Theophile Bigirumurame


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Master protocols in Low-and-Middle income countries: A review of current use, limitations and opportunities for precision medicine 2024 Luke Ouma
Sarah Al-Ashmori
Samuel K Sarkodie
Lou E. Whitehead
Ann Breeze Konkoth
Shaun Hiu
Theophile Bigirumurame
Dorcas Kareithi
Jingky Lozano-KĂŒhne
Marzieh Shahmandi
+ PDF Chat Utilising high-dimensional data in randomised clinical trials: A review of methods and practice 2023 Svetlana Cherlin
Theophile Bigirumurame
Michael J. Grayling
Jérémie Nsengimana
Luke Ouma
Aida Santaolalla
Fang Wan
S. Faye Williamson
James Wason
+ PDF Chat Current practices in studies applying the target trial emulation framework: a protocol for a systematic review 2023 Theophile Bigirumurame
Shaun Hiu
M. Dawn Teare
James Wason
Andrew Bryant
Matthew Breckons
+ Utilising high-dimensional data in randomised clinical trials: a review of methods and practice 2023 Svetlana Cherlin
Theophile Bigirumurame
Michael J. Grayling
Jérémie Nsengimana
Luke Ouma
Aida Santaolalla
Fang Wan
S. Faye Williamson
James Wason
+ Sequential multiple assignment randomized trial studies should report all key components: a systematic review 2021 Theophile Bigirumurame
Germaine Uwimpuhwe
James Wason
+ PDF Chat Innovative trial approaches in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: current use and future potential 2021 Michael J. Grayling
Theophile Bigirumurame
Svetlana Cherlin
Luke Ouma
Haiyan Zheng
James Wason
+ PDF Chat Can testing clinical significance reduce false positive rates in randomized controlled trials? A snap review 2017 Theophile Bigirumurame
Adetayo Kasim
+ Applied Surrogate Endpoint Evaluation Methods with SAS and R 2016 Ariel Alonso
Theophile Bigirumurame
Tomasz Burzykowski
Marc Buyse
Geert Molenberghs
Leacky Muchene
Nolen Joy Perualila
Ziv Shkedy
Wim Van der Elst
+ The R Package Surrogate 2016 Ariel Alonso
Theophile Bigirumurame
Tomasz Burzykowski
Marc Buyse
Geert Molenberghs
Leacky Muchene
Nolen Joy Perualila
Ziv Shkedy
Wim Van der Elst
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Statistical Methods for Dynamic Treatment Regimes 2013 Bibhas Chakraborty
Erica E. M. Moodie
+ Developing a predictive signature for two trial endpoints using the cross-validated risk scores method 2020 Svetlana Cherlin
James Wason
+ PDF Chat A "SMART" Design for Building Individualized Treatment Sequences 2012 Huitian Lei
Inbal Nahum‐Shani
Kevin G. Lynch
David W. Oslin
Susan A. Murphy
+ PDF Chat A SMART data analysis method for constructing adaptive treatment strategies for substance use disorders 2016 Inbal Nahum‐Shani
Ashkan Ertefaie
Xi Lu
Kevin G. Lynch
James R. McKay
David W. Oslin
Daniel Almirall
+ PDF Chat Two‐stage penalized regression screening to detect biomarker–treatment interactions in randomized clinical trials 2021 Jixiong Wang
Ashish Patel
James Wason
Paul J. Newcombe
+ PDF Chat Using Big Data to Emulate a Target Trial When a Randomized Trial Is Not Available: Table 1. 2016 Miguel A. HernĂĄn
James M. Robins
+ PDF Chat Developing and testing high‐efficacy patient subgroups within a clinical trial using risk scores 2020 Svetlana Cherlin
James Wason
+ PDF Chat The Cross-Validated Adaptive Signature Design 2010 Boris Freidlin
Wenyu Jiang
Richard Simon
+ PDF Chat Developing and Validating Continuous Genomic Signatures in Randomized Clinical Trials for Predictive Medicine 2012 Shigeyuki Matsui
Richard Simon
Pingping Qu
John D. Shaughnessy
Bart Barlogie
John Crowley
+ A gate-keeping test for selecting adaptive interventions under general designs of sequential multiple assignment randomized trials 2019 Xiaobo Zhong
Bin Cheng
Min Qian
Ying Kuen Cheung
+ PDF Chat Q-learning: A data analysis method for constructing adaptive interventions. 2012 Inbal Nahum‐Shani
Min Qian
Daniel Almirall
William E. Pelham
Beth Gnagy
Gregory A. Fabiano
James G. Waxmonsky
Jihnhee Yu
Susan A. Murphy
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Treatment Strategies in Chronic Disease 2007 Philip W. Lavori
Ree Dawson
+ PDF Chat Subgroup identification from randomized clinical trial data 2011 Jared C. Foster
Jeremy M. G. Taylor
Stephen J. Ruberg
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Signature Design: An Adaptive Clinical Trial Design for Generating and Prospectively Testing A Gene Expression Signature for Sensitive Patients 2005 Boris Freidlin
Richard Simon
+ PDF Chat Adaptive designs in clinical trials: why use them, and how to run and report them 2018 Philip Pallmann
Alun Bedding
Babak Choodari‐Oskooei
Munyaradzi Dimairo
Laura Flight
Lisa V. Hampson
Jane Holmes
Adrian Mander
Lang’o Odondi
Matthew R. Sydes
+ Avoidable flaws in observational analyses: an application to statins and cancer 2019 Barbra A. Dickerman
Xabier GarcĂ­a‐AlbĂ©niz
Roger Logan
Spiros Denaxas
