Jean Claude Garreau


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Numerical study of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation on a two-dimensional ring and vortex nucleation 2024 Quentin Chauleur
Radu Chicireanu
Guillaume Dujardin
Jean Claude Garreau
Adam Rançon
+ PDF Chat Exploring quantum criticality in a 4D quantum disordered system 2024 Farid Madani
Maxime Denis
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
Adam Rançon
Radu Chicireanu
+ Localization properties of the asymptotic density distribution of a one-dimensional disordered system 2022 Clément Hainaut
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
Adam Rançon
Radu Chicireanu
+ PDF Chat Localization properties of the asymptotic density distribution of a one-dimensional disordered system 2022 Clément Hainaut
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
Adam Rançon
Radu Chicireanu
+ PDF Chat Synthesizing dispersion relations in a modulated tilted optical lattice 2022 Jean Claude Garreau
Véronique Zehnlé
+ PDF Chat Multi-frequency telecom fibered laser system for potassium laser cooling 2021 Charbel Cherfan
Maxime Denis
Denis Bacquet
Michel Gamot
Samir Zemmouri
Isam Manai
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
Radu Chicireanu
+ Synthesizing arbitrary dispersion relations in a modulated tilted optical lattice 2021 Jean Claude Garreau
Véronique Zehnlé
+ PDF Chat Bogoliubov excitations in the quasiperiodic kicked rotor: Stability of a kicked condensate and the quasi–insulator-to-metal transition 2020 Benoüt Vermersch
Dominique Delande
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Analog quantum simulation of the spinor-four Dirac equation with an artificial gauge field 2020 Jean Claude Garreau
Véronique Zehnlé
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of the mean-field-interacting quantum kicked rotor 2020 Samuel Lellouch
Adam Rançon
Stephan De BiĂšvre
Dominique Delande
Jean Claude Garreau
+ Acetylene-based frequency stabilization of a laser system for potassium laser cooling. 2020 Charbel Cherfan
Isam Manai
Samir Zemmouri
Jean Claude Garreau
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Pascal Szriftgiser
Radu Chicireanu
+ Quantum simulation of the spinor-4 Dirac equation with an artificial gauge field 2019 Jean Claude Garreau
Véronique Zehnlé
+ Experimental realization of an ideal Floquet disordered system 2019 Clément Hainaut
Adam Rançon
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Isam Manai
Pascal Szriftgiser
Dominique Delande
Jean Claude Garreau
Radu Chicireanu
+ PDF Chat Experimental Observation of a Time-Driven Phase Transition in Quantum Chaos 2018 Clément Hainaut
Ping Fang
Adam Rançon
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
Chushun Tian
Radu Chicireanu
+ PDF Chat Ratchet effect in the quantum kicked rotor and its destruction by dynamical localization 2018 Clément Hainaut
Adam Rançon
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
Radu Chicireanu
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Controlling symmetry and localization with an artificial gauge field in a disordered quantum system 2018 Clément Hainaut
Isam Manai
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
Gabriel Lemarié
Nicolas Cherroret
Dominique Delande
Radu Chicireanu
+ PDF Chat Simulating Dirac models with ultracold atoms in optical lattices 2017 Jean Claude Garreau
Véronique Zehnlé
+ PDF Chat Return to the Origin as a Probe of Atomic Phase Coherence 2017 Clément Hainaut
Isam Manai
Radu Chicireanu
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Samir Zemmouri
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
Gabriel Lemarié
Nicolas Cherroret
Dominique Delande
+ Quantum simulation of disordered systems with cold atoms 2016 Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Experimental Observation of Two-Dimensional Anderson Localization with the Atomic Kicked Rotor 2015 Isam Manai
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Radu Chicireanu
Clément Hainaut
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Emergence of nonlinear behavior in the dynamics of ultracold bosons 2015 BenoĂźt Vermersch
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat How Nonlinear Interactions Challenge the Three-Dimensional Anderson Transition 2014 Nicolas Cherroret
BenoĂźt Vermersch
Jean Claude Garreau
Dominique Delande
+ Anderson transition of Bogoliubov quasiparticles in the quasiperiodic kicked rotor 2014 BenoĂźt Vermersch
Dominique Delande
Jean Claude Garreau
+ Phase diagram of the anisotropic Anderson transition with the atomic kicked rotor: theory and experiment 2013 Matthias Lopez
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Gabriel Lemarié
