Yves Bourgault


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A hybrid finite element method for moving-habitat models in two spatial dimensions 2024 Jane Shaw MacDonald
Yves Bourgault
Frithjof Lutscher
+ A depth-averaged model for the inverse problem of electrocardiographic imaging 2024 Emma Lagracie
Yves Bourgault
Yves CoudiĂšre
Lisl Weynans
+ A hybrid finite element method for moving-habitat models in two spatial dimensions 2023 Jane Shaw MacDonald
Yves Bourgault
Frithjof Lutscher
+ PDF Chat Arbitrary High-Order Unconditionally Stable Methods for Reaction-Diffusion Equations with inhomogeneous Boundary Condition via Deferred Correction 2022 Saint-Cyr E. R. Koyaguerebo-Imé
Yves Bourgault
+ Variable-step deferred correction methods based on backward differentiation formulae for ordinary differential equations 2022 Yves Bourgault
André Garon
+ PDF Chat Mass-conservative and positivity preserving second-order semi-implicit methods for high-order parabolic equations 2021 Sana Keita
Abdelaziz Beljadid
Yves Bourgault
+ Implicit and semi-implicit second-order time stepping methods for the Richards equation. 2021 Sana Keita
Abdelaziz Beljadid
Yves Bourgault
+ PDF Chat Arbitrary high order A-stable and B-convergent numerical methods for ODEs via deferred correction 2021 Saint-Cyr E. R. Koyaguerebo-Imé
Yves Bourgault
+ Implicit and semi-implicit second-order time stepping methods for the Richards equation 2021 Sana Keita
Abdelaziz Beljadid
Yves Bourgault
+ PDF Chat Implicit and semi-implicit second-order time stepping methods for the Richards equation 2020 Sana Keita
Abdelaziz Beljadid
Yves Bourgault
+ PDF Chat Efficient second-order semi-implicit finite element method for fourth-order nonlinear diffusion equations 2020 Sana Keita
Abdelaziz Beljadid
Yves Bourgault
+ Efficient second-order semi-implicit finite element method for fourth-order nonlinear diffusion equations 2020 Sana Keita
Abdelaziz Beljadid
Yves Bourgault
+ PDF Chat Analysis of time-stepping methods for the monodomain model 2020 Thomas Roy
Yves Bourgault
Charles Pierre
+ Arbitrary high-order unconditionally stable methods for reaction-diffusion equations via Deferred Correction: Case of the implicit midpoint rule. 2020 Saint-Cyr E. R. Koyaguerebo-Imé
Yves Bourgault
+ Finite difference and numerical differentiation: General formulae from deferred corrections 2020 Saint-Cyr E. R. Koyaguerebo-Imé
Yves Bourgault
+ Efficient second-order semi-implicit finite element method for fourth-order nonlinear diffusion equations 2020 Sana Keita
Abdelaziz Beljadid
Yves Bourgault
+ Arbitrary high-order unconditionally stable methods for reaction-diffusion equations with inhomogeneous boundary condition via Deferred Correction 2020 Saint-Cyr E. R. Koyaguerebo-Imé
Yves Bourgault
+ Arbitrary order A-stable methods for ordinary differential equations via deferred correction 2019 Saint-Cyr E. R. Koyaguerebo-Imé
Yves Bourgault
+ Arbitrary high order A-stable and B-convergent numerical methods for ODEs via deferred correction 2019 Saint-Cyr E. R. Koyaguerebo-Imé
Yves Bourgault
+ Arbitrary high order A-stable and B-convergent numerical methods for ODEs via deferred correction 2019 Saint-Cyr E. R. Koyaguerebo-Ime
Yves Bourgault
+ Eulerian droplet model: Delta-shock waves and solution of the Riemann problem 2018 Sana Keita
Yves Bourgault
+ Anisotropic residual based a posteriori mesh adaptation in 2D: Element based approach 2018 Edward Boey
Yves Bourgault
Thierry Giordano
+ Note on the Riemann solutions to the Euler equations of gas dynamics in the vanishing pressure limit 2018 Sana Keita
Yves Bourgault
+ A note on the Riemann solutions to the isentropic Euler equations in the vanishing pressure limit 2018 Sana Keita
