Sudip Kumar Haldar


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Many-Body Effects in a Composite Bosonic Josephson Junction 2024 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Anal Bhowmik
+ PDF Chat Creating two-qudit maximally entangled quantum link through bulk 2024 Keshav Das Agarwal
Sudip Kumar Haldar
Aditi Sen De
+ Many-body effects in the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a composite bosonic Josephson junction 2023 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Anal Bhowmik
Ofir E. Alon
+ Predicting Topological Quantum Phase Transition via Multipartite Entanglement from Dynamics 2022 Leela Ganesh Chandra Lakkaraju
Sudip Kumar Haldar
Aditi Sen De
+ PDF Chat Impact of the transverse direction on the many-body tunneling dynamics in a two-dimensional bosonic Josephson junction 2020 Anal Bhowmik
Sudip Kumar Haldar
Ofir E. Alon
+ PDF Chat Relaxation of Shannon entropy for trapped interacting bosons with dipolar interactions 2020 Sangita Bera
Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
Andrea Trombettoni
V. K. B. Kota
+ Many-body quantum dynamics of an asymmetric bosonic Josephson junction 2019 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Ofir E. Alon
+ Relaxation of interacting bosons in harmonic trap : contrast between contact and dipolar interaction 2019 Sangita Bera
Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
Andrea Trombettoni
V. K. B. Kota
+ Many-Body Quantum Dynamics of a Bosonic Josephson Junction with a Finite-Range Interaction 2019 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Ofir E. Alon
+ PDF Chat Impact of the range of the interaction on the quantum dynamics of a bosonic Josephson junction 2018 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Ofir E. Alon
+ PDF Chat Structural and quantum properties of van der Waals cluster near the unitary regime 2017 M. L. Lekala
Barnali Chakrabarti
Sudip Kumar Haldar
Rhombik Roy
G. J. Rampho
+ PDF Chat Use of Two-Body Correlated Basis Functions with van der Waals Interaction to Study the Shape-Independent Approximation for a Large Number of Trapped Interacting Bosons 2017 M. L. Lekala
Barnali Chakrabarti
Tapan Kumar Das
G. J. Rampho
S. A. Sofianos
R. M. Adam
Sudip Kumar Haldar
+ PDF Chat Fidelity decay and entropy production in many-particle systems after random interaction quench 2016 Sudip Kumar Haldar
N. D. Chavda
Manan Vyas
V. K. B. Kota
+ Three dimensional bosonic cluster states of Efimov character near the unitary 2015 M. L. Lekala
Barnali Chakrabarti
Sudip Kumar Haldar
G. J. Rampho
+ A correlated basis approach for trapped bosons with very large particle number and the validity of shape independent approximation 2014 M. L. Lekala
Barnali Chakrabarti
Tamoghna Das
G. J. Rampho
R. M. Adam
Sudip Kumar Haldar
+ Collective and single-particle excitations of trapped Bose gas with very large particle number 2014 M. L. Lekala
Barnali Chakrabarti
T. K. Das
G. J. Rampho
S. A. Sofianos
R. M. Adam
Sudip Kumar Haldar
+ PDF Chat Condensate fraction and critical temperature of interacting Bose gas in anharmonic trap 2014 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
Satadal Bhattacharyya
Tapan Kumar Das
+ PDF Chat Level-spacing statistics and spectral correlations in diffuse van der Waals clusters 2014 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
N. D. Chavda
Tapan Kumar Das
Sylvio Canuto
V. K. B. Kota
+ PDF Chat Correlated many-body calculation to study characteristics of Shannon information entropy for ultracold trapped interacting bosons 2013 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
Tapan Kumar Das
Anindya Biswas
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic quantum many-body tunneling of attractive Bose-Einstein condensate in anharmonic trap 2013 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Pankaj Kumar Debnath
Barnali Chakrabarti
Barnali Chakrabarti
+ PDF Chat Energy-level statistics of interacting trapped bosons 2012 Barnali Chakrabarti
Anindya Biswas
V. K. B. Kota
Kamalika Roy
Sudip Kumar Haldar
+ PDF Chat Spectral fluctuation and<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>noise in the energy level statistics of interacting trapped bosons 2012 Kamalika Roy
Barnali Chakrabarti
Anindya Biswas
V. K. B. Kota
Sudip Kumar Haldar
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric Isospectral Formalism for the Calculation of Near-Zero Energy States: Application to the Very Weakly Bound 4He Trimer Excited State 2012 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
Tapan Kumar Das
+ Dynamical features of Shannon information entropy of bosonic cloud in a tight trap 2011 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