Dominique Delande
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Spectral description of the dynamics of ultracold interacting bosons in disordered lattices 2013 BenoĂźt Vermersch
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Decoherence effects in the dynamics of interacting ultracold bosons in disordered lattices 2013 BenoĂźt Vermersch
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Interacting ultracold bosons in disordered lattices: Sensitivity of the dynamics to the initial state 2012 BenoĂźt Vermersch
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Experimental Test of Universality of the Anderson Transition 2012 Matthias Lopez
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Quantum motor: Directed wave-packet motion in an optical lattice 2011 Quentin Thommen
Jean Claude Garreau
Véronique Zehnlé
+ PDF Chat Kicked-rotor quantum resonances in position space: application to situations of experimental interest 2011 Maxence Lepers
Véronique Zehnlé
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Critical State of the Anderson Transition: Between a Metal and an Insulator 2010 Gabriel Lemarié
H. Lignier
Dominique Delande
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Classical diffusive dynamics for the quasiperiodic kicked rotor 2010 Gabriel Lemarié
Dominique Delande
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
+ PDF Chat Atomic dipole traps with Amplified Spontaneous Emission: A proposal 2010 Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Véronique Zehnlé
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
+ PDF Chat Suppression of decoherence-induced diffusion in the quantum kicked rotor 2010 Maxence Lepers
Véronique Zehnlé
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Observation of the Anderson metal-insulator transition with atomic matter waves: Theory and experiment 2009 Gabriel Lemarié
Julien Chabé
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
Benoßt Grémaud
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Experimental Observation of the Anderson Metal-Insulator Transition with Atomic Matter Waves 2008 Julien Chabé
Gabriel Lemarié
Benoßt Grémaud
Dominique Delande
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Tracking Quasiclassical Chaos in Ultracold Boson Gases 2008 Maxence Lepers
Véronique Zehnlé
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Kicked-rotor quantum resonances in position space 2008 Maxence Lepers
Véronique Zehnlé
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Quantum scaling laws in the onset of dynamical delocalization 2007 Julien Chabé
H. Lignier
Hugo L. D. de S. Cavalcante
Dominique Delande
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Nonprobabilistic teleportation of a field state via cavity QED 2007 Carlos R. de Carvalho
E. S. Guerra
Ginette Jalbert
Jean Claude Garreau
+ Improving Raman velocimetry of laser-cooled cesium atoms by spin-polarization 2007 Julien Chabé
H. Lignier
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Quantum Scaling Laws in the Onset of Dynamical Delocalization 2006 Julien Chabé
H. Lignier
Hugo L. D. de S. Cavalcante
Dominique Delande
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ Fourier-limited Raman velocimetry of laser-cooled, polarized, cesium atoms 2006 Julien Chabé
H. Lignier
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Reversible Destruction of Dynamical Localization 2005 H. Lignier
Julien Chabé
Dominique Delande
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
+ PDF Chat Self-Similarities in the Frequency-Amplitude Space of a Loss-Modulated<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>CO</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>Laser 2005 Cristian Bonatto
Jean Claude Garreau
Jason A. C. Gallas
+ Phase-space reconstruction of an atomic chaotic system 2005 Hugo L. D. de S. Cavalcante
Carlos R. de Carvalho
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Quantum diffusion in the quasiperiodic kicked rotor 2005 H. Lignier
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Atomic motion in tilted optical lattices: an analytical approach 2004 Quentin Thommen
Jean Claude Garreau
Véronique Zehnlé
+ Mechanism and Lineshapes of Sub-Fourier Resonances 2004 H. Lignier
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Classical Chaos with Bose-Einstein Condensates in Tilted Optical Lattices 2003 Quentin Thommen
Jean Claude Garreau
Véronique Zehnlé
+ PDF Chat Doppler cooling to the recoil limit by means of sharp atomic transitions with controlled quenching 2003 Véronique Zehnlé
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Wave-packet reconstruction via local dynamics in a parabolic lattice 2003 Quentin Thommen
