Xiang‐dong Hou


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Two Absolutely Irreducible Polynomials over $\Bbb F_2$ and Their Applications to a Conjecture by Carlet 2025 Xiang‐dong Hou
Q. Zhao
+ An approach to normal polynomials through symmetrization and symmetric reduction 2024 Darien Connolly
C. George
Xiang‐dong Hou
Adam Madro
Vincenzo Pallozzi Lavorante
+ PDF Chat More on the sum-freedom of the multiplicative inverse function 2024 Claude Carlet
Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat Some algebraic questions about the Reed-Muller code 2024 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A criterion for the normality of polynomials over finite fields based on their coefficients 2023 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat A general construction of permutation polynomials of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">F</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> 2023 Xiang‐dong Hou
Vincenzo Pallozzi Lavorante
+ PDF Chat New results on permutation binomials of finite fields 2023 Xiang‐dong Hou
Vincenzo Pallozzi Lavorante
+ Number of Equivalence Classes of Rational Functions over Finite Fields 2023 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ An approach to normal polynomials through symmetrization and symmetric reduction 2023 Darien Connolly
C. George
Xiang‐dong Hou
Adam Madro
Vincenzo Pallozzi Lavorante
+ PDF Chat On a radical extension of the field of rational functions in several variables 2022 Xiang‐dong Hou
Christopher Sze
+ A General Construction of Permutation Polynomials of $\Bbb F_{q^2}$ 2022 Xiang‐dong Hou
Vincenzo Pallozzi Lavorante
+ Some Algebraic Questions about the Reed-Muller Code 2022 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A Criterion for the Normality of Polynomials over Finite Fields Based on Their Coefficients 2022 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat On a conjecture on permutation rational functions over finite fields 2021 Daniele Bartoli
Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat A power sum formula by Carlitz and its applications to permutation rational functions of finite fields 2021 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat Rational functions of degree four that permute the projective line over a finite field 2021 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ New Results on Permutation Binomials of Finite Fields 2021 Xiang‐dong Hou
Vincenzo Pallozzi Lavorante
+ PDF Chat On the Tu-Zeng permutation trinomial of type <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" id="d1e22" altimg="si9.svg"><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>∕</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo>∕</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2020 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On a type of permutation rational functions over finite fields 2020 Xiang‐dong Hou
Christopher Sze
+ The Möbius function of the affine linear group <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" id="d1e25" altimg="si4.svg"><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>AGL </mml:mtext><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">F</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2020 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat on a conjecture on permutation rational functions over finite fields 2020 Daniele Bartoli
Xiang‐dong Hou
+ The Möbius Function of the Affine Linear Group $\text{AGL}(1,\Bbb F_q)$ 2020 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A power sum formula by Carlitz and its applications to permutation rational functions of finite fields 2020 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Rational functions of Degree Four that Permute the Projective Line over a Finite Field 2020 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat An application of the Hasse--Weil bound to rational functions over finite fields 2020 Xiang‐dong Hou
Annamaria Iezzi
+ On the Number of Affine Equivalence Classes of Boolean Functions 2020 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ on a conjecture on permutation rational functions over finite fields 2020 Daniele Bartoli
Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On a radical extension of the field of rational functions in several variables 2020 Xiang‐dong Hou
Christopher Sze
+ PGL(2,Fq) acting on Fq(x) 2019 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat The Fifth International Students’ Olympiad in cryptography—NSUCRYPTO: Problems and their solutions 2019 A. A. Gorodilova
Sergey Agievich
Claude Carlet
Xiang‐dong Hou
Valeriya Idrisova
N. A. Kolomeec
Alexandr Kutsenko
Luca Mariot
Alexey Oblaukhov
Stjepan Picek
+ Determination of a class of permutation trinomials in characteristic three 2019 Xiang‐dong Hou
Ziran Tu
Xiangyong Zeng
+ An Application of the Hasse-Weil Bound to Rational Functions over Finite Fields 2019 Xiang‐dong Hou
Annamaria Iezzi
+ On the Tu-Zeng Permutation Trinomial of Type $(1/4,3/4)$ 2019 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On a Type of Permutation Rational Functions over Finite Fields 2019 Xiang‐dong Hou
Christopher Sze
