Rosemary A. Renaut


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Split Bregman Isotropic and Anisotropic Image Deblurring with Kronecker Product Sum Approximations using Single Precision Enlarged-GKB or RSVD Algorithms to provide low rank truncated SVDs 2024 Abdulmajeed Alsubhi
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Efficient Decomposition-Based Algorithms for $\ell_1$-Regularized Inverse Problems with Column-Orthogonal and Kronecker Product Matrices 2024 Brian Sweeney
Malena I. Español
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Parameter Selection by GCV and a $\chi^2$ test within Iterative Methods for $\ell_1$-regularized Inverse Problems 2024 Brian Sweeney
Rosemary A. Renaut
Malena Español
+ PDF Chat A variable projection method for large-scale inverse problems with ℓ1 regularization 2023 Matthias Chung
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Learning spectral windowing parameters for regularization using unbiased predictive risk and generalized cross validation techniques for multiple data sets 2023 Michael J. Byrne
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Large-scale focusing joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data with Gramian constraint 2022 Saeed Vatankhah
Rosemary A. Renaut
Xingguo Huang
Kevin Mickus
Mostafa Gharloghi
+ The Variable Projected Augmented Lagrangian Method 2022 Matthias Chung
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ Learning Spectral Windowing Parameters for Regularization Using Unbiased Predictive Risk and Generalized Cross Validation Techniques for Multiple Data Sets 2021 Michael J. Byrne
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Fast non-convex low-rank matrix decomposition for separation of potential field data using minimal memory 2020 Dan Zhu
Rosemary A. Renaut
Hongwei Li
Tianyou Liu
+ PDF Chat A tutorial and open source software for the efficient evaluation of gravity and magnetic kernels 2020 Jarom D. Hogue
Rosemary A. Renaut
Saeed Vatankhah
+ PDF Chat A fast methodology for large-scale focusing inversion of gravity and magnetic data using the structured model matrix and the 2-D fast Fourier transform 2020 Rosemary A. Renaut
Jarom D. Hogue
Saeed Vatankhah
Shuang Liu
+ PDF Chat Improving the use of the randomized singular value decomposition for the inversion of gravity and magnetic data 2020 Saeed Vatankhah
Shuang Liu
Rosemary A. Renaut
Xiangyun Hu
Jamaledin Baniamerian
+ Generalized L$_p$-norm joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data using cross-gradient constraint 2020 Saeed Vatankhah
Shuang Liu
Rosemary A. Renaut
Xiangyun Hu
Mostafa Gharloghi
+ An Efficient Alternating Algorithm for the Lp-Norm Cross-Gradient Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data Using the 2-D Fast Fourier Transform 2020 Saeed Vatankhah
Shuang Liu
Rosemary A. Renaut
Xiangyun Hu
Jarom D. Hogue
Mostafa Gharloghi
+ A Tutorial and Open Source Software for the Efficient Evaluation of Gravity and Magnetic Kernels. 2019 Jarom D. Hogue
Rosemary A. Renaut
Saeed Vatankhah
+ Fast non-convex low-rank matrix decomposition for separation of potential field data using minimal memory 2019 Dan Zhu
Rosemary A. Renaut
Hongwei Li
Tianyou Liu
+ Improving the use of the randomized singular value decomposition for the inversion of gravity and magnetic data 2019 Saeed Vatankhah
Shuang Liu
Rosemary A. Renaut
Xiangyun Hu
Jamaledin Baniamerian
+ PDF Chat Unbiased predictive risk estimation of the Tikhonov regularization parameter: convergence with increasing rank approximations of the singular value decomposition 2019 Rosemary A. Renaut
Anthony Helmstetter
Saeed Vatankhah
+ PDF Chat IGUG: A MATLAB package for 3D inversion of gravity data using graph theory 2019 Saeed Vatankhah
Vahid E. Ardestani
Susan Soodmand Niri
Rosemary A. Renaut
Hojjat Kabirzadeh
+ A Tutorial and Open Source Software for the Efficient Evaluation of Gravity and Magnetic Kernels 2019 Jarom D. Hogue
Rosemary A. Renaut
Saeed Vatankhah
+ Improving the use of the randomized singular value decomposition for the inversion of gravity and magnetic data 2019 Saeed Vatankhah
Shuang Liu
Rosemary A. Renaut
Xiangyun Hu
Jamaledin Baniamerian