Véronique Zehnlé
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Observation of Sub-Fourier Resonances in a Quantum-Chaotic System 2002 Pascal Szriftgiser
J. Ringot
Dominique Delande
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Theoretical analysis of quantum dynamics in one-dimensional lattices: Wannier-Stark description 2002 Quentin Thommen
Jean Claude Garreau
Véronique Zehnlé
+ PDF Chat Quantum coherence generated by interference-induced state selectiveness 2002 Jean Claude Garreau
+ Subrecoil Raman spectroscopy of cold cesium atoms 2001 J. Ringot
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ Raman subrecoil spectroscopy of cold cesium atoms 2001 J. Ringot
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Continuous-wave Doppler cooling of hydrogen atoms with two-photon transitions 2001 Véronique Zehnlé
Jean Claude Garreau
+ Continuous-wave Doppler-cooling of hydrogen atoms with two-photon transitions 2001 Véronique Zehnlé
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Experimental Evidence of Dynamical Localization and Delocalization in a Quasiperiodic Driven System 2000 J. Ringot
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
Dominique Delande
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Experimental Observation of the Anderson Metal-Insulator Transition with Atomic Matter Waves 2008 Julien Chabé
Gabriel Lemarié
Benoßt Grémaud
Dominique Delande
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Experimental Evidence of Dynamical Localization and Delocalization in a Quasiperiodic Driven System 2000 J. Ringot
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Observation of the Anderson metal-insulator transition with atomic matter waves: Theory and experiment 2009 Gabriel Lemarié
Julien Chabé
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
Benoßt Grémaud
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Direct observation of Anderson localization of matter waves in a controlled disorder 2008 Juliette Billy
Vincent Josse
Zhanchun Zuo
Alain Bernard
Ben Hambrecht
Pierre Lugan
David Clément
Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
Philippe Bouyer
Alain Aspect
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization of a non-interacting Bose–Einstein condensate 2008 G. Roati
Chiara D’Errico
L. Fallani
M. Fattori
C. Fort
Matteo Zaccanti
Giovanni Carlo Modugno
M. Modugno
M. Inguscio
+ Subrecoil Raman spectroscopy of cold cesium atoms 2001 J. Ringot
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Experimental Test of Universality of the Anderson Transition 2012 Matthias Lopez
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Critical State of the Anderson Transition: Between a Metal and an Insulator 2010 Gabriel Lemarié
H. Lignier
Dominique Delande
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Three-Dimensional Anderson Localization of Ultracold Matter 2011 Stanimir Kondov
William McGehee
J. J. Zirbel
Brian DeMarco
+ PDF Chat Reversible Destruction of Dynamical Localization 2005 H. Lignier
Julien Chabé
Dominique Delande
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
+ PDF Chat Observation of Sub-Fourier Resonances in a Quantum-Chaotic System 2002 Pascal Szriftgiser
J. Ringot
Dominique Delande
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Experimental Observation of Two-Dimensional Anderson Localization with the Atomic Kicked Rotor 2015 Isam Manai
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Radu Chicireanu
Clément Hainaut
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Theoretical analysis of quantum dynamics in one-dimensional lattices: Wannier-Stark description 2002 Quentin Thommen
Jean Claude Garreau
Véronique Zehnlé
+ PDF Chat Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped gases 1999 F. Dalfovo
S. Giorgini
S. Stringari
+ PDF Chat Three-dimensional localization of ultracold atoms in an optical disordered potential 2012 Fred Jendrzejewski
A. Bernard
Kilian MĂŒller
Patrick Cheinet
Vincent Josse
Marie Piraud
Luca PezzĂš
Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
A. Aspect
Philippe Bouyer
+ PDF Chat Classical Chaos with Bose-Einstein Condensates in Tilted Optical Lattices 2003 Quentin Thommen
Jean Claude Garreau
Véronique Zehnlé
+ PDF Chat Ehrenfest time in the weak dynamical localization 2005 Chushun Tian
Alex Kamenev
A. I. Larkin
+ PDF Chat Observation of the Critical Regime Near Anderson Localization of Light 2006 M. Störzer
Peter Groß
Christof M. Aegerter
G. Maret
+ PDF Chat Many-body physics with ultracold gases 2008 Immanuel Bloch
Jean Dalibard
W. Zwerger
+ PDF Chat Quantum Scaling Laws in the Onset of Dynamical Delocalization 2006 Julien Chabé
H. Lignier