+ PDF Chat On a class of permutation trinomials in characteristic 2 2018 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On a conjecture of Fernando, Hou and Lappano concerning permutation polynomials over finite fields 2018 Wun-Seng Chou
Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat Optimal binary constant weight codes and affine linear groups over finite fields 2018 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Applications of the Hasse–Weil bound to permutation polynomials 2018 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Lectures on Finite Fields 2018 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Zeros of polynomials over finite fields 2018 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Gauss sums 2018 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On a Class of Permutation Trinomials in Characteristic 2 2018 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On a conjecture on permutation polynomials over finite fields 2018 Wun-Seng Chou
Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Determination of a Class of Permutation Trinomials in Characteristic Three 2018 Xiang‐dong Hou
Ziran Tu
Xiangyong Zeng
+ On the DLW conjectures 2017 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On the DLW Conjectures 2017 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Optimal Binary Constant Weight Codes and Affine Linear Groups over Finite Fields 2017 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On the DLW Conjectures 2017 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Proof of a conjecture on monomial graphs 2016 Xiang‐dong Hou
Stephen D. Lappano
Felix Lazebnik
+ On Gauss Periods 2016 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Permutation polynomials of ${\rm{F}}_{q^2 } $ of the form aX + X<sup><i>r</i>(<i>q</i>−1)+1</sup> 2016 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Permutation Polynomials of the form ${\tt X}^r(a+{\tt X}^{2(q-1)})$ --- A Nonexistence Result 2016 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat Polynomials meeting Ax’s bound 2016 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On Gauss Periods 2016 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On global <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">P</mml:mi></mml:math>-forms 2015 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ From r-linearized polynomial equations to r-linearized polynomial equations 2015 Neranga Fernando
Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat Switchings of semifield multiplications 2015 Xiang‐dong Hou
Ferruh Özbudak
Yue Zhou
+ Determination of a type of permutation trinomials over finite fields, II 2015 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Algebraic number theory 2015 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat Lattice of ideals of the polynomial ring over a commutative chain ring 2015 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ From $r$-Linearized Polynomial Equations to $r^m$-Linearized Polynomial Equations 2015 Neranga Fernando
Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Permutation Polynomials of $\Bbb F_{q^2}$ of the form $a{\tt X}+{\tt X}^{r(q-1)+1}$ 2015 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Polynomials Meeting Ax's Bound 2015 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Proof of a conjecture on monomial graphs 2015 Xiang‐dong Hou
Stephen D. Lappano
Felix Lazebnik
+ PDF Chat Determination of a type of permutation binomials over finite fields 2014 Xiang‐dong Hou
Stephen D. Lappano
+ On Global $\mathcal P$-Forms 2014 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat Determination of a type of permutation trinomials over finite fields 2014 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat A class of permutation trinomials over finite fields 2014 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Finite Fields and Infinite Groups 2014 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On Global $\mathcal P$-Forms 2014 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Determination of a Type of Permutation Trinomials over Finite Fields, II 2014 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A New Class of Permutation Binomials over Finite Fields 2013 Xiang‐dong Hou
Stephen D. Lappano
+ Permutation polynomials over finite fields involving<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si4.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mstyle mathvariant="monospace"><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle mathvariant="monospace"><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mo>⋯</mml:mo><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle mathvariant="… 2013 Neranga Fernando
Xiang‐dong Hou
Stephen D. Lappano
+ PDF Chat Proof of a conjecture on permutation polynomials over finite fields 2013 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat Connected quandles associated with pointed abelian groups 2013 Edwin W. Clark
Mohamed Elhamdadi
Xiang‐dong Hou
Masahico Saito
Timothy J. Yeatman