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Regularization Parameters for Solutions Using the Filtered Truncated Singular Value Decomposition 2018 Rosemary A. Renaut
Anthony Helmstetter
Saeed Vatankhah
+ PDF Chat A fast algorithm for regularized focused 3D inversion of gravity data using randomized singular-value decomposition 2018 Saeed Vatankhah
Rosemary A. Renaut
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ PDF Chat Total variation regularization of the 3-D gravity inverse problem using a randomized generalized singular value decomposition 2018 Saeed Vatankhah
Rosemary A. Renaut
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ PDF Chat 3-D Projected L1 inversion of gravity data using truncated unbiased predictive risk estimator for regularization parameter estimation 2017 Saeed Vatankhah
Rosemary A. Renaut
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ A fast algorithm for regularized focused 3-D inversion of gravity data using the randomized SVD 2017 Saeed Vatankhah
Rosemary A. Renaut
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ PDF Chat Hybrid and Iteratively Reweighted Regularization by Unbiased Predictive Risk and Weighted GCV for Projected Systems 2017 Rosemary A. Renaut
Saeed Vatankhah
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ PDF Chat Efficient estimation of regularization parameters via downsampling and the singular value expansion 2016 Rosemary A. Renaut
Michael Jacob Horst
Yang Wang
Douglas Cochran
Jakob Hansen
+ 3-D Projected $ L_{1}$ inversion of gravity data 2016 Saeed Vatankhah
Rosemary A. Renaut
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ Hybrid and iteratively reweighted regularization by unbiased predictive risk and weighted GCV 2015 Rosemary A. Renaut
Saeed Vatankhah
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ Hybrid and iteratively reweighted regularization by unbiased predictive risk and weighted GCV for projected systems 2015 Rosemary A. Renaut
Saeed Vatankhah
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ PDF Chat Hybrid and iteratively reweighted regularization by unbiased predictive risk and weighted GCV for projected systems 2015 Rosemary A. Renaut
Saeed Vatankhah
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ Functional partial canonical correlation 2015 Qing Guang Huang
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ Regularization Parameter Estimation: Stabilization of LSQR Algorithms by Iterative Reweighting 2015 Rosemary A. Renaut
Saeed Vatankhah
+ Application of the χ2 principle and unbiased predictive risk estimator for determining the regularization parameter in 3-D focusing gravity inversion 2014 Saeed Vatankhah
Vahid E. Ardestani
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ Non-negatively constrained least squares and parameter choice by the residual periodogram for the inversion of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy data 2014 Jakob Hansen
Jarom D. Hogue
Grant K. Sander
Rosemary A. Renaut
Sudeep C. Popat
+ PDF Chat Automatic estimation of the regularization parameter in 2D focusing gravity inversion: application of the method to the Safo manganese mine in the northwest of Iran 2014 Saeed Vatankhah
Vahid E. Ardestani
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Regularization parameter estimation for underdetermined problems by the <i>χ</i> <sup>2</sup> principle with application to 2D focusing gravity inversion 2014 Saeed Vatankhah
Rosemary A. Renaut
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ Non-negatively constrained least squares and parameter choice by the residual periodogram for the inversion of dielectric relaxation spectra: Supplementary Materials 2013 Jakob Hansen
Jarom D. Hogue
Grant K. Sander
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ Special Issue on Mathematical Methods in Medical Imaging 2012 Anne Gelb
Rosemary A. Renaut
Svetlana Roudenko
Douglas Cochran
+ Multisplitting for regularized least squares with Krylov subspace recycling 2011 Rosemary A. Renaut
Youzuo Lin
Hongbin Guo
+ PDF Chat Sparsity Enforcing Edge Detection Method for Blurred and Noisy Fourier data 2011 Wolfgang Stefan
Adityavikram Viswanathan
