V. V. Konotop


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Topological pumping of multi-frequency solitons 2025 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Fangwei Ye
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Observation of Thouless pumping of light in quasiperiodic photonic crystals 2024 Kai Yang
Qidong Fu
Henrique C. Prates
Peng Wang
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Fangwei Ye
+ Transfer of solitons and half-vortex solitons via adiabatic passage 2024 Chenhui Wang
Yongping Zhang
V. V. Konotop
+ Two-dimensional flat-band solitons in superhoneycomb lattices 2024 Shuang Shen
Yiqi Zhang
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Yongdong Li
V. V. Konotop
+ Dimers and discrete breathers in Bose-Einstein condensates in a quasi-periodic potential 2024 V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Bloch-Landau-Zener oscillations in a quasi-periodic potential 2024 Henrique C. Prates
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Observation of localization of light in linear photonic quasicrystals with diverse rotational symmetries 2024 Peng Wang
Qidong Fu
V. V. Konotop
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Fangwei Ye
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic Zeno Effect in a Su–Schrieffer–Heeger Photonic Topological Insulator 2023 Sergey K. Ivanov
S. A. Zhuravitskii
Nikolay N. Skryabin
I. V. Dyakonov
А. A. Калинкин
S. P. Kulik
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Victor N. Zadkov
+ PDF Chat Bound states in Bose-Einstein condensates with radially-periodic spin-orbit coupling 2023 Chunyan Li
V. V. Konotop
Boris A. Malomed
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
+ PDF Chat Wannier solitons in spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices with a flat band 2023 Chenhui Wang
Yongping Zhang
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Vortex solitons in moiré optical lattices 2023 Sergey K. Ivanov
V. V. Konotop
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Observation of Linear and Nonlinear Light Localization at the Edges of Moiré Arrays 2023 A. A. Arkhipova
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Sergey K. Ivanov
S. A. Zhuravitskii
Nikolay N. Skryabin
I. V. Dyakonov
А. A. Калинкин
S. P. Kulik
V. O. Kompanets
С. В. Чекалин
+ Wannier solitons in spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices with a flat-band 2023 Chenhui Wang
Yongping Zhang
V. V. Konotop
+ Bound states in Bose-Einstein condensates with radially-periodic spin-orbit coupling 2023 Chunyan Li
V. V. Konotop
Boris A. Malomed
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
+ Macroscopic Zeno effect in Su-Schrieffer-Heeger photonic topological insulator 2023 Sergey K. Ivanov
S. A. Zhuravitskii
Nikolay N. Skryabin
I. V. Dyakonov
A. A. Kalinkin
S. P. Kulik
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Victor N. Zadkov
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional Thouless pumping of light in photonic moiré lattices 2022 Peng Wang
Qidong Fu
Ruihan Peng
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Lluís Torner
V. V. Konotop
Fangwei Ye
+ PDF Chat Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Thouless Pumping of Matter Waves 2022 Qidong Fu
Peng Wang
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Fangwei Ye
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein condensates in quasiperiodic lattices: Bosonic Josephson junction, self-trapping, and multimode dynamics 2022 Henrique C. Prates
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Topological Floquet bound states in the continuum 2022 Chunyan Li
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Vector valley Hall edge solitons in superhoneycomb lattices 2022 Qian Tang
Yiqi Zhang
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Yongdong Li
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Localization of ultracold atoms in Zeeman lattices with incommensurate spin-orbit coupling 2022 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Anti-(Parity-Time) Symmetric Dimer 2022 A. S. Rodrigues
R. M. Ross
V. V. Konotop
Avadh Saxena
P. G. Kevrekidis
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Thouless Pumping: Solitons and Transport Breakdown 2022 Qidong Fu
Peng Wang
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Fangwei Ye
+ Nonlinear Anti-(Parity-Time) symmetric dimer 2022 Adriano S. Rodrigues
R. M. Ross
V. V. Konotop
Amit Saxena
P. G. Kevrekidis
+ Bose-Einstein condensates in quasi-periodic lattices: bosonic Josephson junction, self-trapping, and multi-mode dynamics 2022 Henrique C. Prates
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ Two-dimensional nonlinear Thouless pumping of matter waves 2022 Qidong Fu
Peng Wang
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Fangwei Ye
+ Topological Floquet bound states in the continuum 2022 Chunyan Li
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ Two-dimensional Thouless pumping of light in photonic moiré lattices 2022 Peng Wang
Qidong Fu
Ruihan Peng
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Lluís Torner
V. V. Konotop
Fangwei Ye
+ PDF Chat Floquet Edge Multicolor Solitons 2021 Sergey K. Ivanov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Alexander Szameit
Lluís Torner
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Perfectly absorbed and emitted currents by complex potentials in nonlinear media 2021 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Superexponential amplification, power blowup, and solitons sustained by non-Hermitian gauge potentials 2021 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ Floquet Edge Multicolor Solitons 2021 Sergey K. Ivanov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Alexander Szameit
