Jacek Bochnak


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Algebraic versions of Hartogs' theorem 2023 Marcin Bilski
Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Hartogs-type theorems in real algebraic geometry, II 2023 Marcin Bilski
Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Rational approximation of holomorphic maps 2022 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Hartogs-type theorems in real algebraic geometry, I 2022 Marcin Bilski
Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat On approximation of maps into real algebraic homogeneous spaces 2022 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
Janós Kollár
+ Hartogs-type theorems in real algebraic geometry, I 2022 Marcin Bilski
Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Algebraic surfaces determine analyticity of functions 2021 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ On approximation of maps into real algebraic homogeneous spaces 2020 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Rational approximation of holomorphic maps 2020 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Criteria for Algebraicity of Analytic Functions 2019 Jacek Bochnak
Janusz Gwoździewicz
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Checking real analyticity on surfaces 2019 Jacek Bochnak
Janós Kollár
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Global variants of Hartogs’ theorem 2019 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Checking real analyticity on surfaces. 2018 Jacek Bochnak
Janós Kollár
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat A characterization of analytic functions of several real variables 2018 Jacek Bochnak
Józef Sičiak
+ Checking real analyticity on surfaces 2018 Jacek Bochnak
Janós Kollár
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Real algebraic geometry 2014 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Algebraic approxination of smooth maps 2010 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Almost-universal quadratic forms: An effective solution of a problem of Ramanujan 2009 Jacek Bochnak
Byeong-Kweon Oh
+ PDF Chat Almost regular quaternary quadratic forms 2008 Jacek Bochnak
Byeong-Kweon Oh
+ Real algebraic morphisms represent few homotopy classes 2006 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Vector bundles on a product of real algebraic curves 2005 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ On successive minima of indefinite quadratic forms 2005 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Analytic cycles on real analytic manifolds 2004 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ On integral solutions of quadratic inequalities 2004 Jacek Bochnak
T. H. Jackson
+ PDF Chat On approximation of smooth submanifolds by nonsingular real algebraic subvarieties1 2003 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Approximation of holomorphic maps by algebraic morphisms 2003 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ A topological proof of the Grothendieck formula in real algebraic geometry 2002 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Complexification of Real Algebraic Varieties and Vanishing of Homology Classes 2001 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Morphisms, line bundles and moduli spaces in real algebraic geometry 2000 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
Robert Silhol
+ Line bundles, regular mappings and the underlying real algebraic structure of complex algebraic varieties 2000 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Erratum to : Morphisms, line bundles and moduli spaces in real algebraic geometry 2000 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
Robert Silhol
+ PDF Chat Smooth Maps and Real Algebraic Morphisms 1999 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ The Weierstrass approximation theorem for maps between real algebraic varieties 1999 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ The Weierstrass approximation theorem and a characterization of the unit circle 1999 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ On dividing real algebraic varieties 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Polynomial or Regular Mappings with Values in Spheres 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Topology of Real Algebraic Varieties 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Ordered Fields, Real Closed Fields 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Witt Rings in Real Algebraic Geometry 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ The Tarski-Seidenberg Principle as a Transfer Tool 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Real Algebra 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Morphisms, line bundles and moduli spaces in real algebraic geometry . Complete intersection dimension . Rigidity of quasi-isometries for symmetric spaces and euclidean buildings . La R-équivalence sur les groupes algébriques réductifs définis sur un corps global 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
Robert Silhol
Luchézar L. Avramov
Vesselin Gasharov
Irena Peeva
Bruce Kleiner
Bernhard Leeb
Philippe Gille