Hugo L. D. de S. Cavalcante
Dominique Delande
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Destruction of Anderson Localization by a Weak Nonlinearity 2008 Arkady Pikovsky
Dima L. Shepelyansky
+ PDF Chat Observation of Subdiffusion in a Disordered Interacting System 2011 E. Lucioni
B. Deissler
Luca Tanzi
G. Roati
Matteo Zaccanti
M. Modugno
Marco Larcher
F. Dalfovo
M. Inguscio
Giovanni Carlo Modugno
+ PDF Chat Universality of the Anderson transition with the quasiperiodic kicked rotor 2009 Gabriel Lemarié
Benoßt Grémaud
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Return to the Origin as a Probe of Atomic Phase Coherence 2017 Clément Hainaut
Isam Manai
Radu Chicireanu
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Samir Zemmouri
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
Gabriel Lemarié
Nicolas Cherroret
Dominique Delande
+ PDF Chat Localization of ultrasound in a three-dimensional elastic network 2008 Hefei Hu
Anatoliy Strybulevych
J. H. Page
S. E. Skipetrov
B. A. van Tiggelen
+ PDF Chat Observation of Dynamical Instability for a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Moving 1D Optical Lattice 2004 L. Fallani
L. De Sarlo
Jessica Lye
M. Modugno
Robert Saers
C. Fort
M. Inguscio
+ PDF Chat Universal Spreading of Wave Packets in Disordered Nonlinear Systems 2009 Sergej Flach
Dmitry O. Krimer
Ch. Skokos
+ PDF Chat How Nonlinear Interactions Challenge the Three-Dimensional Anderson Transition 2014 Nicolas Cherroret
BenoĂźt Vermersch
Jean Claude Garreau
Dominique Delande
+ Quantum simulation of disordered systems with cold atoms 2016 Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Theory of the Anderson Transition in the Quasiperiodic Kicked Rotor 2011 Chushun Tian
Alexander Altland
Markus Garst
+ PDF Chat Coherent control of atom dynamics in an optical lattice 2001 H. L. Haroutyunyan
G. Nienhuis
+ PDF Chat Field Theory of the Quantum Kicked Rotor 1996 Alexander Altland
Martin R. Zirnbauer
+ PDF Chat Corrections to Scaling at the Anderson Transition 1999 Keith Slevin
Tomi Ohtsuki
+ PDF Chat Anderson transition in a three-dimensional kicked rotor 2009 Jiao Wang
Antonio M. Garcı́a-Garcı́a
+ PDF Chat Quantum simulation 2014 Iulia Georgescu
Sahel Ashhab
Franco Nori
+ PDF Chat Feshbach resonances in ultracold gases 2010 Cheng Chin
Rudolf Grimm
Paul S. Julienne
Eite Tiesinga
+ PDF Chat Measurement of the mobility edge for 3D Anderson localization 2015 Giulia Semeghini
M. Landini
P. C. M. Castilho
Sanjukta Roy
G. Spagnolli
A. Trenkwalder
M. Fattori
M. Inguscio
Giovanni Carlo Modugno
+ PDF Chat The crossover from strong to weak chaos for nonlinear waves in disordered systems 2010 T. V. Laptyeva
Joshua D. Bodyfelt
Dmitry O. Krimer
Ch. Skokos
Sergej Flach
+ Phase diagram of the anisotropic Anderson transition with the atomic kicked rotor: theory and experiment 2013 Matthias Lopez
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Gabriel Lemarié
Dominique Delande
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Observation of Multifractality in Anderson Localization of Ultrasound 2009 Sanli Faez
Anatoliy Strybulevych
J. H. Page
Ad Lagendijk
B. A. van Tiggelen
+ PDF Chat Irregular Dynamics in a One-Dimensional Bose System 2004 G. P. Berman
F. Borgonovi
F. M. Izrailev
Augusto Smerzi
+ PDF Chat Controlling symmetry and localization with an artificial gauge field in a disordered quantum system 2018 Clément Hainaut
Isam Manai
Jean‐François ClĂ©ment
Jean Claude Garreau
Pascal Szriftgiser
Gabriel Lemarié
Nicolas Cherroret
Dominique Delande
Radu Chicireanu
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Theory of the Anderson Transition 2008 Antonio M. Garcı́a-Garcı́a
+ Improving Raman velocimetry of laser-cooled cesium atoms by spin-polarization 2007 Julien Chabé
H. Lignier
Pascal Szriftgiser
Jean Claude Garreau
+ PDF Chat Experimental Realization of Quantum-Resonance Ratchets at Arbitrary Quasimomenta 2008 Itzhack Dana
Vijayashankar Ramareddy
Ishan Talukdar
G. S. Summy
+ PDF Chat Localization-Delocalization Transition in a System of Quantum Kicked Rotors 2006 C. E. Creffield
G. Hur
T. S. Monteiro
+ PDF Chat Quantum simulation of the Dirac equation 2010 R. Gerritsma
Gerhard Kirchmair
F. ZĂ€hringer
E. Solano
R. Blatt
C. F. Roos
+ PDF Chat Delocalization of a disordered bosonic system by repulsive interactions 2010 B. Deissler
Matteo Zaccanti
G. Roati
Chiara D’Errico
M. Fattori
M. Modugno
Giovanni Carlo Modugno
M. Inguscio
+ PDF Chat Wannier–Stark resonances in optical and semiconductor superlattices 2002 Markus GlĂŒck
+ PDF Chat Bloch Oscillations and Mean-Field Effects of Bose-Einstein Condensates in 1D Optical Lattices 2001 O. Morsch
J. H. MĂŒller
Matteo Cristiani
D. Ciampini
E. Arimondo