D. Doria


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Compton photons at the GeV scale from self-aligned collisions with a plasma mirror 2024 Aimé Matheron
J.-R. Marquès
V. Lelasseux
Yinren Shou
I. A. Andriyash
Vanessa Ling Jen Phung
Y. Ayoul
A. Beluze
Ioan Dăncuş
F. Dorchies
+ PDF Chat Multi-photon stimulated grasers assisted by laser-plasma interactions 2024 C.-J. Yang
K. Spohr
D. Doria
+ PDF Chat A new scheme for isomer pumping and depletion with high-power lasers 2024 C.-J. Yang
K. Spohr
Mihail Cernaianu
D. Doria
Petru Ghenuche
Vojtěch Horný
+ PDF Chat Calibration of BAS-TR image plate response to GeV gold ions 2022 D. Doria
Philip Martin
H. Ahmed
A. Alejo
M. Cerchez
S. M. Ferguson
J. Fernández-Tobias
J. S. Green
D. Gwynne
F. Hanton
+ PDF Chat Relativistically transparent magnetic filaments: scaling laws, initial results and prospects for strong-field QED studies 2021 H. G. Rinderknecht
T. Wang
Alejandro Laso García
Gerrit Bruhaug
M. S. Wei
Hernan Quevedo
T. Ditmire
J. J. Williams
A. Haid
D. Doria
+ Relativistically transparent magnetic filaments: scaling laws, initial results and prospects for strong-field QED studies 2021 H. G. Rinderknecht
T. Wang
Alejandro Laso García
Gerrit Bruhaug
M. S. Wei
Hernan Quevedo
T. Ditmire
J. J. Williams
A. Haid
D. Doria
+ PDF Chat A new energy spectrum reconstruction method for time-of-flight diagnostics of high-energy laser-driven protons 2019 G. Milluzzo
V. Scuderi
A. Alejo
A.G. Amico
N. Booth
M. Borghesi
G.A.P. Cirrone
G. Cuttone
D. Doria
J. Green
+ Fielding of a large gas cell for fine pressure control in collisionless shock laser plasma experiments 2018 Tom Hodge
H. Ahmed
E. Aktan
A. Alejo
B. Coleman
M. E. Dieckmann
D. Doria
J. S. Green
R. Heathcote
G. Milluzzo
+ PDF Chat Expansion of a radially symmetric blast shell into a uniformly magnetized plasma 2018 M. E. Dieckmann
Q. Moreno
D. Doria
L. Romagnani
G. Sarri
Doris Folini
R. Walder
Antoine Bret
E. d’Humières
M. Borghesi
+ General features of experiments on the dynamics of laser-driven electron–positron beams 2018 J. Warwick
A. Alejo
T. Dzelzainis
W. Schumaker
D. Doria
L. Romagnani
Kristjan Põder
J. M. Cole
M. Yeung
K. Krushelnick
+ PDF Chat Experimental Observation of a Current-Driven Instability in a Neutral Electron-Positron Beam 2017 J. Warwick
T. Dzelzainis
M. E. Dieckmann
W. Schumaker
D. Doria
L. Romagnani
Kristjan Põder
J. M. Cole
A. Alejo
M. Yeung
+ PDF Chat Expansion of a radial plasma blast shell into an ambient plasma 2017 M. E. Dieckmann
D. Doria
H. Ahmed
L. Romagnani
G. Sarri
Doris Folini
R. Walder
Antoine Bret
M. Borghesi
+ Expansion of a radial plasma blast shell into an ambient plasma 2017 M. E. Dieckmann
D. Doria
H. Ahmed
L. Romagnani
G. Sarri
Doris Folini
R. Walder
Antoine Bret
M. Borghesi
+ Simple model on collisionless thin-shell instability growth 2016 D. Doria
Antoine Bret
M. E. Dieckmann
+ PDF Chat Particle-in-cell simulation study of a lower-hybrid shock 2016 M. E. Dieckmann
G. Sarri
D. Doria
Anders Ynnerman
M. Borghesi
+ Beamed neutron emission driven by laser accelerated light ions 2016 S. Kar
A Green
H. Ahmed
A. Alejo
A. P. L. Robinson
M. Cerchez
R. J. Clarke
D. Doria
S. Dorkings
J. C. Fernández
+ Simple model on collisionless thin-shell instability growth 2016 D. Doria
Antoine Bret
M. E. Dieckmann
+ PDF Chat Thin-shell instability in collisionless plasma 2015 M. E. Dieckmann
H. Ahmed
D. Doria
G. Sarri
R. Walder
Doris Folini
Antoine Bret
Anders Ynnerman
M. Borghesi
+ PDF Chat Shocks in unmagnetized plasma with a shear flow: Stability and magnetic field generation 2015 M. E. Dieckmann
