Amos Nevo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On discrepancy, intrinsic Diophantine approximation, and spectral gaps 2024 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Discrepancy of rational points in simple algebraic groups 2024 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Automorphic density estimates and optimal Diophantine exponents 2024 Mikołaj Fra̧czyk
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Shannon–McMillan–Breiman Theorem Along Almost Geodesics in Negatively Curved Groups 2023 Amos Nevo
Felix Pogorzelski
+ PDF Horospherical coordinates of lattice points in hyperbolic spaces: effective counting and equidistribution 2023 Tal Horesh
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Counting intrinsic Diophantine approximations in simple algebraic groups 2022 Anish Ghosh
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ On discrepancy, intrinsic Diophantine approximation, and spectral gaps 2022 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat The Shannon–McMillan–Breiman theorem beyond amenable groups 2021 Amos Nevo
Felix Pogorzelski
+ PDF Chat Effective counting for discrete lattice orbits in the plane via Eisenstein series 2021 Claire Burrin
Amos Nevo
René Rühr
Barak Weiss
+ Counting intrinsic Diophantine approximations in simple algebraic groups 2021 Anish Ghosh
Alex Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Discrepancy of rational points in simple algebraic groups 2021 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Optimal density for values of generic polynomial maps 2020 Anish Ghosh
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Effective counting on translation surfaces 2019 Amos Nevo
René Rühr
Barak Weiss
+ Effective counting for discrete lattice orbits in the plane via Eisenstein series 2019 Claire Burrin
Amos Nevo
René Rühr
Barak Weiss
+ Effective counting for discrete lattice orbits in the plane via Eisenstein series 2019 Claire Burrin
Amos Nevo
René Rühr
Barak Weiss
+ Prime points in orbits: Some instances of the Bourgain–Gamburd–Sarnak conjecture 2018 Tal Horesh
Amos Nevo
+ Optimal density for values of generic polynomial maps 2018 Anish Ghosh
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Optimal density for values of generic polynomial maps 2018 Anish Ghosh
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic geometry and pointwise ergodic theorems 2017 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ Effective counting on translation surfaces 2017 Amos Nevo
Rene Ruehr
Barak Weiss
+ Prime Points in Orbits: Some Instances of the Bourgain-Gamburd-Sarnak Conjecture 2017 Tal Horesh
Amos Nevo
+ Equidistribution in measure-preserving actions of semisimple groups : case of $SL_2(\mathbb{R})$ 2017 Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Counting Lattice Points in norm balls on higher rank simple Lie groups 2017 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
Gal Yehoshua
+ Prime Points in Orbits: Some Instances of the Bourgain-Gamburd-Sarnak Conjecture 2017 Tal Horesh
Amos Nevo
+ The Shannon-McMillan-Breiman theorem beyond amenable groups 2017 Amos Nevo
Felix Pogorzelski
+ Effective counting on translation surfaces 2017 Amos Nevo
René Rühr
Barak Weiss
+ Horospherical coordinates of lattice points in hyperbolic space: effective counting and equidistribution 2016 Tal Horesh
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Best possible rates of distribution of dense lattice orbits in homogeneous spaces 2016 Anish Ghosh
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Counting lattice points in norm balls on higher rank simple Lie groups 2016 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
Gal Yehoshua
Amos Nevo
+ Horospherical coordinates of lattice points in hyperbolic space: effective counting and equidistribution 2016 Tal Horesh
Amos Nevo
+ Hyperbolic geometry and pointwise ergodic theorems 2015 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Amenable equivalence relations and the construction of ergodic averages for group actions 2015 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Diophantine approximation exponents on homogeneous varieties 2015 Anish Ghosh
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF The lattice point counting problem on the Heisenberg groups 2015 Rahul Garg
Amos Nevo
Krystal Taylor
