Stephen Wolfram


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat How Did We Get Here? The Tangled History of the Second Law of Thermodynamics 2023 Stephen Wolfram
+ How Did We Get Here? The Tangled History of the Second Law of Thermodynamics 2023 Stephen Wolfram
+ The Physicalization of Metamathematics and Its Implications for the Foundations of Mathematics 2022 Stephen Wolfram
+ Multicomputation with Numbers: The Case of Simple Multiway Systems. 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ Combinators: A Centennial View 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ A Bibliography of Combinators. 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ After 100 Years, Can We Finally Crack Post’s Problem of Tag? A Story of Computational Irreducibility, and More 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ Exploring Rulial Space: The Case of Turing Machines 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ Combinators and the Story of Computation 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ Multiway Turing Machines 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ The Problem of Distributed Consensus: A Survey 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ The Empirical Metamathematics of Euclid and Beyond 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ Where Did Combinators Come From? Hunting the Story of Moses Schönfinkel 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ Multicomputation with Numbers: The Case of Simple Multiway Systems 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ A Bibliography of Combinators 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ Combinators: A Centennial View 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ After 100 Years, Can We Finally Crack Post's Problem of Tag? A Story of Computational Irreducibility, and More 2021 Stephen Wolfram
+ PDF Chat A Class of Models with the Potential to Represent Fundamental Physics 2020 Stephen Wolfram
+ PDF Chat A Class of Models with the Potential to Represent Fundamental Physics 2020 Stephen Wolfram
+ Cellular Automata And Complexity: Collected Papers 2019 Stephen Wolfram
+ Statistical Mechanics of Cellular Automata 2018 Stephen Wolfram
+ Geometry of Binomial Coefficients 2018 Stephen Wolfram
+ The Prime Number Theorem 2016 Stephen Wolfram
+ Powers of numbers 2016 Stephen Wolfram
+ The Path Is Math: On the Art and Science of Numbers 2014 Stephen Wolfram
+ Celebrating Mathematica’s First Quarter Century 2013 Stephen Wolfram
+ There Was a Time before Mathematica… 2013 Stephen Wolfram
+ What Should We Call the Language of Mathematica? 2013 Stephen Wolfram
+ New Directions in the Foundations of Mathematics (2002) 2013 Stephen Wolfram
+ The euclidean algorithm 2011 Matthew P. Szudzik
Stephen Wolfram
+ Pascal's triangle 2008 Stephen Wolfram
+ The Mathematica Book 1996 Stephen Wolfram
+ The Mathematica book 1996 Stephen Wolfram
+ Mathematica: The Student Book 1994 George A. Beck
Stephen Wolfram
+ Mathematica ® 3.0 Standard Add-on Packages 1993 Stephen Wolfram
+ Mathematica reference guide 1992 Stephen Wolfram
+ Mathematica: a system for doing mathematics by computer (2nd ed.) 1991 Stephen Wolfram
+ Introducing Mathematica (videotape) 1989 Stephen Wolfram
+ PDF Chat Cellular automaton fluids 1: Basic theory 1986 Stephen Wolfram
+ Two-dimensional cellular automata 1985 Norman H. Packard
Stephen Wolfram
+ Geometry of Binomial Coefficients 1984 Stephen Wolfram
+ Geometry of Binomial Coefficients 1984 Stephen Wolfram
+ Universality and complexity in cellular automata 1984 Stephen Wolfram
+ Statistical mechanics of cellular automata 1983 Stephen Wolfram
+ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of 1980 Stephen Wolfram
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Norman H. Packard 1
George A. Beck 1
