Robert Jeraj


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection 2022 Sarthak Pati
Ujjwal Baid
Brandon Edwards
Micah Sheller
Shih‐Han Wang
G. Anthony Reina
Patrick Foley
А. Д. Груздев
Deepthi Karkada
Christos Davatzikos
+ Federated Learning Enables Big Data for Rare Cancer Boundary Detection 2022 Sarthak Pati
Ujjwal Baid
Brandon L. Edwards
Micah Sheller
Shih‐Han Wang
G. Anthony Reina
Patrick Foley
А. Д. Груздев
Deepthi Karkada
Christos Davatzikos
+ PDF Chat Spatial process decomposition for quantitative imaging biomarkers using multiple images of varying shapes 2020 ShengLi Tzeng
Jun Zhu
Amy J. Weisman
Tyler Bradshaw
Robert Jeraj
+ Computational modelling of modern cancer immunotherapy 2020 Damijan Valentinuzzi
Robert Jeraj
+ Synergistic Effect of Immunotherapy and Radiotherapy: a Computational Model 2019 Damijan Valentinuzzi
Katja Uršič
Urban Simončič
Matea Maruna
Simon Buček
Maruša Turk
Martina Vrankar
Maja Čemažar
Gregor Serša
Robert Jeraj
+ Computational model of treatment resistance heterogeneity 2019 Maruša Turk
Urban Simončič
Alison Roth
Damijan Valentinuzzi
Robert Jeraj
+ Towards optimal stopping in radiation therapy 2019 Ali Ajdari
Maximilian Niyazi
Nils H. Nicolay
Christian Thieke
Robert Jeraj
Thomas Bortfeld
+ PDF Chat Predicting tumour response to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy with computational modelling 2018 Damijan Valentinuzzi
Urban Simončič
Katja Uršič
Martina Vrankar
Maruša Turk
Robert Jeraj
+ Clinical trial design for quantitative imaging: estimating sample size for a population of patients with multiple ROIs 2018 Christie Lin
Jens C. Eickhoff
Glenn Liu
Robert Jeraj
+ Advances in Modeling, Imaging, and Treatment of Cancer 2018 Robert Jeraj
+ Guidance for the Physics Aspects of Clinical Trials 2018 J. Valverde Morán
A Molineu
Jon J. Kruse
Mark Oldham
Robert Jeraj
James M. Galvin
Jatinder Palta
Arthur J. Olch
+ Abstract B73: Computational model of combined cancer treatment with radiotherapy and anti-PD-1 immunotherapy 2017 Damijan Valentinuzzi
Katja Uršič
Martina Vrankar
Urban Simončič
Urban Simončič
Robert Jeraj
+ WE-D-BRB-00: Modeling Cancer Complexity 2015 Robert Jeraj
Mariam Eljanne
+ MO‐G‐BRF‐05: Determining Response to Anti‐Angiogenic Therapies with Monte Carlo Tumor Modeling 2014 Damijan Valentinuzzi
Urban Simončič
B Titz
Robert Jeraj
+ TU‐A‐WAB‐01: Characterization of Vascular and Proliferative Flare in Anti‐Angiogenic Therapy Using FLT PET/CT and Circulating VEGF 2013 Peter Scully
G Liu
Urban Simončič
Robert Jeraj
+ TU‐E‐WAB‐01: How Do We Couple Quantitative Imaging and Models of Tumor Response to Improve Multimodality Therapy? 2013 L.B. Marks
Vitali Moiseenko
Russell J. Stewart
Robert Jeraj
+ PDF Chat An imaging-based stochastic model for simulation of tumour vasculature 2012 Vikram Adhikarla
Robert Jeraj
+ PDF Chat Computational modelling of anti-angiogenic therapies based on multiparametric molecular imaging data 2012 B Titz
Kevin R. Kozak
Robert Jeraj
+ MO-E-BRB-05: A Computational Tumor Modeling Framework for the Optimization of Molecular Targeted Therapies 2010 B Titz
M Vanderhoek
Urban Simončič
Vikram Adhikarla
Robert Jeraj
+ TU‐C‐BRB‐07: Incorporation of Angiogenesis Into a Stochastic Imaging‐Based Tumor Vasculature Model 2009 Vikram Adhikarla
B Titz
Kevin R. Kozak
Robert Jeraj
+ PDF Chat An imaging-based tumour growth and treatment response model: investigating the effect of tumour oxygenation on radiation therapy response 2008 B Titz
Robert Jeraj
+ WE-C-AUD B-03: A Comparative Study of a Stochastic Tumor Vasculature Simulation Model 2008 Vikram Adhikarla
Robert Jeraj
+ SU‐FF‐T‐32: A Novel Continuum Mechanics Approach Towards Multiscale, Stochastic Tumor Modeling Based On Multimodality Imaging 2007 B Titz
Kavous Jorabchi
Krishnan Suresh
Robert Jeraj