Yves Bourgault
+ An Eulerian droplet model: Delta shock waves and solution of the Riemann problem 2017 Sana Keita
Yves Bourgault
+ On efficient high-order semi-implicit time-stepping schemes for unsteady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations 2017 Kak Choon Loy
Yves Bourgault
+ Anisotropic space-time adaptation for reaction-diffusion problems 2017 Edward Boey
Yves Bourgault
Thierry Giordano
+ Eulerian droplet model: Delta-shock waves and solution of the Riemann problem 2017 Sana Keita
Yves Bourgault
+ Anisotropic residual based a posteriori mesh adaptation in 2D: element based approach 2016 Edward Boey
Yves Bourgault
Thierry Giordano
+ Anisotropic residual based a posteriori mesh adaptation in 2D: element based approach 2016 Edward Boey
Yves Bourgault
Thierry Giordano
+ PDF Chat Convergence rate for the method of moments with linear closure relations 2014 Yves Bourgault
Damien Broizat
Pierre‐Emmanuel Jabin
+ Convergence rate for the method of moments with linear closure relations 2012 Yves Bourgault
Damien Broizat
Pierre‐Emmanuel Jabin
+ Convergence rate for the method of moments with linear closure relations 2012 Yves Bourgault
Damien Broizat
Pierre‐Emmanuel Jabin
+ PDF Chat On the use of anisotropic <i>a posteriori</i> error estimators for the adaptative solution of 3D inviscid compressible flows 2008 Yves Bourgault
Marco Picasso
Frédéric Alauzet
Adrien Loseille
+ Semi-Implicit Time-Discretization Schemes for the Bidomain Model 2008 Marc Ethier
Yves Bourgault
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ None 2002 Wendy Kress
Bertil Gustafsson
+ Semi-Implicit Time-Discretization Schemes for the Bidomain Model 2008 Marc Ethier
Yves Bourgault
+ New development in freefem++ 2012 Frédéric Hecht
+ Implicit-Explicit Methods for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations 1995 Uri M. Ascher
Steven J. Ruuth
Brian Wetton
+ None 2000 Alok Dutt
Leslie Greengard
Vladimir Rokhlin
+ Mixed Finite Element Methods and Applications 2013 Daniele Boffi
Franco Brezzi
Michel Fortin
+ Stability of Implicit-Explicit Backward Difference Formulas For Nonlinear Parabolic Equations 2015 Georgios Akrivis
+ None 2001 Bertil Gustafsson
Wendy Kress
+ PDF Chat Implicit-explicit multistep finite element methods for nonlinear parabolic problems 1998 Georgios Akrivis
Michel Crouzeix
Charalambos Makridakis
+ Finite difference and numerical differentiation: General formulae from deferred corrections 2020 Saint-Cyr E. R. Koyaguerebo-Imé
Yves Bourgault
+ Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II: Stiff and Differential - Algebraic Problems 1991 Ernst Hairer
Gerhard Wanner
+ Delta-shocks and vacuum states in the vanishing pressure limit of solutions to the isentropic Euler equations for modified Chaplygin gas 2013 Hanchun Yang
Jinhuan Wang
+ Iterative methods for concave programming 1989 Hirofumi Uzawa
+ PDF Chat Three-dimensional multispecies nonlinear tumor growth—I 2008 Steven M. Wise
John Lowengrub
Hermann B. Frieboes
Vittorio Cristini
+ PDF Chat Finite element approximation of the Cahn-Hilliard equation with concentration dependent mobility 1999 John W. Barrett
James F. Blowey
+ PDF Chat Finite Element Approximation of the Cahn--Hilliard Equation with Degenerate Mobility 1999 John W. Barrett
James F. Blowey
Harald Garcke
+ Quelques méthodes de résolution des problÚmes aux limites non linéaires 1969 Jacques Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat Optimal distributed control of a diffuse interface model of tumor growth 2017 Pierluigi Colli
Gianni Gilardi
Elisabetta Rocca
JĂŒrgen Sprekels
+ Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation. 1990 W. G.