+ Algebraic Vector Bundles 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Hilbert’s 17th Problem. Quadratic Forms in Real Algebraic Geometry 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat On homology classes represented by real algebraic varieties 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Algebraic Models of C ∞ Manifolds 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat Morphisms, line bundles and moduli spaces in real algebraic geometry 1997 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
Robert Silhol
+ PDF Chat Equivalence of analytic and rational functions 1997 Jacek Bochnak
M Büchner
Wojciech Kucharz
+ A characterization of dividing real algebraic curves 1996 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Real algebraic hypersurfaces in complex projective varieties 1995 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Encyclopaedia of Mathematics 1995 Michiel Hazewinkel
J Adamst
Sergio Albeverio
J Alblas
S. A. Amitsur
I Bakelman
Joep Bakker
Claude Bardos
Harm Bart
Hyman Bass
+ Encyclopaedia of Mathematics 1995 Michiel Hazewinkel
J Adamst
Sergio Albeverio
J Alblas
S. A. Amitsur
I Bakelman
Joep Bakker
Claude Bardos
Harm Bart
Hyman Bass
+ Encyclopaedia of Mathematics 1994 Michiel Hazewinkel
Sergio Albeverio
J Alblas
S. A. Amitsur
I Bakelman
G.C.M. Bakker
Joep Bakker
Claude Bardos
Harm Bart
Hyman Bass
+ The Homotopy Groups of Some Spaces of Real Algebraic Morphisms 1993 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and approximation theorems in real algebraic geometry 1993 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Encyclopaedia of Mathematics 1993 Michiel Hazewinkel
Sergio Albeverio
J Alblas
S. A. Amitsur
Otto Jan Bakker
J. Bakker
Claude Bardos
Harm Bart
Hyman Bass
+ When is a complex elliptic curve the product of two real algebraic curves? 1992 Jacek Bochnak
Johannes Huisman
+ Vector bundles on a product of real cubic curves 1992 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Complex cycles on real algebraic models of a smooth manifold 1992 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Encyclopaedia of Mathematics 1992 Michiel Hazewinkel
Sergio Albeverio
J Alblas
S. A. Amitsur
G.C.M. Bakker
J. Bakker
Claude Bardos
Harm Bart
Hyman Bass
+ Nonisomorphic algebraic models of a smooth manifold 1991 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Elliptic curves and real algebraic morphisms into the 2-sphere 1991 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat On polynomial mappings into spheres 1990 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ On vector bundles and real algebraic morphisms 1990 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Encyclopaedia of Mathematics 1990 Michiel Hazewinkel
Sergio Albeverio
J Alblas
S. A. Amitsur
I Bakelman
G.C.M. Bakker
Joep Bakker
Claude Bardos
Harm Bart
Hyman Bass
+ <i>K</i>-theory of real algebraic surfaces and threefolds 1989 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Algebraic models of smooth manifolds 1989 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Vector bundles over real algebraic varieties 1989 Jacek Bochnak
M Büchner
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat On real algebraic models of smooth manifolds 1989 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ On Real Algebraic Morphisms Into Even-Dimensional Spheres 1988 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Realization of homotopy classes by algebraic mappings. 1987 Wojciech Kucharz
Jacek Bochnak
+ Real Algebraic Surfaces as Complete Intersections 1987 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Examples of Factorial Rings in Algebraic Geometry 1987 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Nonisomorphic algebraic structures on smooth manifolds 1987 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Algebraic approximation of mappings into spheres. 1987 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Encyclopaedia of Mathematics 1987 Michiel Hazewinkel
James Truslow Adams
Sergio Albeverio
J Alblas
S. A. Amitsur
I Bakelman
J. Bakker
Claude Bardos
Harm Bart
Michel Bercovier
+ Géométrie algébrique réelle 1987 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
M-F Roy
+ PDF Chat Algebraicity versus analyticity 1984 Jacek Bochnak
+ On algebraicity of global real analytic sets and functions 1982 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
Masahiro Shiota
+ The divisor class groups of some rings of global real analytic, Nash or rational regular functions 1982 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
Masahiro Shiota
+ An introduction to Nash functions 1982 Jacek Bochnak
Gustave Efroymson
+ On equivalence of ideals of real global analytic functions and the 17th Hilbert problem 1981 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
Masahiro Shiota
+ Real algebraic geometry and the 17th Hilbert problem 1980 Jacek Bochnak
Gustave Efroymson
+ Sur Les Germes D'Applications Differentiables a Singularites Isolees 1979 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Sur les germes d’applications differentiables à singularités isolées 1979 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Sur Le 17eme Probleme de Hilbert Pour Les Fonctions de Nash 1978 Jacek Bochnak
+ Sur le 17ème problème de Hilbert pour les fonctions de Nash 1978 Jacek Bochnak
