Christian Weiß


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the Pair Correlation Statistic of Sequences with Finite Gap Property 2025 Jasmin Fiedler
Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Poissonian pair correlations for dependent random variables 2024 Jasmin Fielder
Michael Gnewuch
Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Scrambled Halton Subsequences and Inverse Star-Discrepancy 2024 Christian Weiß
+ On the discrepancy of low-dimensional probability measures 2024 Christian Weiß
+ P-adic Poissonian pair correlations via the Monna map 2024 Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat The pair correlation function of multi-dimensional low-discrepancy sequences with small stochastic error terms 2024 Anja Schmiedt
Christian Weiß
+ New Bounds for the Extreme and the Star Discrepancy of Double-Infinite Matrices 2024 Jasmin Fiedler
Michael Gnewuch
Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Approximation of Discrete Measures by Finite Point Sets 2023 Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Deviation from equidistance for one-dimensional sequences 2023 Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the pair correlation statistic of Kronecker sequences and lattice point counting 2023 Christian Weiß
+ New Bounds for the Extreme and the Star Discrepancy of Double-Infinite Matrices 2023 Jasmin Fiedler
Michael Gnewuch
Christian Weiß
+ Weak Poissonian box correlations of higher order 2023 Jasmin Fiedler
Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Some connections between discrepancy, finite gap properties, and pair correlations 2022 Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Multi-dimensional Kronecker sequences with a small number of gap lengths 2022 Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Systems of rank one, explicit Rokhlin towers, and covering numbers 2022 Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat A study in quantitative equidistribution on the unit square 2022 Max Goering
Christian Weiß
+ Remarks on the Pair Correlation Statistic of Kronecker Sequences and Lattice Point Counting 2021 Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Sequences with almost Poissonian pair correlations 2021 Christian Weiß
Thomas Skill
+ PDF Chat Discrepancy properties and conjugacy classes of interval exchange transformations 2021 Christian Weiß
+ Systems of Rank One, Explicit Rokhlin Towers, and Covering Numbers 2021 Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Families of Well Approximable Measures 2021 Samantha Fairchild
Max Goering
Christian Weiß
+ A generalized Faulhaber inequality, improved bracketing covers, and applications to discrepancy 2021 Michael Gnewuch
Hendrik Pasing
Christian Weiß
+ Multi-dimensional Kronecker Sequences and Finite Distance Properties 2021 Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Grouping of contracts in insurance using neural networks 2020 Mark Kiermayer
Christian Weiß
+ A Generalized Faulhaber Inequality, Improved Bracketing Covers, and Applications to Discrepancy 2020 Michael Gnewuch
Hendrik Pasing
Christian Weiß
+ Discrepancy Properties and Conjugacy Classes of Interval Exchange Transformations. 2020 Christian Weiß
+ Families of well approximable measures. 2020 Samantha Fairchild
Max Goering
Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Improving a constant in high-dimensional discrepancy estimates 2020 Hendrik Pasing
Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Deducing Three Gap Theorem from Rauzy-Veech induction 2020 Christian Weiß
+ Grouping of Contracts in Insurance using Neural Networks 2019 Mark Kiermayer
Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat An aspect of optimal regression design for LSMC 2019 Christian Weiß
Zoran Nikolić
+ Sequences with almost Poissonian Pair Correlations 2019 Christian Weiß
Thomas Skill
+ PDF Chat On The Classification of <i>Ls</i>-Sequences 2018 Christian Weiß
+ An Aspect of Optimal Regression Design for LSMC 2018 Christian Weiß
Zoran Nikolić
+ Improving a Constant in High-Dimensional Discrepancy Estimates 2018 Hendrik Pasing
Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Non-congruence of homology Veech groups in genus two 2018 Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Interval exchange transformations and low-discrepancy 2018 Christian Weiß
+ Deducing Three Gap Theorem From Rauzy-Veech Induction 2018 Christian Weiß
+ The Influence of Seed Selection on the Solvency II Ratio 2018 Quinn Culver
Dennis Heitmann
Christian Weiß
+ Konstruktion des Lebesgue-Maßes auf $\mathbb{R}^n$ Rn 2017 Adrian Hirn
Christian Weiß
+ Das mehrdimensionale Riemannsche Integral 2017 Adrian Hirn
Christian Weiß
+ Integration von Differentialformen 2017 Adrian Hirn
Christian Weiß
+ Das Lebesgue-Integral 2017 Adrian Hirn
Christian Weiß
+ Lp-Räume 2017 Adrian Hirn
Christian Weiß
+ Die Potenzialgleichung 2017 Adrian Hirn
Christian Weiß
+ Interval Exchange Transformations and Low-Discrepancy 2017 Christian Weiß
+ On the Classification of LS-Sequences 2017 Christian Weiß
+ Das eindimensionale Riemannsche Integral 2017 Adrian Hirn
Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Twisted Teichmüller Curves 2014 Christian Weiß
+ Kobayashi Curves Revisited 2014 Christian Weiß
