Julia Gordon


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Orbital Integrals and Normalizations of Measures 2024 Julia Gordon
+ PDF Chat Counting abelian varieties over finite fields via Frobenius densities 2023 Jeffrey D. Achter
Salim Ali Altuğ
Luis García
Julia Gordon
+ Integrability and singularities of Harish-Chandra characters 2023 Itay Glazer
Julia Gordon
Yotam I. Hendel
+ Orbital integrals and normalizations of measures 2022 Julia Gordon
with appendix by Matthew Koster
+ Counting abelian varieties over finite fields via Frobenius densities 2019 Jeff Achter
Salim Ali Altuğ
Luis García
Julia Gordon
Wen-Wei Li
Thomas Rüd
+ PDF Chat Uniform analysis on local fields and applications to orbital integrals 2018 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ Uniform analysis on local fields and applications to orbital integrals 2017 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ PDF Chat The canonical measure on a reductive p-adic group is motivic 2017 Julia Gordon
David Roe
+ Uniform analysis on local fields and applications to orbital integrals 2017 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ PDF Chat Elliptic curves, random matrices and orbital integrals 2016 Jeffrey D. Achter
Julia Gordon
+ PDF Chat Transfer Principles for Bounds of Motivic Exponential Functions 2016 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ Appendix B: Sato–Tate theorem for families and low-lying zeros of automorphic L-functions 2016 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ PDF Chat Endoscopic transfer of orbital integrals in large residual characteristic 2016 Julia Gordon
Thomas C. Hales
+ Endoscopic transfer of orbital integrals in large residual characteristic 2015 Julia Gordon
Thomas C. Hales
+ The canonical measure on a reductive p-adic group is motivic 2015 Julia Gordon
David Roe
+ Shalika Germs for $$\mathfrak{s}\mathfrak{l}_{n}$$ and $$\mathfrak{s}\mathfrak{p}_{2n}$$ Are Motivic 2015 Sharon Frechette
Julia Gordon
Lance Robson
+ Endoscopic transfer of orbital integrals in large residual characteristic 2015 Julia Gordon
Thomas C. Hales
+ PDF Chat Motivic functions, integrability, and applications to harmonic analysis on $p$-adic groups 2014 Immanuel Halupczok
Julia Gordon
Raf Cluckers
+ PDF Chat Integrability of oscillatory functions on local fields: Transfer principles 2014 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ Shalika germs for sl(n) and sp(2n) are motivic 2014 Sharon Frechette
Julia Gordon
Lance Robson
+ PDF Chat Local integrability results in harmonic analysis on reductive groups in large positive characteristic 2014 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ Transfer principles for Bounds of motivic exponential functions 2014 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ Motivic functions, integrability, and uniform in p bounds for orbital integrals 2013 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ Motivic integration and its interactions with model theory and non-Archimedean geometry, Volumes I and II, edited by Raf Cluckers, Johannes Nicaise and Julien Sebag, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 383 and 384. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011, 346 and 262 pp. 2013 Julia Gordon
+ Motivic functions, integrability, and uniform in p bounds for orbital integrals 2013 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ Local integrability results in harmonic analysis on reductive groups in large positive characteristic 2011 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ Definability results for invariant distributions on a reductive unramified p-adic group 2011 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ PDF Chat On the computability of some positive-depth supercuspidal characters near the identity 2011 Raf Cluckers
Clifton Cunningham
Julia Gordon
Loren Spice
+ PDF Chat The fundamental lemma of Jacquet and Rallis 2011 Julia Gordon
Zhiwei Yun
+ Local integrability results in harmonic analysis on reductive groups in large positive characteristic 2011 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ Transfer to characteristic zero: appendix to 2010 Julia Gordon
+ Transfer to characteristic zero: appendix to "Fundamental Lemma of Jacquet-Rallis in positive characteristics" by Zhiwei Yun 2010 Julia Gordon
+ PDF Chat An overview of arithmetic motivic integration 2009 Julia Gordon
+ PDF Chat Motivic Proof of a Character Formula for SL(2) 2009 Clifton Cunningham
Julia Gordon
+ An overview of arithmetic motivic integration 2008 Julia Gordon
Yoav Yaffe
+ PDF Chat Motivic Haar Measure on Reductive Groups 2006 Julia Gordon
+ Motivic proof of a character formula for SL(2) 2006 Clifton Cunningham
Julia Gordon
+ None 2004 Julia Gordon
+ Motivic nature of character values of depth-zero representations 2004 Julia Gordon
+ Common hypercyclic vectors for multiples of backward shift 2003 Evgeny Abakumov
Julia Gordon
+ PDF Chat Virtual transfer factors 2003 Julia Gordon
Thomas C. Hales
+ None 2003 Julia Gordon
Thomas C. Hales
+ Some applications of motivic integration to the representation theory of p -adic groups. 2003 Julia Gordon
+ Motivic Haar measure on reductive groups 2002 Julia Gordon
+ Virtual Transfer Factors 2002 Julia Gordon
