theory of Groups of Finite Order 2012 W. Burnside
+ Orbits and Representations Associated with Symmetric Spaces 1971 Bertram Kostant
Stephen Rallis