+ TU‐EE‐A1‐06: Model for Development of Tumor Vasculature Based On Monte Carlo Simulations 2007 Vikram Adhikarla
Robert Jeraj
+ SU-FF-T-27: A Monte Carlo Based Tumor Model 2006 B Titz
Robert Jeraj
+ Treatment plan modification using voxel-based weighting factors/dose prescription 2003 Chuan Wu
G Olivera
Robert Jeraj
H. Keller
T Mackie
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A spatiotemporal, patient individualized simulation model of solid tumor response to chemotherapy in vivo: the paradigm of glioblastoma multiforme treated by temozolomide 2006 Georgios Stamatakos
V.P. Antipas
N.K. Uzunoglu
+ PDF Chat Combination therapy of cancer with cancer vaccine and immune checkpoint inhibitors: A mathematical model 2017 Xiulan Lai
Avner Friedman
+ PDF Chat A computational multiscale agent-based model for simulating spatio-temporal tumour immune response to PD1 and PDL1 inhibition 2017 Chang Gong
Oleg Milberg
Bing Wang
Paolo Vicini
Rajesh Narwal
Lorin Roskos
Aleksander S. Popel
+ Dynamics of tumor growth and combination of anti-angiogenic and cytotoxic therapies 2007 Mohammad Kohandel
Mehran Kardar
Michael Milosevic
S. Sivaloganathan
+ A patient-specific in vivo tumor model 1996 Richard M. Wasserman
Raj Acharya
Cláudio H. Sibata
K.H. Shin
+ Modeling tumor regrowth and immunotherapy 2001 Vladimir A. Kuznetsov
Gary D. Knott
+ Combination therapy for melanoma with BRAF/MEK inhibitor and immune checkpoint inhibitor: a mathematical model 2017 Xiulan Lai
Avner Friedman
+ Modeling cancer-immune responses to therapy 2014 Lisette dePillis
Amina Eladdadi
Ami Radunskaya
+ Mathematical Modeling of Cancer Immunotherapy and Its Synergy with Radiotherapy 2016 Raphaël Serre
Sébastien Benzekry
Laëtitia Padovani
Christophe Meille
Nicolás André
Joseph Ciccolini
Fabrice Barlési
Xavier Muracciole
Dominique Barbolosi
+ PDF Chat An imaging-based tumour growth and treatment response model: investigating the effect of tumour oxygenation on radiation therapy response 2008 B Titz
Robert Jeraj
+ Employing dynamical computational models for personalizing cancer immunotherapy 2016 Zvia Agur
Karin Halevi-Tobias
Yuri Kogan
Ofer Shlagman
+ PDF Chat Modeling immunotherapy of the tumor - immune interaction 1998 Denise E. Kirschner
John C. Panetta
+ PDF Chat Radiation and PD-(L)1 treatment combinations: immune response and dose optimization via a predictive systems model 2018 Yuri Kosinsky
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Donald R. Stanski
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+ Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models for Repeated Measures Data 1990 Mary J. Lindstrom
Douglas M. Bates
+ PDF Chat Flexible smoothing with B-splines and penalties 1996 Paul H.C. Eilers
Brian D. Marx
+ A four-dimensional simulation model of tumour response to radiotherapy in vivo: parametric validation considering radiosensitivity, genetic profile and fractionation 2004 Dimitra D. Dionysiou
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N.K. Uzunoglu
Konstantina S. Nikita
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+ Mathematical Model of Pulsed Immunotherapy for Superficial Bladder Cancer 2008 Svetlana Bunimovich‐Mendrazitsky
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+ Modelling and mathematical problems related to tumor evolution and its interaction with the immune system 2000 Nicola Bellomo
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+ A realistic closed-form radiobiological model of clinical tumor-control data incorporating intertumor heterogeneity 1998 Stephen K. Roberts
J.H. Hendry
+ PDF Chat Macrophage T lymphocyte interactions in the anti-tumor immune response: a mathematical model. 1985 Rob J. de Boer
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Hub F. J. Dullens
Roel A. de Weger
Willem Den Otter
