A. Verbeure


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The condensate Equation for non-homogeneous Bosons 2007 A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Goldstone bosons in Josephson junctions 2006 Brecht S Dierckx
A. Verbeure
+ Quantum Central-Limit Theorems 2006 A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Imperfect Bose gas with attractive boundary conditions 2005 Lieselot Vandevenne
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Models with recoil for Bose–Einstein condensation and superradiance 2005 J. V. Pulé
A. Verbeure
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ PDF Chat A Dicke Type Model for Equilibrium BEC Superradiance 2005 J. V. Pulè
A. Verbeure
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ PDF Chat Models for equilibrium BEC superradiance 2004 J. V. Pulè
A. Verbeure
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium states for the Bose gas 2004 Lieselot Vandevenne
A. Verbeure
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ PDF Chat A microscopic model for Josephson currents 2004 J. Lauwers
A. Verbeure
+ Models for Equilibrium BEC Superradiance 2004 J. V. Pulé
A. Verbeure
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ Generating functionals for Bose gas with attractive boundary conditions 2003 Lieselot Vandevenne
A. Verbeure
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ PDF Chat Proof of Bose–Einstein condensation for interacting gases with a one-particle spectral gap 2003 J. Lauwers
A. Verbeure
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ Bose-Einstein Condensation for Homogeneous Interacting Systems with a One-Particle Spectral Gap 2003 J. Lauwers
A. Verbeure
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ Proof of Bose-Einstein Condensation for Interacting Gases 2002 J. Lauwers
A. Verbeure
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ PDF Chat Metastability in the BCS model 2001 J. Lauwers
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat BEC for a coupled two-type hard core bosons model 2001 J. Lauwers
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Goldstone Boson Normal Coordinates 2001 Tom Michoel
A. Verbeure
+ Fluctuations in the Bose Gas with Attractive Boundary Conditions 2001 J. Lauwers
A. Verbeure
+ Interferencing in coupled Bose-Einstein condensates 2000 Tom Michoel
A. Verbeure
+ Non-Extensive Bose-Einstein Condensation Model 2000 Tom Michoel
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Mathematical structure of magnons in quantum ferromagnets 1999 Tom Michoel
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Nonextensive Bose–Einstein condensation model 1999 Tom Michoel
A. Verbeure
+ Quantum n-vector anharmonic crsytals 1999 A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Goldstone Boson Normal Coordinates in Interacting Bose Gases 1999 Tom Michoel
A. Verbeure
+ CCR-Algebra structure of normal k-mode fluctuations 1998 Tom Michoel
B. Momont
A. Verbeure
+ Algebraic structure of k-mode fluctuations 1997 B. Momont
A. Verbeure
+ Lie algebra of anomalously scaled fluctuations 1995 M. Broidioi
B. Momont
A. Verbeure
+ Gaussian, non-Gaussian critical fluctuations in the Curie-Weiss model 1994 A. Verbeure
V. A. Zagrebnov
+ Spectrum squeezing operator 1993 Pim Tuyls
A. Verbeure
+ Glauber dynamics of fluctuations 1991 D. Goderis
A. Verbeure
P. Vets
+ Quantum central limit and coarse graining 1990 D. Goderis
A. Verbeure
P. Vets
+ Theory of quantum fluctuations and the Onsager relations 1989 D. Goderis
A. Verbeure
P. Vets
+ Mathematical methods in statistical mechanics : conference proceedings, Leuven, 23-24 June 1988 1989 Mark Fannes
A. Verbeure
+ Equilibrium conditions for coupled classical-quantum systems 1987 M. Fannes
A. Verbeure
+ Groups of canonical transformations and the virial-Noether theorem 1986 Bruno Nachtergaele
A. Verbeure
+ Some Applications of Semigroups 1986 A. Verbeure
+ Detailed balance and critical slowing down for classical lattice systems 1985 Robert Alicki
M. Fannes
A. Verbeure