Anne Gelb
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ A new SVM model for classifying genetic data 2010 Wang Juh Chen
Hongbin Guo
Rosemary A. Renaut
Kewei Chen
+ PDF Chat P2‐399: Structured total least squares for volumes of distribution estimation in PET imaging 2010 Hongbin Guo
Kewei Chen
Rosemary A. Renaut
Eric M. Reiman
+ Regularization parameter estimation for large-scale Tikhonov regularization using a priori information 2009 Rosemary A. Renaut
Iveta Hnětýnková
Jodi Mead
+ Least squares problems with inequality constraints as quadratic constraints 2009 Jodi Mead
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Reducing the noise effects in Logan graphic analysis for PET receptor measurements 2009 Hongbin Guo
Kewei Chen
Rosemary A. Renaut
Eric M. Reiman
+ PDF Chat FDG–PET parametric imaging by total variation minimization 2009 Hongbin Guo
Rosemary A. Renaut
Kewei Chen
Eric M. Reiman
+ Model Error Correction for Linear Methods of Reversible Radioligand Binding Measurements in PET Studies 2009 Hongbin Guo
Rosemary A. Renaut
Kewei Chen
Eric M. Reiman
+ PDF Chat A family of preconditioned iteratively regularized methods for nonlinear minimization 2009 Alexandra Smirnova
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ Reducing the noise effects in Logan graphic analysis for PET receptor measurements 2009 Hongbin Guo
Kewei Chen
Rosemary A. Renaut
Eric M. Reiman
+ FDG-PET Parametric Imaging by Total Variation Minimization 2009 Hongbin Guo
Rosemary A. Renaut
Kewei Chen
Eric M. Reiman
+ PDF Chat A Newton root-finding algorithm for estimating the regularization parameter for solving ill-conditioned least squares problems 2008 Jodi Mead
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat A Structured Data Least Squares Algorithm and its Application in Digital Filtering 2008 Hongbin Guo
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Convergence and application of a modified iteratively regularized Gauss–Newton algorithm 2007 Alexandra Smirnova
Rosemary A. Renaut
Taufiquar Khan
+ Regularization Parameter Estimation for Least Squares 2007 Rosemary A. Renaut
Jodi Mead
+ Regularization Parameter Estimation for Least Squares: Using the 2 -curve 2007 Rosemary A. Renaut
Jodi Mead
+ Determining the Regularization Parameters for the Solution of Ill-posed Least Squares: A Newton method using the 2 -distribution 2007 Rosemary A. Renaut
Jodi Mead
+ Regularization Parameter Estimation for Least Squares: A Newton method using the 2 -distribution 2007 Rosemary A. Renaut
Jodi Mead
+ Determining the Regularization Parameters for the Solution of Ill-posed Least Squares: Using the 2 -distribution and applying to seismic signals 2007 Rosemary A. Renaut
Jodi Mead
+ On the Convergence of the Generalized Linear Least Squares Algorithm 2005 C. Negoita
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Parallel variable distribution for total least squares 2005 Hongbin Guo
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Efficient Algorithms for Solution of Regularized Total Least Squares 2004 Rosemary A. Renaut
Hongbin Guo
+ PDF Chat Estimation of <b>u</b><sup>T</sup>ƒ(<i>A</i>)<b>v</b> for large‐scale unsymmetric matrices 2003 Hongbin Guo
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ A note on stability of pseudospectral methods for wave propagation 2002 Z. Jackiewicz
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Accuracy, Resolution, and Stability Properties of a Modified Chebyshev Method 2002 Jodi Mead
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ A Regularized Total Least Squares Algorithm 2002 Hongbin Guo
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ Diagonally implicit multistage integration methods for pseudospectral solutions of the wave equation 2000 Z. Jackiewicz
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ Parallel Space Decomposition for Minimization of Nonlinear Functionals 1999 Andreas Frommer
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat An accuracy barrier for stable three-time-level difference schemes for hyperbolic equations 1998 Rolf Jeltsch
Rosemary A. Renaut
Julie Smit
+ A parallel multisplitting solution of the least squares problem 1998 Rosemary A. Renaut
