Oscar E. González


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Irreducibility of the zero polynomials of Eisenstein series 2022 Oscar E. González
+ PDF Chat Effective estimates for the smallest parts function 2022 Oscar E. González
+ Irreducibility of the zero polynomials of Eisenstein series 2022 Oscar E. González
+ Extending support for the centered moments of the low lying zeroes of cuspidal newforms 2022 Peter Cohen
Justine Dell
Oscar E. González
Geoffrey Iyer
Simran Khunger
Chung-Hang Kwan
Steven J. Miller
Alexander S. Shashkov
Alicia Smith Reina
Carsten Sprunger
+ An improvement to Chevalley's theorem with restricted variables 2019 Francis N. Castro
Oscar E. González
Luis A. Medina
+ An Observation of Rankin on Hankel Determinants. 2019 Oscar E. González
+ On smoothing singularities of elliptic orbital integrals on GL(n) and Beyond Endoscopy 2017 Oscar E. González
Chung-Hang Kwan
Steven J. Miller
Roger Van Peski
Tian An Wong
+ Diophantine Equations With Binomial Coefficients and Perturbations of Symmetric Boolean Functions 2017 Francis N. Castro
Oscar E. González
Luis A. Medina
+ PDF Chat Generalized exponential sums and the power of computers 2017 Francis N. Castro
Oscar E. González
Luis A. Medina
+ PDF Chat On the tree cover number of a graph 2017 Chassidy Bozeman
Minerva Catral
Brendan Cook
Oscar E. González
Carolyn Reinhart
+ New families of balanced symmetric functions and a generalization of Cusick, Li and Stǎnicǎ’s conjecture 2017 Rafael Arce
Francis N. Castro
Oscar E. González
Luis A. Medina
Ivelisse Rubio
+ On smoothing singularities of elliptic orbital integrals on GL(n) and Beyond Endoscopy 2016 Oscar E. González
Chung-Hang Kwan
Steven J. Miller
Roger Van Peski
Tian An Wong
+ On smoothing singularities of elliptic orbital integrals on GL(n) and Beyond Endoscopy 2016 Oscar E. González
Chung-Hang Kwan
Steven J. Miller
Roger Van Peski
Tian An Wong
+ The<i>p</i>-adic Valuation of Eulerian Numbers: Trees and Bernoulli Numbers 2015 Francis N. Castro
Oscar E. González
Luis A. Medina
+ A divisibility approach to the open boundary cases of Cusick-Li-Stǎnicǎ’s conjecture 2015 Francis N. Castro
Oscar E. González
Luis A. Medina
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Tight bounds for Chevalley–Warning–Ax–Katz type estimates, with improved applications 2004 Óscar Moreno
Kenneth W. Shum
Francis N. Castro
P. Vijay Kumar
+ Balanced Symmetric Functions Over ${\hbox{GF}}(p)$ 2008 Thomas W. Cusick
Yuan Li
Pantelimon Stănică
+ PDF Chat On a conjecture for balanced symmetric Boolean functions 2009 Cusick Thomas W.