Lluís Torner
V. V. Konotop
+ Four-wave mixing Floquet topological soliton 2021 Sergey K. Ivanov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Floquet Edge Multicolor Solitons 2021 Sergey K. Ivanov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Alexander Szameit
Lluís Torner
V. V. Konotop
+ Superexponential amplification, power blowup, and solitons sustained by non-Hermitian gauge potentials 2021 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Multifrequency Solitons in Commensurate-Incommensurate Photonic Moiré Lattices 2021 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Fangwei Ye
V. V. Konotop
Lluís Torner
+ Floquet defect solitons 2021 Sergey K. Ivanov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Floquet defect solitons 2021 Sergey K. Ivanov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ Multi-frequency solitons in commensurate-incommensurate photonic moir\'e lattices 2021 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Fangwei Ye
V. V. Konotop
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Four-wave mixing Floquet topological solitons 2021 Sergey K. Ivanov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Metastable two-component solitons near an exceptional point 2021 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Parity-time-symmetric rational vector rogue waves of the <i>n</i>-component nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2021 Guoqiang Zhang
Liming Ling
Zhenya Yan
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Topological dipole Floquet solitons 2021 Sergey K. Ivanov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Matthias Heinrich
Alexander Szameit
Lluís Torner
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear topological edge states in a non-Hermitian array of optical waveguides embedded in an atomic gas 2021 Chao Hang
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
Guoxiang Huang
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Localized modes and dark solitons sustained by nonlinear defects 2021 Liangwei Zeng
V. V. Konotop
Xiaowei Lu
Yi Cai
Qifan Zhu
Jingzhen Li
+ Multi-frequency solitons in commensurate-incommensurate photonic moiré lattices 2021 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Fangwei Ye
V. V. Konotop
Lluís Torner
+ Parity-time-symmetric vector rational rogue wave solutions in any n-component nonlinear Schr\"odinger models 2020 Guoqiang Zhang
Liming Ling
Zhenya Yan
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Nonlinearity-induced photonic topological insulator 2020 Lukas J. Maczewsky
Matthias Heinrich
Mark Kremer
Sergey K. Ivanov
Max Ehrhardt
Franklin Martinez
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Lluís Torner
D. Bauer
+ PDF Chat Asymmetric Perfect Absorption and Lasing of Nonlinear Waves by a Complex δ-Potential 2020 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ Stable two-dimensional soliton complexes in Bose–Einstein condensates with helicoidal spin–orbit coupling 2020 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
E. Ya. Sherman
Boris A. Malomed
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Optical soliton formation controlled by angle twisting in photonic moiré lattices 2020 Qidong Fu
Peng Wang
Changming Huang
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Lluís Torner
V. V. Konotop
Fangwei Ye
+ PDF Chat Stable Nonlinear Modes Sustained by Gauge Fields 2020 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Construction of potentials with multiple spectral singularities 2020 V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Universal form of arrays with spectral singularities 2020 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Bragg solitons in topological Floquet insulators 2020 Sergey K. Ivanov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Lukas J. Maczewsky
Alexander Szameit
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Four-wave mixing in spin–orbit coupled Bose–Einstein condensates 2020 Nguyen Viet Hung
Piotr Szańkowski
V. V. Konotop
Marek Trippenbach
+ PDF Chat Vector Topological Edge Solitons in Floquet Insulators 2020 Sergey K. Ivanov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Alexander Szameit
Lluís Torner
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Edge solitons in Lieb topological Floquet insulator 2020 Sergey K. Ivanov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Lukas J. Maczewsky
Alexander Szameit
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional hybrid Bose-Einstein condensates stabilized by lower-dimensional spin-orbit coupling 2020 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Lluís Torner
M. Modugno
E. Ya. Sherman
Boris A. Malomed
V. V. Konotop
+ A universal form of localized complex potentials with spectral singularities 2020 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Localization and delocalization of light in photonic moiré lattices 2019 Peng Wang
Yuanlin Zheng
Xianfeng Chen
Changming Huang
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Lluís Torner
V. V. Konotop
Fangwei Ye
+ PDF Chat Route to chaos in a coupled microresonator system with gain and loss 2019 Krzysztof Zegadlo
Nguyen Viet Hung
V. V. Konotop
Jakub Zakrzewski
Marek Trippenbach
+ PDF Chat Designing lasing and perfectly absorbing potentials 2019 V. V. Konotop
Evgeny Lakshtanov
B. Vaĭnberg
+ PDF Chat Spectral singularities of a potential created by two coupled microring resonators 2019 V. V. Konotop
Barry C. Sanders
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Solitons in Inhomogeneous Gauge Potentials: Integrable and Nonintegrable Dynamics 2019 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
