Satoru Suzuki


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Spectroscopic investigations on trivalent ruthenium ions in ruthenium perovskite oxide thin films 2024 S. Nakata
Ryunosuke Takahashi
Ryohei Matsumoto
Lingfei Zhang
Hirosuke Sumida
Satoru Suzuki
Takahiro Fujita
M. Kawasaki
Hiroki Wadati
+ PDF Chat Growth process of hexagonal boron nitride in the diffusion and precipitation method studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy 2019 Satoru Suzuki
Yuichi Haruyama
+ PDF Chat Plasmon confinement by carrier density modulation in graphene 2018 Ngoc Han Tu
Makoto Takamura
Yui Ogawa
Satoru Suzuki
N. Kumada
+ PDF Chat Quasi-free-standing monolayer hexagonal boron nitride on Ni 2018 Satoru Suzuki
Yuichi Haruyama
Masahito Niibe
Takashi Tokushima
Akinobu Yamaguchi
Yuichi Utsumi
Atsushi Ito
Ryo Kadowaki
Akane Maruta
T. Abukawa
+ PDF Chat Surface structures of graphene covered Cu(103) 2018 Yui Ogawa
Yuya Murata
Satoru Suzuki
Hiroki Hibino
S. Heun
Yoshitaka Taniyasu
Kazuhide Kumakura
+ "$K^-pp$", a ${\overline K}$-Meson Nuclear Bound State, Observed in $^{3}$He$(K^-, \Lambda p) n$ Reactions 2018 S. Ajimura
P. Kienle
F. Sakuma
Takeshi Yamazaki
K. Itahashi
Shingo Kawasaki
G. Beer
M. Sekimoto
A. Scordo
K. Shirotori
+ "$\mathbf{{\textit K^-}{\textit p}{\textit p}}$", a ${\overline{K}}$-Meson Nuclear Bound State, Observed in $^{3}{\rm He}({K^-}, Λ p)n$ Reactions 2018 J-PARC E Collaboration
S. Ajimura
H. Asano
G. Beer
C. Berucci
H. Bhang
M. Bragadireanu
P. Buehler
L. Busso
M. Cargnelli
+ Measurement of Azimuthal Modulations in the Cross-Section of Di-Pion Pairs in Di-Jet Production from Electron-Positron Annihilation 2015 A. Abdesselam
Y. Chao
S. Esen
S. Vahsen
Hiroyuki Nakayama
S. Shinomiya
J. Crnkovic
S. L. Olsen
S. Al Said
T. Uglov
+ PDF Chat Decay and frequency shift of both intervalley and intravalley phonons in graphene: Dirac-cone migration 2012 Ken-ichi Sasaki
Keiko Kato
Y. Tokura
Satoru Suzuki
Tetsuomi Sogawa
+ PDF Chat Pseudospin for Raman<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>D</mml:mi></mml:math>band in armchair graphene nanoribbons 2012 Ken-ichi Sasaki
Keiko Kato
Y. Tokura
Satoru Suzuki
Tetsuomi Sogawa
+ PDF Chat Biased parameter estimates and inflated type I error rates in analysis of covariance (and analysis of partial variance) arising from unreliability: Alternatives and remedial strategies. 2010 Richard E. Zinbarg
Satoru Suzuki
Amanda A. Uliaszek
Alison R. Lewis
+ Three- and four-nucleon absorption processes observed in the $K^-$-$^4$He reaction at rest 2010 Takako Suzuki
H. Bhang
J. Chiba
S. Choi
Y. Fukuda
T. Hanaki
Iio M
T. Ishikawa
S. Ishimoto
T. Ishiwatari
+ High-statistics study of neutral-pion pair production in two-photon collisions 2008 I. Adachi
I.-S. Cho
Y. Chao
S. Esen
D. Liventsev
Z.P. Zhang
V. Zhilich
D. Epifanov
M. Yamaoka
H. Kichimi
+ PDF Chat In situ angle-resolved photoemission study of MBE-grown (La,Ce)2CuO4 thin films 2004 H. Yamamoto
M. Naito
A. Tsukada
Satoru Suzuki
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Monitoring dopants by Raman scattering in an electrochemically top-gated graphene transistor 2008 Anindya Das
Simone Pisana
Banani Chakraborty
S. Piscanec
Subhankar Saha
Umesh V. Waghmare
Kostya S. Novoselov
H. R. Krishnamurthy
A. K. Geǐm
Andrea C. Ferrari
+ PDF Chat Raman Spectrum of Graphene and Graphene Layers 2006 Andrea C. Ferrari
Jannik C. Meyer
Vittorio Scardaci
Cinzia Casiraghi
Michele Lazzeri
Francesco Mauri
S. Piscanec
Da Jiang
Kostya S. Novoselov
S. Roth
+ PDF Chat Ni(111)<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mo>|</mml:mo></mml:math>graphene<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mo>|</mml:mo><mml:mi>h</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>-BN junctions as ideal spin injectors 2011 V. Karpan
Petr A. Khomyakov
Gianluca Giovannetti
A.A. Starikov
Paul J. Kelly
+ PDF Chat Boron nitride substrates for high-quality graphene electronics 2010 Cory R. Dean
Andrea F. Young
Inanc Meric
C. Lee
Lei Wang
Sebastian Sorgenfrei
Kenji Watanabe
Takashi Taniguchi
Philip Kim
Kenneth L. Shepard