+ Classification of p-ary self dual quadratic bent functions, p odd 2013 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A class of permutation binomials over finite fields 2013 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat Galkin Quandles, Pointed Abelian Groups, and Sequence A000712 2013 William Edwin. Clark
Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A new approach to permutation polynomials over finite fields, II 2013 Neranga Fernando
Xiang‐dong Hou
Stephen D. Lappano
+ Determination of a Type of Permutation Trinomials over Finite Fields 2013 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Proof of a Conjecture on Permutation Polynomials over Finite Fields 2013 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Lattice of Ideals of the Polynomial Ring over a Commutative Chain Ring 2013 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A Class of Permutation Trinomials over Finite Fields 2013 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Determination of a Type of Permutation Binomials over Finite Fields 2013 Xiang‐dong Hou
Stephen D. Lappano
+ FINITE MODULES OVER ℤ[t, t<sup>-1</sup>] 2012 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A Class of Permutation Binomials over Finite Fields 2012 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Sums of Reciprocals of Polynomials over Finite Fields 2012 K. Hicks
Xiang‐dong Hou
Gary L. Mullen
+ A New Approach to Permutation Polynomials over Finite Fields, II 2012 Neranga Fernando
Xiang‐dong Hou
Stephen D. Lappano
+ Classification of self dual quadratic bent functions 2011 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Automorphism groups of Alexander quandles 2011 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Third Power of the Reversed Dickson Polynomial over Finite Fields 2011 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Finite Modules over $\Bbb Z[t,t^{-1}]$ 2011 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Galkin Quandles, Pointed Abelian Groups, and Sequence $A000712$ 2011 W. Edwin Clark
Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Necessary conditions for reversed Dickson polynomials to be permutational 2010 Xiang‐dong Hou
Tue Ly
+ PDF Chat On certain diagonal equations over finite fields 2009 Xiang‐dong Hou
Christopher Sze
+ PDF Chat Number of irreducible polynomials and pairs of relatively prime polynomials in several variables over finite fields 2009 Xiang‐dong Hou
Gary L. Mullen
+ Enumeration of ${\rm AGL}(\frac m3, {\Bbb F}_{p^3})$-Invariant Extended Cyclic Codes 2009 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Rational power series, sequential codes and periodicity of sequences 2008 Xiang‐dong Hou
Sergio R. López-Permouth
Benigno R. Parra-Avila
+ PDF Chat On the analytic solution of the Cauchy problem 2008 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat Hurwitz Equivalence in Tuples of Generalized Quaternion Groups and Dihedral Groups 2008 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat When is Betweenness Preserved? 2008 Xiang‐dong Hou
Gregory L. McColm
+ Number of Irreducible Polynomials and Pairs of Relatively Prime Polynomials in Several Variables over Finite Fields 2008 Xiang‐dong Hou
Gary L. Mullen
+ The number of inequivalent binary self-orthogonal codes of dimension 6 2007 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On a vector space analogue of Kneser’s theorem 2007 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Explicit Evaluation of Certain Exponential Sums of Quadratic Functions over $\Bbb F_{p^n}$, $p$ Odd 2007 Sandra Draper
Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On the Number of Inequivalent Binary Self-Orthogonal Codes 2007 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Finite Frobenius Rings and Their Applications 2007 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Explicit evaluation of certain exponential sums of binary quadratic functions 2006 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A construction of finite Frobenius rings and its application to partial difference sets 2006 Xiang‐dong Hou
Alexandr Nechaev
+ On the asymptotic number of inequivalent binary self-dual codes 2006 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Corrigendum to “Enumeration of isomorphism classes of extensions of p-adic fields” [J. Number Theory 104 (2004) 14–61] 2005 Xiang‐dong Hou
Kevin Keating
+ Affinity of permutations of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si5.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msubsup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">F</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup></mml:math> 2005 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On the asymptotic number of non-equivalent q-ary linear codes 2005 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat The affinity of a permutation of a finite vector space 2005 W. Edwin Clark
Xiang‐dong Hou
Alec Mihailovs
+ PDF Chat A Ring Theoretic Construction of Hadamard Difference Sets in ℤ8n×ℤ2n 2005 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Enumeration of certain affine invariant extended cyclic codes 2004 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A note on the proof of a theorem of Katz 2004 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A Note on the Proof of Niho's Conjecture 2004 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ The Affinity of a Permutation of a Finite Vector Space 2004 W. Edwin Clark