M. Modugno
E. Ya. Sherman
+ PDF Chat Spectral singularities of odd- <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">P</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="script">T</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> -symmetric potentials 2019 V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ Engineering coherent perfect absorption and lasing 2018 V. V. Konotop
Evgeny Lakshtanov
B. Vaĭnberg
+ PDF Chat Coherent perfect absorber and laser for nonlinear waves in optical waveguide arrays 2018 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
Herwig Ott
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Broadband quasi-<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:math>-symmetry sustained by inhomogeneous broadening of the spectral line 2018 Dmitrii Tsvetkov
V. A. Bushuev
V. V. Konotop
B. I. Mantsyzov
+ PDF Chat Spin-orbit-coupled soliton in a random potential 2018 Sh. Mardonov
V. V. Konotop
Boris A. Malomed
M. Modugno
E. Ya. Sherman
+ PDF Chat Coherent perfect absorption of nonlinear matter waves 2018 A. Müllers
B. Santra
Christian Baals
Jian Jiang
Jens Benary
Ralf Labouvie
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
Herwig Ott
+ PDF Chat Linear and nonlinear coherent perfect absorbers on simple layers 2018 V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Nonlinearity-induced localization in a periodically driven semidiscrete system 2018 Rodislav Driben
V. V. Konotop
Boris A. Malomed
T. Meier
A. V. Yulin
+ PDF Chat Dynamical suppression of tunneling and spin switching of a spin-orbit-coupled atom in a double-well trap 2018 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
V. A. Vysloukh
+ PDF Chat Vortex Creation without Stirring in Coupled Ring Resonators with Gain and Loss 2018 Aleksandr Ramaniuk
Nguyen Viet Hung
Michael Giersig
Krzysztof Kempa
V. V. Konotop
Marek Trippenbach
+ PDF Chat Observation and Uses of Position-Space Bloch Oscillations in an Ultracold Gas 2018 Zachary Geiger
Kurt Fujiwara
Kevin Singh
Ruwan Senaratne
S. Rajagopal
Mikhail Lipatov
Toshihiko Shimasaki
Rodislav Driben
V. V. Konotop
T. Meier
+ PDF Chat Odd-Time Reversal <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">P</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="script">T</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> Symmetry Induced by an Anti- <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">P</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="script">T</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> -Symmetric Medium 2018 V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Coherent-perfect-absorber and laser for bound states in a continuum 2018 Bikashkali Midya
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Bound states in the continuum in a two-dimensional PT-symmetric system 2018 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Carles Milián
V. V. Konotop
Lluís Torner
+ Broadband quasi-PT Symmetry Sustained by Inhomogeneous Broadening of the Spectral Line 2018 Dmitrii Tsvetkov
V. A. Bushuev
V. V. Konotop
B. I. Mantsyzov
+ Vortex creation without stirring in coupled ring resonators with gain and loss 2018 Aleksandr Ramaniuk
Nguyen Viet Hung
Michael Giersig
Krzysztof Kempa
V. V. Konotop
Marek Trippenbach
+ PDF Chat Phase transition through the splitting of self-dual spectral singularity in optical potentials 2017 V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Solitons in a Hamiltonian $\newcommand{\PT}{\mathcal{ PT}}{\boldsymbol \PT}$ -symmetric coupler 2017 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Solitons in a PT-symmetric χ^(2) coupler 2017 Magnus Ögren
F. Kh. Abdullaev
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Bound states in the continuum in spin-orbit-coupled atomic systems 2017 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Waveguides with Absorbing Boundaries: Nonlinearity Controlled by an Exceptional Point and Solitons 2017 Bikashkali Midya
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic random Paschen-Back effect in ultracold atomic gases 2017 M. Modugno
E. Ya. Sherman
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates with Helicoidal Spin-Orbit Coupling 2017 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat CPT-symmetric coupler with intermodal dispersion 2017 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ Bloch oscillations sustained by nonlinearity 2017 Rodislav Driben
V. V. Konotop
T. Meier
A. V. Yulin
+ Dynamical design of spatial patterns of colloidal suspensions 2017 N. A. M. Araújo
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
M. M. Telo da Gama
+ PDF Chat Stationary through-flows in a Bose-Einstein condensate with a<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:math>-symmetric impurity 2016 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
I. V. Barashenkov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Dynamic localization in optical and Zeeman lattices in the presence of spin-orbit coupling 2016 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Bloch Oscillations in Optical and Zeeman Lattices in the Presence of Spin-Orbit Coupling 2016 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear currents in a ring-shaped waveguide with balanced gain and dissipation 2016 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Modes and exceptional points in waveguides with impedance boundary conditions 2016 Bikashkali Midya
V. V. Konotop
+ The cauchy problem for coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with linear damping: Local and global existence and blowup of solutions 2016 João‐Paulo Dias
Mário Figueira
