Robin M. Warren


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Methods for handling missing data in serially sampled sputum specimens for mycobacterial culture conversion calculation 2022 Samantha Malatesta
Isabelle R. Weir
Sarah Weber
Tara C. Bouton
Tara Carney
Danie Theron
Bronwyn Myers
C. Robert Horsburgh
Robin M. Warren
Karen R. Jacobson
+ PDF Chat Wake-Cough: cough spotting and cougher identification for personalised long-term cough monitoring 2022 Madhurananda Pahar
Marisa Klopper
Byron Reeve
Robin M. Warren
Grant Theron
Andreas H. Diacon
Thomas Niesler
+ PDF Chat Automatic Tuberculosis and COVID-19 cough classification using deep learning 2022 Madhurananda Pahar
Marisa Klopper
Byron Reeve
Robin M. Warren
Grant Theron
Andreas H. Diacon
Thomas Niesler
+ PASS: De novo assembler for short peptide sequences 2022 Robin M. Warren
+ PDF Chat COVID-19 detection in cough, breath and speech using deep transfer learning and bottleneck features 2021 Madhurananda Pahar
Marisa Klopper
Robin M. Warren
Thomas Niesler
+ PDF Chat Automatic cough classification for tuberculosis screening in a real-world environment 2021 Madhurananda Pahar
Marisa Klopper
Byron Reeve
Robin M. Warren
Grant Theron
Thomas Niesler
+ COVID-19 cough classification using machine learning and global smartphone recordings 2021 Madhurananda Pahar
Marisa Klopper
Robin M. Warren
Thomas Niesler
+ Automatic Cough Classification for Tuberculosis Screening in a Real-World Environment 2021 Madhurananda Pahar
Marisa Klopper
Byron Reeve
Grant Theron
Robin M. Warren
Thomas Niesler
+ PDF Chat Face masks in the post-COVID-19 era: a silver lining for the damaged tuberculosis public health response? 2021 Koen Vanden Driessche
Precious Z Mahlobo
Rouxjeane Venter
Judy Caldwell
Karen Jennings
Andreas H. Diacon
Mark F. Cotton
Ronald de Groot
Niel Hens
Florian M. Marx
+ Wake-Cough: cough spotting and cougher identification for personalised long-term cough monitoring 2021 Madhurananda Pahar
Marisa Klopper
Byron Reeve
Robin M. Warren
Grant Theron
Andreas H. Diacon
Thomas Niesler
Robin M. Warren
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Deep Neural Network Based Cough Detection Using Bed-Mounted Accelerometer Measurements 2021 Madhurananda Pahar
Igor D. S. Miranda
Andreas H. Diacon
Thomas Niesler
+ PDF Chat Coswara — A Database of Breathing, Cough, and Voice Sounds for COVID-19 Diagnosis 2020 Neeraj Kumar Sharma
Prashant Krishnan
Rohit Kumar
Shreyas Ramoji
Srikanth Raj Chetupalli
R. Nirmala
Prasanta Ghosh
Sriram Ganapathy
+ COVID-19 cough classification using machine learning and global smartphone recordings 2021 Madhurananda Pahar
Marisa Klopper
Robin M. Warren
Thomas Niesler
+ PDF Chat COVID-19 detection in cough, breath and speech using deep transfer learning and bottleneck features 2021 Madhurananda Pahar
Marisa Klopper
Robin M. Warren
Thomas Niesler
+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
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+ Exploring Automatic Diagnosis of COVID-19 from Crowdsourced Respiratory Sound Data 2020 Chloë Brown
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Pietro Cicuta
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+ PDF Chat Automatic cough classification for tuberculosis screening in a real-world environment 2021 Madhurananda Pahar
Marisa Klopper
Byron Reeve
Robin M. Warren
Grant Theron
Thomas Niesler
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