+ A parallel multisplitting solution of the least squares problem 1998 Rosemary A. Renaut
+ Stability of a Chebychev pseudospectral solution of the wave equation with absorbing boundaries 1997 Rosemary A. Renaut
+ None 1997 Rosemary A. Renaut
Y. C. Su
+ Preconditioning waveform relaxation iterations for differential systems 1996 Kevin Burrage
Z. Jackiewicz
Syvert P. Nørsett
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ The performance of preconditioned waveform relaxation techniques for pseudospectral methods 1996 Kevin Burrage
Z. Jackiewicz
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ The maximal accuracy of stable difference schemes for the wave equation 1995 Rolf Jeltsch
Rosemary A. Renaut
Kosie J. H. Smit
+ PDF Chat Explicit two-step Runge-Kutta methods 1995 Z. Jackiewicz
Rosemary A. Renaut
Marino Zennaro
+ An accuracy barrier for stable three-time-level difference schemes for hyperbolic equations 1995 Rolf Jeltsch
Rosemary A. Renaut
Julie Smit
+ Parallel algorithms for unconstrained optimization by multisplitting with inexact subspace search - the abstract 1994 Rosemary A. Renaut
Qing He
Julie Smit
+ Stability of one-way wave equations as absorbing boundary conditions for the wave equation 1992 Rosemary A. Renaut
+ Parallel pseudospectral methods for the solution of the wave equation 1992 Rosemary A. Renaut
Mahn-Ling Woo
+ PDF Chat Two-Step Runge–Kutta Methods 1991 Z. Jackiewicz
Rosemary A. Renaut
Alan Feldstein
+ PDF Chat Two-Step Runge-Kutta Methods and Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations 1990 Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat Two-step Runge-Kutta methods and hyperbolic partial differential equations 1990 Rosemary A. Renaut
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Computational Methods for Inverse Problems 2002 Curtis R. Vogel
+ PDF Chat REGULARIZATION TOOLS: A Matlab package for analysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problems 1994 Per Christian Hansen
+ PDF Chat LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linear Equations and Sparse Least Squares 1982 Christopher C. Paige
Michael A. Saunders
+ PDF Chat A Newton root-finding algorithm for estimating the regularization parameter for solving ill-conditioned least squares problems 2008 Jodi Mead
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ Application of the χ2 principle and unbiased predictive risk estimator for determining the regularization parameter in 3-D focusing gravity inversion 2014 Saeed Vatankhah
Vahid E. Ardestani
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ A weighted-GCV method for Lanczos-hybrid regularization. 2007 Julianne Chung
James G. Nagy
Dianne M. O'Leary
+ PDF Chat Automatic estimation of the regularization parameter in 2D focusing gravity inversion: application of the method to the Safo manganese mine in the northwest of Iran 2014 Saeed Vatankhah
Vahid E. Ardestani
Rosemary A. Renaut
+ PDF Chat 3-D Projected L1 inversion of gravity data using truncated unbiased predictive risk estimator for regularization parameter estimation 2017 Saeed Vatankhah
Rosemary A. Renaut
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ On the solution of functional equations by the method of regularization 1966 В. А. Морозов
+ PDF Chat Hybrid and Iteratively Reweighted Regularization by Unbiased Predictive Risk and Weighted GCV for Projected Systems 2017 Rosemary A. Renaut
Saeed Vatankhah
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed Problems: Numerical Aspects of Linear Inversion 1987 Per Christian Hansen
+ PDF Chat Choosing Regularization Parameters in Iterative Methods for Ill-Posed Problems 2001 Misha E. Kilmer
Dianne P. O’Leary
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 583: LSQR: Sparse Linear Equations and Least Squares Problems 1982 Christopher C. Paige
Michael A. Saunders
+ Generalized Cross-Validation as a Method for Choosing a Good Ridge Parameter 1979 Gene H. Golub
Michael T. Heath
Grace Wahba
+ PDF Chat A fast algorithm for regularized focused 3D inversion of gravity data using randomized singular-value decomposition 2018 Saeed Vatankhah
Rosemary A. Renaut