Miguel A. HernĂĄn
+ PDF Chat Estimation of optimal dynamic treatment regimes 2014 Ying‐Qi Zhao
Eric B. Laber
+ The CONSORT Statement: Revised Recommendations for Improving the Quality of Reports of Parallel-Group Randomized Trials 2001 David Moher
Kenneth F. Schulz
Douglas G. Altman
+ When to Start Treatment? A Systematic Approach to the Comparison of Dynamic Regimes Using Observational Data 2010 Lauren E. Cain
James M. Robins
Émilie Lanoy
Roger Logan
Dominique Costagliola
Miguel A. HernĂĄn
+ PDF Chat Reporting of sample size calculation in randomised controlled trials: review 2009 Pierre‐Emmanuel Charles
Bruno Giraudeau
AgnĂšs Dechartres
Gabriel Baron
Philippe Ravaud
+ PDF Chat On Estimation of Optimal Treatment Regimes for Maximizing<i>t</i>-Year Survival Probability 2016 Runchao Jiang
Wenbin Lu
Rui Song
Marie Davidian
+ PDF Chat A literature review on the representativeness of randomized controlled trial samples and implications for the external validity of trial results 2015 Tessa Kennedy‐Martin
Sarah L. Hulin-Curtis
Douglas E. Faries
Susan Robinson
Joseph A. Johnston
+ PDF Chat Effectively Selecting a Target Population for a Future Comparative Study 2013 Lihui Zhao
LĂŒ Tian
Tianxi Cai
Brian Claggett
L. J. Wei
+ PDF Chat Specifying a target trial prevents immortal time bias and other self-inflicted injuries in observational analyses 2016 Miguel A. HernĂĄn
Brian C. Sauer
Sonia HernĂĄndez–Dı́az
Robert W. Platt
Ian Shrier
+ Demystifying Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes 2007 Erica E. M. Moodie
Thomas S. Richardson
David A. Stephens
+ PDF Chat An investigation of the impact of futility analysis in publicly funded trials 2014 Benjamin Sully
Steven A. Julious
Jon Nicholl
+ Estimating causal effects of treatments in randomized and nonrandomized studies. 1974 Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Treatment Regimes 2013 Bibhas Chakraborty
Susan A. Murphy
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ The number of subjects per variable required in linear regression analyses 2015 Peter C. Austin
Ewout W. Steyerberg
+ Binary regression with continuous outcomes 1995 Samy Suissa
Lucie Blais
+ Ridge Estimators in Logistic Regression 1992 Saskia le Cessie
Hans C. van Houwelingen
+ PDF Chat Optimal two-stage designs for phase II clinical trials 1989 Richard Simon
+ PDF Chat Effect Identification in Comparative Effectiveness Research 2013 Michael Oakes
+ PDF Chat Learning Interactions via Hierarchical Group-Lasso Regularization 2014 Michael Lim
Trevor Hastie
+ Problem of immortal time bias in cohort studies: example using statins for preventing progression of diabetes 2010 Linda E. LĂ©vesque
J. A Hanley
Abbas Kezouh
Samy Suissa
+ PDF Chat Using continuous data on tumour measurements to improve inference in phase II cancer studies 2013 James Wason
Shaun R. Seaman
+ PDF Chat Cross-validation pitfalls when selecting and assessing regression and classification models 2014 Damjan Krstajić
Ljubomir Buturović
David E. Leahy
Simon Thomas
+ PDF Chat Experimental design and primary data analysis methods for comparing adaptive interventions. 2012 Inbal Nahum‐Shani
Min Qian
Daniel Almirall
William E. Pelham
Beth Gnagy
Gregory A. Fabiano
James G. Waxmonsky
Jihnhee Yu
Susan A. Murphy
+ PDF Chat Statistical challenges of high-dimensional data 2009 Iain M. Johnstone
D. M. Titterington
+ PDF Chat Development and validation of biomarker classifiers for treatment selection 2007 Richard Simon
+ PDF Chat Boosting power for clinical trials using classifiers based on multiple biomarkers 2010 Omid Kohannim
Xue Hua
Derrek P. Hibar
Suh Lee
Yi‐Yu Chou
Arthur W. Toga
Clifford R. Jack
Michael W. Weiner
Paul M. Thompson
+ PDF Chat A small n sequential multiple assignment randomized trial design for use in rare disease research 2015 Roy Tamura
Jeffrey P. Krischer
Christian Pagnoux
Robert G. Micheletti
Peter C. Grayson
Yeh‐Fong Chen
Peter A. Merkel
+ Biomarker based clinical trial design. 2014 Richard Simon
+ PDF Chat Biomarker-Guided Adaptive Trial Designs in Phase II and Phase III: A Methodological Review 2016 Miranta Antoniou
Andrea Jorgensen
Ruwanthi Kolamunnage‐Dona
+ PDF Chat Biomarker-Adaptive Threshold Design: A Procedure for Evaluating Treatment With Possible Biomarker-Defined Subset Effect 2007 Wei Jiang
Boris Freidlin
Richard H. Simon
+ PDF Chat SMART designs in cancer research: Past, present, and future 2014 Kelley M. Kidwell
+ A SMART design to optimize treatment strategies for patient and family caregiver outcomes 2016 Mi‐Kyung Song
Annette DeVito Dabbs
Sandra E. Ward
+ Reducing sample sizes in two-stage phase II cancer trials by using continuous tumour shrinkage end-points 2011 James Wason
Adrian Mander
Tim Eisen
+ PDF Chat The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomised trials 2001 David Moher
Kenneth F. Schulz
Douglas G. Altman