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Small-Amplitude Nonlinear Modes under the Combined Effect of the Parabolic Potential, Nonlocality and PT Symmetry 2016 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Jamming anomaly in ${\boldsymbol{ \mathcal Q }}{\boldsymbol{ \mathcal T }}$-symmetric systems 2016 I. V. Barashenkov
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ Jamming anomaly in PT-symmetric systems 2016 I. V. Barashenkov
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear waves in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>-symmetric systems 2016 V. V. Konotop
Jianke Yang
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of dipoles and vortices in nonlinearly coupled three-dimensional field oscillators 2016 Rodislav Driben
V. V. Konotop
Boris A. Malomed
T. Meier
+ PDF Chat Diffraction control in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">P</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="script">T</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>-symmetric photonic lattices: From beam rectification to dynamic localization 2016 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Victor A. Vysloukh
V. V. Konotop
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Exactly Solvable Wadati Potentials in the PT-Symmetric Gross-Pitaevskii Equation 2016 I. V. Barashenkov
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ Jamming anomaly in PT -symmetric systems 2016 I. V. Barashenkov
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Suppression and restoration of disorder-induced light localization mediated by PT-symmetry breaking 2016 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Chao Hang
V. V. Konotop
Victor A. Vysloukh
Guoxiang Huang
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional solitons in conservative and parity-time-symmetric triple-core waveguides with cubic-quintic nonlinearity 2015 David Feijoo
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ Suppression and restoration of disorder-induced light localization mediated by PT-symmetry breaking 2015 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Chao Hang
V. V. Konotop
Victor A. Vysloukh
Guoxiang Huang
Lluís Torner
+ Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with a Gauge Potential: Existence and Blowup 2015 João‐Paulo Dias
Mário Figueira
V. V. Konotop
+ Topological states in partially-PT-symmetric azimuthal potentials 2015 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Dark solitons in dual-core waveguides with dispersive coupling 2015 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Boris A. Malomed
+ PDF Chat Solitons in a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:math>-symmetric potentials and inhomogeneous nonlinearity: Stability and excitation of nonlinear modes 2015 Zhenya Yan
Zichao Wen
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Stabilization of spatiotemporal solitons in Kerr media by dispersive coupling 2015 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Boris A. Malomed
V. V. Konotop
Valery E. Lobanov
Lluís Torner
+ Non-coaxial vortices in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates: Persistent precession and nutation 2015 Rodislav Driben
V. V. Konotop
T. Meier
+ Topological states in partially-PT-symmetric azimuthal potentials 2015 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Lluís Torner
+ Suppression and restoration of disorder-induced light localization mediated by PT-symmetry breaking 2015 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Chao Hang
V. V. Konotop
Victor A. Vysloukh
Guoxiang Huang
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein condensates with localized spin-orbit coupling: Soliton complexes and spinor dynamics 2014 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ Stationary vortex flows and macroscopic Zeno effect in Bose-Einstein condensates with localized dissipation 2014 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Global Existence of Solutions to Coupled 𝒫 𝒯 $\mathcal {PT}$ -Symmetric Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations 2014 Dmitry E. Pelinovsky
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Families of stationary modes in complex potentials 2014 V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Coupled Airy breathers 2014 Rodislav Driben
V. V. Konotop
T. Meier
+ PDF Chat Supercritical Blowup in Coupled Parity‐Time‐Symmetric Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations 2014 João‐Paulo Dias
Mário Figueira
V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat PT-symmetric coupler with a coupling defect: soliton interaction with exceptional point 2014 Yu. V. Bludov
Chao Hang
Guoxiang Huang
V. V. Konotop
+ PT-symmetric coupler with a coupling defect: soliton interaction with exceptional point 2014 Yu. V. Bludov
Chao Hang
Guoxiang Huang
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Stochastic parity-time-symmetric coupler 2014 V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear modes in a generalized $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2014 Dmitry E. Pelinovsky
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ Stationary vortex flows and macroscopic Zeno effect in Bose-Einstein condensates with localized dissipation 2014 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PT-symmetric coupler with a coupling defect: soliton interaction with exceptional point 2014 Yu. V. Bludov
Chao Hang
Guoxiang Huang
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:math>-symmetric coupler with<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>χ</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>nonlinearity 2013 K. Li
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
P. G. Kevrekidis
V. V. Konotop
F. Kh. Abdullaev