+ PDF Chat Field-Effect Tunneling Transistor Based on Vertical Graphene Heterostructures 2012 L. Britnell
Р. В. Горбачев
R. Jalil
Branson D. Belle
F. Schedin
Artem Mishchenko
Thanasis Georgiou
M. I. Katsnelson
L. Eaves
С. В. Морозов
+ PDF Chat Dielectric function, screening, and plasmons in two-dimensional graphene 2007 E. H. Hwang
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Raman Spectroscopy of Graphene Edges 2009 Cinzia Casiraghi
Achim Hartschuh
H. Qian
S. Piscanec
Carsten Georgi
A. Fasoli
Kostya S. Novoselov
D. M. Basko
Andrea C. Ferrari
+ PDF Chat Tunable Terahertz Hybrid Metal–Graphene Plasmons 2015 Mohsen Jadidi
A. B. Sushkov
Rachael L. Myers‐Ward
Anthony K. Boyd
Kevin M. Daniels
D. Kurt Gaskill
Michael S. Fuhrer
H. D. Drew
Thomas E. Murphy
+ PDF Chat Electronic structure of graphene on single-crystal copper substrates 2011 Andrew L. Walter
Shu Nie
Aaron Bostwick
Keun Su Kim
Luca Moreschini
Young Jun Chang
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K. Horn
Kevin F. McCarty
Eli Rotenberg
+ PDF Chat Graphene Plasmonics: Challenges and Opportunities 2014 F. Javier Garcı́a de Abajo
+ An Alternative to the Methodology for Analysis of Covariance 1978 Dag Sörbom
+ PDF Chat Optical separation of mechanical strain from charge doping in graphene 2012 Ji Eun Lee
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Young Sik Lee
Sunmin Ryu
+ PDF Chat Electric Field Effect Tuning of Electron-Phonon Coupling in Graphene 2007 Jun Yan
Yuanbo Zhang
Philip Kim
A. Pinczuk
+ PDF Chat Confirmatory Factor Analyses of Multitrait-Multimethod Data: Many Problems and a Few Solutions 1989 Herbert W. Marsh
+ PDF Chat A general structural equation model with dichotomous, ordered categorical, and continuous latent variable indicators 1984 Bengt Muthén
+ PDF Chat Thermal Dynamics of Graphene Edges Investigated by Polarized Raman Spectroscopy 2010 Ya Nan Xu
Da Zhan
Lei Liu
Hui Suo
Zhenhua Ni
Thuong Thuong Nguyen
Chun Zhao
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+ PDF Chat Novel<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mi>eff</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math>Mott State Induced by Relativistic Spin-Orbit Coupling in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>Sr</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi>IrO</mml:mi><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> 2008 Beom Joon Kim
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J.-Y. Kim
B.-G. Park
C. S. Leem
Jaejun Yu
T. W. Noh
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S.-J. Oh
+ PDF Chat Energy Gaps in Graphene Nanoribbons 2006 Young‐Woo Son
Marvin L. Cohen
Steven G. Louie
+ Anova of Residuals and Ancova: Correcting an Illusion by Using Model Comparisons and Graphs 1985 Scott E. Maxwell
Harold D. Delaney
Jerry M. Manheimer
+ PDF Chat Hyperhoneycomb Iridate<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>β</mml:mi><mml:mtext>−</mml:mtext><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Li</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>IrO</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>as a Platform for Kitaev Magnetism 2015 T. Takayama
Akiko Kato
Robert E. Dinnebier
Jürgen Nuß
Hiroshi Kōno
L. S. I. Veiga
G. Fabbris
D. Haskel
H. Takagi
+ PDF Chat Theory of optical transitions in graphene nanoribbons 2011 Ken-ichi Sasaki
Keiko Kato
Y. Tokura
Katsuya Oguri
Tetsuomi Sogawa
+ PDF Chat On selecting indicators for multivariate measurement and modeling with latent variables: When "good" indicators are bad and "bad" indicators are good. 1999 Todd D. Little
Ulman Lindenberger
John R. Nesselroade
+ SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models 2004 Kristopher J. Preacher
Andrew F. Hayes
+ Structural equation analyses of clinical subpopulation differences and comparative treatment outcomes: Characterizing the daily lives of drug addicts. 1994 Leona S. Aiken
Judith A. Stein
Peter M. Bentler
+ PDF Chat Tunable infrared plasmonic devices using graphene/insulator stacks 2012 Hugen Yan
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Fengnian Xia