Matthew P. Szudzik 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Statistical mechanics of cellular automata 1983 Stephen Wolfram
+ PDF Chat On Binomial Coefficient Residues 1957 Joe Roberts
+ Binomial Coefficients Modulo a Prime 1947 N. J. Fine
+ The Fractal Geometry of Nature 1982 Benoît B. Mandelbrot
Paul Longley
+ <i>The Fractal Geometry of Nature</i> 1983 Benoît B. Mandelbrot
John Wheeler
+ Time evolution of a two-dimensional model system. I. Invariant states and time correlation functions 1973 J. Hardy
Yves Pomeau
O. de Pazzis
+ The constructibility of a configuration in a cellular automaton 1973 Takeo Yaku
+ Tilings and Patterns. 1988 Solomon W. Golomb
Branko Grünbaum
G. C. Shephard
+ Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, a Kinetic Critical Phenomenon 1981 Thomas A. Witten
Leonard M. Sander
+ Endomorphisms and automorphisms of the shift dynamical system 1969 Gustav A. Hedlund
+ Universality and complexity in cellular automata 1984 Stephen Wolfram
+ Exploiting regularities in large cellular spaces 1984 R.Wm. Gosper
+ Periodic forest whose largest clearings are of size 3 1970 H. G. ApSimon
+ The undecidability of the domino problem 1966 Robert E. Berger
+ Fractals – Form, Chance and Dimension 1978 Derek de Solla Price
+ Cellular automata can generate fractals 1984 Stephen J. Willson
+ Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamics for a Modeled Fluid 1972 J. Hardy
Yves Pomeau
+ Shock Structure in a Simple Discrete Velocity Gas 1964 James E. Broadwell
+ New mechanism for deterministic diffusion 1983 Peter Grassberger
+ The fluid‐dynamical limit of a nonlinear model boltzmann equation 1979 Russel E. Caflisch
George Papanicolaou
+ Analogy between hyperscale transport and cellular automaton fluid dynamics 1986 Victor Yakhot
B. J. Bayly
Steven A. Orszag
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. 1961 W. J. LeVeque
Ivan Niven
Herbert S. Zuckerman
+ Classical Groups for Physicists 1974 B. G. Wybourne
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the theory of numbers 1960 G. H. Hardy
+ Periodic forests of stunted trees 1970 J. C. P. Miller
+ Undecidability and nonperiodicity for tilings of the plane 1971 Raphael M. Robinson
+ Subshifts of finite type and sofic systems 1973 Benjamin Weiss
+ Symbolic dynamics and hyperbolic dynamic systems 1981 V. М. Alekseev
M V Yakobson
+ Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields 1983 John Guckenheimer
Philip Holmes
+ Some remarks about computer studies of dynamical systems 1982 Yves-Emmanuel Lévy
+ Applications of ergodic theory and sofic systems to cellular automata 1984 Douglas Lind
+ Solvable Fractal Family, and Its Possible Relation to the Backbone at Percolation 1981 Yuval Gefen
Amnon Aharony
Benoît B. Mandelbrot
Scott Kirkpatrick
+ The topological theory of defects in ordered media 1979 N. David Mermin
+ Algebraic theory of Penrose's non-periodic tilings of the plane. I 1981 N.G. de Bruijn
+ Percolation theory 1980 J W Essam
+ PDF Chat A Class of Models with the Potential to Represent Fundamental Physics 2020 Stephen Wolfram
+ Turtle Geometry. The Computer as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics. 1983 George K. Francis
Harold Abelson
Andrea A. diSessa
+ Sofic systems 1975 Ethan M. Coven
Michael E. Paul
+ Thermodynamic Formalism 2004 David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Analytic Number Theory 1976 Tom M. Apostol
+ Hilbert’s problem 18: on crystallographic groups, fundamental domains, and on sphere packing 1976 J. Milnor
+ PDF Chat Relativistic Quantum Theory 2020 James E. Dodd
Ben Gripaios
+ Error correcting codes 1996 Priti Shankar
+ Periodic forests whose largest clearings are of size <i>n</i> ≥ 4 1970 H. G. ApSimon
+ PDF Chat Probability Distributions Related to Random Mappings 1960 Bernard Harris