+ Dynamics of information entropy in a interacting trapped Bose gas 2011 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
+ Statistical information entropy and their dynamics in interacting Bose gas 2011 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
+ Dynamical features of Shannon information entropy of bosonic cloud in a tight trap 2011 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
+ PDF Chat Resonance states and quantum tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in a three-dimensional shallow trap 2010 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
Tapan Kumar Das
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped gases 1999 F. Dalfovo
S. Giorgini
Лев П. Питаевский
S. Stringari
+ PDF Chat Potential harmonics expansion method for trapped interacting bosons: Inclusion of two-body correlation 2004 Tapan Kumar Das
Barnali Chakrabarti
+ PDF Chat Role of Excited States in the Splitting of a Trapped Interacting Bose-Einstein Condensate by a Time-Dependent Barrier 2007 Alexej I. Streltsov
Ofir E. Alon
Lorenz S. Cederbaum
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ PDF Chat Multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for bosons: Many-body dynamics of bosonic systems 2008 Ofir E. Alon
Alexej I. Streltsov
L. S. Cederbaum
+ PDF Chat Direct Observation of Tunneling and Nonlinear Self-Trapping in a Single Bosonic Josephson Junction 2005 M. Albiez
Rudolf Gati
Jonas Fölling
S. Hunsmann
Matteo Cristiani
Markus K. Oberthaler
+ PDF Chat Exact Quantum Dynamics of a Bosonic Josephson Junction 2009 Kaspar Sakmann
Alexej I. Streltsov
Ofir E. Alon
Lorenz S. Cederbaum
+ PDF Chat Uncertainty product of an out-of-equilibrium many-particle system 2016 Shachar Klaiman
Alexej I. Streltsov
Ofir E. Alon
+ Reduced density matrices and coherence of trapped interacting bosons 2008 Kaspar Sakmann
Alexej I. Streltsov
Ofir E. Alon
Lorenz S. Cederbaum
+ PDF Chat Stability of an attractive bosonic cloud with van der Waals interaction 2010 Anindya Biswas
Tapan Kumar Das
Luca Salasnich
Barnali Chakrabarti
+ PDF Chat The Shapiro effect in atomchip-based bosonic Josephson junctions 2011 Julian Grond
Thomas Betz
Ulrich Hohenester
Norbert J. Mauser
Jörg Schmiedmayer
Thorsten Schumm
+ PDF Chat Rigorous Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation 2007 László Erdős
Benjamin Schlein
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF Chat Fragmented Superradiance of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in an Optical Cavity 2017 Axel U. J. Lode
Christoph Bruder
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Hubbard Hamiltonians with the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for indistinguishable particles 2016 Axel U. J. Lode
Christoph Bruder
+ PDF Chat Quantum dynamics of attractive versus repulsive bosonic Josephson junctions: Bose-Hubbard and full-Hamiltonian results 2010 Kaspar Sakmann
Alexej I. Streltsov
Ofir E. Alon
Lorenz S. Cederbaum
+ PDF Chat Universality of fragmentation in the Schrödinger dynamics of bosonic Josephson junctions 2014 Kaspar Sakmann
Alexej I. Streltsov
Ofir E. Alon
Lorenz S. Cederbaum
+ PDF Chat Impact of the range of the interaction on the quantum dynamics of a bosonic Josephson junction 2018 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Ofir E. Alon
+ PDF Chat Spatial fragmentation of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential 1999 Robert W. Spekkens
J. E. Sipe
+ PDF Chat Josephson plasma oscillations and the Gross-Pitaevskii equation: Bogoliubov approach versus two-mode model 2017 A. Burchianti
C. Fort
M. Modugno
+ PDF Chat Resonance states and quantum tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in a three-dimensional shallow trap 2010 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
Tapan Kumar Das
+ PDF Chat Capture dynamics of ultracold atoms in the presence of an impurity ion 2015 J. M. Schurer
Antonio Negretti
Peter Schmelcher
+ PDF Chat Proof of Bose-Einstein Condensation for Dilute Trapped Gases 2002 Élliott H. Lieb
Robert Seiringer
+ PDF Chat Fragmentation of Bose-Einstein condensates 2006 Erich J. Mueller
Tin-Lun Ho
Masahito Ueda
Gordon Baym
+ PDF Chat Classical Bifurcation at the Transition from Rabi to Josephson Dynamics 2010 Tilman Zibold
E. Nicklas
Christian Groß
Markus K. Oberthaler
+ PDF Chat Numerically exact quantum dynamics of bosons with time-dependent interactions of harmonic type 2012 Axel U. J. Lode
Kaspar Sakmann
Ofir E. Alon
L. S. Cederbaum
Alexej I. Streltsov
+ PDF Chat Quantum Coherent Atomic Tunneling between Two Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates 1997 Augusto Smerzi
S. Fantoni