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed Problems 1998 Per Christian Hansen
+ PDF Chat Regularization parameter estimation for underdetermined problems by the <i>χ</i> <sup>2</sup> principle with application to 2D focusing gravity inversion 2014 Saeed Vatankhah
Rosemary A. Renaut
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ A priori weighting for parameter estimation 2008 Jodi Mead
+ Inverse Problem Theory and Methods for Model Parameter Estimation 2005 Albert Tarantola
+ PDF Chat Finding Structure with Randomness: Probabilistic Algorithms for Constructing Approximate Matrix Decompositions 2011 Nathan Halko
Per‐Gunnar Martinsson
Joel A. Tropp
+ Analysis of Discrete Ill-Posed Problems by Means of the L-Curve 1992 Per Christian Hansen
+ Regularization Tools version 4.0 for Matlab 7.3 2007 Per Christian Hansen
+ Towards a Generalized Singular Value Decomposition 1981 Christopher C. Paige
Michael A. Saunders
+ Regularization of Inverse Problems 1996 Heinz W. Engl
Martin Hanke
Andreas B. Neubauer
+ PDF Chat Total variation regularization of the 3-D gravity inverse problem using a randomized generalized singular value decomposition 2018 Saeed Vatankhah
Rosemary A. Renaut
Vahid E. Ardestani
+ Numerical methods for least squares problems 1996 Åke Björck
+ PDF Chat Compression approaches for the regularized solutions of linear systems from large-scale inverse problems 2015 Sergey Voronin
T. Dylan Mikesell
Guust Nolet
+ Non-smooth gravity problem with total variation penalization functional 2002 Hugo Bertete‐Aguirre
Elena Cherkaev
Michael Oristaglio
+ PDF Chat Regularization with randomized SVD for large-scale discrete inverse problems 2013 Hua Xiang
Jun Zou
+ The Total Least Squares Problem: Computational Aspects and Analysis. 1992 George W. Fisher
Sabine Van Huffel
Joos Vandewalle
+ Regularization parameter estimation for large-scale Tikhonov regularization using a priori information 2009 Rosemary A. Renaut
Iveta Hnětýnková
Jodi Mead
+ The regularizing effect of the Golub-Kahan iterative bidiagonalization and revealing the noise level in the data 2009 Iveta Hnětýnková
Martin Plešinger
Zdeněk Strakoš
+ PDF Chat Residual periodograms for choosing regularization parameters for ill-posed problems 2008 Bert W. Rust
Dianne P. O’Leary
+ Subspace linear inverse method 1994 D. W. Oldenburg
Yaoguo Li
+ A Hybrid LSMR Algorithm for Large-Scale Tikhonov Regularization 2015 Julianne Chung
Katrina Palmer
+ PDF Chat A Strategy for Removing the Bias in the Graphical Analysis Method 2001 Jean Logan
Joanna S. Fowler
Nora D. Volkow
Yu Ding
Gene‐Jack Wang
David Alexoff
+ Numerical Methods for Least Squares Problems 1996 Åke Björck
+ PDF Chat An Analysis of the Total Least Squares Problem 1980 Gene H. Golub
Charles F. Van Loan
+ PDF Chat Parallel Variable Distribution 1994 Michael C. Ferris
O. L. Mangasarian
+ PDF Chat Improving the use of the randomized singular value decomposition for the inversion of gravity and magnetic data 2020 Saeed Vatankhah
Shuang Liu
Rosemary A. Renaut
Xiangyun Hu
Jamaledin Baniamerian
+ On the Butcher group and general multi-value methods 1974 E. Hairer
Gerhard Wanner
+ PDF Chat The Use of the L-Curve in the Regularization of Discrete Ill-Posed Problems 1993 Per Christian Hansen
Dianne P. O’Leary
+ A Practical Guide to Pseudospectral Methods 1996 Bengt Fornberg
+ A Modified Chebyshev Pseudospectral Method with an O(N-1) Time Step Restriction 1993 Dan Kosloff
Hillel Tal‐Ezer
+ Generalized Inverses, Ridge Regression, Biased Linear Estimation, and Nonlinear Estimation 1970 Donald W. Marquardt
+ Exploiting Residual Information in the Parameter Choice for Discrete Ill-Posed Problems 2006 Per Christian Hansen
Misha E. Kilmer
R. H. Kjeldsen
+ Parameter estimation: A new approach to weighting a priori information 2007 Jodi Mead
+ Windowed Spectral Regularization of Inverse Problems 2011 Julianne Chung
Glenn R. Easley
Dianne P. O’Leary
+ PDF Chat UPRE method for total variation parameter selection 2010 Youzuo Lin
Brendt Wohlberg
Hongbin Guo
+ PDF Chat IR Tools: a MATLAB package of iterative regularization methods and large-scale test problems 2018 Silvia Gazzola
Per Christian Hansen
James G. Nagy