Yuan Li
Stănică Pantelimon
+ PDF Chat $p$-adic estimates for exponential sums and the theorem of Chevalley-Warning 1987 Alan Adolphson
Steven Sperber
+ PDF Chat Linear Recurrences and Asymptotic Behavior of Exponential Sums of Symmetric Boolean Functions 2011 Francis N. Castro
Luis A. Medina
+ Zeroes of Polynomials Over Finite Fields 1964 James Ax
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ A divisibility approach to the open boundary cases of Cusick-Li-Stǎnicǎ’s conjecture 2015 Francis N. Castro
Oscar E. González
Luis A. Medina
+ PDF Chat A Note on a Conjecture for Balanced Elementary Symmetric Boolean Functions 2012 Wei Su
Xiaohu Tang
Alexander Pott
+ The Degree of Balanced Elementary Symmetric Boolean Functions of &lt;formula formulatype="inline"&gt; &lt;tex Notation="TeX"&gt;${{\bf 4k}+{\bf 3}}$&lt;/tex&gt; &lt;/formula&gt; Variables 2011 Guangpu Gao
Wenfen Liu
Xiyong Zhang
+ Arithmetic of Algebraic Tori 1961 Takashi Ono
+ Construction of systems of polynomial equations with exact p-Divisibility via the covering method 2013 Francis N. Castro
Ivelisse Rubio
+ PDF Chat Exact $p$-divisibility of exponential sums via the covering method 2014 Francis N. Castro
Ivelisse Rubio
+ PDF Chat Invariant eigendistributions on a semisimple Lie group 1965 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Harmonic analysis on real reductive groups I the theory of the constant term 1975 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ PDF Chat On some class number relations of algebraic tori. 1977 Jih Min Shyr
+ PDF Chat Le lemme fondamental pour les algèbres de Lie 2010 Báo Châu Ngô
+ PDF Chat Distortion maps for supersingular genus two curves 2009 Steven D. Galbraith⋆
Jordi Pujolàs
Christophe Ritzenthaler
Benjamin Smith
+ Rational decomposition of modular forms 2011 Alexandru A. Popa
+ Zaphod Beeblebrox's Brian and the Fifty-ninth Row of Pascal's Triangle 1992 Andrew Granville
+ A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1982 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ Recurrences for sums of powers of binomial coefficients 1989 Thomas W. Cusick
+ Topics in Analytic Number Theory 1973 Hans Rademacher
+ Congruences for the Andrews <i>spt</i> function 2010 Ken Ono
+ Fourier analysis in number fields and Hecke's zeta-functions 1967 John Tate
+ On the Zeros of Eisenstein Series 1970 F. K. C. Rankin
H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer
+ Sums of Kloosterman sums 1983 Dorian Goldfeld
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Chat On the explicit construction of higher deformations of partition statistics 2008 Kathrin Bringmann
+ Sporadic partitions of binomial coefficients 1991 N. Jefferies
+ PDF Chat On the series for the partition function 1938 D. H. Lehmer
+ Algebraic Number Theory 1999 Jürgen Neukirch
+ Lucas' Theorem for Prime Powers 1990 Kenneth S. Davis
William A. Webb
+ Improvement to Moreno–Morenoʼs theorems 2012 Fernando Castro
Francis Castro-Velez
+ Congruences for Eulerian numbers 1953 L. Carlitz
John Riordan
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Fermat's Last Theorem 1981 Lawrence C. Washington
Paulo Ribenboim
+ Inequalities for generalized hypergeometric functions 1972 Yudell L. Luke
+ Inversion Formula for Orbital Integrals on Reductive Lie Groups 1995 Abderrazak Bouaziz
+ PDF Chat Beyond endoscopy via the trace formula: 1. Poisson summation and isolation of special representations 2015 Salim Ali Altuğ
+ Some Applications of Modular Forms 1990 Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Chat Euler-like recurrences for smallest parts functions 2014 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ PDF Chat On divisibility of exponential sums of polynomials of special type over fields of characteristic 2 2012 L. A. Bassalygo
Victor Zinoviev
+ PDF Chat A search for Fibonacci-Wieferich and Wolstenholme primes 2007 Richard J. McIntosh
E. L. Roettger
+ PDF Chat Advanced determinant calculus: A complement 2005 C. Krattenthaler
+ PDF Chat The minimum rank of symmetric matrices described by a graph: A survey 2007 Shaun Fallat
Leslie Hogben
+ Inequalities for ranks of partitions and the first moment of ranks and cranks of partitions 2014 Song Heng Chan
Renrong Mao
+ A holonomic systems approach to special functions identities 1990 Doron Zeilberger
+ Mock modular grids and Hecke relations for mock modular forms 2012 Scott Ahlgren
Byungchan Kim
+ Unstable orbital integrals on SL(3) 1981 Robert Kottwitz
+ Divisibility by 2 of Stirling numbers of the second kind and their differences 2014 Jianrong Zhao
Shaofang Hong
Wei Zhao
+ A generalization of the Goldfeld-Sarnak estimate on Selberg's Kloosterman zeta-function 2000 Wladimir de Azevedo Pribitkin