Alexander Böck
H. Ahmed
D. Doria
G. Sarri
Anders Ynnerman
M. Borghesi
+ Beamed neutron emission driven by laser accelerated light ions 2015 S. Kar
A. Green
H. Ahmed
A. Alejo
A. P. L. Robinson
M. Cerchez
R. J. Clarke
D. Doria
S. Dorkings
J. C. Fernández
+ Shocks in unmagnetized plasma with a shear flow: Stability and magnetic field generation 2015 M. E. Dieckmann
Alexander Böck
H. Ahmed
D. Doria
G. Sarri
Anders Ynnerman
M. Borghesi
+ PDF Chat Characterisation of deuterium spectra from laser driven multi-species sources by employing differentially filtered image plate detectors in Thomson spectrometers 2014 A. Alejo
S. Kar
H. Ahmed
A. Krygier
D. Doria
R. J. Clarke
J. C. Fernández
R. R. Freeman
J. Fuchs
A. Green
+ PDF Chat Evolution of slow electrostatic shock into a plasma shock mediated by electrostatic turbulence 2014 M. E. Dieckmann
G. Sarri
D. Doria
H. Ahmed
M. Borghesi
+ PDF Chat Fast electron propagation in Ti foils irradiated with sub-picosecond laser pulses at Iλ2>1018 Wcm−2μm2 2014 Mikako Makita
G. Nersisyan
K. McKeever
T. Dzelzainis
S. White
B. Kettle
B. Dromey
D. Doria
M. Zepf
C. L. S. Lewis
+ Ultrafast opacity in borosilicate glass induced by picosecond bursts of laser-driven ions 2014 B. Dromey
Lorenzo Stella
Daniel Adams
R. Prasad
K. F. Kakolee
Robert Stefanuik
G. Nersisyan
G. Sarri
M. Yeung
H. Ahmed
+ Optimisation of the pointing stability of laser-wakefield accelerated electron beams 2014 R. J. Garland
Kristjan Põder
J. M. Cole
W. Schumaker
D. Doria
L. A. Gizzi
G. Grittani
K. Krushelnick
Stephan Kuschel
S. P. D. Mangles
+ PDF Chat Modification of the formation of high-Mach number electrostatic shock-like structures by the ion acoustic instability 2013 M. E. Dieckmann
G. Sarri
D. Doria
M. Pohl
M. Borghesi
+ PDF Chat Time-Resolved Characterization of the Formation of a Collisionless Shock 2013 H. Ahmed
M. E. Dieckmann
L. Romagnani
D. Doria
G. Sarri
M. Cerchez
E. Ianni
I. Kourakis
A. L. Giesecke
M. Notley
+ PDF Chat Parametric study of non-relativistic electrostatic shocks and the structure of their transition layer 2013 M. E. Dieckmann
H. Ahmed
G. Sarri
D. Doria
I. Kourakis
L. Romagnani
M. Pohl
M. Borghesi
+ Generation of a neutral, high-density electron-positron plasma in the laboratory 2013 G. Sarri
Kristjan Põder
J. M. Cole
W. Schumaker
A. Di Piazza
Brian Reville
D. Doria
B. Dromey
L. A. Gizzi
A. Green
+ PDF Chat Ion Acceleration in Multispecies Targets Driven by Intense Laser Radiation Pressure 2012 S. Kar
K. F. Kakolee
B. Qiao
Andrea Macchi
M. Cerchez
D. Doria
M. Geissler
P. McKenna
D. Neely
J. Osterholz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Ion acceleration by superintense laser-plasma interaction 2013 Andrea Macchi
M. Borghesi
M. Passoni
+ PDF Chat Electrostatic and electromagnetic instabilities associated with electrostatic shocks: Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation 2010 T. Kato
H. Takabe
+ PDF Chat Time-Resolved Characterization of the Formation of a Collisionless Shock 2013 H. Ahmed
M. E. Dieckmann
L. Romagnani
D. Doria
G. Sarri
M. Cerchez
E. Ianni
I. Kourakis
A. L. Giesecke
M. Notley
+ PDF Chat Very High Mach-Number Electrostatic Shocks in Collisionless Plasmas 2006 G. Sorasio
M. Martí
Ricardo Fonseca
L. O. Silva
+ PDF Chat Parametric study of non-relativistic electrostatic shocks and the structure of their transition layer 2013 M. E. Dieckmann
H. Ahmed
G. Sarri
D. Doria
I. Kourakis
L. Romagnani
M. Pohl
M. Borghesi
+ Quasi-perpendicular Shock Structure and Processes 2005 S. D. Bale
