Bryan T. Gard


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Incompressible Navier-Stokes solve on noisy quantum hardware via a hybrid quantum-classical scheme 2024 Zhixin Song
Robert Deaton
Bryan T. Gard
Spencer H. Bryngelson
+ PDF Chat Warm-Started QAOA with Custom Mixers Provably Converges and Computationally Beats Goemans-Williamson's Max-Cut at Low Circuit Depths 2023 Reuben Tate
Jai Moondra
Bryan T. Gard
Greg Mohler
Swati Gupta
+ PDF Chat Modeling noise in global MĂžlmer-SĂžrensen interactions applied to quantum approximate optimization 2023 Phillip C. Lotshaw
Kevin D. Battles
Bryan T. Gard
Gilles Buchs
Travis S. Humble
Creston D. Herold
+ Fully quantum algorithm for lattice Boltzmann methods with application to partial differential equations 2023 Fatima Ezahra Chrit
Sriharsha Kocherla
Bryan T. Gard
Eugene Dumitrescu
Alexander Alexeev
Spencer H. Bryngelson
+ ADAPT-QAOA with a classically inspired initial state 2023 Vishvesha K. Sridhar
Yanzhu Chen
Bryan T. Gard
Edwin Barnes
Sophia E. Economou
+ PDF Chat Generating target graph couplings for the quantum approximate optimization algorithm from native quantum hardware couplings 2022 Joel Rajakumar
Jai Moondra
Bryan T. Gard
Swati Gupta
Creston D. Herold
+ Advances in Quantum Metrology: Continuous Variables in Phase Space 2022 Bryan T. Gard
+ PDF Chat Classically efficient quantum scalable Fermi-Hubbard benchmark 2022 Bryan T. Gard
Adam M. Meier
+ Modelling noise in global Molmer-Sorensen interactions applied to quantum approximate optimization 2022 Phillip C. Lotshaw
Kevin D. Battles
Bryan T. Gard
Gilles Buchs
Travis S. Humble
Creston D. Herold
+ PDF Chat Preserving Symmetries for Variational Quantum Eigensolvers in the Presence of Noise 2021 George S. Barron
Bryan T. Gard
Orien J. Altman
Nicholas J. Mayhall
Edwin Barnes
Sophia E. Economou
+ PDF Chat Benchmarking Quantum Chemistry Computations with Variational, Imaginary Time Evolution, and Krylov Space Solver Algorithms 2021 KĂŒbra Yeter‐Aydeniz
Bryan T. Gard
Jacek Jakowski
Swarnadeep Majumder
George S. Barron
George Siopsis
Travis S. Humble
Raphael C. Pooser
+ Benchmarking Quantum Chemistry Computations with Variational, Imaginary Time Evolution, and Krylov Space Solver Algorithms 2021 KĂŒbra Yeter‐Aydeniz
Bryan T. Gard
Jacek Jakowski
Swarnadeep Majumder
George S. Barron
George Siopsis
Travis S. Humble
Raphael C. Pooser
+ Benchmarking Quantum Chemistry Computations with Variational, Imaginary Time Evolution, and Krylov Space Solver Algorithms 2021 KĂŒbra Yeter‐Aydeniz
Bryan T. Gard
Jacek Jakowski
Swarnadeep Majumder
George S. Barron
George Siopsis
Travis S. Humble
Raphael C. Pooser
+ Warm-Started QAOA with Custom Mixers Provably Converges and Computationally Beats Goemans-Williamson's Max-Cut at Low Circuit Depths 2021 Reuben Tate
Jai Moondra
Bryan T. Gard
Greg Mohler
Ruta Gupta
+ Gate-free state preparation for fast variational quantum eigensolver simulations: ctrl-VQE 2020 Oinam Romesh Meitei
Bryan T. Gard
George S. Barron
D. P. Pappas
Sophia E. Economou
Edwin Barnes
Nicholas J. Mayhall
+ Preserving Symmetries for Variational Quantum Eigensolvers in the Presence of Noise 2020 George S. Barron
Bryan T. Gard
Orien J. Altman
Nicholas J. Mayhall
Edwin Barnes
Sophia E. Economou