Philippe G. Ciarlet
+ PDF Chat High-Order Time Stepping for the Incompressible Navier--Stokes Equations 2015 Jean‐Luc Guermond
P Minev
+ PDF Chat Generalized Cahn-Hilliard equation for biological applications 2008 Evgeniy Khain
Leonard M. Sander
+ Stiffness in numerical initial-value problems 1996 M. N. Spijker
+ Arbitrary high-order unconditionally stable methods for reaction-diffusion equations via Deferred Correction: Case of the implicit midpoint rule. 2020 Saint-Cyr E. R. Koyaguerebo-Imé
Yves Bourgault
+ PDF Chat A Highly Accurate Solver for Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations 2012 Dan Kushnir
Vladimir Rokhlin
+ Higher order nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations 1990 Francisco Bernis
Avner Friedman
+ The Fourier spectral method for the Cahn–Hilliard equation 2005 Xingde Ye
Xiaoliang Cheng
+ PDF Chat Generalized variational principles, global weak solutions and behavior with random initial data for systems of conservation laws arising in adhesion particle dynamics 1996 E Weinan
Yuri Germanovich Rykov
Ya. G. SinaÄ­
+ Edge residuals dominate a posteriori error estimates for linear finite element methods on anisotropic triangular and tetrahedral meshes 2000 G. Kunert
R. VerfĂŒrth
+ A second order backward difference method with variable steps for a parabolic problem 1998 J. Becker
+ Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II 1996 Ernst Hairer
Gerhard Wanner
+ PDF Chat On the use of anisotropic <i>a posteriori</i> error estimators for the adaptative solution of 3D inviscid compressible flows 2008 Yves Bourgault
Marco Picasso
Frédéric Alauzet
Adrien Loseille
+ PDF Chat Efficient second-order semi-implicit finite element method for fourth-order nonlinear diffusion equations 2020 Sana Keita
Abdelaziz Beljadid
Yves Bourgault
+ A Solution with Bounded Expansion Rate to the Model of Viscous Pressureless Gases 2000 Laurent Boudin
+ Some applications of the method of moments for the homogeneous Boltzmann and Kac equations 1993 Laurent Desvillettes
+ The Riemann Problem for an Inhomogeneous Conservation Law Without Convexity 1997 Carlo Sinestrari
+ Two‐Dimensional Bulk Microflow Simulations Based on Regularized Grad’s 13‐Moment Equations 2006 Manuel Torrilhon
+ Models of dispersal in biological systems 1988 Hans G. Othmer
Steven R. Dunbar
Wolfgang Alt
+ The two-dimensional Riemann problem in gas dynamics 1998 杰权 李
树瀌 杚
+ The Exact Pattern of a Concentration-Dependent Diffusion in a Semi-infinite Medium, Part II 1952 Hiroshi Fujita
+ PDF Chat Stabilized second‐order convex splitting schemes for Cahn–Hilliard models with application to diffuse‐interface tumor‐growth models 2013 Xu Wu
G. J. van Zwieten
Kristoffer G. van der Zee
+ PDF Chat Integral deferred correction methods constructed with high order Runge–Kutta integrators 2009 Andrew Christlieb
Benjamin Ong
Jing‐Mei Qiu
+ Riemann Problems for a Class of Coupled Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws 1999 Hanchun Yang
+ The Concept of B-Convergence 1981 Reinhard Frank
J. Schneid
Christoph W. Ueberhuber
+ PDF Chat Evaluation of a Test Set for Stiff ODE Solvers 1981 L. F. Shampine
+ A special stability problem for linear multistep methods 1963 Germund Dahlquist
+ Riemann problem for the relativistic Chaplygin Euler equations 2011 Hongjun Cheng
Hanchun Yang
Shih-Wei Chou
John M. Hong
Ying‐Chieh Lin
+ Numerical Analysis of a Continuum Model of Phase Transition 1991 Qiang Du
R. A. Nicolaides
+ Boltzmann Type Schemes for Gas Dynamics and the Entropy Property 1990 Benoı̂t Perthame
+ Delta-Shock Waves as Limits of Vanishing Viscosity for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws 1994 D.C. Tan
Ting Zhang
Tongkeun Chang
Y.X. Zheng