+ PDF Chat Sur le 17ème problème de Hilbert pour les fonctions de Nash 1978 Jacek Bochnak
+ Sur la factorialité des anneaux de fonctions de Nash 1977 Jacek Bochnak
+ Sur la divisibilite des fonctions differentiables 1976 Jacek Bochnak
Jean-Jacques Risler
+ Analyse differentielle et geometrie analytique 1976 Jacek Bochnak
Jean-Jacques Risler
+ Sur les exposants de Lojasiewicz 1975 Jacek Bochnak
Jean-Jacques Risler
+ Sur les ensembles analytiques � singularit�s donn�es a priori 1975 Jacek Bochnak
+ PDF Chat Le théorème des zéros pour les variétés analytiques réelles de dimension $2$ 1975 Jacek Bochnak
Julia Risler
+ Quelques propriétés quantitatives des ensembles semi-algébriques 1975 Jacek Bochnak
+ Sur le theoreme des zeros de Hilbert “differentiable” 1973 Jacek Bochnak
+ PDF Chat Rigid and Finitely <i>V</i>-Determined Germs of C<sup>∞</sup>-Mappings 1973 Jacek Bochnak
Tzee-Char Kuo
+ Remarks on finitely determined analytic germs 1971 Jacek Bochnak
Stanisław Łojasiewicz
+ PDF Chat Analytic functions in Banach spaces 1970 Jacek Bochnak
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Algebraic models of smooth manifolds 1989 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat La classe d'homologie fondamentale d'un espace analytique 1961 Armand Borel
André Haefliger
+ Géométrie algébrique réelle 1987 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
M-F Roy
+ Resolution of Singularities of an Algebraic Variety Over a Field of Characteristic Zero: I 1964 Heisuke Hironaka
+ On Real Algebraic Morphisms Into Even-Dimensional Spheres 1988 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Algebraic approximation of mappings into spheres. 1987 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Real algebraic vector bundles 1980 Riccardo Benedetti
Alberto Tognoli
+ Vector bundles over real algebraic varieties 1989 Jacek Bochnak
M Büchner
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Remarks and counterexamples in the theory of real algebraic vector bundles and cycles 1982 Riccardo Benedetti
Alberto Tognoli
+ PDF Chat Topological examples of projective modules 1977 Richard G. Swan
+ Approximation of smooth manifolds by real algebraic sets 1982 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ PDF Chat Idéaux de fonctions différentiables. II 1970 Jean-Claude Tougeron
Jean Merrien
+ PDF Chat Real Algebraic Realization of Characteristic Classes 1982 Masahiro Shiota
+ PDF Chat Vector bundles and projective modules 1962 Richard G. Swan
+ Differential Topology 1976 Morris W. Hirsch
+ Real Algebraic Geometry 1998 Frédéric Mangolte
Jean-Philippe Rolin
Kurdyka Krzysztof
Saugata Basu
Victoria Powers
+ PDF Chat Le théorème des zéros pour les variétés analytiques réelles de dimension $2$ 1975 Jacek Bochnak
Julia Risler
+ PDF Chat Idéaux et fonctions différentiables. I 1968 Jean-Claude Tougeron
+ PDF Chat A relative Nash theorem 1981 Selman Akbulut
Henry C. King
+ Real algebraic geometry 2014 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ The Topology of Real Algebraic Sets with Isolated Singularities 1981 Selman Akbulut
Henry C. King
+ PDF Chat Substitution in Nash functions 1976 Gustave Efroymson
+ Quelques propriétés globales des variétés différentiables 1954 René Thom
+ Some properties of the ring of Nash functions 1976 Tadeusz Mostowski
+ PDF Chat A Nullstellensatz for Nash rings 1974 Gustave Efroymson
+ Faisceaux Algebriques Coherents 1955 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Intersection Theory 1984 William Fulton
+ Real algebraic geometry and the 17th Hilbert problem 1980 Jacek Bochnak
Gustave Efroymson
+ Submanifolds and Homology of Nonsingular Real Algebraic Varieties 1985 Selman Akbulut
Henry King
+ <i>K</i>-theory of real algebraic surfaces and threefolds 1989 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
+ Algebraic approximation of manifolds and spaces 2006 Alberto Tognoli
+ Real Algebraic Surfaces 1989 Robert Silhol
+ On algebraicity of global real analytic sets and functions 1982 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
Masahiro Shiota
+ On homology of real algebraic sets 1985 Wojciech Kucharz
+ PDF Chat Real Algebraic Surfaces 1989 Robert Silhol
+ Real Algebraic Manifolds 1952 John C. Nash
+ Hilbert’s seventeenth problem and related problems on definite forms 1976 Albrecht Pfister
+ PDF Chat Equivalence of differentiable mappings and analytic mappings 1981 Masahiro Shiota
+ Checking real analyticity on surfaces 2019 Jacek Bochnak
Janós Kollár
Wojciech Kucharz
+ The underlying real algebraic structure of complex elliptic curves 1992 Johannes Huisman
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ Basic Algebraic Geometry 2 1994 Igor R. Shafarevich
+ PDF Chat Real algebraic curves 1981 Benedict H. Gross
Joe Harris
+ On equivalence of ideals of real global analytic functions and the 17th Hilbert problem 1981 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz
Masahiro Shiota
+ Vector bundles over spheres are algebraic 1969 Robert M. Fossum
+ PDF Chat Several Complex Variables 1976 H. Grauert
Klaus Fritzsche
+ Sur la factorialité des anneaux de fonctions de Nash 1977 Jacek Bochnak
+ Decision procedures for real and <i>p</i>‐adic fields 1969 Paul J. Cohen
+ Nonisomorphic algebraic models of a smooth manifold 1991 Jacek Bochnak
Wojciech Kucharz