М. А. Балихин
T. S. Horbury
V. Krasnoselskikh
H. Kucharek
E. Möbius
S. N. Walker
A. Balogh
D. Burgess
Bertrand Lembège
+ PDF Chat The interstellar environment of our galaxy 2001 K. Ferrière
M. Pohl
Antoine Bret
Volkmar Wieland
+ PDF Chat Ion Acceleration in Multispecies Targets Driven by Intense Laser Radiation Pressure 2012 S. Kar
K. F. Kakolee
B. Qiao
Andrea Macchi
M. Cerchez
D. Doria
M. Geissler
P. McKenna
D. Neely
J. Osterholz
+ PDF Chat Structured targets for detection of Megatesla-level magnetic fields through Faraday rotation of XFEL beams 2019 T. Wang
T. Toncian
M. S. Wei
Alexey Arefiev
+ PDF Chat Interpenetrating Plasma Shells: Near-Equipartition Magnetic Field Generation and Nonthermal Particle Acceleration 2003 L. O. Silva
Ricardo Fonseca
J. Tonge
J. M. Dawson
W. B. Mori
Mikhail V. Medvedev
+ Improved iterative Bayesian unfolding 2010 G. D’Agostini
+ Physics of strongly magnetized neutron stars 2006 A. K. Harding
Dong Lai
+ PDF Chat Collisionless shock formation, spontaneous electromagnetic fluctuations, and streaming instabilities 2013 Antoine Bret
A. Stockem
Frederico Fiúza
C. Ruyer
L. Grémillet
Ramesh Narayan
L. O. Silva
+ PDF Chat Particle-in-cell simulation study of the interaction between a relativistically moving leptonic micro-cloud and ambient electrons 2015 M. E. Dieckmann
G. Sarri
Sera Markoff
M. Borghesi
M. Zepf
+ PDF Chat Scaling laws for direct laser acceleration in a radiation-reaction dominated regime 2020 Martin Jirka
Marija Vranić
Thomas Grismayer
L. O. Silva
+ Birefringence in thermally anisotropic relativistic plasmas and its impact on laser–plasma interactions 2020 Alexey Arefiev
D. J. Stark
T. Toncian
M. Murakami
+ PDF Chat Energy gain by laser-accelerated electrons in a strong magnetic field 2020 Alexey Arefiev
Zheng Gong
A. P. L. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Evolution of slow electrostatic shock into a plasma shock mediated by electrostatic turbulence 2014 M. E. Dieckmann
G. Sarri
D. Doria
H. Ahmed
M. Borghesi
+ PDF Chat Electron confinement by laser-driven azimuthal magnetic fields during direct laser acceleration 2020 T. Wang
Zheng Gong
Alexey Arefiev
+ PDF Chat Scaling the Yield of Laser-Driven Electron-Positron Jets to Laboratory Astrophysical Applications 2015 Hui Chen
Frederico Fiúza
A. Link
A. Hazi
M. P. Hill
D. J. Hoarty
S. F. James
S. Kerr
D. D. Meyerhofer
J. F. Myatt
+ Leveraging extreme laser-driven magnetic fields for gamma-ray generation and pair production 2018 Oliver Jansen
T. Wang
D. J. Stark
E. d’Humières
T. Toncian
Alexey Arefiev
+ The unexpected role of evolving longitudinal electric fields in generating energetic electrons in relativistically transparent plasmas 2018 L. Willingale
Alexey Arefiev
G. J. Williams
H Chen
F. Dollar
A. Hazi
A. Maksimchuk
M. J.-E. Manuel
E. V. Marley
W. Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Confirmation of strong magnetic field amplification and nuclear cosmic ray acceleration in SN 1006 2003 E. G. Berezhko
Л. Т. Ксенофонтов
H. J. Völk
+ PDF Chat Enhanced Multi-MeV Photon Emission by a Laser-Driven Electron Beam in a Self-Generated Magnetic Field 2016 D. J. Stark
T. Toncian
Alexey Arefiev
+ PDF Chat Direct laser acceleration of electrons assisted by strong laser-driven azimuthal plasma magnetic fields 2020 Zheng Gong
Felix Mackenroth
T. Wang
X. Q. Yan
T. Toncian
Alexey Arefiev
+ PDF Chat Measuring the Cosmic-Ray Acceleration Efficiency of a Supernova Remnant 2009 E. A. Helder
Jacco Vink
C. Bassa
Aya Bamba
J. A. M. Bleeker
S. Funk
Parviz Ghavamian