+ PDF Chat Conservative and PT-symmetric compactons in waveguide networks 2013 A. V. Yulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Tunable nonlinear parity–time-symmetric defect modes with an atomic cell 2013 Chao Hang
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
Guoxiang Huang
+ PDF Chat Stationary modes and integrals of motion in nonlinear lattices with a ${\mathcal {PT}}$-symmetric linear part 2013 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PT-symmetric coupler with \chi^2 nonlinearity 2013 K. Li
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
P. G. Kevrekidis
V. V. Konotop
F. Kh. Abdullaev
+ PDF Chat Parametric patterns in optical fiber ring nonlinear resonators 2013 Kęstutis Staliūnas
Chao Hang
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Gap Solitons in a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate 2013 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
F. Kh. Abdullaev
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear modes in binary bosonic condensates with pseudo–spin-orbital coupling 2013 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
Rodislav Driben
V. V. Konotop
Boris A. Malomed
+ Nonlinear modes and integrals of motion in finite PT-symmetric systems 2013 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Instabilities, solitons and rogue waves in 𝒫𝒯-coupled nonlinear waveguides 2013 Yu. V. Bludov
Rodislav Driben
V. V. Konotop
Boris A. Malomed
+ PDF Chat Hybrid Bloch–Anderson localization of light 2013 Simon Stützer
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
Victor A. Vysloukh
V. V. Konotop
Stefan Nolte
Lluís Torner
Alexander Szameit
+ PDF Chat Superfluidity breakdown of periodic matter waves in quasi-one-dimensional annular traps via resonant scattering with moving defects 2013 Alex V. Yulin
Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
Vladimír Kuzmiak
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat Parity-time-symmetric optical coupler with birefringent arms 2013 K. Li
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
P. G. Kevrekidis
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">P</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="script">T</mml:mi></mml:math>Symmetry with a System of Three-Level Atoms 2013 Chao Hang
Guoxiang Huang
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Discrete vortex solitons and parity time symmetry 2013 Daniel Leykam
V. V. Konotop
Anton S. Desyatnikov
+ PDF Chat Solitons in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:math>-symmetric periodic systems with the quadratic nonlinearity 2013 F. C. Moreira
V. V. Konotop
Boris A. Malomed
+ PDF Chat Stable dark solitons in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:math>-symmetric dual-core waveguides 2013 Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
Boris A. Malomed
+ PDF Chat Hybrid Bloch-Anderson localization of light 2013 Simon Stützer
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. A. Vysloukh
Andreas Tünnermann
V. V. Konotop
Stefan Nolte
Lluís Torner
Alexander Szameit
+ Parity-time symmetric coupler with birefringent arms 2012 K. Li
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
P. G. Kevrekidis
+ PDF Chat Discrete solitons in \chem {\cal PT} -symmetric lattices 2012 V. V. Konotop
Dmitry E. Pelinovsky
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Compactons and bistability in exciton-polariton condensates 2012 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Localized modes in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>χ</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>media with<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:math>-symmetric localized potential 2012 F. C. Moreira
F. Kh. Abdullaev
V. V. Konotop
A. V. Yulin
+ PDF Chat Giant amplification of modes in parity-time symmetric waveguides 2012 V. V. Konotop
V. S. Shchesnovich
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic Zeno Effect and Stationary Flows in Nonlinear Waveguides with Localized Dissipation 2012 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
Giovanni Barontini
Herwig Ott
+ Giant amplification of modes in PT-symmetric waveguides 2012 V. V. Konotop
V. S. Shchesnovich
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Modes in Finite-Dimensional<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">P</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="script">T</mml:mi></mml:math>-Symmetric Systems 2012 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear modes in the harmonic<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:math>-symmetric potential 2012 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Light localization in nonuniformly randomized lattices 2012 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Victor A. Vysloukh
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional superfluid flows in inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates 2012 Zhenya Yan
V. V. Konotop
A. V. Yulin
W. M. Liu
+ PDF Chat Superfluidity of Bose-Einstein condensates in toroidal traps with nonlinear lattices 2011 A. V. Yulin
Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
Vladimír Kuzmiak
Mario Salerno
+ Zeno effect and stationary flows in nonlinear waveguides with localized dissipation 2011 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
V. V. Konotop
Giovanni Barontini
Herwig Ott
+ PDF Chat Stability of solitons in 𝒫𝒯-symmetric nonlinear potentials 2011 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Zeno effect and switching of solitons in nonlinear couplers 2011 F. Kh. Abdullaev
V. V. Konotop
Magnus Ögren
Mads Peter Sørensen