+ PDF Chat Classical Mathematical Models for Description and Prediction of Experimental Tumor Growth 2014 Sébastien Benzekry
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Amanda Tracz
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+ CONOPT—A Large-Scale GRG Code 1994 Arne Drud
+ Comparison of tree-based methods for prognostic stratification of survival data 2003 Martin Radespiel‐Tröger
Thomas Rabenstein
H. T. Schneider
Berthold Lausen
+ Mathematical modeling of tumor-induced angiogenesis 2004 Nikos V. Mantzaris
S. David Webb
Hans G. Othmer
+ Tumors and the immune system: the effects of a tumor growth modulator 1980 Arthur Albert
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Alan S. Perelson
+ PDF Chat Modeling Protective Anti-Tumor Immunity via Preventative Cancer Vaccines Using a Hybrid Agent-based and Delay Differential Equation Approach 2012 Peter Kim
Peter P. Lee
+ A Cellular Automaton Model of Early Tumor Growth and Invasion: The Effects of Native Tissue Vascularity and Increased Anaerobic Tumor Metabolism 2001 Aalpen A. Patel
E. T. Gawlinski
Susan K. Lemieux
Robert A. Gatenby
+ PDF Chat Quantitative Metrics of Net Proliferation and Invasion Link Biological Aggressiveness Assessed by MRI with Hypoxia Assessed by FMISO-PET in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastomas 2009 Mindy D Szeto
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+ PDF Chat A Model of Dendritic Cell Therapy for Melanoma 2013 Lisette dePillis
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+ Adjustable robust solutions of uncertain linear programs 2004 Aharon Ben‐Tal
Alexander Goryashko
E. Guslitzer
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ A mathematical model of the first steps of tumour-related angiogenesis: Capillary sprout formation and secondary branching 1996 Michelle Orme
+ Biocomputing: numerical simulation of glioblastoma growth using diffusion tensor imaging 2008 Pierre‐Yves Bondiau
Olivier Clatz
Maxime Sermesant
Pierre‐Yves Marcy
Hervé Delingette
M. Frénay
Nicholas Ayache
+ PDF Chat Current progress in patient-specific modeling 2009 Maxwell L. Neal
Roy C. P. Kerckhoffs
+ A model of vascular tumour growth in mice combining longitudinal tumour size data with histological biomarkers 2010 Benjamin Ribba
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+ PDF Chat Predictive oncology: A review of multidisciplinary, multiscale in silico modeling linking phenotype, morphology and growth 2007 Sandeep Sanga
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+ Tumor response parameters for head and neck cancer derived from tumor‐volume variation during radiation therapy 2013 A Chvetsov
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
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+ A computer simulation of in vivo tumour growth and response to radiotherapy: New algorithms and parametric results 2005 Dimitra D. Dionysiou
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N.K. Uzunoglu
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+ Single-cell-based computer simulation of the oxygen-dependent tumour response to irradiation 2007 Christine Harting
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+ Geometry of Human Vascular System: Is it an Obstacle for Quantifying Antiangiogenic Therapies? 2007 Fabio Grizzi
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+ A survey of some formal models in tumor immunology 1986 Hub F. J. Dullens
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+ Probability density functions for axial ratios of sectioning profiles of anisotropically arranged elliptical microvessels 2009 R. A. Krasnoperov
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+ Euclidean and fractal geometry of microvascular networks in normal and neoplastic pituitary tissue 2008 Antonio Di Ieva
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