+ Relaxation of the ideal Bose gas 1985 J. Quaegebeur
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Detailed balance and equilibrium 1984 A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat On solvable models in classical lattice systems 1984 M. Fannes
A. Verbeure
+ Inhomogeneous mean field models 1982 M. Fannes
P. Vanheuverzwijn
A. Verbeure
+ Equilibrium states for mean field models 1980 M. Fannes
Herbert Spohn
A. Verbeure
+ Completely positive quasi-free maps of the CCR-algebra 1979 Bart Demoen
P. Vanheuverzwijn
A. Verbeure
+ Completely positive maps on the CCR-algebra 1977 Bart Demoen
P. Vanheuverzwijn
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Dispersive properties and observables at infinity for classical KMS systems 1977 Jean De Cannière
J. V. Pulè
P. Vanheuverzwijn
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Correlation inequalities and equilibrium states. II 1977 M. Fannes
A. Verbeure
+ Classical systems of infinitely many noninteracting particles 1977 J. V. Pulé
A. Verbeure
+ The solutions of the classical KMS-equation for infinitely many non-interacting particles 1977 M. Fannes
J. V. Pulè
A. Verbeure
+ A class of states on the boson–fermion algebra 1976 F. Rocca
Paul Sisson
A. Verbeure
+ Gauge transformations and normal states of the CCR 1975 M. Fannes
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Linear response theory and the KMS condition 1975 Jan Naudts
A. Verbeure
Ricardo Weder
+ On the time evolution automorphisms of the CCR-algebra for quantum mechanics 1974 M. Fannes
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat The smallestC*-algebra for canonical commutations relations 1973 J. Manuceau
M. Sirugue
D. Testard
A. Verbeure
+ A remark on ergodicity, dissipativity, return to equilibrium 1973 Peter Bongaarts
M. Fannes
A. Verbeure
+ On the lower bound of mazur for autocorrelation functions. Ergodicity 1973 M. Sirugue
A. Verbeure
+ Local perturbations and approach to equilibrium 1973 Ricardo Lima
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Unitary equivalence of Fock representations on the Weyl algebra 1971 Alfons Van Daele
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Non-factor quasi-free states of the CAR-algebra 1970 J. Manuceau
A. Verbeure
+ Quasi-free states of the C.C.R.—Algebra and Bogoliubov transformations 1968 J. Manuceau
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Representations of anticommutation relations and Bogolioubov transformations 1968 Erik Balslev
J. Manuceau
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat States on Clifford algebras 1968 Erik Balslev
A. Verbeure
+ Quantum states of an infinite system of harmonic oscillators with linear interaction terms 1966 A. Verbeure
E. Verboven
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics 1997 Ola Bratteli
Derek W. Robinson
+ PDF Chat The smallestC*-algebra for canonical commutations relations 1973 J. Manuceau
M. Sirugue
D. Testard
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Correlation inequalities and equilibrium states. II 1977 M. Fannes
A. Verbeure
+ Equilibrium states for mean field models 1980 M. Fannes
Herbert Spohn
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Goldstone Boson Normal Coordinates 2001 Tom Michoel
A. Verbeure
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat On the classical KMS boundary condition 1975 Giovanni Gallavotti
E. Verboven
+ PDF Chat Markovian master equations 1974 E. B. Davies
+ PDF Chat The full diagonal model of a Bose gas 1993 T. C. Dorlas
J. T. Lewis
J. V. Pulè
+ Representations of the Canonical Commutation Relations Describing a Nonrelativistic Infinite Free Bose Gas 1963 H. Araki
E. J. Woods
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Goldstone Boson Normal Coordinates in Interacting Bose Gases 1999 Tom Michoel
A. Verbeure
+ Independent and stationary sequences of random variables 1971 И. А. Ибрагимов
Ю. В. Ліннік
J. F. C. Kingmán
+ PDF Chat Linear response theory and the KMS condition 1975 Jan Naudts
A. Verbeure