+ PDF Chat Efficient symmetry-preserving state preparation circuits for the variational quantum eigensolver algorithm 2020 Bryan T. Gard
Linghua Zhu
George S. Barron
Nicholas J. Mayhall
Sophia E. Economou
Edwin Barnes
+ Generating Target Graph Couplings for QAOA from Native Quantum Hardware Couplings 2020 Joel Rajakumar
Jai Moondra
Bryan T. Gard
Ruta Gupta
Creston D. Herold
+ Gate-free state preparation for fast variational quantum eigensolver simulations: ctrl-VQE 2020 Oinam Romesh Meitei
Bryan T. Gard
George S. Barron
D. P. Pappas
Sophia E. Economou
Edwin Barnes
Nicholas J. Mayhall
+ Fast, High-Fidelity, Quantum Non-demolition Readout of a Superconducting Qubit Using a Transverse Coupling 2018 Bryan T. Gard
Kurt Jacobs
José Aumentado
R. W. Simmonds
+ PDF Chat Microwave-to-optical frequency conversion using a cesium atom coupled to a superconducting resonator 2017 Bryan T. Gard
Kurt Jacobs
R. McDermott
M. Saffman
+ Quantum-enhanced interferometry with weak thermal light 2017 Seyed Mohammad Hashemi Rafsanjani
Mohammad Mirhosseini
Omar S. Magaña‐Loaiza
Bryan T. Gard
Richard J. Birrittella
Benjamin E. C. Koltenbah
Claudio G. Parazzoli
Barbara A. Capron
Christopher C. Gerry
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Nearly optimal measurement schemes in a noisy Mach-Zehnder interferometer with coherent and squeezed vacuum 2017 Bryan T. Gard
Chenglong You
Devendra Kumar Mishra
R. Singh
Hwang Lee
T. R. Corbitt
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Phase sensitivity at the Heisenberg limit in an SU(1,1) interferometer via parity detection 2016 Dong Li
Bryan T. Gard
Yang Gao
Chun-Hua Yuan
Weiping Zhang
Hwang Lee
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ Enhanced Thermal Object Imaging by Photon Addition or Subtraction 2016 Claudio G. Parazzoli
Benjamin E. C. Koltenbah
David R. Gerwe
Paul S. Idell
Bryan T. Gard
Richard J. Birrittella
Seyed Mohammad Hashemi Rafsanjani
Mohammad Masoud Mirhosseini
Omar S. Magaña‐Loaiza
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ Interferometry with Photon-Subtracted Thermal Light 2016 Seyed Mohammad Hashemi Rafsanjani
Mohammad Masoud Mirhosseini
Omar S. Magaña‐Loaiza
Bryan T. Gard
Richard J. Birrittella
Benjamin E. C. Koltenbah
Claudio G. Parazzoli
Barbara A. Capron
Christopher C. Gerry
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ Optimal measurement scheme for Gravitational Wave Detection with Coherent and Squeezed Vacuum 2016 Bryan T. Gard
Hwang Lee
Jonathan P. Dowling
Devendra Kumar Mishra
Chenglong You
T. R. Corbitt
R. Singh
+ Photon Added Coherent States: Nondeterministic, Noiseless Amplification in Quantum Metrology 2016 Bryan T. Gard
Li Dong
Chenglong You
Kaushik P. Seshadreesan
Richard J. Birrittella
Jerome Luine
Seyed Mohammad Hashemi Rafsanjani
Mohammad Mirhosseini
Omar S. Magaña‐Loaiza
Benjamin E. C. Koltenbah
+ Advances in quantum metrology: Continuous variables in phase space 2016 Bryan T. Gard
+ Enhanced Thermal Object Imaging by Photon Addition or Subtraction 2016 Claudio G. Parazzoli
Benjamin E. C. Koltenbah
David R. Gerwe
Paul S. Idell
Bryan T. Gard
Richard J. Birrittella
Seyed Mohammad Hashemi Rafsanjani
Mohammad Masoud Mirhosseini
O S Magan-Loiza
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Boson-Sampling 2015 Bryan T. Gard
Keith R. Motes
Jonathan P. Olson
Peter P. Rohde