+ PDF Chat Linear superpositions of gap solitons in periodic Kerr media 2011 Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat Solitons in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:math>-symmetric nonlinear lattices 2011 F. Kh. Abdullaev
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Dmitry A. Zezyulin
+ PDF Chat Symmetry breaking and multipeaked solitons in inhomogeneous gain landscapes 2011 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Victor A. Vysloukh
+ PDF Chat Linear and nonlinear Zeno effects in an optical coupler 2011 F. Kh. Abdullaev
V. V. Konotop
V. S. Shchesnovich
+ PDF Chat Solitons in a medium with linear dissipation and localized gain 2011 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional dissipative solitons supported by localized gain 2011 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Victor A. Vysloukh
+ PDF Chat Dissipative periodic waves, solitons, and breathers of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with complex potentials 2010 F. Kh. Abdullaev
V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
A. V. Yulin
+ PDF Chat Thresholdless surface solitons 2010 Yu. V. Bludov
Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Three-dimensional rogue waves in nonstationary parabolic potentials 2010 Zhenya Yan
V. V. Konotop
Nail Akhmediev
+ PDF Chat Dissipative surface solitons in periodic structures 2010 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
V. A. Vysloukh
+ Vector rogue waves in binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates 2010 Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
Nail Akhmediev
+ PDF Chat All-optical steering of light via spatial Bloch oscillations in a gas of three-level atoms 2010 Chao Hang
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Control of a Bose-Einstein condensate by dissipation: Nonlinear Zeno effect 2010 V. S. Shchesnovich
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Dissipative defect modes in periodic structures 2010 Yaroslav V. Kartashov
V. V. Konotop
Victor A. Vysloukh
Lluís Torner
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear patterns in Bose-Einstein condensates in dissipative optical lattices 2010 Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Exact solutions to three-dimensional generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations with varying potential and nonlinearities 2009 Zhenya Yan
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Rabi oscillations of matter-wave solitons in optical lattices 2009 Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
+ Dynamical localization of gap-solitons by time periodic forces 2009 Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat Long-lived matter wave Bloch oscillations and dynamical localization by time-dependent nonlinearity management 2009 Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat Dissipation-Induced Coherent Structures in Bose-Einstein Condensates 2009 V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
Herwig Ott
+ PDF Chat Quantum Switching at a Mean-Field Instability of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in an Optical Lattice 2009 V. S. Shchesnovich
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Surface solitons in three dimensions 2008 Q.E. Hoq
R. Carretero-González
P. G. Kevrekidis
Boris A. Malomed
D. J. Frantzeskakis
Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Long-Living Bloch Oscillations of Matter Waves in Periodic Potentials 2008 Mario Salerno
V. V. Konotop
Yu. V. Bludov
+ PDF Chat Stability of excited states of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an anharmonic trap 2008 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
G. L. Alfimov
V. V. Konotop
Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
+ PDF Chat Localized and periodic exact solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with spatially modulated parameters: Linear and nonlinear lattices 2008 Juan Belmonte-Beitia
V. V. Konotop
Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
V E Vekslerchik
+ PDF Chat On the Existence of Dark Solitons in a Cubic-Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with a Periodic Potential 2008 Pedro J. Torres
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Localized Nonlinear Waves in Systems with Time- and Space-Modulated Nonlinearities 2008 Juan Belmonte-Beitia
Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
V E Vekslerchik
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Generalized neighbor-interaction models induced by nonlinear lattices 2008 F. Kh. Abdullaev
Yu. V. Bludov
Sergey V. Dmitriev
P. G. Kevrekidis
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear intraband tunneling of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a cubic three-dimensional lattice 2008 V. S. Shchesnovich
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Partial delocalization of two-component condensates in optical lattices 2008 Hector Cruz
V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
+ Localized nonlinear waves in systems with time- and space-modulated nonlinearities 2008 Juan Belmonte-Beitia
Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
V E Vekslerchik
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Solitary waves under the competition of linear and nonlinear periodic potentials 2007 Zoi Rapti
P. G. Kevrekidis
V. V. Konotop
Christopher K. R. T. Jones
+ PDF Chat Collapse in boson-fermion mixtures with all-repulsive interactions 2007 Vladyslav Prytula
V. V. Konotop
Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
V E Vekslerchik
+ PDF Chat Surface modes and breathers in finite arrays of nonlinear waveguides 2007 Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
