B. N. Narozhny


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Corbino magnetoresistance in neutral graphene 2023 Vanessa Gall
B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic approach to many-body systems: Exact conservation laws 2023 B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Electronic viscosity and energy relaxation in neutral graphene 2023 Vanessa Gall
B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
+ Corbino magnetoresistance in neutral graphene 2023 Vanessa Gall
B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic Approach to Many-Body Systems: Exact Conservation Laws 2023 B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic approach to two-dimensional electron systems 2022 B. N. Narozhny
+ Electronic viscosity and energy relaxation in neutral graphene 2022 Vanessa Gall
B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
+ PDF Chat Anti-Poiseuille flow in neutral graphene 2021 B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
M. Titov
+ Quasi-Poiseuille flow in neutral graphene: specular reflective boundaries 2021 B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
M. Titov
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic Approach to Electronic Transport in Graphene: Energy Relaxation 2021 B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic collective modes in graphene 2021 B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
M. Titov
+ PDF Chat Giant nonlocality in nearly compensated two-dimensional semimetals 2020 Sven Danz
M. Titov
B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Vorticity of viscous electronic flow in graphene 2020 Sven Danz
B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Electronic hydrodynamics in graphene 2019 B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Optical conductivity in graphene: Hydrodynamic regime 2019 B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Magnetohydrodynamics in graphene: Shear and Hall viscosities 2019 B. N. Narozhny
Michael Schütt
+ PDF Chat Elastic response of the electron fluid in intrinsic graphene: The collisionless regime 2018 Julia M. Link
Daniel E. Sheehy
B. N. Narozhny
Jörg Schmalian
+ PDF Chat Counterflows in viscous electron-hole fluid 2018 P. S. Alekseev
А. П. Дмитриев
I. V. Gornyi
V. Yu. Kachorovskii
B. N. Narozhny
M. Titov
+ PDF Chat Out-of-Bounds Hydrodynamics in Anisotropic Dirac Fluids 2018 Julia M. Link
B. N. Narozhny
Egor I. Kiselev
Jörg Schmalian
+ PDF Chat Nonmonotonic magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional viscous electron-hole fluid in a confined geometry 2018 P. S. Alekseev
A. P. Dmitriev
I. V. Gornyi
V. Yu. Kachorovskii
B. N. Narozhny
M. Titov
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic Approach to Electronic Transport in Graphene 2017 B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
A. D. Mirlin
Jörg Schmalian
+ PDF Chat Majorana fermions in the nonuniform Ising-Kitaev chain: exact solution 2017 B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Magnetoresistance of compensated semimetals in confined geometries 2017 P. S. Alekseev
А. П. Дмитриев
I. V. Gornyi
V. Yu. Kachorovskii
B. N. Narozhny
Michael Schütt
M. Titov
+ PDF Chat Linear magnetoresistance in compensated graphene bilayer 2016 G. Yu. Vasileva
Д. Смирнов
Yu. L. Ivánov
Yu. B. Vasilyev
P. S. Alekseev
А. П. Дмитриев
I. V. Gornyi
V. Yu. Kachorovskii
M. Titov
B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Coulomb drag 2016 B. N. Narozhny
Alex Levchenko
+ PDF Chat Interference of quantum critical excitations and soft diffusive modes in a disordered antiferromagnetic metal 2016 Philipp S. Weiß
B. N. Narozhny
Jörg Schmalian
P. Wölfle
+ PDF Chat Collision-dominated nonlinear hydrodynamics in graphene 2015 U. Briskot
Michael Schütt
I. V. Gornyi
M. Titov
B. N. Narozhny
A. D. Mirlin
+ PDF Chat Majorana representation for dissipative spin systems 2015 Pablo Schad
Yu. Makhlin
B. N. Narozhny
Gerd Schön
Alexander Shnirman
+ PDF Chat Magnetoresistance in Two-Component Systems 2015 P. S. Alekseev
А. П. Дмитриев
I. V. Gornyi
V. Yu. Kachorovskii
B. N. Narozhny
Michael Schütt
M. Titov
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamics in graphene: Linear-response transport 2015 B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
M. Titov
Michael Schütt
A. D. Mirlin
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium spin noise and noise of susceptibility 2014 Pablo Schad
B. N. Narozhny
Gerd Schön
Alexander Shnirman
+ PDF Chat Strong coupling behavior of the neutron resonance mode in unconventional superconductors 2013 Patrik Hlobil
B. N. Narozhny
Jörg Schmalian
+ PDF Chat Giant Magnetodrag in Graphene at Charge Neutrality 2013 M. Titov
Р. В. Горбачев
B. N. Narozhny
T. Tudorovskiy
Michael Schütt
P. M. Ostrovsky
I. V. Gornyi
A. D. Mirlin
M. I. Katsnelson
Kostya S. Novoselov
+ PDF Chat Spinful fermionic ladders at incommensurate filling: Phase diagram, local perturbations, and ionic potentials 2013 Sam T. Carr
B. N. Narozhny
A. A. Nersesyan
+ PDF Chat Coulomb Drag in Graphene Near the Dirac Point 2013 Michael Schütt
P. M. Ostrovsky
M. Titov
I. V. Gornyi
B. N. Narozhny
A. D. Mirlin
+ PDF Chat Coulomb drag in graphene: Perturbation theory 2012 B. N. Narozhny
M. Titov
I. V. Gornyi
P. M. Ostrovsky
+ PDF Chat Effect of a Local Perturbation in a Fermionic Ladder 2011 Sam T. Carr
B. N. Narozhny
A. A. Nersesyan
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation Relations and Rare Realizations of Transport Observables 2010 Alexander Altland
Alessandro De Martino
Reinhold Egger
B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Transient fluctuation relations for time-dependent particle transport 2010 Alexander Altland
Alessandro De Martino
Reinhold Egger
B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Electron-electron interactions in the conductivity of graphene 2010 Aleksey Kozikov
A. K. Savchenko
B. N. Narozhny
A. V. Shytov
+ PDF Chat Coulomb drag as a measure of trigonal warping in doped graphene 2007 B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Giant Fluctuations of Coulomb Drag in a Bilayer System 2007 A. S. Price
A. K. Savchenko
B. N. Narozhny
Giles Allison
D. A. Ritchie
+ PDF Chat Triplet pairing due to spin-orbit-assisted electron-phonon coupling 2006 Vladimir I. Fal’ko
B. N. Narozhny
+ PDF Chat Spinless fermionic ladders in a magnetic field: Phase diagram 2006 Sam T. Carr
B. N. Narozhny
A. A. Nersesyan
+ PDF Chat Quantum Correction to Conductivity Close to a Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Point in Two Dimensions 2005 I. Paul
C. Pépin
B. N. Narozhny
Dmitrii L. Maslov
+ PDF Chat Fractional charge excitations in fermionic ladders 2005 B. N. Narozhny
Sam T. Carr
A. A. Nersesyan
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional electron gas near full polarization 2004 Gábor Zala
B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
Vladimir I. Fal’ko
+ PDF Chat Crossover from Poisson to Wigner-Dyson level statistics in spin chains with integrability breaking 2004 David Rabson
B. N. Narozhny
Andrew J. Millis
+ PDF Chat In-plane magnetoconductivity of Si MOSFETs: A quantitative comparison of theory and experiment 2003 Sergey Vitkalov
Kurt James
B. N. Narozhny
M. P. Sarachik
T. M. Klapwijk
+ PDF Chat Interaction corrections at intermediate temperatures: Dephasing time 2002 B. N. Narozhny
Gábor Zala
I. L. Aleǐner
+ PDF Chat Interaction corrections at intermediate temperatures: Magnetoresistance in a parallel field 2001 Gábor Zala
B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
+ PDF Chat Interaction corrections to the Hall coefficient at intermediate temperatures 2001 Gábor Zala
B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
+ PDF Chat Interaction corrections at intermediate temperatures: Longitudinal conductivity and kinetic equation 2001 Gábor Zala
B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic Fluctuations of the Coulomb Drag at<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">ν</mml:mi><mml:mspace /><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mspace /><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn /><mml:mi>/</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math> 2001 B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
Ady Stern
+ Crossover from Poisson to Wigner-Dyson Level Statistics in One-Dimensional Systems with Integrability Breaking 2001 David Rabson
B. N. Narozhny
Andrew J. Millis
+ PDF Chat Magnetic fluctuations in two-dimensional metals close to the Stoner instability 2000 B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
A. I. Larkin
+ PDF Chat Effect of Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking on the Density of States in Small Superconducting Grains 2000 I. S. Beloborodov
B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic Fluctuations of the Coulomb Drag 2000 B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
+ Magnetic fluctuations in 2D metals close to the Stoner instability 2000 B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
A. I. Larkin
+ PDF Chat Theory of interaction effects in normal-metal–superconductor junctions out of equilibrium 1999 B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
B. L. Altshuler
+ Phase Fluctuations and Non-Equilibrium Josephson Effect 1999 B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
+ PDF Chat Resistance of Josephson-junction arrays at low temperatures 1998 L. B. Ioffe
B. N. Narozhny
+ Low temperature spin transport in one dimension 1997 B. N. Narozhny
Natan Andrei
+ Low temperature transport in the XXZ model 1997 B. N. Narozhny
Andrew J. Millis
Natan Andrei
+ On the Problem of Spin Diffusion in 1D Antiferromagnets 1996 B. N. Narozhny
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamics in graphene: Linear-response transport 2015 B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
M. Titov
Michael Schütt
A. D. Mirlin
+ PDF Chat Slow imbalance relaxation and thermoelectric transport in graphene 2009 Matthew S. Foster
I. L. Aleǐner
+ PDF Chat Giant Magnetodrag in Graphene at Charge Neutrality 2013 M. Titov
Р. В. Горбачев
B. N. Narozhny
T. Tudorovskiy
Michael Schütt
P. M. Ostrovsky
I. V. Gornyi
A. D. Mirlin
M. I. Katsnelson
Kostya S. Novoselov
+ PDF Chat Conductivity of defectless graphene 2008 А. Кашуба
+ PDF Chat Coulomb interaction in graphene: Relaxation rates and transport 2011 Michael Schütt
P. M. Ostrovsky
I. V. Gornyi
A. D. Mirlin
+ PDF Chat Graphene: A Nearly Perfect Fluid 2009 Markus Müller
Jörg Schmalian
Lars Fritz
+ PDF Chat Quantum critical transport in clean graphene 2008 Lars Fritz
Jörg Schmalian
Markus Müller
Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat Collision-dominated nonlinear hydrodynamics in graphene 2015 U. Briskot
Michael Schütt
I. V. Gornyi
M. Titov
B. N. Narozhny
A. D. Mirlin
+ PDF Chat Magnetoresistance in Two-Component Systems 2015 P. S. Alekseev
А. П. Дмитриев
I. V. Gornyi
V. Yu. Kachorovskii
B. N. Narozhny
Michael Schütt
M. Titov
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic Approach to Electronic Transport in Graphene 2017 B. N. Narozhny
I. V. Gornyi
A. D. Mirlin
Jörg Schmalian
+ PDF Chat Interaction corrections at intermediate temperatures: Longitudinal conductivity and kinetic equation 2001 Gábor Zala
B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
+ Negative local resistance caused by viscous electron backflow in graphene 2016 D. A. Bandurin
Iacopo Torre
Roshan Krishna Kumar
M. Ben Shalom
Andrea Tomadin
Alessandro Principi
Gregory Auton
Ekaterina Khestanova
Kostya S. Novoselov
I. V. Grigorieva
+ PDF Chat Collective cyclotron motion of the relativistic plasma in graphene 2008 Markus Müller
Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat Electron viscosity, current vortices and negative nonlocal resistance in graphene 2016 Leonid Levitov
Gregory Falkovich
+ PDF Chat Linear magnetoresistance in compensated graphene bilayer 2016 G. Yu. Vasileva
Д. Смирнов
Yu. L. Ivánov
Yu. B. Vasilyev
P. S. Alekseev
А. П. Дмитриев
I. V. Gornyi
V. Yu. Kachorovskii
M. Titov
B. N. Narozhny
+ Observation of the Dirac fluid and the breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law in graphene 2016 Jesse Crossno
Jing Shi
Ke Wang
Xiaomeng Liu
Achim Harzheim
Andrew Lucas
Subir Sachdev
Philip Kim
Takashi Taniguchi
Kenji Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Quantum-critical relativistic magnetotransport in graphene 2008 Markus Müller
Lars Fritz
Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat Quantum Critical Scaling in Graphene 2007 Daniel E. Sheehy
Jörg Schmalian
+ PDF Chat Evidence for hydrodynamic electron flow in PdCoO <sub>2</sub> 2016 Philip J. W. Moll
Pallavi Kushwaha
Nabhanila Nandi
Burkhard Schmidt
A. P. Mackenzie
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic Fluctuations of the Coulomb Drag at<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">ν</mml:mi><mml:mspace /><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mspace /><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn /><mml:mi>/</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math> 2001 B. N. Narozhny
I. L. Aleǐner
Ady Stern
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamics of electrons in graphene 2017 Andrew Lucas
Kin Chung Fong
+ PDF Chat Superballistic flow of viscous electron fluid through graphene constrictions 2017 Roshan Krishna Kumar
D. A. Bandurin
F. M. D. Pellegrino
Yang Cao
Alessandro Principi
Haoyu Guo
Gregory Auton
M. Ben Shalom
Л. А. Пономаренко
Gregory Falkovich
+ PDF Chat Electron-electron interactions in the conductivity of graphene 2010 Aleksey Kozikov
A. K. Savchenko
B. N. Narozhny
A. V. Shytov
+ PDF Chat Coulomb drag in graphene: Perturbation theory 2012 B. N. Narozhny
M. Titov
I. V. Gornyi
P. M. Ostrovsky
+ PDF Chat Negative Magnetoresistance in Viscous Flow of Two-Dimensional Electrons 2016 P. S. Alekseev
+ PDF Chat Measuring Hall viscosity of graphene’s electron fluid 2019 Alexey I. Berdyugin
Shuigang Xu
F. M. D. Pellegrino
Roshan Krishna Kumar
Alessandro Principi
Iacopo Torre
M. Ben Shalom
Takashi Taniguchi
Kenji Watanabe
I. V. Grigorieva
+ PDF Chat Coulomb Drag in Graphene Near the Dirac Point 2013 Michael Schütt
P. M. Ostrovsky
M. Titov
I. V. Gornyi
B. N. Narozhny
A. D. Mirlin
+ PDF Chat Magnetoresistance of compensated semimetals in confined geometries 2017 P. S. Alekseev
А. П. Дмитриев
I. V. Gornyi
V. Yu. Kachorovskii
B. N. Narozhny
Michael Schütt
M. Titov
+ PDF Chat Magnetohydrodynamics in graphene: Shear and Hall viscosities 2019 B. N. Narozhny
Michael Schütt
+ PDF Chat Nonmonotonic magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional viscous electron-hole fluid in a confined geometry 2018 P. S. Alekseev
A. P. Dmitriev
I. V. Gornyi
V. Yu. Kachorovskii
B. N. Narozhny
M. Titov
+ PDF Chat Disorder-Assisted Electron-Phonon Scattering and Cooling Pathways in Graphene 2012 Justin C. W. Song
Michael Reizer
Leonid Levitov
+ PDF Chat Out-of-Bounds Hydrodynamics in Anisotropic Dirac Fluids 2018 Julia M. Link
B. N. Narozhny
Egor I. Kiselev
Jörg Schmalian
+ PDF Chat Fluidity onset in graphene 2018 D. A. Bandurin
A. V. Shytov
Leonid Levitov
Roshan Krishna Kumar
Alexey I. Berdyugin
M. Ben Shalom
I. V. Grigorieva
A. K. Geǐm
Gregory Falkovich
+ PDF Chat Strong Coulomb drag and broken symmetry in double-layer graphene 2012 Р. В. Горбачев
A. K. Geǐm
M. I. Katsnelson
Kostya S. Novoselov
T. Tudorovskiy
I. V. Grigorieva
A. H. MacDonald
С. В. Морозов
Kenji Watanabe
Takashi Taniguchi
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic Electron Flow and Hall Viscosity 2017 Thomas Scaffidi
Nabhanila Nandi
Burkhard Schmidt
A. P. Mackenzie
Joel E. Moore
+ PDF Chat Giant Nonlocality Near the Dirac Point in Graphene 2011 Dmitry A. Abanin
С. В. Морозов
Л. А. Пономаренко
Р. В. Горбачев
Alexander S. Mayorov
M. I. Katsnelson
Kenji Watanabe
Takashi Taniguchi
Kostya S. Novoselov
Leonid Levitov
+ PDF Chat Negative viscosity and eddy flow of the imbalanced electron-hole liquid in graphene 2019 Hong-Yi Xie
Alex Levchenko
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal transport and the hydrodynamic shear viscosity in graphene 2015 Iacopo Torre
Andrea Tomadin
A. K. Geǐm
Marco Polini
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal transport and the Hall viscosity of two-dimensional hydrodynamic electron liquids 2017 F. M. D. Pellegrino
Iacopo Torre
Marco Polini
+ PDF Chat Kubo formulas for viscosity: Hall viscosity, Ward identities, and the relation with conductivity 2012 Barry Bradlyn
Moshe Goldstein
N. Read
+ PDF Chat Coulomb drag in normal metals and superconductors: Diagrammatic approach 1995 Alex Kamenev
Yuval Oreg
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous voltage and current density imaging of flowing electrons in two dimensions 2019 Lior Ella
Asaf Rozen
John Birkbeck
M. Ben Shalom
David Perello
Johanna Zultak
Takashi Taniguchi
Kenji Watanabe
A. K. Geǐm
Shahal Ilani
+ PDF Chat Enhanced Thermoelectric Power in Graphene: Violation of the Mott Relation by Inelastic Scattering 2016 Fereshte Ghahari
Hong-Yi Xie
Takashi Taniguchi
Kenji Watanabe
Matthew S. Foster
Philip Kim
+ PDF Chat Coulomb drag 2016 B. N. Narozhny
Alex Levchenko
+ PDF Chat Boundary conditions of viscous electron flow 2019 Egor I. Kiselev
Jörg Schmalian
+ PDF Chat Imaging viscous flow of the Dirac fluid in graphene 2020 Mark Ku
Tony Zhou
Qing Li
Young Jae Shin
Jing Shi
Claire Burch
Laurel E. Anderson
Andrew T. Pierce
Yonglong Xie
Assaf Hamo
+ PDF Chat Theory of the Nernst effect near quantum phase transitions in condensed matter and in dyonic black holes 2007 Sean A. Hartnoll
Pavel Kovtun
Markus Müller
Subir Sachdev
+ PDF Chat Higher-than-ballistic conduction of viscous electron flows 2017 Haoyu Guo
Ekin Ilseven
Gregory Falkovich
Leonid Levitov
+ PDF Chat Scanning gate microscopy in a viscous electron fluid 2018 Beat A. Braem
F. M. D. Pellegrino
Alessandro Principi
Marc P. Röösli
Caroline Gold
Szymon Hennel
Jonne Koski
Matthias Berl
W. Dietsche
W. Wegscheider
+ PDF Chat Optical conductivity in graphene: Hydrodynamic regime 2019 B. N. Narozhny