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Inefficiency of classically simulating linear optical quantum computing with Fock-state inputs 2014 Bryan T. Gard
Jonathan P. Olson
R. Cross
Moochan B. Kim
Hwang Lee
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Quantum random walks with multiphoton interference and high-order correlation functions 2013 Bryan T. Gard
R. Cross
Petr M. Anisimov
Hwang Lee
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ Classical Computers Very Likely Can Not Efficiently Simulate Multimode Linear Optical Interferometers with Arbitrary Fock-State Inputs-An Elementary Argument 2013 Bryan T. Gard
R. Cross
Moochan B. Kim
Hwang Lee
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ Quantum random walks with multiphoton interference and high order correlation functions 2011 Bryan T. Gard
R. Cross
Petr M. Anisimov
Hwang Lee
Jonathan P. Dowling
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Hardware-efficient variational quantum eigensolver for small molecules and quantum magnets 2017 Abhinav Kandala
Antonio Mezzacapo
Kristan Temme
Maika Takita
Markus Brink
Jerry M. Chow
Jay Gambetta
+ PDF Chat Scalable Quantum Simulation of Molecular Energies 2016 P. O’Malley
Ryan Babbush
Ian Kivlichan
Jonathan Romero
Jarrod R. McClean
R. Barends
J. Kelly
P. Roushan
Andrew Tranter
Nan Ding
+ PDF Chat Quantum-Enhanced Measurements: Beating the Standard Quantum Limit 2004 Vittorio Giovannetti
Seth Lloyd
Lorenzo Maccone
+ PDF Chat A variational eigenvalue solver on a photonic quantum processor 2014 Alberto Peruzzo
Jarrod R. McClean
Peter Shadbolt
Man‐Hong Yung
Xiaoqi Zhou
Peter J. Love
Alán Aspuru‐Guzik
Jeremy L. O’Brien
+ PDF Chat Quantum algorithms for electronic structure calculations: Particle-hole Hamiltonian and optimized wave-function expansions 2018 Panagiotis Kl. Barkoutsos
JĂ©rĂŽme F. Gonthier
Igor O. Sokolov
Nikolaj Moll
G. Salis
Andreas Fuhrer
Marc Ganzhorn
Daniel J. Egger
Matthias Troyer
Antonio Mezzacapo
+ PDF Chat Quantum-classical computation of Schwinger model dynamics using quantum computers 2018 Natalie Klco
Eugene Dumitrescu
Alex McCaskey
Titus Morris
Raphael C. Pooser
Mikel Sanz
E. Solano
Pavel Lougovski
Martin J. Savage
+ PDF Chat An adaptive variational algorithm for exact molecular simulations on a quantum computer 2019 Harper R. Grimsley
Sophia E. Economou
Edwin Barnes
Nicholas J. Mayhall
+ PDF Chat Efficient symmetry-preserving state preparation circuits for the variational quantum eigensolver algorithm 2020 Bryan T. Gard
Linghua Zhu
George S. Barron
Nicholas J. Mayhall
Sophia E. Economou
Edwin Barnes
+ PDF Chat Quantum optimization using variational algorithms on near-term quantum devices 2018 Nikolaj Moll
Panagiotis Kl. Barkoutsos
Lev S. Bishop
Jerry M. Chow
Andrew W. Cross
Daniel J. Egger
Stefan Filipp
Andreas Fuhrer
Jay Gambetta
Marc Ganzhorn
+ PDF Chat The parity operator in quantum optical metrology 2010 Christopher C. Gerry
Jihane Mimih
+ PDF Chat Quantum chemistry as a benchmark for near-term quantum computers 2019 Alexander McCaskey
Zachary Parks
Jacek Jakowski
Shirley Moore
Titus Morris
Travis S. Humble
Raphael C. Pooser
+ PDF Chat Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger 2016 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
+ PDF Chat Quantum Computing in the NISQ era and beyond 2018 John Preskill