+ Field patterns in periodically modulated optical parametric amplifiers and oscillators 2007 V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
S. Coulibaly
M. Taki
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear tunneling in two-dimensional lattices 2007 V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
Vladimír Kuzmiak
V. S. Shchesnovich
+ PDF Chat Delocalizing transition in one-dimensional condensates in optical lattices due to inhomogeneous interactions 2007 Yu. V. Bludov
V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Mixed-symmetry localized modes and breathers in binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices 2007 Hector Cruz
V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
G. L. Alfimov
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice: Signatures of quantum collapse and revival 2007 V. S. Shchesnovich
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Acceleration and localization of matter in a ring trap 2007 Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Stationary localized modes of the quintic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a periodic potential 2007 G. L. Alfimov
V. V. Konotop
P. Pacciani
+ PDF Chat Localized modes in arrays of boson-fermion mixtures 2006 Yu. V. Bludov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Defect modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice with a localized impurity 2006 V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
+ PDF Chat Similarity transformations for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with time-dependent coefficients 2006 Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
Pedro J. Torres
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Dark solitons as quasiparticles in trapped condensates 2006 V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
Лев П. Питаевский
+ PDF Chat Nature of the Intrinsic Relation between Bloch-Band Tunneling and Modulational Instability 2006 V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
Vladimír Kuzmiak
+ PDF Chat Driving Defect Modes of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices 2006 V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
+ PDF Chat Landau-Zener tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice 2006 V. V. Konotop
P. G. Kevrekidis
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat Solitons of Bose-Fermi mixtures in a strongly elongated trap 2006 J. Santhanam
V. M. Kenkre
V. V. Konotop
+ Stationary localized modes in the quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a periodic potential 2006 G. L. Alfimov
V. V. Konotop
P. Pacciani
+ On existence of dark solitons in cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a periodic potential 2006 Pedro J. Torres
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Management of matter waves in optical lattices by means of the Feshbach resonance 2005 V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Stable and unstable vector dark solitons of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations: Application to two-component Bose-Einstein condensates 2005 V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Landau-Zener tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice 2005 V. V. Konotop
P. G. Kevrekidis
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat Collapse of Solutions of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with a Time-Dependent Nonlinearity: Application to Bose-Einstein Condensates 2005 V. V. Konotop
P. Pacciani
+ PDF Chat On localized solutions of discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2005 P. Pacciani
V. V. Konotop
G. Perla Menzala
+ PDF Chat Localized solutions of a nonlinear diatomic lattice 2005 V. V. Konotop
G. Perla Menzala
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of matter solitons in weakly modulated optical lattices 2005 Vladimír Kuzmiak
V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Landau Dynamics of a Grey Soliton in a Trapped Condensate 2004 V. V. Konotop
Лев П. Питаевский
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of matter solitons in weakly modulated optical lattices 2004 V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
Vladimír Kuzmiak
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Feshbach Resonance Induced Shock Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates 2004 Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
V. V. Konotop
V. A. Brazhnyi
+ PDF Chat On dissipationless shock waves in a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2004 A. M. Kamchatnov
A Spire
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat On classification of intrinsic localized modes for the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2004 G. L. Alfimov
V. A. Brazhnyi
V. V. Konotop
+ Uniform rates of decay of solutions for a nonlinear lattice with memory 2004 G. Perla Menzala
Jaime E. Muñoz Rivera
V. V. Konotop
+ On the modulational stability of Gross-Pittaevskii type equations in 1+1 dimensions 2004 Z. Rapti
P. G. Kevrekidis
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic flow of expanding Bose-Einstein condensates 2003 V. A. Brazhnyi
A. M. Kamchatnov
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Modulational instability of Gross-Pitaevskii-type equations in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math>dimensions 2003 G. Theocharis
Zoi Rapti
P. G. Kevrekidis
D. J. Frantzeskakis
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Dynamics of Periodic Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates with Time Dependent Atomic Scattering Length 2003 F. Kh. Abdullaev
A. M. Kamchatnov
V. V. Konotop
V. A. Brazhnyi
+ Uniform decay rates of the solutions of a nonlinear lattice 2003 G. Perla Menzala