K. J. van der Heyden
F. Verbunt
Ryo Yamazaki
+ PDF Chat Radiation pressure acceleration of thin foils with circularly polarized laser pulses 2008 A. P. L. Robinson
M. Zepf
S. Kar
Roger G. Evans
C. Bellei
Jacco Vink
C. Bassa
+ PDF Chat Testing helicity-dependent<i>γγ</i>→<i>γγ</i>scattering in the region of MeV 2016 K. Homma
K. Matsuura
Kazuhisa Nakajima
+ Interaction of relativistically intense laser pulses with long-scale near critical plasmas for optimization of laser based sources of MeV electrons and gamma-rays 2019 O. Rosmej
N. E. Andreev
S Zaehter
Nadine Zahn
P Christ
B. Borm
T. Radon
A. Sokolov
Leonid Pugachev
Dimitri Khaghani
+ PDF Chat Extremely high-intensity laser interactions with fundamental quantum systems 2012 A. Di Piazza
Carsten Müller
Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan
Christoph H. Keitel
+ PDF Chat Ion shock acceleration by large amplitude slow ion acoustic double layers in laser-produced plasmas 2014 B. Eliasson
+ PDF Chat Table-Top Laser-Based Source of Femtosecond, Collimated, Ultrarelativistic Positron Beams 2013 G. Sarri
W. Schumaker
A. Di Piazza
M. Vargas
B. Dromey
M. E. Dieckmann
V. Chvykov
A. Maksimchuk
V. Yanovsky
Z.-H. He
+ PDF Chat Gamma-Ray Burst Phenomenology, Shock Dynamo, and the First Magnetic Fields 2001 Andrei Gruzinov
+ PDF Chat Dominance of Radiation Pressure in Ion Acceleration with Linearly Polarized Pulses at Intensities of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mn>10</mml:mn><mml:mn>21</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">W</mml:mi><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:msup><mml:mi>cm</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2012 B. Qiao
S. Kar
M. Geissler
P. Gibbon
M. Zepf
M. Borghesi
+ PDF Chat Beyond the ponderomotive limit: Direct laser acceleration of relativistic electrons in sub-critical plasmas 2016 Alexey Arefiev
Vladimir Khudik
A. P. L. Robinson
Gennady Shvets
L. Willingale
Marius Schollmeier
+ PDF Chat Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Collisionless Shocks: Fermi Process at Last? 2008 Anatoly Spitkovsky
+ Shock Wave and Solitary Wave Structure in a Plasma 1960 O. W. Greenberg
Yvain M. Tréve
+ PDF Chat Laser Ion-Acceleration Scaling Laws Seen in Multiparametric Particle-in-Cell Simulations 2006 T. Zh. Esirkepov
M. Yamagiwa
T. Tajima
+ Statistical Mechanics of Relativistic Streams. I 1960 Kenneth Watson
S. A. Bludman
M. N. Rosenbluth
+ PDF Chat Modification of the formation of high-Mach number electrostatic shock-like structures by the ion acoustic instability 2013 M. E. Dieckmann
G. Sarri
D. Doria
M. Pohl
M. Borghesi
+ PDF Chat PIC simulations of the thermal anisotropy-driven Weibel instability: field growth and phase space evolution upon saturation 2009 A. Stockem
M. E. Dieckmann
R. Schlickeiser
Antoine Bret
+ PDF Chat Discrete model for laser driven etching and microstructuring of metallic surfaces 2005 Alejandro Mora
Maria Haase
Thomas Rabbow
P Plath
+ Gamma-ray bursts and the fireball model 1999 Tsvi Piran
+ PDF Chat Highly Efficient Relativistic-Ion Generation in the Laser-Piston Regime 2004 T. Zh. Esirkepov
M. Borghesi
S. V. Bulanov
G. Mourou
T. Tajima
+ A current-driven instability in parallel, relativistic shocks 2006 Brian Reville
J. G. Kirk
P. Duffy
+ PDF Chat Stable Laser-Driven Proton Beam Acceleration from a Two-Ion-Species Ultrathin Foil 2010 Tong-Pu Yu
A. Pukhov
Gennady Shvets
Min Chen
+ PDF Chat “Light Sail” Acceleration Reexamined 2009 Andrea Macchi
Silvia Veghini
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