+ PDF Chat Von Neumann and Birkhoff ergodic theorems for negatively curved groups 2015 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ Representation theory, effective ergodic theorems, and applications - Lecture 4 2015 Amos Nevo
+ Representation theory, effective ergodic theorems, and applications - Lecture 2 2015 Amos Nevo
+ Hyperbolic geometry and pointwise ergodic theorems 2015 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ Best possible rates of distribution of dense lattice orbits in homogeneous spaces 2014 Anish Ghosh
Alex Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF A horospherical ratio ergodic theorem for actions of free groups 2014 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Metric Diophantine approximation on homogeneous varieties 2014 Anish Ghosh
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Quantitative ergodic theorems and their number-theoretic applications 2014 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ The lattice point counting problem on the Heisenberg groups 2014 Rahul Garg
Amos Nevo
Krystal Taylor
+ PDF Chat Ergodic theory and the duality principle on homogeneous spaces 2014 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Diophantine approximation exponents on homogeneous varieties 2014 Anish Ghosh
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Best possible rates of distribution of dense lattice orbits in homogeneous spaces 2014 Anish Ghosh
Alex Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ The lattice point counting problem on the Heisenberg groups 2014 Rahul Garg
Amos Nevo
Krystal Taylor
+ PDF Geometric covering arguments and ergodic theorems for free groups 2013 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ PDF The Poisson boundary of CAT(0) cube complex groups 2013 Amos Nevo
Michah Sageev
+ Quantitative ergodic theorems and their number-theoretic applications 2013 Alex Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Amenable equivalence relations and the construction of ergodic averages for group actions 2013 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ von-Neumann and Birkhoff ergodic theorems for negatively curved groups 2013 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ Amenable equivalence relations and the construction of ergodic averages for group actions 2013 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ von-Neumann and Birkhoff ergodic theorems for negatively curved groups 2013 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ Quantitative ergodic theorems and their number-theoretic applications 2013 Alex Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Lifting, restricting and sifting integral points on affine homogeneous varieties 2012 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Diophantine Approximation and Automorphic Spectrum 2012 Anish Ghosh
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ A horospherical ratio ergodic theorem for actions of free groups 2012 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ Ergodic theory and the duality principle on homogeneous spaces 2012 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Pointwise ergodic theorems beyond amenable groups 2012 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ Splitting fields of elements in arithmetic groups 2012 Alex Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ A horospherical ratio ergodic theorem for actions of free groups 2012 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ Ergodic theory and the duality principle on homogeneous spaces 2012 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat On Arnol’d’s and Kazhdan’s equidistribution problems 2011 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Counting lattice points 2011 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ The Poisson boundary of CAT(0) cube complex groups 2011 Amos Nevo
Michah Sageev
+ Splitting fields of elements in arithmetic groups 2011 Alex Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Pointwise ergodic theorems beyond amenable groups 2011 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Splitting fields of elements in arithmetic groups 2011 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ The Poisson boundary of CAT(0) cube complex groups 2011 Amos Nevo
Michah Sageev