V. V. Konotop
P. G. Kevrekidis
V. V. Konotop
V. V. Konotop
Luis Vázquez
G. L. Alfimov
P. G. Kevrekidis
Mario Salerno
+ On creation and evolution of dark solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates 2003 V. A. Brazhnyi
A. M. Kamchatnov
V. V. Konotop
+ Soliton generation of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices 2003 N. A. Kostov
V. Z. Enolski
Vladimir S. Gerdjikov
V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat Regular spatial structures in arrays of Bose Einstein condensates induced by modulational instability 2002 B. B. Baizakov
V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
+ Discrete compactons: some exact results 2002 P. G. Kevrekidis
V. V. Konotop
A. R. Bishop
Sachio Takeno
+ PDF Chat Wannier functions analysis of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a periodic potential 2002 G. L. Alfimov
P. G. Kevrekidis
V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat On the applicability of the classical dipole–dipole interaction for polar Bose–Einstein condensates 2002 V. V. Konotop
Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
+ Dark compactlets 2002 P. G. Kevrekidis
V. V. Konotop
Sachio Takeno
+ PDF Chat Modulational instability in Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices 2002 V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear modulation of multidimensional lattice waves 2001 Guoxiang Huang
V. V. Konotop
Hon-Wah Tam
Bambi Hu
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear excitations in arrays of Bose-Einstein condensates 2001 F. Kh. Abdullaev
B. B. Baizakov
S. A. Darmanyan
V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat Quantization of weakly nonlinear lattices: Envelope solitons 2001 V. V. Konotop
Sachio Takeno
+ PDF Chat Inhomogeneous Burgers Lattices 2001 S. De Lillo
V. V. Konotop
+ Inhomogeneous Burgers Lattices 2001 S. De Lillo
V. V. Konotop
+ On Integrable Discretization of the Inhomogeneous Volterra Lattice 2001 V. V. Konotop
+ Shock wave dynamics in a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation with internal losses 2000 Mario Salerno
Boris A. Malomed
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Double-resonant processes in χ^(2) nonlinear periodic media 2000 V. V. Konotop
Vladimír Kuzmiak
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of quasicollapse in nonlinear Schrödinger systems with nonlocal interactions 2000 Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
V. V. Konotop
Juan José García‐Ripoll
+ PDF Chat Solutions of Gross-Pitaevskii equations beyond the hydrodynamic approximation: Application to the vortex problem 2000 V. V. Konotop
Victor M. Pérez-Garcı́a
+ PDF Chat On global existence of localized solutions of some nonlinear lattices 2000 G. Perla Menzala
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Quadratic solitons in nonlinear dynamical lattices 2000 V. V. Konotop
Boris A. Malomed
+ On global existence of localized solutions of some nonlinear lattices 2000 G. Perla Menzala
V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat On integrable discretization of the inhomogeneous Ablowitz–Ladik model 1999 V. V. Konotop
+ PDF Chat Shock waves in one-dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnets 1998 V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
Sachio Takeno
+ On an integrable stochastic Volterra lattice 1998 S. De Lillo
V. V. Konotop
+ Dark and bright shock waves on oscillating backgrounds in a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation 1997 V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
+ PDF Chat Small-amplitude excitations in a deformable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation 1997 V. V. Konotop
Mario Salerno
+ Sintered niobium powder as a fractal structure 1996 Leonid Skatkov
V. V. Konotop
A. G. Cheremskoi
+ Surface fractal dimension of sintered porous solid niobium 1994 Leonid Skatkov
V. V. Konotop
Petr Cheremskoy
Valeriy Gomozov
Boris Bayrachny
+ Direct perturbation theory for dark solitons 1994 V. V. Konotop
V E Vekslerchik
+ Discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation under nonvanishing boundary conditions 1992 V E Vekslerchik
V. V. Konotop
+ Dark solitary waves in a generalized version of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation 1992 F. G. Bass
V. V. Konotop
S.A. Puzenko
+ Some features of the repulsive discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation 1992 O. Chubykalo–Fesenko
V. V. Konotop
Luis Vázquez
V E Vekslerchik
+ A study of dynamic solitons in randomly inhomogeneous and fluctuating media 1989 Iu. S. Kivshar
V. V. Konotop
+ Dynamics of solitons under random perturbations 1988 F. G. Bass
Yu. S. Kivshar
V. V. Konotop
Yu. A. Sinitsyn
+ Radiation losses connected with the motion of a soliton in a randomly inhomogeneous medium 1987 Iu. S. Kivshar
V. V. Konotop
Iu. A. Sinitsyn
+ The motion of a soliton in a medium with fluctuations 1985 Iu. O. Sinitsin
V. V. Konotop
+ Theory of the propagation of nonlinear waves in a medium with fluctuating parameters 1984 F. G. Bass
V. V. Konotop
Iu. A. Sinitsyn
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
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+ PDF Chat Modulational instability in Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices 2002 V. V. Konotop
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+ PDF Chat Making sense of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians 2007 Carl M. Bender
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+ PDF Chat Nonlinear modes in the harmonic<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:math>-symmetric potential 2012 Dmitry A. Zezyulin
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