Robert Laterveer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Beauville–Voisin–Franchetta conjecture and LLSS eightfolds 2024 Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat Double EPW sextics and the Voisin filtration on zero-cycles 2024 Michele Bolognesi
Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Some More Fano Threefolds with a Multiplicative Chow–Künneth Decomposition 2024 Robert Laterveer
+ A 9-dimensional family of K3 surfaces with finite-dimensional motive 2024 Michele Bolognesi
Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Zero-cycles and the Cayley–Oguiso automorphism 2024 Gilberto Bini
Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Some motivic properties of Gushel–Mukai sixfolds 2023 Michele Bolognesi
Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and Beauville’s involution 2023 Robert Laterveer
+ Some more Fano threefolds with a multiplicative Chow-KĂĽnneth decomposition 2023 Robert Laterveer
+ Relative and absolute Lefschetz standard conjectures for some Lagrangian fibrations 2023 Giuseppe Ancona
Mattia Cavicchi
Robert Laterveer
Giulia SaccĂ 
+ Algebraic cycles and Fano threefolds of genus 10 2023 Robert Laterveer
+ The Beauville-Voisin conjecture for double EPW sextics 2023 Robert Laterveer
+ A 9-dimensional family of K3 surfaces with finite dimensional motive 2023 Michele Bolognesi
Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the Chow Ring of Fano Fourfolds of K3 type 2022 Michele Bolognesi
Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the tautological ring of Humbert curves 2022 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Special Cubic Four-Folds, K3 Surfaces, and the Franchetta Property 2022 Lie Fu
Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of some Lagrangian fibrations 2022 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and Fano threefolds of genus 8 2022 Robert Laterveer
+ Some Motivic Properties of Gushel-Mukai Sixfolds 2022 Michele Bolognesi
Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow Ring of Fano Fourfolds of K3 type 2022 Michele Bolognesi
Robert Laterveer
+ Some new Fano varieties with a multiplicative Chow-K\"unneth decomposition 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Some new Fano varieties with a multiplicative Chow-K\"unneth decomposition 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and Fano threefolds of genus 8 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Motive of Codimension 2 Linear Sections of Gr(3, 6) 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and Lehn–Lehn–Sorger–van Straten eightfolds 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and Lehn-Lehn-Sorger-van Straten eightfolds 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and intersections of three quadrics 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the Chow ring of Fano varieties on the Fatighenti–Mongardi list 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Zero-cycles on Garbagnati surfaces 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Cycles and Intersections of 2 Quadrics 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative Chow–Künneth decompositions and varieties of cohomological K3 type 2021 Lie Fu
Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat The generalized Franchetta conjecture for some hyper-Kähler varieties, II 2021 Lie Fu
Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat Motives and the Pfaffian–Grassmannian equivalence 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the Chow ring of some special Calabi–Yau varieties 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of some special Calabi-Yau varieties 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and intersections of a quadric and a cubic 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and intersections of a quadric and a cubic 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Cycles and Special Horikawa Surfaces 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ A remark on the motive of certain moduli spaces on K3 surfaces 2021 Robert Laterveer
Alberto Cattaneo
Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Bloch’s conjecture for some numerical Campedelli surfaces 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ On the motive of codimension 2 linear sections of $\hbox{Gr}(3,6)$ 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the Chow ring of some Lagrangian fibrations 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and Fano threefolds of genus 8 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Special cubic fourfolds, K3 surfaces and the Franchetta property 2021 Lie Fu
Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and Fano threefolds of genus 8 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and Lehn-Lehn-Sorger-van Straten eightfolds 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of some special Calabi-Yau varieties 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and intersections of a quadric and a cubic 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and Fano threefolds of genus 8 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ Some new Fano varieties with a multiplicative Chow-KĂĽnneth decomposition 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of some Lagrangian fibrations 2021 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow groups of PlĂĽcker hypersurfaces in Grassmannians 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the Chow groups of PlĂĽcker hypersurfaces in Grassmannians 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and Gushel–Mukai fivefolds 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and special Horikawa surfaces 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ Zero-cycles on Garbagnati surfaces. 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Zero-cycles on self-products of varieties: some elementary examples verifying Voisin’s conjecture 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and Verra fourfolds 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Zero-cycles on double EPW sextics 2020 Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