+ PDF Chat Evidence for strong electronic correlations in the spectra of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Sr</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Ru</mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">O</mml:mi><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2007 Z. V. Pchelkina
I. A. Nekrasov
Th. Pruschke
A. Sekiyama
S. Suga
В. И. Анисимов
D. Vollhardt
+ PDF Chat Fourier optics on graphene 2012 Ashkan Vakil
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+ PDF Chat Janus-Faced Influence of Hund’s Rule Coupling in Strongly Correlated Materials 2011 Luca de’ Medici
Jernej Mravlje
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+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">RuCl</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>: A spin-orbit assisted Mott insulator on a honeycomb lattice 2014 K. W. Plumb
J. P. Clancy
Luke J. Sandilands
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Kenneth S. Burch
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+ PDF Chat Electron Tunneling through Ultrathin Boron Nitride Crystalline Barriers 2012 L. Britnell
Р. В. Горбачев
R. Jalil
Branson D. Belle
F. Schedin
M. I. Katsnelson
L. Eaves
С. В. Морозов
Alexander S. Mayorov
N. M. R. Peres
+ PDF Chat Determination of edge purity in bilayer graphene using μ-Raman spectroscopy 2010 Milan Begliarbekov
Onejae Sul
Sokratis Kalliakos
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Stefan Strauf
+ The Integration of Continuous and Discrete Latent Variable Models: Potential Problems and Promising Opportunities. 2004 Daniel J. Bauer
Patrick J. Curran
+ Large-Sample Covariance Analysis When the Control Variable is Fallible 1960 Frederic M. Lord
+ PDF Chat Phonon Self-Energy Corrections to Nonzero Wave-Vector Phonon Modes in Single-Layer Graphene 2012 Paulo T. Araújo
D. L. Mafra
Kentaro Sato
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M. S. Dresselhaus
+ PDF Chat Breakdown of the adiabatic Born–Oppenheimer approximation in graphene 2007 Simone Pisana
Michele Lazzeri
Cinzia Casiraghi
Kostya S. Novoselov
A. K. Geim
Andrea C. Ferrari
Francesco Mauri
+ Formation of unconventional standing waves at graphene edges by valley mixing and pseudospin rotation 2011 Changwon Park
Heejun Yang
Andrew J. Mayne
G. Dujardin
Sunae Seo
Young Kuk
Jisoon Ihm
Gunn Kim
+ PDF Chat Drude conductivity of Dirac fermions in graphene 2011 Jason Horng
Chi-Fan Chen
Baisong Geng
Çaǧlar Girit
Yuanbo Zhang
Zhao Hao
Hans A. Bechtel
Michael C. Martin
Alex Zettl
Michael F. Crommie
+ PDF Chat Berry's phase for standing waves near graphene edge 2010 Ken-ichi Sasaki
Katsunori Wakabayashi
Toshiaki Enoki
+ A quasi-experimental approach to assessing treatment effects in the nonequivalent control group design. 1975 David A. Kenny
+ PDF Chat Nonadiabatic Kohn Anomaly in a Doped Graphene Monolayer 2006 Michele Lazzeri
Francesco Mauri
+ PDF Chat Kohn Anomalies and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Graphite 2004 S. Piscanec
Michele Lazzeri
Francesco Mauri
Andrea C. Ferrari
John Robertson
+ Estimating Causal Effects from Large Data Sets Using Propensity Scores 1997 Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Mott Insulators in the Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling Limit: From Heisenberg to a Quantum Compass and Kitaev Models 2009 George Jackeli
Giniyat Khaliullin
+ Adjusting for differential base rates: Lord's Paradox again. 1991 Howard Wainer
+ Some Specification Tests for the Linear Regression Model 1992 J. Scott Long
Pravin K. Trivedi
+ PDF Chat A comparison of methods to test mediation and other intervening variable effects. 2002 David P. MacKinnon
Chondra M. Lockwood
Jeanne M. Hoffman
Stephen G. West
Virgil L. Sheets
+ PDF Chat Electron-electron interactions and doping dependence of the two-phonon Raman intensity in graphene 2009 D. M. Basko
S. Piscanec
Andrea C. Ferrari
+ PDF Chat Graphene Plasmonics for Terahertz to Mid-Infrared Applications 2014 Tony Low
Phaedon Avouris
+ Analysis of Covariance: A Delicate Instrument 1969 Janet D. Elashoff
+ PDF Chat Polarization dependence of Raman spectra in strained graphene 2010 Ken-ichi Sasaki
Katsunori Wakabayashi
Toshiaki Enoki