+ PDF Chat Experimental quantum-enhanced estimation of a lossy phase shift 2010 M. Kacprowicz
RafaƂ Demkowicz-DobrzaƄski
Wojciech Wasilewski
Konrad Banaszek
Ian A. Walmsley
+ PDF Chat Superfast encodings for fermionic quantum simulation 2019 Kanav Setia
Sergey Bravyi
Antonio Mezzacapo
James Whitfield
+ Statistical distance and the geometry of quantum states 1994 Samuel L. Braunstein
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Scaling quantum approximate optimization on near-term hardware 2022 Phillip C. Lotshaw
Thien Nguyen
Anthony Santana
Alexander McCaskey
Rebekah Herrman
James Ostrowski
George Siopsis
Travis S. Humble
+ PDF Chat Boson Sampling on a Photonic Chip 2012 Justin B. Spring
Benjamin J. Metcalf
Peter C. Humphreys
W. Steven Kolthammer
Xian‐Min Jin
Marco Barbieri
Animesh Datta
Nicholas Thomas-Peter
Nathan K. Langford
Dmytro Kundys
+ PDF Chat A high-fidelity noiseless amplifier for quantum light states 2010 Alessandro Zavatta
Jaromı́r FiurĂĄĆĄek
M. Bellini
+ PDF Chat Hartree-Fock on a superconducting qubit quantum computer 2020 Frank Arute
Kunal Arya
Ryan Babbush
Dave Bacon
Joseph C. Bardin
R. Barends
Sergio Boixo
Michael Broughton
Bob B. Buckley
David A. Buell
+ PDF Chat A volumetric framework for quantum computer benchmarks 2020 Robin Blume-Kohout
Kevin Young
+ PDF Chat Gate-Efficient Simulation of Molecular Eigenstates on a Quantum Computer 2019 Marc Ganzhorn
Daniel J. Egger
Panagiotis Kl. Barkoutsos
Pauline J. Ollitrault
G. Salis
Nikolaj Moll
Marco Roth
Andreas Fuhrer
Peter R. MĂŒeller
Stefan Woerner
+ PDF Chat Quantum approximate optimization of non-planar graph problems on a planar superconducting processor 2021 Matthew P. Harrigan
Kevin J. Sung
M. Neeley
Kevin J. Satzinger
Frank Arute
Kunal Arya
Juan Atalaya
Joseph C. Bardin
R. Barends
Sergio Boixo
+ PDF Chat Photonic Boson Sampling in a Tunable Circuit 2012 Matthew A. Broome
Alessandro Fedrizzi
Saleh Rahimi-Keshari
Justin Dove
Scott Aaronson
Timothy C. Ralph
A. G. White
+ PDF Chat Experimental error mitigation via symmetry verification in a variational quantum eigensolver 2019 Ramiro Sagastizabal
Xavier Bonet-Monroig
Meenakshi Singh
M. A. Rol
Cornelis Christiaan Bultink
Xiang Fu
Caspar Price
Viacheslav Ostroukh
Nandini Muthusubramanian
Alessandro Bruno
+ PDF Chat Randomized benchmarking of quantum gates 2008 Emanuel Knill
D. Leibfried
R. Reichle
J. Britton
R. B. Blakestad
J. D. Jost
C. Langer
Roee Ozeri
S. Seidelin
D. J. Wineland
+ PDF Chat Quantum Computation of Electronic Transitions Using a Variational Quantum Eigensolver 2019 Robert M. Parrish
Edward G. Hohenstein
Peter L. McMahon
Todd J. Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Advances in quantum metrology 2011 Vittorio Giovannetti
Seth Lloyd
Lorenzo Maccone
+ PDF Chat Low-cost error mitigation by symmetry verification 2018 Xavier Bonet-Monroig
Ramiro Sagastizabal
Meenakshi Singh
Thomas E. O’Brien
+ PDF Chat Computation of Molecular Spectra on a Quantum Processor with an Error-Resilient Algorithm 2018 James Colless
Vinay Ramasesh
Dar Dahlen
Machiel Blok
Mollie E. Schwartz
Jarrod R. McClean
Jonathan Carter
Wibe A. de Jong
Irfan Siddiqi
+ PDF Chat Quantum random walks with multiphoton interference and high-order correlation functions 2013 Bryan T. Gard
R. Cross