Ricardo Weder
+ PDF Chat Quantum detailed balance and KMS condition 1977 Andrzej Kossakowski
A. Frigerio
Vittorio Gorini
Maurizio Verri
+ PDF Chat Stability and equilibrium states of infinite classical systems 1976 Michael Aizenman
Giovanni Gallavotti
Sheldon Goldstein
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ Existence of Long-Range Order in One and Two Dimensions 1967 P. C. Hohenberg
+ On the detailed balance condition for non-hamiltonian systems 1976 Robert Alicki
+ PDF Chat Does Matter Wave Amplification Work for Fermions? 2001 Wolfgang Ketterle
S. Inouye
+ Les C*-algèbres et leurs représentations .. 1964 Jacques Dixmier
+ PDF Chat Representations of anticommutation relations and Bogolioubov transformations 1968 Erik Balslev
J. Manuceau
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Free states of the canonical anticommutation relations 1970 Robert T. Powers
Erling Størmer
+ Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics 1981 Ola Bratteli
Derek W. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Estimates for translation invariant operators in Lp spaces 1960 Lars Hörmander
+ Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics 1979 Ola Bratteli
Derek W. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Les fonctions de type positif et la théorie des groupes 1948 Roger Godement
+ The Description of a Random Field by Means of Conditional Probabilities and Conditions of Its Regularity 1968 P. L. Dobruschin
+ PDF Chat Collective enhancement and suppression in Bose–Einstein condensates 2001 Wolfgang Ketterle
S. Inouye
+ PDF Chat The thermodynamic limit for an imperfect Boson gas 1972 E. B. Davies
+ The C*-algebras of a free Boson field 1965 Daniel Kastler
+ Theory of quantum fluctuations and the Onsager relations 1989 D. Goderis
A. Verbeure
P. Vets
+ PDF Chat Theory of Superradiant Scattering of Laser Light from Bose-Einstein Condensates 1999 M. G. Moore
Pierre Meystre
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of quantum spin systems. III 1968 Oscar E. Lanford
Derek W. Robinson
+ Rigorous Treatment of the Van Der Waals-Maxwell Theory of the Liquid-Vapor Transition 1966 Joel L. Lebowitz
O. Penrose
+ PDF Chat On the Contraction of Groups and Their Representations 1953 Erdal İnönü
E. P. Wigner
+ Quasi-free states of the C.C.R.—Algebra and Bogoliubov transformations 1968 J. Manuceau
A. Verbeure
+ The superstability of pair-potentials of positive type 1984 J. T. Lewis
J. V. Pulè
Ph. De Smedt
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically abelian systems 1967 Sergio Doplicher
Richard V. Kadison
Daniel Kastler
Derek W. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Some problems related to Gibbs states, canonical Gibbs states and Markovian time evolutions 1977 Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat The large deviation principle and some models of an interacting boson gas 1988 M. van den Berg
J. T. Lewis
J. V. Pulè
+ CCR-Algebra structure of normal k-mode fluctuations 1998 Tom Michoel
B. Momont
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat On the Gaussian fluctuations of the critical Curie-Weiss model in statistical mechanics 1989 F. Papangelou
+ Asymptotically exact solution of the generalized Dicke model 1975 I.G. Brankov
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
I. S. Tonchev
+ Classical systems of infinitely many noninteracting particles 1977 J. V. Pulé
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Operator algebras and quantum statistical mechanics, 1982 Shôichirô Sakai
+ Invariant states and asymptotic abelianness 1969 Sergio Doplicher
Daniel Kastler
Erling Størmer
+ PDF Chat On the generators of quantum dynamical semigroups 1976 Göran Lindblad
+ PDF Chat Correlation functions of the one-dimensional Bose gas in the repulsive case 1984 V. E. Korepin
+ Relaxation of the ideal Bose gas 1985 J. Quaegebeur
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat Central Limits of Product Mappings between CAR-Algebras 1983 M. Fannes
Johan Quaegebeur