S. Giovanazzi
Subodh R. Shenoy
+ PDF Chat General variational many-body theory with complete self-consistency for trapped bosonic systems 2006 Alexej I. Streltsov
Ofir E. Alon
Lorenz S. Cederbaum
+ PDF Chat Optimizing number squeezing when splitting a mesoscopic condensate 2009 Julian Grond
Jörg Schmiedmayer
Ulrich Hohenester
+ PDF Chat Controlled Collapse of a Bose-Einstein Condensate 2001 Jacob Roberts
N. R. Claussen
Simon L. Cornish
E. A. Donley
Eric Cornell
C. E. Wieman
+ PDF Chat Destruction of attractive bosonic cloud due to high spatial coherence in tight trap 2011 Anindya Biswas
Barnali Chakrabarti
Tapan Kumar Das
Luca Salasnich
+ PDF Chat Resonant Magnetic Field Control of Elastic Scattering in Cold<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi>R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts /><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>85</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow /></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:math> 1998 Jacob Roberts
N. R. Claussen
J. P. Burke
Chris H. Greene
Eric Cornell
Carl Wieman
+ PDF Chat Tunneling, self-trapping, and manipulation of higher modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double well 2014 J. Gillet
Miguel Ángel García-March
Thomas Busch
Fernando Sols
+ PDF Chat Bosons in a trap: A rigorous derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional 2000 Élliott H. Lieb
Robert Seiringer
Jakob Yngvason
+ Correlations of strongly interacting one-dimensional ultracold dipolar few-boson systems in optical lattices 2018 B. Chatterjee
Marios C. Tsatsos
Axel U. J. Lode
+ PDF Chat Many-body tunneling dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates and vortex states in two spatial dimensions 2015 Raphael Beinke
Shachar Klaiman
Lorenz S. Cederbaum
Alexej I. Streltsov
Ofir E. Alon
+ PDF Chat Momentum-Space Josephson Effects 2018 Junpeng Hou
Xi-Wang Luo
Kuei Sun
Thomas Bersano
Vandna Gokhroo
Sean Mossman
Peter Engels
Chuanwei Zhang
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i> : Multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree approaches for indistinguishable particles 2020 Axel U. J. Lode
Camille Lévêque
Lars Bojer Madsen
Alexej I. Streltsov
Ofir E. Alon
+ PDF Chat Collective and single-particle excitations of a trapped Bose gas 1997 F. Dalfovo
S. Giorgini
M. Guilleumas
Лев П. Питаевский
S. Stringari
+ PDF Chat Many-body entropies, correlations, and emergence of statistical relaxation in interaction quench dynamics of ultracold bosons 2015 Axel U. J. Lode
Barnali Chakrabarti
V. K. B. Kota
+ PDF Chat Crossing Over from Attractive to Repulsive Interactions in a Tunneling Bosonic Josephson Junction 2017 G. Spagnolli
Giulia Semeghini
L. Masi
Giovanni Ferioli
A. Trenkwalder
Simon Coop
Manuele Landini
Luca Pezzè
Giovanni Carlo Modugno
M. Inguscio
+ PDF Chat Variance as a sensitive probe of correlations 2015 Shachar Klaiman
Ofir E. Alon
+ PDF Chat Stable<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>85</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mi>Rb</mml:mi></mml:math>Bose-Einstein Condensates with Widely Tunable Interactions 2000 Simon L. Cornish
N. R. Claussen
Jacob Roberts
Eric Cornell
Carl Wieman
+ PDF Chat Correlated many-body calculation to study characteristics of Shannon information entropy for ultracold trapped interacting bosons 2013 Sudip Kumar Haldar
Barnali Chakrabarti
Tapan Kumar Das
Anindya Biswas
+ PDF Chat Interaction blockade for bosons in an asymmetric double well 2017 Jayson G. Cosme
Mikkel F. Andersen
Joachim Brand
+ PDF Chat Condensate fragmentation as a sensitive measure of the quantum many-body behavior of bosons with long-range interactions 2015 Uwe R. Fischer
Axel U. J. Lode
B. Chatterjee
+ PDF Chat Multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for bosons with internal degrees of freedom: Theory and composite fragmentation of multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates 2016 Axel U. J. Lode
+ PDF Chat Multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for fermions: Implementation, exactness, and few-fermion tunneling to open space 2016 Elke Faßhauer
Axel U. J. Lode
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Mach-Zehnder Interferometry on a Quantized Bose-Josephson Junction 2006 Chaohong Lee
+ PDF Chat Evidence for Efimov quantum states in an ultracold gas of caesium atoms 2006 T. Kraemer
Manfred J. Mark
P. Waldburger
Johann G. Danzl
Cheng Chin
B. Engeser
A. D. Lange
K. Pilch
A. Jaakkola
Hanns‐Christoph Nägerl
+ Statistical properties of dense interacting boson systems with one- plus two-body random matrix ensembles 2003 N. D. Chavda
V. Potbhare
V. K. B. Kota