Petr M. Anisimov
Hwang Lee
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Precision measurements with photon-subtracted or photon-added Gaussian states 2014 Daniel Braun
Pu Jian
Olivier Pinel
Nicolas Treps
+ PDF Chat Barren plateaus in quantum neural network training landscapes 2018 Jarrod R. McClean
Sergio Boixo
Vadim Smelyanskiy
Ryan Babbush
Hartmut Neven
+ PDF Chat Parity detection achieves the Heisenberg limit in interferometry with coherent mixed with squeezed vacuum light 2011 Kaushik P. Seshadreesan
Petr M. Anisimov
Hwang Lee
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Quantum Simulation of Electronic Structure with Linear Depth and Connectivity 2018 Ian Kivlichan
Jarrod R. McClean
Nathan Wiebe
Craig Gidney
Alán Aspuru‐Guzik
Garnet Kin‐Lic Chan
Ryan Babbush
+ PDF Chat Engineered two-dimensional Ising interactions in a trapped-ion quantum simulator with hundreds of spins 2012 J. Britton
Brian C. Sawyer
Adam C. Keith
C.-C. Joseph Wang
J. K. Freericks
Hermann Uys
Michael J. Biercuk
J. J. Bollinger
+ PDF Chat The theory of variational hybrid quantum-classical algorithms 2016 Jarrod R. McClean
Jonathan Romero
Ryan Babbush
Alán Aspuru‐Guzik
+ PDF Chat Fermionic Quantum Computation 2002 Sergey Bravyi
Alexei Kitaev
+ PDF Chat Variational quantum algorithms for discovering Hamiltonian spectra 2019 Tyson Jones
Suguru Endo
Sam McArdle
Xiao Yuan
Simon C. Benjamin
+ Efficient Classical Simulation of Continuous Variable Quantum Information Processes 2002 Stephen D. Bartlett
Barry C. Sanders
Samuel L. Braunstein
Kae Nemoto
+ PDF Chat LIGO: the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory 2009 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
R. X. Adhikari
P. Ajith
B. Allen
G. Allen
Raouf S. Amin
S. B. Anderson
W. G. Anderson
Musfira Arain
+ PDF Chat Continuous Variable Quantum Information: Gaussian States and Beyond 2014 Gerardo Adesso
Sammy Ragy
Antony R. Lee
+ PDF Chat Implementation of a Nondeterministic Optical Noiseless Amplifier 2010 Franck Ferreyrol
Marco Barbieri
RĂ©mi Blandino
Simon Fossier
Rosa Tualle-Brouri
Philippe Grangier
+ PDF Chat Two-Photon Diffraction and Quantum Lithography 2001 Milena D’Angelo
Maria V. Chekhova
Yanhua Shih
+ PDF Chat Mach-Zehnder Interferometry at the Heisenberg Limit with Coherent and Squeezed-Vacuum Light 2008 Luca PezzĂš
Augusto Smerzi
+ PDF Chat Quantum circuits for isometries 2016 Raban Iten
Roger Colbeck
Ivan Kukuljan
Jonathan Home
Matthias Christandl
+ PDF Chat De Broglie wavelength of a non-local four-photon state 2004 Philip Walther
Jian-Wei Pan
Markus Aspelmeyer
Rupert Ursin
Sara Gasparoni
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Generation of a Superposition of Odd Photon Number States for Quantum Information Networks 2006 Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen
B. Melholt Nielsen
Christian Hettich
Klaus MĂžlmer
E. S. Polzik
+ PDF Chat Inefficiency of classically simulating linear optical quantum computing with Fock-state inputs 2014 Bryan T. Gard
Jonathan P. Olson
R. Cross
Moochan B. Kim
Hwang Lee
Jonathan P. Dowling
+ PDF Chat Entanglement distillation from Gaussian input states 2010 Hiroki Takahashi
Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen
Makoto Takeuchi
Masahiro Takeoka
Kazuhiro Hayasaka
Akira Furusawa
Masahide Sasaki