Xiang‐dong Hou
Alec Mihailovs
+ PDF Chat Enumeration of isomorphism classes of extensions of p-adic fields 2003 Xiang‐dong Hou
Kevin Keating
+ PDF Chat Solution to a problem of S. Payne 2003 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Group Actions on Binary Resilient Functions 2003 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Elementary divisors of tensor products and p-ranks of binomial matrices 2003 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Rings and constructions of partial difference sets 2003 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On the groups of units of finite commutative chain rings 2003 Xiang‐dong Hou
Ka Hin Leung
Siu Lun
+ A Generalization of an Addition Theorem of Kneser 2002 Xiang‐dong Hou
Ka Hin Leung
Qing Xiang
+ New partial difference sets inp-groups 2002 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Finite Commutative Chain Rings 2001 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ The eigenmatrix of the linear association scheme on R(2,m) 2001 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ New Partial Difference Sets in Ztp2 and a Related Problem about Galois Rings 2001 Xiang‐dong Hou
Ka Hin Leung
Qing Xiang
+ Enumeration of Isomorphism Classes of Extensions of p-adic Fields 2001 Xiang‐dong Hou
Kevin Keating
+ None 2000 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat None 2000 Xiang‐dong Hou
Surinder K. Sehgal
+ An extension of building sets and relative difference sets 2000 Xiang‐dong Hou
Surinder K. Sehgal
+ Cubic bent functions 1998 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On the centralizer of the centralizer of a matrix 1997 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ The covering radius of R(1, 9) in R(4, 9) 1996 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On the covering radius of R(1, m) in R(3, m) 1996 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ GL(m, 2) acting on R(r, m)/R(r − 1, m) 1996 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ None 1996 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ AGL(m, 2) Acting on R(r, m)/R(s, m) 1995 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On theG-matrices with entries and eigenvalues inQ(i) 1992 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Binary linear quasi-perfect codes are normal 1991 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ An improved sphere covering bound for the codes with n=3R+2 1990 Xiang‐dong Hou
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On some permutation polynomials over $\mathbb {F}_q$ of the form $x^r h(x^{(q-1)/d})$ 2008 Michael E. Zieve
+ Finite Rings With Identity 1974 Bernard R. McDonald
+ A new approach to permutation polynomials over finite fields 2011 Xiang-Dong Hou
+ None 2000 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A new approach to permutation polynomials over finite fields, II 2013 Neranga Fernando
Xiang‐dong Hou
Stephen D. Lappano
+ Determination of a type of permutation trinomials over finite fields, II 2015 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On a conjecture about a class of permutation trinomials 2018 Daniele Bartoli
+ Lectures on Finite Fields 2018 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Permutation polynomials of the form <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>δ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mi>s</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false… 2007 Jin Yuan
Cunsheng Ding
Huaxiong Wang
Josef Pieprzyk
+ Note on cubics over GF(2n) and GF(3n) 1975 Kenneth S. Williams
+ Constructions of Partial Difference Sets and Relative Difference Sets Using Galois Rings II 1996 Yu Qing Chen
D.K. Ray-Chaudhuri
Qing Xiang
+ A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1982 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ Sums of Reciprocals of Polynomials over Finite Fields 2012 K. Hicks
Xiang‐dong Hou
Gary L. Mullen
+ Two classes of permutation trinomials with Niho exponents 2018 Ziran Tu
Xiangyong Zeng
+ A generalized Lucas sequence and permutation binomials 2005 Amir Akbary
Qiang Wang
+ Sur les courbes algébriques et les variétés qui s'en déduisent 1948 André Weil
+ <i>Linear Groups with an Exposition of the Galois Field Theory</i> 1959 L. E. Dickson
J. Gillis
+ PDF Chat On a class of permutation trinomials in characteristic 2 2018 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ GL(m, 2) acting on R(r, m)/R(r − 1, m) 1996 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On “bent” functions 1976 O. S. Rothaus
+ A class of permutation binomials over finite fields 2013 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Applications of the Hasse–Weil bound to permutation polynomials 2018 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ A class of new permutation trinomials 2017 Ziran Tu
Xiangyong Zeng
Chunlei Li
Tor Helleseth
+ On the Applications of Möbius Inversion in Combinatorial Analysis 1975 Edward A. Bender
Jay R. Goldman
+ A survey of partial difference sets 1994 S. L.