+ On the Chow ring of Fano varieties of type $S2$ 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the motive of Kapustka–Rampazzo's Calabi-Yau threefolds 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of Fano varieties of type $S6$ 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of certain Fano fourfolds 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ Zero-cycles on double EPW sextics 2020 Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat On the Chow ring of Fano varieties of type S2 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ The generalized Franchetta conjectur for some hyper-K\"ahler varieties, II 2020 Lie Fu
Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat On the Chow ring of certain Fano fourfolds 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ The generalized Franchetta conjectur for some hyper-Kähler varieties, II 2020 Lie Fu
Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
+ Bloch's conjecture for some numerical Campedelli surfaces 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow groups of hypersurfaces in symplectic Grassmannians 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and special Horikawa surfaces 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of Fano varieties of type $S2$ 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of certain Fano fourfolds 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ Zero-cycles on double EPW sextics 2020 Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat Zero-cycles on Garbagnati surfaces 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Zero-cycles on Garbagnati surfaces 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of Fano varieties of type $S6$ 2020 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the Motive of Ito-Miura-Okawa-Ueda Calabi-Yau Threefolds 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ The Generalized Franchetta Conjecture for Some Hyperkähler Fourfolds 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and Verra fourfolds 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Voisin’s conjecture for zero-cycles on Calabi–Yau varieties and their mirrors 2019 Gilberto Bini
Robert Laterveer
Gianluca Pacienza
+ A Remark on the Chow Ring of Sicilian Surfaces 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the Chow Ring of Cynk–Hulek Calabi–Yau Varieties and Schreieder Varieties 2019 Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat On the Chow groups of certain EPW sextics 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Zero-cycles on Cancian–Frapporti surfaces 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ The generalized Franchetta conjecture for some hyper-Kähler varieties 2019 Lie Fu
Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
Mingmin Shen
+ Algebraic cycles and very special cubic fourfolds. 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ On the motive of Ito-Miura-Okawa-Ueda Calabi-Yau threefolds 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ Zero-cycles on Cancian-Frapporti surfaces 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat A remark on the Chow ring of Sicilian surfaces 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and triple $K3$ burgers 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of Fano varieties of type $S6$ 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and Verra fourfolds 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ On the motive of Ito-Miura-Okawa-Ueda Calabi-Yau threefolds 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ Zero-cycles on Cancian-Frapporti surfaces 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and very special cubic fourfolds 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat A remark on the Chow ring of Sicilian surfaces 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of certain hypersurfaces in a Grassmannian 2019 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of certain Lehn-Lehn-Sorger-van Straten eightfolds 2018 Chiara Camere
Alberto S. Cattaneo
Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and very special cubic fourfolds 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ On Chow groups of some hyperkahler fourfolds with a non-symplectic involution, II 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles on a very special EPW sextic 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles on a very special EPW sextic 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and triple K3 burgers 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ Lagrangian subvarieties in the Chow ring of some hyperk\"ahler varieties 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow groups of certain EPW sextics 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ On the motive of Kapustka-Rampazzo's Calabi-Yau threefolds 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ On the motive of intersections of two Grassmannians in ${\mathbb{P}}^9$. 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Zero-cycles on self-products of surfaces: some new examples verifying Voisin’s conjecture 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat A family of cubic fourfolds with finite-dimensional motive 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ On complete intersections in varieties with finite-dimensional motive 2018 Robert Laterveer
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ On the motive of intersections of two Grassmannians in $$\varvec{\mathbb {P}}^9$$ P 9 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and Todorov surfaces 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles on certain hyperkähler fourfolds with an order 3 non-symplectic automorphism II 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles on certain hyperkaehler fourfolds with an order $3$ non-symplectic automorphism II. 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Some Calabi–Yau fourfolds verifying Voisin’s conjecture 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and EPW cubes 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian Subvarieties in the Chow Ring of Some Hyperkähler Varieties 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow ring of certain Lehn-Lehn-Sorger-van Straten eightfolds 2018 Chiara Camere
Alberto S. Cattaneo
Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles and triple K3 burgers 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow groups of certain EPW sextics 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ Lagrangian subvarieties in the Chow ring of some hyperkähler varieties 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ On the motive of Kapustka-Rampazzo's Calabi-Yau threefolds 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ On the motive of intersections of two Grassmannians in ${\mathbb{P}}^9$ 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles on certain hyperkaehler fourfolds with an order $3$ non-symplectic automorphism II 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ A remark on the Chow ring of Sicilian surfaces 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat About Chow groups of certain hyperk\"ahler varieties with non-symplectic automorphisms 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles on a very special EPW sextic 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ On complete intersections in varieties with finite-dimensional motive 2017 Robert Laterveer
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ PDF Chat A remark on the Chow ring of some hyperkähler fourfolds 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ Some Calabi-Yau fourfolds verifying Voisin's conjecture 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ A family of cubic fourfolds with finite-dimensional motive 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Some cubics with finite-dimensional motive 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ A remark on Beauville’s splitting property 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Cycles on Fano Varieties of Some Cubics 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ Bloch's conjecture for Enriques varieties 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ A remark on the Chow ring of some hyperk\"ahler fourfolds 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ A remark on Beauville's splitting property 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles on Fano varieties of some cubics 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ Voisin's Conjecture for Zero--cycles on Calabi--Yau Varieties and their Mirrors 2017 Gilberto Bini
Robert Laterveer
Gianluca Pacienza
+ PDF Chat About Chow Groups of Certain Hyperkähler Varieties with Non-symplectic Automorphisms 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the Chow groups of certain cubic fourfolds 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the Chow groups of some hyperkähler fourfolds with a non-symplectic involution 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles on some special hyperkähler varieties 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ The generalized Franchetta conjecture for some hyper-Kähler varieties 2017 Lie Fu
Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
Mingmin Shen
+ PDF Chat Bloch’s conjecture for certain hyperkähler fourfolds 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On the Chow groups of certain cubic fourfolds 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles on some special hyperkaehler varieties 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ Bloch's conjecture for Enriques varieties 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ On Voisin's conjecture for zero-cycles on hyperkaehler varieties 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles on certain hyperkaehler fourfolds with an order $3$ non-symplectic automorphism 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ On the Chow groups of certain cubic fourfolds 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles on a very special EPW sextic 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles on Fano varieties of some cubics 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ A remark on Beauville's splitting property 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ A family of cubic fourfolds with finite-dimensional motive 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ On complete intersections in varieties with finite-dimensional motive 2017 Robert Laterveer
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ Some Calabi-Yau fourfolds verifying Voisin's conjecture 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ A remark on the Chow ring of some hyperkähler fourfolds 2017 Robert Laterveer
+ Voisin's Conjecture for Zero--cycles on Calabi--Yau Varieties and their Mirrors 2017 Gilberto Bini
Robert Laterveer
Gianluca Pacienza
+ PDF Chat Hard Lefschetz for Chow groups of generalized Kummer varieties 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat A remark on the motive of the Fano variety of lines of a cubic 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Some elementary examples of quartics with finite-dimensional motive 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ Some new examples of smash-nilpotent algebraic cycles 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat A note about connectedness theorems Ă  la Barth 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On a multiplicative version of Bloch’s conjecture 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Some results on a conjecture of Voisin for surfaces of geometric genus one 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat A family of K3 surfaces having finite-dimensional motive 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ Some results on a conjecture of Voisin for surfaces of geometric genus one 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Some desultory remarks concerning algebraic cycles and Calabi–Yau threefolds 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ A family of K3 surfaces having finite-dimensional motive 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat On a multiplicative version of Mumford’s theorem 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic cycles on surfaces with $p_g=1$ and $q=2$ 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ Some results on a conjecture of Voisin for surfaces of geometric genus one 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ A family of K3 surfaces having finite-dimensional motive 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ Some new examples of smash-nilpotent algebraic cycles 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat A short note on the weak Lefschetz property for Chow groups 2015 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Correspondences and singular varieties 2015 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat A Brief Note Concerning Hard Lefschetz for Chow Groups 2015 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Surjectivity of cycle maps for singular varieties 2015 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Yet another version of Mumford’s theorem 2015 Robert Laterveer