+ Pointwise ergodic theorems beyond amenable groups 2011 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ Splitting fields of elements in arithmetic groups 2011 Alex Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ On Arnold's and Kazhdan's equidistribution problems 2010 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Diophantine approximation and automorphic spectrum 2010 Anish Ghosh
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Prime and almost prime integral points on principal homogeneous spaces 2010 Amos Nevo
Peter Sarnak
+ Diophantine approximation and automorphic spectrum 2010 Anish Ghosh
Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ On Arnold's and Kazhdan's equidistribution problems 2010 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ The Ergodic Theory of Lattice Subgroups (AM-172) 2009 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Geometric covering arguments and ergodic theorems for free groups 2009 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Invariant Rigid Geometric Structures and Smooth Projective Factors 2009 Amos Nevo
Robert J. Zimmer
+ Counting lattice points 2009 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Prime and almost prime integral points on principal homogeneous spaces 2009 Amos Nevo
Peter Sarnak
+ Geometric covering arguments and ergodic theorems for free groups 2009 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ Invariant rigid geometric structures and smooth projective factors 2007 Amos Nevo
Robert J. Zimmer
+ The ergodic theory of lattice subgroups 2006 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Pointwise Ergodic Theorems for Actions of Groups 2006 Amos Nevo
+ Pointwise ergodic theorems for actions of groups 2006 Amos Nevo
+ Entropy of Stationary Measures and Bounded Tangential de-Rham Cohomology of Semisimple Lie Group Actions 2005 Amos Nevo
Robert J. Zimmer
+ Exponential volume growth, maximal functions on symmetric spaces, and ergodic theorems for semi-simple Lie groups 2005 Amos Nevo
+ Radial geometric analysis on groups 2004 Amos Nevo
+ None 2003 Amos Nevo
+ A generalization of the intermediate factors theorem 2002 Amos Nevo
Robert J. Zimmer
+ PDF Spherical maximal operator on symmetric spaces of constant curvature 2002 Amos Nevo
P. K. Ratnakumar
+ A Structure Theorem for Actions of Semisimple Lie Groups 2002 Amos Nevo
Robert J. Zimmer
+ PDF Conformal Actions of Simple Lie Groups on Compact Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds 2002 Uri Bader
Amos Nevo
+ Actions of Semisimple Lie Groups with Stationary Measure 2002 Amos Nevo
Robert J. Zimmer
+ Uniform estimates for spherical functions on complex semisimple Lie groups 2001 Michael Cowling
Amos Nevo
+ Analogs of Wiener's ergodic theorems for semisimple Lie groups. II 2000 Gregori Aleksandrovitch Margulis
Amos Nevo
E. M. Stein
+ PDF Rigidity of Furstenberg entropy for semisimple Lie group actions 2000 Amos Nevo
R. J. Zimmer
+ Homogenous projective factors for actions of semi-simple Lie groups 1999 Amos Nevo
Robert J. Zimmer
+ Maximal and pointwise ergodic theorems for word-hyperbolic groups 1998 Koji Fujiwara
Amos Nevo
+ PDF Spectral transfer and pointwise ergodic theorems for semi-simple Kazhdan groups 1998 Amos Nevo
+ Pointwise Ergodic Theorems for Radial Averages on the Heisenberg Group 1997 Amos Nevo
Sundaram Thangavelu
+ Analogs of Wiener's Ergodic Theorems for Semisimple Groups I 1997 Amos Nevo
Elias M. Stein
+ Pointwise ergodic theorems for radial averages on simple Lie groups II 1997 Amos Nevo
+ Algebraic hulls and the følner property 1996 Alessandra Iozzi
Amos Nevo
+ Pointwise ergodic theorems for radial averages on simple Lie groups I 1994 Amos Nevo
+ PDF Harmonic Analysis and Pointwise Ergodic Theorems for Noncommuting Transformations 1994 Amos Nevo
+ Boundary Theory and Harmonic Analysis on Boundary Transitive Graphs 1994 Amos Nevo
+ PDF A generalization of Birkhoff's pointwise ergodic theorem 1994 Amos Nevo
Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Harmonic analysis and pointwise ergodic theorems for noncommuting transformations 1994 Amos Nevo
+ A structure theorem for boundary-transitive graphs with infinitely many ends 1991 Amos Nevo
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The ergodic theory of lattice subgroups 2006 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Asymptotic properties of unitary representations 1979 Roger Howe
Calvin C. Moore
+ Pointwise ergodic theorems for radial averages on simple Lie groups I 1994 Amos Nevo