+ Rings and constructions of partial difference sets 2003 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ New Partial Difference Sets in Ztp2 and a Related Problem about Galois Rings 2001 Xiang‐dong Hou
Ka Hin Leung
Qing Xiang
+ Permutation binomials over finite fields 2009 Ariane M. Masuda
Michael E. Zieve
+ PDF Chat Solution to a problem of S. Payne 2003 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ Permutation polynomials over finite fields 1987 Daqing Wan
+ Zeroes of Polynomials Over Finite Fields 1964 James Ax
+ PDF Chat Several classes of permutation trinomials from Niho exponents 2016 Nian Li
Tor Helleseth
+ On monomial graphs of girth eight 2006 Vasyl Dmytrenko
Felix Lazebnik
Jason Williford
+ PDF Chat Permutation polynomials of degree 6 or 7 over finite fields of characteristic 2 2010 Jiyou Li
David B. Chandler
Qing Xiang
+ Finite Commutative Chain Rings 2001 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ PDF Chat Full classification of permutation rational functions and complete rational functions of degree three over finite fields 2020 Andrea Ferraguti
Giacomo Micheli
+ Enumeration of finite commutative chain rings 1973 W. Edwin Clark
Joseph Liang
+ PDF Chat Complete mappings of finite fields 1982 Harald Niederreiter
Karl H. Robinson
+ A construction of finite Frobenius rings and its application to partial difference sets 2006 Xiang‐dong Hou
Alexandr Nechaev
+ Permutation polynomials, fractional polynomials, and algebraic curves 2018 Daniele Bartoli
Massimo Giulietti
+ Literature on geometry over rings 1991 G. T�rner
Ferdinand D. Veldkamp
+ PDF Chat Duality for modules over finite rings and applications to coding theory 1999 Jay A. Wood
+ Permutation polynomials on F_q induced from bijective Redei functions on subgroups of the multiplicative group of F_q 2013 Michael E. Zieve
+ Permutation polynomials and orthomorphism polynomials of degree six 2012 Christopher J. Shallue
Ian M. Wanless
+ PDF Chat Specific permutation polynomials over finite fields 2009 J.E. Marcos
+ Automorphisms of Finite Abelian Groups 2007 Christopher J. Hillar
Darren L. Rhea
+ Power sums with applications to multizeta and zeta zero distribution for <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">F</mml:mi><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">[</mml:mo><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">]</mml:mo></mml:math> 2009 Dinesh S. Thakur
+ PDF Chat $3$-Designs from PGL$(2,q)$ 2006 Peter J‎. Cameron
G.R. Omidi
B. Tayfeh‐Rezaie
+ Additive number theory: inverse problems and the geometry of sumsets 1997 Melvyn B. Nathanson
+ New Examples of Graphs without Small Cycles and of Large Size 1993 Felix Lazebnik
V. A. Ustimenko