+ Calculations for Twisted Teichmüller Curves 2014 Christian Weiß
+ Stabilizer and Maximality 2014 Christian Weiß
+ Introduction 2014 Christian Weiß
+ PDF Chat Twisted Teichmüller Curves 2014 Christian Weiß
+ Background 2014 Christian Weiß
+ Teichmüller Curves 2014 Christian Weiß
+ Lyapunov Exponents 2014 Christian Weiß
+ Prym Varieties and Teichmüller Curves 2014 Christian Weiß
+ Non-congruence of homology Veech groups in genus two 2013 Christian Weiß
+ Twisted Teichm\"uller curves 2012 Christian Weiß
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Random Number Generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 1992 Harald Niederreiter
+ Interval Exchange Transformations and Measured Foliations 1982 Howard Masur
+ PDF Chat Irregularities of distribution, VII 1972 Wolfgang Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Teichmüller curves in genus two: Discriminant and spin 2005 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Random Number Generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. 1993 Bruce Jay Collings
Harald Niederreiter
+ PDF Chat Euler characteristics of Teichmüller curves in genus two 2007 Matt Bainbridge
+ Riemann Surfaces 1992 Hershel M. Farkas
Irwin Kra
+ PDF Chat Billiards and Teichmüller curves on Hilbert modular surfaces 2003 Curtis T. McMullen
+ An Introduction to Veech Surfaces 2006 Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ Uniform distribution of sequences 1974 L. Kuipers
Harald Niederreiter
+ PDF Chat Symbolic dynamics for the modular surface and beyond 2006 Svetlana Katok
Ilie Ugarcovici
+ PDF Chat Differential equations associated with nonarithmetic Fuchsian groups 2009 Irene I. Bouw
Martin Möller
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic metrics on complex manifolds 1967 Shôshichi Kobayashi
+ PDF Chat Heuristics on class groups of number fields 1984 Henri Cohen
H. W. Lenstra
+ PDF Chat Semi-Arithmetic Fuchsian Groups and Modular Embeddings 2000 Paul Schmutz Schaller
Jürgen Wolfart
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Automorphic Functions 2011 Lester R. Ford
+ Zetafunktionen und quadratische Körper 1981 Don Zagier
+ PDF Chat Prym varieties and Teichmüller curves 2006 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Planar structures and billiards in rational polygons: the Veech alternative 1996 З. Д. Воробец
+ PDF Chat A characterization of arithmetic Fuchsian groups 1975 Kisao Takeuchi
+ On the graded ring of modular forms of the siegel paramodular group of level 2 1997 Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama
F. Onodera
+ PDF Chat Noncommuting random products 1963 Harry Furstenberg
+ Ergodic Theory of Translation Surfaces 2006 Howard Masur
+ PDF Chat Simplicity of Lyapunov spectra: proof of the Zorich-Kontsevich conjecture 2007 Artur Avila
Marcelo Viana
+ Über die Heckeschen Gruppen B(λ) 1967 Armin Leutbecher
+ PDF Chat Connected components of the moduli spaces of Abelian differentials with prescribed singularities 2003 Maxim Kontsevich
Anton Zorich
+ PDF Chat Hilbert modular surfaces and the classification of algebraic surfaces 1974 Friedrich Hirzebruch
A. Van de Ven
+ PDF Chat Intersection numbers of curves on Hilbert modular surfaces and modular forms of Nebentypus 1976 Friedrich Hirzebruch
Don Zagier
+ Introduction to Abelian Varieties 1993 V. Kumar Murty
+ Coding of closed geodesics after Gauss and morse 1996 Svetlana Katok
+ Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications 1994 Jonathan Rosenberg
+ PDF Chat Teichmüller curves, triangle groups, and Lyapunov exponents 2010 Irene I. Bouw
Martin Möller
+ Subgroups of Fuchsian Groups and Finite Permutation Groups 1970 David Singerman
+ PDF Chat The Geometry and Arithmetic of Translation Surfaces with Applications to Polygonal Billiards 1996 Eugène Gutkin
Chris Judge
+ Chapter 13 Rational billiards and flat structures 2002 Howard Masur
Serge Tabachnikov
+ PDF Chat Exponential mixing for the Teichmüller flow 2006 Artur Avila
Sébastien Gouëzel
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
+ An Introduction to Teichmüller Spaces 1992 Yôichi Imayoshi
Masahiko Taniguchi
+ PDF Chat Teichmüller geodesics of infinite complexity 2003 Curtis T. McMullen
+ PDF Chat Teichmüller curves in genus two: Torsion divisors and ratios of sines 2006 Curtis T. McMullen
+ PDF Chat The Number of Real Quadratic Fields Having Units of Negative Norm 1993 Peter Stevenhagen
+ Die elliptischen Fixpunkte der Hilbertschen Modulgruppen 1968 Alexander Prestel
+ Euclidean real quadratic number fields 1985 David H. Johnson
Clifford S. Queen
Alicia N. Sevilla
+ Finitely Maximal Fuchsian Groups 1972 David Singerman
+ Topics in Combinatorial Group Theory 1993 Gilbert Baumslag
+ Affine mappings of translation surfaces: geometry and arithmetic 2000 Eugène Gutkin
Chris Judge
+ PDF Chat Deviation of Ergodic Averages for Area-Preserving Flows on Surfaces of Higher Genus 2002 Giovanni Forni
+ On the Lyapunov Exponents of the Kontsevich–Zorich Cocycle 2006 Giovanni Forni
+ PDF Chat Complex Abelian Varieties 2004 Christina Birkenhake
Herbert Lange
+ PDF Chat Foliations of Hilbert modular surfaces 2007 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Introduction arithmetic of Fuchsian groups 2001 Colin M. MacLachlan