+ PDF Chat Distribution of lattice orbits on homogeneous varieties 2006 Alex Gorodnik
Barak Weiss
+ PDF Mixing, counting, and equidistribution in Lie groups 1993 Alex Eskin
Curt McMullen
+ PDF Spectral transfer and pointwise ergodic theorems for semi-simple Kazhdan groups 1998 Amos Nevo
+ Ergodic Theory and Semisimple Groups 1984 Robert J. Zimmer
+ Uniform pointwise bounds for matrix coefficients of unitary representations and applications to Kazhdan constants 2002 Hee Oh
+ PDF Chat Counting lattice points 2011 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Pointwise ergodic theorems for actions of groups 2006 Amos Nevo
+ DĂ©monstration de la conjecture Ď„ 2003 Laurent Clozel
+ PDF A generalization of Birkhoff's pointwise ergodic theorem 1994 Amos Nevo
Elias M. Stein
+ Groups and Geometric Analysis 2000 Sigurđur Helgason
+ PDF Harmonic analysis and pointwise ergodic theorems for noncommuting transformations 1994 Amos Nevo
+ Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups 1991 Gregori Aleksandrovitch Margulis
+ PDF Density of integer points on affine homogeneous varieties 1993 William Duke
Zeév Rudnick
Peter Sarnak
+ Ergodic Theory and Semisimple Groups 1984 Robert J. Zimmer
+ PDF Problems in harmonic analysis related to curvature 1978 Elias M. Stein
Stephen Wainger
+ Amenable ergodic group actions and an application to Poisson boundaries of random walks 1978 Robert J. Zimmer
+ A Poisson Formula for Semi-Simple Lie Groups 1963 Harry Furstenberg
+ Harmonic Analysis of Spherical Functions on Real Reductive Groups 1988 Ramesh Gangolli
V. S. Varadarajan
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Spherical Averages for Actions of Free Groups 2002 Alexander I. Bufetov
+ PDF Rigidity of Furstenberg entropy for semisimple Lie group actions 2000 Amos Nevo
R. J. Zimmer
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous asymptotic limits of Haar measures of semisimple linear groups and their lattices 2006 François Maucourant
+ PDF Geometric covering arguments and ergodic theorems for free groups 2013 Lewis Bowen
Amos Nevo
+ Analogs of Wiener's ergodic theorems for semisimple Lie groups. II 2000 Gregori Aleksandrovitch Margulis
Amos Nevo
E. M. Stein
+ Ergodic averages on spheres 1993 Roger L. Jones
+ The Kunze-Stein Phenomenon 1978 Michael Cowling
+ Almost L2 matrix coefficients. 1988 Uffe Haagerup
Michael Cowling
Robert W. Howe
+ Sur les coefficients des representations unitaires des groupes de Lie simples 1979 Michael Cowling
+ Spherical Functions on a Semisimple Lie Group II 1958 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
+ Analogs of Wiener's Ergodic Theorems for Semisimple Groups I 1997 Amos Nevo
Elias M. Stein
+ PDF The density of integer points on homogeneous varieties 1985 Wolfgang M. Schmidt
+ PDF Continuous Cohomology, Discrete Subgroups, and Representations of Reductive Groups 2000 A. Borel
Nolan R. Wallach
+ Notes on the Generalized Ramanujan Conjectures 2005 Peter Sarnak
+ Double ergodicity of the Poisson boundary and applications to bounded cohomology 2003 Vadim A. Kaimanovich
+ Ramanujan duals II 1991 M. Burger
Peter Sarnak
+ Maximal and pointwise ergodic theorems for word-hyperbolic groups 1998 Koji Fujiwara
Amos Nevo
+ Representation Theory of Semisimple Groups: An Overview Based on Examples 1986 Anthony W. Knapp
+ PDF Orbits of discrete subgroups on a symmetric space and the Furstenberg boundary 2007 Alexander Gorodnik
Hee Oh
+ PDF An amenable equivalence relation is generated by a single transformation 1981 Alain Connes
Jacob J. Feldman
Bernard Weiss
+ Averages in the plane over convex curves and maximal operators 1986 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Ramanujan duals and automorphic spectrum 1992 M. Burger
J.-S. Li
Peter Sarnak
+ A Structure Theorem for Actions of Semisimple Lie Groups 2002 Amos Nevo
Robert J. Zimmer
+ PDF Proof of the Ergodic Theorem 1931 George D. Birkhoff
+ Algebraic groups and number theory 1992 В. П. Платонов
Andrei S. Rapinchuk
+ Topics in Harmonic Analysis Related to the Littlewood-Paley Theory. 1970 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat Exactness of Rokhlin endomorphisms and weak mixing of Poisson boundaries 2005 Jon Aaronson
Mariusz Lemańczyk
+ Upper Bounds and Asymptotics in a Quantitative Version of the Oppenheim Conjecture 1998 Alex Eskin
G. A. Margulis
Shahar Mozes
+ Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason