Theresa Bengough


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Learning from failure - rationale and design for a study about discontinuation of randomized trials (DISCO study) 2012 Benjamin Kasenda
Erik von Elm
John J. You
Anette BlĂźmle
Yuki Tomonaga
Ramon Saccilotto
Alain Amstutz
Theresa Bengough
Joerg J Meerpohl
Mihaela Stegert
+ Stopping Randomized Trials Early for Benefit and Estimation of Treatment Effects<subtitle>Systematic Review and Meta-regression Analysis</subtitle> 2010 Dirk Bassler
Matthias Briel
VĂ­ctor M. Montori
Melanie A. Lane
Paul Glasziou
Qi Zhou
Diane Heels‐Ansdell
Stephen D. Walter
Gordon Guyatt
David N. Flynn
+ Patterns of patient enrollment in randomized controlled trials 2001 Anna‐Bettina Haidich
John P. A. Ioannidis
+ PDF Chat The use of interim data and Data Monitoring Committee recommendations in randomized controlled trial reports: frequency, implications and potential sources of bias 2008 Puvan Tharmanathan
Melanie Calvert
John Hampton
Nick Freemantle
+ PDF Chat Prevalence, Characteristics, and Publication of Discontinued Randomized Trials 2014 Benjamin Kasenda
Erik von Elm
John J. You
Anette BlĂźmle
Yuki Tomonaga
Ramon Saccilotto
Alain Amstutz
Theresa Bengough
Joerg J Meerpohl
Mihaela Stegert
+ Attitudes Toward Clinical Trials Among Patients and the Public 1982 Barrie R. Cassileth
+ Is a subgroup effect believable? Updating criteria to evaluate the credibility of subgroup analyses 2010 Xin Sun
Matthias Briel
Stephen D. Walter
Gordon Guyatt
+ Model selection and Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC): The general theory and its analytical extensions 1987 Hamparsum Bozdogan
+ Randomised controlled trials in oncology closed early for benefit: Trends in methodology, results, and interpretation 2011 Christopher M. Booth
Pavlo Ohorodnyk
Liting Zhu
Dongsheng Tu
Ralph M. Meyer
+ Randomized Trials Stopped Early for Harm in HIV/AIDS: A Systematic Survey 2006 Edward Mills
Curtis Cooper
Ping Wu
Beth Rachlis
Sonal Singh
Pierre Guy
+ The futility index. An approach to the cost-effective termination of randomized clinical trials 1985 James H. Ware
James E. Muller
Eugene Braunwald
+ Termination of a clinical trial with no treatment group difference: The Lupus Nephritis Collaborative Study 1992 John M. Lachin
Shu-Ping Lan
+ PDF Chat Applying results of randomised trials to clinical practice: impact of losses before randomisation. 1984 Mary E. Charlson
Ralph I. Horwitz
+ PDF Chat Issues in data monitoring and interim analysis of trials 2005 Adrian Grant
D. G. Altman
Abdel Babiker
Marion Campbell
Felicity Clemens
Janet Darbyshire
Diana Elbourne
S McLeer
Mahesh Parmar
Stuart J. Pocock
+ PDF Chat Systematic Review of the Empirical Evidence of Study Publication Bias and Outcome Reporting Bias — An Updated Review 2013 Kerry Dwan
Carrol Gamble
Paula Williamson
Jamie J Kirkham
+ Multiple imputation: current perspectives 2007 Michael G. Kenward
James R. Carpenter
+ Current controversies in data monitoring for clinical trials 2006 Stuart J. Pocock
+ Early stopping of randomized clinical trials for overt efficacy is problematic 2008 Dirk Bassler
VĂ­ctor M. Montori
Matthias Briel
Paul Glasziou
Gordon Guyatt
+ PDF Chat Discrepancies in sample size calculations and data analyses reported in randomised trials: comparison of publications with protocols 2008 A.-W. Chan
A. Hrobjartsson
Karsten Juhl Jørgensen
Peter C Gøtzsche
Douglas G. Altman
+ Reported use of data monitoring committees in the main published reports of randomized controlled trials: a cross-sectional study 2004 Matthew R. Sydes
Douglas G. Altman
Abdel B Babikera
Mahesh Parmar
David J. Spiegelhalter
+ PDF Chat Systematic Review of the Empirical Evidence of Study Publication Bias and Outcome Reporting Bias 2008 Kerry Dwan
Douglas G. Altman
Juan A. Arnaiz
Jill Bloom
An‐Wen Chan
Eugenia Cronin
Évelyne Decullier
Philippa Easterbrook
Erik von Elm
Carrol Gamble
+ Effect of Early Patient Enrollment on the Time to Completion and Publication of Randomized Controlled Trials 2001 Anna‐Bettina Haidich
+ Multiplicity in randomised trials II: subgroup and interim analyses 2005 Kenneth F. Schulz
David A. Grimes
+ Relaxing the Rule of Ten Events per Variable in Logistic and Cox Regression 2006 Eric Vittinghoff
Charles E. McCulloch
+ The Revised CONSORT Statement for Reporting Randomized Trials: Explanation and Elaboration 2001 D G Altman
+ Randomized Trials Stopped Early for Benefit 2005 VĂ­ctor M. Montori
P.J. Devereaux
Neill K. J. Adhikari
Karen E. A. Burns
C. Eggert
Matthias Briel
Christina Lacchetti
Teresa W. Leung
Elizabeth Darling
Dianne Bryant
+ PDF Chat The Measurement of Observer Agreement for Categorical Data 1977 J. Richard Landis
Gary G. Koch
+ PDF Chat Markers for early detection of cancer: Statistical guidelines for nested case-control studies 2002 Stuart G. Baker
Barnett S. Kramer
Sudhir Srivastava
+ Stopping Randomized Trials Early for Benefit and Estimation of Treatment Effects 2012 Dirk Bassler
Matthias Briel
VĂ­ctor M. Montori
Paul Glasziou
Qi Zhou
Diane Heels‐Ansdell
Stephen D. Walter
Gordon Guyatt
+ PDF Chat When to stop a clinical trial. 1992 Stuart J. Pocock