Thomas C. Hales
+ Motivic Haar measure on reductive groups 2002 Julia Gordon
+ Common hypercyclic vectors for multiples of backward shift 2001 Evgeny Abakumov
Julia Gordon
+ Common hypercyclic vectors for multiples of backward shift 2001 Evgeny Abakumov
Julia Gordon
+ PDF Chat The composition operators on the space of Dirichlet series with square summable coefficients. 1999 Julia Gordon
Håakan Hedenmalm
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Constructible motivic functions and motivic integration 2008 Raf Cluckers
François Loeser
+ PDF Chat Constructible exponential functions, motivic Fourier transform and transfer principle 2010 Raf Cluckers
François Loeser
+ Intégrales orbitales nilpotentes et endoscopie pour les groupes classiques non ramifiés 2001 Jean-Loup Waldspurger
+ PDF Chat Local integrability results in harmonic analysis on reductive groups in large positive characteristic 2014 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ On the motive of a reductive group 1997 Benedict H. Gross
+ Uniform p-adic cell decomposition and local zeta functions. 1989 Johan Pas
+ PDF Chat Parametrizing Nilpotent Orbits via Bruhat-Tits Theory 2002 Stephen DeBacker
+ PDF Chat The local character expansion near a tame, semisimple element 2007 Jeffrey D. Adler
Jonathan Korman
+ Definable sets, motives and 𝑝-adic integrals 2000 Jan Denef
François Loeser
+ R�duction modulop n des sous-ensembles analytiques ferm�s deZ p N 1982 Joseph Oesterl�
+ Orbital integrals are motivic 2004 Thomas C. Hales
+ PDF Chat Local character expansions 1997 Dan Barbasch
Allen Moy
+ PDF Chat Some applications of Bruhat-Tits theory to harmonic analysis on the Lie algebra of a reductive p-adic group 2002 Jeffrey D. Adler
Stephen DeBacker
+ Transfer Principle for the Fundamental Lemma 2007 Raf Cluckers
Thomas C. Hales
François Loeser
+ Transfer factors for Lie Algebras 1999 Robert Kottwitz
+ On the completeness of a certain system of arithmetic of whole numbers in which addition occurs as the only operation 1991 Mojżesz Presburger
Dale Jabcquette
+ None 2004 Julia Gordon
+ PDF Chat Unrefined minimal K-types forp-adic groups 1994 Allen Moy
Gopal Prasad
+ Reduction modulo <i>p<sup>n</sup></i> of <i>p</i>-adic subanalytic sets 1992 Willem Veys
+ PDF Chat Germs of arcs on singular algebraic varieties and motivic integration 1999 Jan Denef
François Loeser
+ Good orbital integrals 2004 Clifton Cunningham
Thomas C. Hales
+ PDF Chat Integrability of oscillatory functions on local fields: Transfer principles 2014 Raf Cluckers
Julia Gordon
Immanuel Halupczok
+ PDF Chat The fundamental lemma of Jacquet-Rallis in positive characteristics 2009 Zhiwei Yun
+ PDF Chat Presburger sets and p-minimal fields 2003 Raf Cluckers
+ PDF Chat On the computability of some positive-depth supercuspidal characters near the identity 2011 Raf Cluckers
Clifton Cunningham
Julia Gordon
Loren Spice
+ PDF Chat An Intertwining Result for <i>p</i>-adic Groups 2000 Jeffrey D. Adler
Alan Roche
+ Admissible Invariant Distributions on Reductive 𝑝-adic Groups 1999 Harish-chandra Harish-Chandra
Stephen DeBacker
Paul Sally
+ Motivic integration and the regular Shalika germ. 2003 Elliot Wilson Lawes
+ Schemata Over Local Rings 1961 Marvin J. Greenberg
+ Orbital Integrals in Reductive Groups 1972 R. Ranga Rao
+ PDF Chat Quelques applications du théorème de densité de Chebotarev 1981 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat Homogeneity results for invariant distributions of a reductive p-adic group1 2002 Stephen DeBacker
+ A Theorem on Semi-Simple P-adic Groups 1972 J. A. Shalika
+ Intégrabilité locale des caractères du groupe GL(n,k) où k est un corps local de caractéristique positive 1985 François Rodier
+ PDF Chat Motivic functions, integrability, and applications to harmonic analysis on $p$-adic groups 2014 Immanuel Halupczok
Julia Gordon
Raf Cluckers
+ PDF Chat Sato–Tate theorem for families and low-lying zeros of automorphic $$L$$ L -functions 2015 Sug Woo Shin
Nicolas Templier
+ PDF Chat None 2002 Jan Denef
François Loeser
+ Intégrabilité locale des caractères-distributions de $GL_{N}(F)$ où $F$ est un corps local non-archimédien de caractéristique quelconque 1996 Bertrand Lemaire
+ PDF Chat Nilpotent orbits over ground fields of good characteristic 2004 George J. McNinch
+ PDF Chat Le lemme fondamental pour les algèbres de Lie 2010 Báo Châu Ngô
+ The discriminant of an algebraic torus 2011 Rony A. Bitan
+ PDF Chat Nilpotent Conjugacy Classes in<i>p</i>-adic Lie Algebras: The Odd Orthogonal Case 2008 Jyotsna Mainkar Diwadkar
+ PDF Chat The fundamental lemma of Jacquet and Rallis 2011 Julia Gordon
Zhiwei Yun
+ Linear Algebraic Groups 1998 T. A. Springer
+ PDF Chat Endoscopic transfer of orbital integrals in large residual characteristic 2016 Julia Gordon
Thomas C. Hales
+ Nilpoten Conjugacy Classes of Reductive p-adic Lie Algebras and Definability in Pas's Language 2006 Jyotsna Mainkar Diwadkar
+ PDF Chat Adeles and Algebraic Groups 1982 André Weil
+ PDF Chat Fields with analytic structure 2011 Raf Cluckers
Leonard Lipshitz
+ PDF Chat Virtual transfer factors 2003 Julia Gordon
Thomas C. Hales
+ PDF Chat Local tame lifting for GL(N) I: Simple characters 1996 Colin J. Bushnell
Guy Henniart