+ Constraints on counterexamples to the Casas-Alvero conjecture and a verification in degree 12 2014 Wouter Castryck
Robert Laterveer
Myriam Ounaïès
+ Constraints on counterexamples to the Casas-Alvero conjecture, and a verification in degree 12 2012 Wouter Castryck
Robert Laterveer
Myriam Ounaïès
+ Constraints on hypothetical counterexamples to the Casas-Alvero conjecture 2012 Robert Laterveer
Myriam Ounaïès
+ Constraints on counterexamples to the Casas-Alvero conjecture, and a verification in degree 12 2012 Wouter Castryck
Robert Laterveer
Myriam OunaĂŻes
+ Constraints on hypothetical counterexamples to the Casas-Alvero conjecture 2012 Robert Laterveer
Myriam Ounaïès
+ A remark on Barth’s connectivity theorem 2011 Robert Laterveer
+ Algebraic Cycles and Motives: An Introduction 2000 Robert Laterveer
+ Equivariant motives 1998 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Algebraic varieties with small Chow groups 1998 Robert Laterveer
+ K-theory of simplicial toric varieties 1998 Dan Edidin
Robert Laterveer
+ Homologie et cohomologie de Chow bigraduées 1997 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Linear systems on toric varieties 1996 Robert Laterveer
+ Weighted complete intersections and lattice points 1995 Robert Laterveer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Lectures on the Theory of Pure Motives 2013 Jacob P. Murre
Jan Nagel
Chris Peters
+ Remarks on Correspondences and Algebraic Cycles 1983 Spencer Bloch
V. Srinivas
+ PDF Chat The Fourier Transform for Certain HyperKähler Fourfolds 2015 Mingmin Shen
Charles Vial
+ On a conjectural filtration on the Chow groups of an algebraic variety 1993 Jacob P. Murre
+ PDF Chat Motivic sheaves and filtrations on Chow groups 1994 Uwe Jannsen
+ On the Chow ring of a K3 surface 2004 Arnaud Beauville
Claire Voisin
+ Chow groups are finite dimensional, in some sense 2004 Shun-ichi Kimura
+ PDF Chat The generalized Hodge and Bloch conjectures are equivalent for general complete intersections 2013 Claire Voisin
+ PDF Chat Chow Rings, Decomposition of the Diagonal, and the Topology of Families 2014 Claire Voisin
+ Lectures on Algebraic Cycles 2010 Spencer Bloch
Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat Remarks on motives of abelian type 2017 Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat On the Transcendental Part of the Motive of a Surface 2007 Bruno Kahn
Jacob P. Murre
Claudio Pedrini
+ PDF Chat On Finite-dimensional Motives and Murre's Conjecture 2007 Uwe Jannsen
+ PDF Chat On O'Grady's Generalized Franchetta Conjecture 2016 Nebojsa Pavic
Junliang Shen
Qizheng Yin
+ PDF Chat On the Chow Ring of Cynk–Hulek Calabi–Yau Varieties and Schreieder Varieties 2019 Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat On the motive of some hyperKähler varieties 2015 Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat On the Splitting of the Bloch–Beilinson Filtration 2007 Arnaud Beauville
+ Intersection Theory 1984 William Fulton
+ The Chow Groups and the Motive of the Hilbert Scheme of Points on a Surface 2002 Mark Andrea A. de Cataldo
Luca Migliorini
+ PDF Chat Motivic hyper-Kähler resolution conjecture, I : Generalized Kummer varieties 2019 Lie Fu
Zhiyu Tian
Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat Niveau and coniveau filtrations on cohomology groups and Chow groups 2012 Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat Chow rings and decomposition theorems for K3 surfaces and Calabi–Yau hypersurfaces 2012 Claire Voisin
+ Sur l'anneau de chow d'une vari�t� ab�lienne 1986 Arnaud Beauville
+ PDF Chat Gersten's conjecture and the homology of schemes 1974 Spencer Bloch
Arthur Ogus
+ PDF Chat On the finite dimensionality of a K3 surface 2011 Claudio Pedrini
+ Motivic decomposition of abelian schemes and the Fourier transform. 1991 Ch. Deninger
Jacob P. Murre
+ PDF Chat Finite-dimensionality and cycles on powers of $K3$ surfaces 2015 Qizheng Yin
+ On a conjectural filtration on the Chow groups of an algebraic variety 1993 Jacob P. Murre
+ PDF Chat On the Chow ring of birational irreducible symplectic varieties 2014 Ulrike RieĂź
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and fibrations 2013 Charles Vial
+ PDF Chat Bloch's conjecture for Catanese and Barlow surfaces 2014 Claire Voisin
+ PDF Chat Algebraic varieties with small Chow groups 1998 Robert Laterveer
+ The generalized Hodge and Bloch conjectures are equivalent for general complete intersections, II 2014 Claire Voisin
+ PDF Chat A family of cubic fourfolds with finite-dimensional motive 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ The generalized Franchetta conjecture for some hyper-Kähler varieties 2019 Lie Fu
Robert Laterveer
Charles Vial
Mingmin Shen
+ Distinguished cycles on varieties with motive of abelian type and the Section Property 2019 Lie Fu
Charles Vial
+ Remarks on motives of abelian type 2011 Charles Vial
+ None 1995 Vladimir Voevodsky
+ Algebraic cycles on a generalized Kummer variety 2015 Ze Xu
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cycles and Todorov surfaces 2018 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat A remark on the motive of the Fano variety of lines of a cubic 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Variétés Kähleriennes dont la première classe de Chern est nulle 1983 Arnaud Beauville
+ PDF Chat Some results on a conjecture of Voisin for surfaces of geometric genus one 2016 Robert Laterveer
+ PDF Chat Murre’s conjectures and explicit Chow–Künneth projectors for varieties with a nef tangent bundle 2008 Jaya Nn Iyer
+ The Torsion of the Group of 0-Cycles Modulo Rational Equivalence 1980 A. A. Rojtman
+ PDF Chat The standard conjectures for holomorphic symplectic varieties deformation equivalent to Hilbert schemes of<i>K</i>3 surfaces 2013 François Charles
Eyal Markman
+ Decomposition of small diagonals and Chow rings of hypersurfaces and Calabi–Yau complete intersections 2013 Lie Fu